The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind (30 page)

BOOK: The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind
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I visualize my kidneys as the most perfect filters every made. They happily filter impurities from the fluids that nourish my entire body. I visualize dirty water passing though my kidneys and coming out pure and transparent. My kidneys keep my body fluids clean and pure. I thank them and send love to them in the form of a white, vibrating cloud of tingling energy. The cloud surrounds them and invigorates them and infuses them with vitality

I now thank all of my joints for serving me well. I thank the intelligence in my subconscious mind that supplies them with lubricants. I visualize this now. I see myself with an oil can lubricating my knees and hips and all other joints with a super, unique lubricant. My joints are now agile and smooth working. I see a cushion between the bones and the lubricant penetrates this cushion and allows my joints to move freely and effortlessly and easily. I thank the intelligence in my subconscious mind for continuing to refurbish these cushions and keep my joints free to move effortlessly and easily

I visualize all of my organs working together cheerfully, lovingly. We realize that we are all working together for our body, our good, our well-being. I thank my subconscious mind for controlling and regulating the millions of processes that go on in my body every moment. I see all of us working in harmony as a symphony orchestra. My subconscious mind is the conductor regulating the symphony. The music my body produces is the
most beautiful music I have ever heard. It is spellbinding; it is spiritual. All the musicians are playing together in harmony and at the correct beat. My body is a symphony orchestra. Synchronized, every part working in unison, producing melodic music. I hear my body’s song

I accept and imprint this affirmation deeply in all levels and all locations in my mind. It is strong and overpowers all other thoughts and concepts about health. My subconscious mind accepts these concepts at every age level. I now imagine that I am one year old. I see myself cradled in my mother’s arms. I look at myself at this age and realize how helpless I am and how dependent I am on others. No matter what ideas and concepts I might have learned I now realize there is some innate knowledge within me that tells me I am a healthy baby and I will always be healthy. Even though I cannot understand the words of this affirmation, somehow, I sense the meaning and it dominates my mind

I am now five years old. I can see myself in my room playing with a toy. My adult self asks this little child to believe and accept this affirmation and make it his own, and to allow it to dominate all thoughts about health. I explain this affirmation is for his good and that it is important to accept it. My entire entity at five years old smiles and agrees to do it

I see myself as ten years old now. I see myself in the backyard playing alone. I see my adult self walk up to this young boy and ask him if I can tell him something important. He smiles and says, “Yes.” I ask him to accept this affirmation and make it his and let it impress on his mind to overwhelm all false thoughts that he may have mistakenly picked up. I tell him that accepting this affirmation will allow him to play as hard and long as he wants. I tell him this affirmation will allow him to enjoy life and enable him to play hard and enjoy it. He readily agrees to accept it and believes it with his entire mind and in its entirety

I now know that this affirmation is stronger than all negative, counterproductive, unhealthy ideas on health. It completely dominates my thoughts of health at all levels and ages of my subconscious mind

Each and every time I think or see the color GREEN this affirmation is renewed. Each and every time I see or visualize the color GREEN this affirmation is repeated a thousand times and enhanced and energized. My subconscious mind picks up the color GREEN everywhere. Each time it sees GREEN this affirmation is emphasized and magnified. This affirmation is now part of me. It dominates my subconscious mind. It is my dominant concept of my health. It is now the dominating concept of health in my subconscious mind. My subconscious mind releases the effect of any concepts contrary to this new concept. I thank and bless these old concepts but they are now obsolete, sterile, and effete. They are useless to me now. I accept this new concept. I accept this entire affirmation for my best good health, physical and mental. My subconscious mind accepts it fully and joyfully and completely. I thank my subconscious mind for accepting it and acting on it. Excellent health, vibrant living, energetic activity is now my way of life

Now, with a sense of gratitude, with a warm heart, with love for myself and others, I now return to the awake state on the count of “3.” “1”...feeling refreshed and joyful...“2”...feeling happy and healthy...“3”...I am wide awake

NOTE: A recorded, updated and abreviated version of this affirmation is available at






Imagine the following:

