The Generator: The Succubae Seduction (5 page)

BOOK: The Generator: The Succubae Seduction
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My mouth goes dry at the sight, and I pull her torso back to me, latching onto one of her oversized nipples. Her fingers dig into the back of my head as she moans, and grinds her pelvis against mine.

“I don’t know what it is about you, but you have me hornier than I’ve ever been,” she breathlessly moans as she pulls at my shirt. There is a light ‘popping’ noise as her chest pulls away from my sucking maw. I try to latch onto her other nipple as soon as my shirt is off, but she stands up, and begins working at my pants. She isn’t as skilled as Angela was at getting them off, but she hasn’t had 400 years of experience, either.

As soon as my pants are off (I still haven’t put any underwear on), she gasps audibly, and I hear a gasp from the stairway as well. Apparently Lisa’s watching us. So much for her entertaining herself. I see the edge of fear creep into Becky’s eyes, quickly squashed by determination.

Glancing at my crotch to see what’s causing all the fuss, I gasp as well. I’d seen it limp while in the Shadow World, and been surprised at its length. Now that I’m hard as a rock, it’s not much longer, but it
fairly thicker. I’m worried this petite little woman won’t be able to handle me.

” she gasps. Her little hand wraps around the base of my rod, and she gives it a firm squeeze, before leaning forward and licking the tip. I can already see that the head is too bulbous to fit inside her tiny mouth, but I still watch in fascination as she tries.

Have you ever watched one of those cartoons where Wile E. Coyote tries to fit through something that would be physically impossible, yet he does it anyway? Well, that’s what it looks like as Becky slowly fits first my head in, and then starts working down my shaft. I can’t tell if my penis has thinned, or her mouth has stretched, but amazingly she doesn’t stop until I can feel her tongue licking my balls. Pulling her head up and off, a bit of spittle connects her bottom lip to my pipe. She looks at it in wonder.

“I can’t believe I got that thing in!” she exclaims, giving me a couple squeezes to verify its hardness, and then hungrily goes back at it. Her head continues to bob up and down. I love how her throat feels around the length of my rod. Every time her nose hits my pelvis, I feel her tongue around my scrotum, and moan appreciatively.

It doesn’t take long before I feel that familiar churning, and I gently pull her head from my lap, wanting to postpone my own culmination. She gives me a look like I’d just taken away her favorite toy, but I stand her up, and pull down her pants.

Her pussy has a small brown landing strip above it. I turn us around, setting her down on the couch. I allow my lips to lightly brush the inside of her knee, and then trail light kisses up her thigh. Just as I’m about to reach the juncture at the top, I pull back, and repeat the action on the other leg. This time as I get close, I can see she’s watching me avidly, her bottom lip sucked in between her teeth. Reaching the tip of my tongue out, I lightly lick the sensitive inner lips, making her moan loudly.

Without any warning, her hands grab my head, and she pulls me in hard to her wet snatch. Her hips start to hunch and writhe as I stick out my tongue, lapping up her juices as she cums. I’ve never seen a woman orgasm this fast, and I feel a flood of renewing energy flow into me at the thought of how horny I’ve gotten this babe.

As she starts to come down from her high, I use my hands to spread her cunt, and then immediately latch onto her tiny clit. It only takes me a couple nibbles like this, before she’s cumming again, and I can feel her liquids dripping off my chin.

Continuing to munch on her sensitive clitoris, I bring her orgasm higher and higher, before standing up and aiming my tool at her hole. It only takes a little pressure to fit the large head into her tiny hole, and once again I marvel that I even fit. Like a key in a lock, it feels like her inner walls were made specifically for my cock as I slide deeper and deeper into her.

“Oh my God!” She cries out as our pelvises meet. “I can’t believe I’ve got you in me. I feel like you’re stretching me to breaking, but it feels so good! Fuck me, Lyden. Fuck me and make me cum again!”

Her legs wrap around me as I pull back, and then pull me forward again. Every time I’m fully inside her, her eyes roll back, and she moans. We set a fast pace, and pretty soon she’s moaning non-stop, until she suddenly catches her breath and starts shuddering in orgasmic bliss.

