The Genie's Witch (Dirty Djinn) (6 page)

Read The Genie's Witch (Dirty Djinn) Online

Authors: Lyn Brittan

Tags: #interracial romance, #Multicultural, #paranormal romance, #sorcery, #paranormal, #Witch, #genie

BOOK: The Genie's Witch (Dirty Djinn)
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Then she blinked, and he was all abs and chest. A slow smile spread across his face. “Any other wishes?”

She had a few.

She wasn’t sure which one he caught until he growled, flipped her over and shoved himself so deep inside her that she screamed out in delicious pain. He hadn’t bothered to remove her panties, yanking them aside on his march to the center of her body.

She braced herself on her palms, but that wasn’t enough for him. One arm wrapped itself around her stomach, pulling her closer and him deeper. She rocked, but he thrusted. She made one last feeble attempt to take of her panties, but he captured the naughty hand, pinning it behind her back.

“Don’t touch them. I’m going to fuck you until we paint them white. I’m going to fill you and them with me. I’m going to give you what you wished for, Dinah. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk.”

The man didn’t want to have sex with her. He wanted to possess her. Own her. The evidence was slapping against her, her cream running down her thighs. He was thick inside her, heavy and stretching her until she thought she couldn’t take anymore.

He pulled out, but only for an instant. “Get on your back.”

She did as he asked. Well, demanded.

His hands latched on beneath her knees and yanked her to the edge of the bed. Then he smoothed out her slick and twisted panties, setting everything back into place...for the moment. He didn’t look at her. His eyes stayed locked on the thin slip of lacy fabric between them. The engorged and angry veins of his cock jerked, silently begging for more.

Tig slid the head of his penis up and down the lace, from the clit to the wonderful place he’s so recently made his own. He bit his lip and gave her a series of light, open-palmed smacks across her burning and drenched womanhood. “These are soaked through. You hear it when I touch you like this, can’t you? I love this sound. Like waves lapping the shore.”

“I can feel it.”

“This is mine,” he said through clenched teeth. “No one gets this. You won’t want anyone else to have it.”

Already there, buddy.

He finally pulled off her panties, throwing them on the bed next to her face. She smelled herself...and him...mingled in a heady, swirling scent.

“Put your heels on the bed, Dinah.”


His eyes jerked up, unfocused and wild. “Because I said so.” He pressed one hand on her belly, just above where her pubic hair began. The other hand guided his cock inside her inch, by inch. She clenched, locking him in and his head rolled back. “You don’t want to let me out?”

She balled the sheets in her fists. “No.”

He started pulling back again, but she shoved her way forward and wrapped her legs around him. “I said, no, Tig. You won’t pull out until I tell you.”

At which point, he lost his mind.

She looked up to see eyes glowing with amber and wild with lust. His face twitched once or twice, then he bent over her, captured her hands and fucked her until a guttural noise escaped her throat and she had a clump of hair in her hand. Before she flopped back down, he tensed up and screamed against her neck. With one final jerk, he popped inside of her, filling her with his cum.

She tried to tell him how amazing that was, but her tongue was a big, clumsy unworking thing at the moment and she just sorta
she could tell him that.

Tig huffed out something between a sigh and a chuckle below her ear. He pulled away, still taking shallow breaths. To her shock, he had her panties again, trying to slide them up and over her ankles.

“Let’s just toss those. I should probably take a shower first, anyway.”

“No. I want you to smell like this moment, all day. I want you to walk in me and regret every step you take away from me. I want you to know that the next time you see me. I’ll fill these up again. If I have to be hard, you have to be wet.”

“Until you’re with me?” She angled up her hips as he slid the panties in place.

Tig shook his head and crawled over her on all fours until his eyes hovered over hers. “I will only leave when you tell me to. You’re the one determined to get on a flight out of here.”


“You’ll be thinking about me the whole time.”

“I adore your humility.”

It happened in an instant. Just like that, Tig’s eyes lost their glow and returned to their natural brown. The vein on his temple slowed and his chest stopped heaving. Normal Tig was back. “It’s true. You might even buy toys, but you know they don’t make them big enough.”