As your instructor, I invite you to come with me to a supermarket. Standing outside you can see that the store is huge. I invite you in and I explain that the store is full of self-help materials of all kinds. There are special foods for maintaining hale and hearty health. There are books with instructions for achieving success in all phases of your life, for replacing bad habits with positive, healthful ones, for becoming at peace with those around you and with the world, for becoming more poised and self-assured, for becoming financially comfortable, and more. There are assistants to help you. This store is full of aromas to remind you to stay happy and joyful. I explain that you are entitled to everything you want. You are given a large cart. Go ahead and take all that you intend to use. Fill up your cart. If you fill your cart, an assistant will get another cart for you

After your carts are full, you go to the checkout station where you are reminded that every thing has already been paid for

Just as you are about to leave you have second thoughts. Maybe all of this is more trouble than it is worth. You think of the hassle to transfer it to your car and then to your home. And there will be some, though not much, effort to put it to use. So you decide to leave it there and go home without it

You are now home and you sit in a comfortable chair and daydream. You realize that your decision to leave those resource materials was rash. The use of all those resources will help you achieve your dreams. Maybe they really do work

You jump out of your chair and race back to the superstore. Your cart is still there. But in place of all the bulky resource materials, and in place of all the helpful assistants, there is just this book. Now you realize how easy it is to put your genie to work for your best health and welfare. You grab this book and cradle it as if it was worth all the gold in the world. This instruction book is the key to your most valuable resource, your subconscious mind

YOUR GENIE. Use the knowledge in this book and cherish your genie

Sequel Lesson



Sequel Lesson


“Someday…the scientists of the world will turn their laboratories over to the study of God and prayer and the spiritual forces which as yet have hardly been scratched. When this day comes, the world will see more advancement in one generation than it has seen in the past four.”

—The Spindrift Group


believe most people would like to think prayer works but are skeptical because, it seems to them, it works so seldom. Prayer is successful, however, more than the skeptics realize. Larry Dossey, M.D. searched the scientific literature and found 124 studies on prayer. The type of prayer studied in the literature was affirmative prayer for healing or better health. Results in over half the studies showed prayer worked—based on scientific criteria. Wouldn’t it be a boon if all medications were more than fifty percent effective, had no side affects, and were free!

One study has been recently reported in newspapers and magazines, as well as in one of Dr. Dossey’s books. Cardiologist Randolph Byrd, a practicing Christian, conducted
the experiment. Half of 393 cardiac patients were prayed for by various religious groups for ten months. The people praying knew only the name of the patient, and neither doctors nor patients knew which patients were being prayed for. No records were kept on how the prayers were conducted. Results showed the prayed-for patients were:

       •    Five times less likely to require antibiotics.

       •    Three times less likely to develop pulmonary edema.

       •    None required endotracheal intubation, while twelve in the not prayed-for group did.

       •    Fewer died.

The subject not addressed in the scientific literature was
to pray. I am going to make suggestions on how to pray and make your prayers infinitely more powerful. These suggestions are based on principles carried over from the earlier lessons.

This lesson is offered with humility. No doubt there are many effective ways to pray. Success has much to do with the person’s relationship with God, passion, belief, and intent. So I am not saying this is the only way to pray, but I think you can significantly increase the effectiveness of your prayers by adopting these suggestions.

In the preceding lessons, you learned how you can use your conscious mind to plant suggestions in your subconscious mind. In turn, your subconscious mind works out ways to produce results, such as a better job, a change in behavior, improved health, etc. The same logic and methodology apply in prayer except that you use a higher level of mind. A higher level is superior, and necessary, because a problem (physical, emotional, or financial) cannot be solved at the level it is created.

God cannot be described, and any description would limit God. So I am not saying this higher level of mind
God: just
consider this higher level of mind as some aspect of God. I will refer to this higher level of mind as Universal Mind.



Universal Mind relates to conscious mind and subconscious mind as follows. Conscious mind and subconscious mind can be described by picturing a small circle with a larger circle drawn around it. The large circle contains eleven times the area of the small circle. The small circle represents the conscious mind and the large circle represents the subconscious mind. The conscious mind and subconscious mind are located inside you. The conscious mind and subconscious mind cannot know anything that they have not seen (or imagined), been taught, or experienced. The Universal Mind, on the other hand, exists inside
outside of you, transcends time and space, contains all knowledge, and is common to everyone. Think of the Universal Mind as a wireless Internet, universal in scope. Think of it as the Internet of the Universe, or
for short.

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