I feel so pumped about making this woman cum again and again, that I grab her shoulders and lean back until my back is on the floor. She grunts as she lands on top of me.I feel myself go a little deeper into her, thoroughly enjoying how her vagina accommodates me. Leaning up, I latch onto one of her large nipples, while I grab her hips, lift her slightly, and then slam her back down.

“Oh, yes! Fuck me,
fuck me
,” she yells out in rising volume. Her arm squeezes me tight to her chest as we continue to screw, until she has one last orgasm. I know I’m close again, and roll us over onto her back, pull out and place my schlong between her tits, straddling her chest.  Her breasts aren’t big enough to surround my thick member, but they still feel delightful as I pinch each massive nipple and hold them together. She comes down from her orgasm and lifts her head enough to suck in the tip of my sliding cock. This finally sends me over, and I blast my seed into the back of her throat, while her hands roam my chest.

She starts to choke, and I pull back, allowing her to breath. Some of my cum lands on her chest, and as soon as she’s breathing normally again, she scoops it up and cleans her fingers with her mouth.

I hear a barely stifled moan to our left and see that Lisa is busy fingering her bald cunny to orgasm, leaning against the wall. For the first time I can see just how physically fit the dirty-blonde woman is. Both women are skinny, but where Becky has soft, gentle curves, Lisa is solid as a rock.

“Mmm, no one’s ever pleased me that well before.” Becky starts cleaning my cock with her mouth, and it feels delightful.

A new wave of energy washes over me, this time coming from Lisa’s direction, and with dawning fear, I realize where my energy has been coming from. I’m draining these women with each orgasm they have.

In other words, I’m killing them slowly.

Terror grips my soul as I stand up, grab my clothes, and don’t even wait to get dressed before running out the door. Somehow my car is here and I don’t even question the luck. I get in and with screeching tires, I abandon those two women.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Chapter 03

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Working Things Out


No sleep comes for me as I lie in bed, hating myself for what I’ve done to those two women. The worst part is that I actually feel good right now, which only makes me feel worse.

I just wish I had some way of contacting Angela. Hadn’t she told me that there was a way to give energy, rather than take it? How much longer is she going to be gone? If I had a keycard like hers, I’d be able to go to the Shadow World and ask her. If, if, how, and if: my life has become nothing but questions.

When my alarm goes off in the morning for me to go to work, I’m at first tempted to call in sick. But I might be able to get some thinking done while there, and I need to live life normally.

Yeah, right. . . .

Jumping in the shower, I feel a little refreshed, even though I’ve been up for well over twenty-four hours. The drive to work is surprisingly quick. The roads are packed, but somehow I keep finding a spot to slip in, and don’t have to stop even once as I hit every green light. I closely monitor my energy levels, but I don’t notice myself getting weaker at each chance of luck, and wonder if it’s just something else that’s new with my redesigned VW Beetle, the Orange Bubble. I’m not personally changing the lights, or moving people out of the way.

As I’m walking up to the security counter, I reach for my wallet, only to realize it’s not there. Crap! Without my ID, I can’t get in, but where did I. . .
crap! I don’t remember having it after last night. I’m tempted to see if it’s still at the club, where it must have fallen out. That was the last place I’d used it. But if I do that, I’ll be late for work, even though I’m early now. Ms. Lance’ll have my head if I’m late. Again, I’m tempted to just blow this miserable job off. I really don’t need it, since my rent’s covered for the next year, and I’m getting a refund as well. Why should I put up with the austere Sheila Lance? And since it’s Thursday, it feels odd to come in for one day and then take the weekend off. I only work four tens, and usually enjoy my three-day weekends.

I’ve been told to live my life as normally as I can, and her advice is the only thing I can rely on right now.

“Is there a problem, Mr. Snow?” I blink at the question as it pulls me out of my thoughts. Guard Lansbury is looking at me waiting for an answer. When I’d worked in the mailroom, she used to chat with me from time to time, while we were making our rounds.

“Guard Lansbury,” I say cheerily, giving her my best smile, “How’ve you been?”

She returns the smile, and replies, “Down five pounds, but that’s probably just from the shit I took, about half an hour ago. I haven’t seen you in this early since you were working downstairs. You feeling better after yesterday?”

Did I mention she’s kind of raunchy? She almost makes up for it with her huge knockers, but if someone were trying to get away from her, all they’d have to do is walk fast. I feel bad for thinking so lowly of her though; she’s always treated me well.