“Are you finished?”

Something soft crinkled his eyes when he tweaked her nose and rolled to his back. “I could always come with you.”

She hadn’t known she’d been waiting to hear that. Yet the second he said it, she knew it was true. She
want time with him. She wanted to get to know him and take that chance that something could work out in the future. If nothing else, it at least promised a week of great sex. “What about Vegas?”

“We’ll go next year.”


“Let’s just call it a hunch.”

Chapter Seven

he woke up around noon to find him packing up their things. It was tricky to figure out how exactly that made her feel. Excited? Yes? Fear? That too. “Have you called the airline yet?”


“Your seat.”



Before she threw up her heart at the prospect of him backing out, he dangled something over her shoulder. “Djinn. Lamp. We’ll never have to buy two tickets for anything.”

There goes that
again.  They’d been flinging it around pretty carelessly. Yet it rolled off his lips so naturally that she had to try it out for herself one more time. “How do we do this? Or does it go down so often and with so many women that you’ve already got a routine worked out?”

“Just the opposite.  In order for this to work, I have to give you this.” Tig grabbed an apple from the table and joined her on the bed. He tossed her the lamp with the other hand.

Sunlight peeping through the hotel’s fogged windows reflected gold so polished that it burned her eyes.  Intricate carvings adorned the sides of the lamp in undulating swirls and grooves. Were her eyes crossing, or were the carvings actually dancing? “I never thought I’d ever see one of these.”

“You hold my life in your hands.”

She tried to give it back, but he laughed and closed her hand around it. “That’s why it has to be you...because you don’t want it.”

Her mind rummaged through what little she knew of djinn and the strength in her spine melted to the floor. What she held was his freewill. She could feel her blood pressure rising and fantasized about giving him a good knock to the jaw. “Have you lost your mind? You don’t go around throwing your lamp at every piece of tail that comes your way.”

“I don’t.”

“Do you have any idea what I could do to you?”

“A very good one.”

“Tig, you have to be more careful. I’m glad you think I’m awesome and I happen to know that I am. But what if you were wrong? You need a leash, not a lamp.”

“Is that a sex thing?”


“I always keep it on me. I feel a tugging in my chest when I get too far away from it. Tell me, exactly, how much do you know about djinn?”

“Three wishes and...stuff.”

“I can answer some wishes all day, yours especially. I’ll wait for you to note that you’re still not walking properly.”

“Don’t get cute.”

“Just saying. But the person who controls the lamp controls the djinn—”

“Like I said, for three wishes.”

“Correct, but have you ever heard of djinn giving their lamps away?”

“Not unless they’re stupid.”

“I know. It’s shocking that I’ve survived this long without you. Before you say anything you can’t take back, give me your hand.”


He didn’t have to answer.

One second she was on a hotel bed that smelled of too much fabric softener and the next she was bathed in orange, red and every possible shade of gold. Fabric hung from the ceiling and a stack of pillows surrounded a short table to her left. Shoeless, a cotton as smooth as the finest of silks enveloped her toes. A small path cut through from one side to the other.  She followed where it led.

On the far wall rested an antique desk of sorts, the kind with a billion tiny drawers. Yet a modern leather chair on wheels sat in front of it with a closed laptop on the seat. She couldn’t help but take a peek, running over and dragging her fingers across the old wood. “May I?”


It was a mishmash of the universe. Figs in one drawer, purple socks in another. And bottles, so many bottles. She held up one over her shoulder.

“Plum wine,” he said.

And another one.


And a third.


“Does everything you own begin with a ‘p’?’’

Tig dropped into the chair, tossed the laptop on a shelf – one that hadn’t been there moments earlier – and kicked his feet on top the desk. “Well, you’re in the ‘p’ section.”

“You’re so full of it.”

“No I’m not. Go ahead and move it along.”


His hand made one slow lateral wave. “Like an iPad.”


“Try it. Where do you think they got the idea from?”

