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Authors: Eileen Welsome

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332 soldiers were transferred: Nash, “Town and Sword,” 54. Nash writes that as of 1920, 510 white troopers from the Twelfth
Cavalry and roughly 3,600 black soldiers of the Twenty-fourth Infantry were stationed in Columbus.

332 dismantled the new hotel: Interview, Margaret Perry Epps, May 19, 1983, NMSRCA.

332 delinquent taxes: Mahoney, “When Villa Raided New Mexico,” 44, EPPL.

332 “Oh, those huge”: Interview, Margaret Perry Epps, May 19, 1983, NMSRCA.

333 Flying Tortilla: “A Look at Major Moments in Columbus,” undated clipping, Deming museum.

333 roughly 350 residents: Mahoney, “When Villa Raided New Mexico,” 44, EPPL.

333 fifty-acre park: Ibid.

333 honorary citizen: “Mrs. Villa Donates Museum Items, Becomes Columbusano,”
May 1963, NMSRCA and Dean collection.

333 Maud: Although a claim exists in the National Archives for Edward Wright, it contains only a note stating that efforts
to contact the family had been unsuccessful. Maud died on Christmas Day of 1980. She was ninety-two years old.

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