“Yeah, traffic just seemed to work out for me, but now it seems I went and left my ID at home.” I try to put on my most downtrodden face, hoping that she might just let me through, even though that’s against company policy.

“No ID?” she looks shocked as if I’d just robbed a bank, instead of forgetting a little identification card. “Well, now, what are we going to do about that?” She pulls out her nightstick, and starts twirling it in her hand. “Sure you didn’t just hide it somewhere? I’d be happy to do a cavity search on you.” Now she’s smiling at me hungrily.

“Thanks, but I’m fairly sure I left it at the club last night,” I hedge, not really sure how to respond to her.

“The club, huh? I’ll bet you were dancing with some skinny sluts there too, when you could have had a real woman, like me.” She steps closer to me, and I want to back away, especially as I can feel a slight drain in my energy. I know that whatever has been happening to me lately is in effect again. I hold my ground instead. I
don’t want to be late.

“Awe, but you know I couldn’t handle a woman of your caliber,” I say, hoping that she takes it as a compliment.

She steps closer, smiling hungrily now. “But how do you know, if you never try?”

She’s always flirted with me in the past, but never quite this forward. I need to figure out a way to turn my new abilities off, before something happens that I’ll regret.

“Maybe next time. Looks like I need to go get my ID,” I say, and take a step towards the door, only to have her hand on my arm stop me.

“I don’t think so,” she tells me, and sudden worry fills me by the tone of her voice. “Ms. Lance will have your hairy left stone if you’re late. You need to get up there, and I think I know of a way to get you there.”

Part of me is afraid, and the other part hopeful. If she escorts me through, then all is well. If she wants to exact a price. . . .

I follow her to a security door, and she opens it for me with her badge. Just as I’m walking through, she shoves me hard, and I stumble the rest of the way in. The door closing and locking behind me sounds louder than it probably is.

“Of course, I don’t do favors for free. . .” she trails off as I turn to face her. There is an almost carnivorous look in her wild eyes, and her short brown hair frames her lust filled face.

“I thought you didn’t want me to be late,” I say, thinking fast.

“Oh, your bitch of a boss can have your balls when I’m done with them.” She lets that hang there for a moment, and then bursts out laughing. “You should see the look on your face, Lyden. Relax, I ain’t gonna rape you. Just head up those stairs to the second floor, and then you can take the elevator the rest of the way to your floor.”

I can’t help but let out the sigh of relief, and I also can’t miss the pain that I see it causes in her eyes. This woman just helped me out, putting her own job in danger for breaking one of the buildings numerous rules, and I’d basically just insulted her. Okay, no ‘basically’ about it. I’d insulted a friend, and hurt her feelings. I may not see her as a sexual prospect, especially right now with me draining whomever I sleep with, but there are other ways to repay a favor.

She turns to walk away, but this time it’s my hand on her arm, stopping her. “Not so fast, Lansbury,” I say in as authoritative voice as I can muster. “You broke one of the security rules, and even though it was to do me a favor, I have to exact payment.”

She turns to look at me, pained confusion in her eyes, and I realize that she thinks I’m going to turn her in.

“The price for my silence will be one kiss,” I tell her, and while the pain disappears, the confusion remains in her eyes.

“Mr. Snow, there’s no need. I know what I am, and I won’t put you through that kind of torture,” there is a deep sadness in her tone, and my heart breaks to hear it.

“I didn’t say I was giving you an option,” I say, and know that I’m acting very different from my normal self. Something inside me says this is right. I shove her back against a wall, and actually have to bend over her massive chest, to plant my lips on hers. I thought I’d be turned off by the thought of kissing this large woman, but she actually smells rather nice, and it only takes me a couple seconds to realize she’s one helluva kisser. I want to help this woman feel better, and this is the best thing I can come up with. As long as we don’t have sex, I shouldn’t hurt her.

When the kiss ends, we’re both breathless. I just leave her there as I ascend the stairs. I don’t even notice until I’m halfway up, that I feel a little weaker than I did earlier. I remember getting pumped from kissing Becky last night, so why the difference with Lansbury? Is it because she doesn’t have the energy to give? Or did I actually transfer energy to her? If so, how the heck had I done it? Was it because I wanted to help her? Once again, more questions!

BOOK: The Generator: The Succubae Seduction
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