Doggone if she didn’t. Everything
the same, until she opened a drawer. Sugar. Salt. Sardines. And seemingly unending rolls of satin. He pulled her giggling butt into his lap and sent the chair around the massive room. The walls shifted as they moved, bending into curves, hidden panels, endless wardrobes and, on the right, a four posted bed with drawn back curtains. “That’s the biggest bed I’ve ever seen.”

“Or the smallest,” he said behind her. “Welcome to my humble abode.”

“There’s nothing humble about this, honey.  It smells like...” She clawed her hands in the air, searching for the right word. “Almonds?  Wood?”

“Home. Old Algiers. We’ll go, if you like.”

We. Home. Lamps.
A metric ton of bricks on her chest made taking another breath an uncertain thing. “Djinn don’t bring people into their lamps, Tig.”

“Hafiz Khalid Tiglathpileser Wahid. That’s my name. Say it.”

She closed her eyes, the sting of unshed tears too much to stand. “Stop it. People who should know better, don’t give Magicals their full names.”

“Tell me yours.”


“You know why. I tried to keep it from you, but I can’t, Dinah. Say my name and tell me yours.”

And damn her if she didn’t. Not just the one on her passport, but her
, the one called out to the sky on the night of her birth.

Turns out, she knew a little more about djinn than wishes. Every Magical had ridiculous stories about their kind.

Every so often, the legends end up being true.

Sometimes you could catch a bogeyman out the corner of your eye...if he wanted to keep you.

Sometimes brownies did live in the planks of old houses...for the right woman.

And sometimes, djinn opened their lamps...for their life’s partner.

It’s weird what that does to a girl. In one second she’d jumped from wondering when he’d call, to trying to get out of the wedding. She dried her sweaty hands on the robe she had clutched around her. Damn him for bringing her here. It was supremely unfair to throw this on her. She made her future, not his crazy, djinn magic. Fate? Didn’t believe in it.


If he’d only let this happen naturally, like a normal person, it wouldn’t be so weird.

...said the witch about the djinn...

She sighed and turned away.

He couldn’t help it. She knew that. Truth be told, she’d have been even more pissed if he’d known and didn’t tell her until after months of dating.

That didn’t make the situation any less insane. Or creepy.

. She needed space.

“This is a lot.”

“What is? Now say it. I need to hear the words, Dinah.”

But she couldn’t offer them. Not now. Perhaps, not ever.

Chapter Eight

e sat across from a silent Dinah in the hotel’s upscale restaurant. They’d wished up some appropriate clothes for her, but that’d been the extent of the conversation. He’d moved too fast.

It had taken one of his brothers years to convince his s
hareek hayat,
his mate and partner for eternity, to join him. He thought Dinah would be different. They had a connection. A damned good one too. Or so he’d thought. “You can stop white knuckling the pepper shaker. I’m not going to press you into anything.”

“It’s not that.”

“I shouldn’t have told you. It slipped.”

“It’s not the kind of thing you keep from a person.”

“Because telling you worked out so well? If I wasn’t supposed to tell you and I wasn’t supposed to keep it from you, what the hell option did I have? I didn’t plan this.”


“Can you at least try to look at me? Thank you. Dinah, I just want to date you. Take you out and see what happens. You can leave at any time. I’ll scrape up the broken pieces of a wasted existence and—”

“That’s not funny.”

“At least you’re smiling. Kind of. I mean it, though. Everything is up to you. This thing only works one way. I don’t expect you to love me, not yet. I know I have to work for it.”

She took the lamp and chain she’d had balled up in her hands and laid it on the table next to his phone. “So you won’t be upset if I get on that plane? Alone?”

Even the idea of it had his stomach in knots. Telling her that, though, would make the situation worse. “I’ll be back in Galveston in a week. I guess I’ll call you then. Is that alright?”

“I’d like that. A little time to process, that’s all I’m asking. So...good. I’m gonna get my things from the room and hit the airport ahead of time.”

“At least finish your food.”

“I’m not really hungry. If I go now, maybe I’ll get an early flight. That’s not a wish, by the way.”

“Sure.” He couldn’t let her go without a kiss. Dinah leaned to meet him half way, then stiffened and he knew he had an uphill battle ahead of him. “I’ll walk you up.”

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