The Gemini Divergence

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Authors: Eric Birk

Tags: #cold war, #roswell, #scifi thriller, #peenemunde, #operation paperclip, #hannebau, #kapustin yar, #kecksburg, #nazi ufo, #new swabia, #shag harbor, #wonder weapon

BOOK: The Gemini Divergence
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The Gemini Divergence

By Eric Birk


Text and Cover Art - Copyright © 2011 by Eric

Copyright Registration# TX 7-483-742


Smashwords Edition


(paperback version) ISBN:

(Smashwords version)


Lunatek Publishing 240
Magee St. #234, Troy, MO 63379


First Edition/First Printing: November,

First Edition/Second Printing: May, 2012

Smashwords eBook November, 2012


All rights reserved,
including the right to reproduce, copy, or store this book or it’s
contents in any form that may be reproduced, without the
itten consent of the Author.


Although some of the names and events in this
book are based on complete fact, others are distorted, exaggerated
or completely fictitious, and this book should be treated in total
as a fictional story and not a reference of fact in any way.


For my mother… and everyone else that
believed in, and encouraged me.





Table of Contents


I.The Big War

The Meeting

Lights In The Sky

Lemay Is Enlightened

The Inquisitive RAF

The Axis Clerk

The Purge

Herr Volmer’s Desk

The Second Meeting

The Inquisitive RAF Clerk At

Ad Infinitive Deception

Lemay’s Qualms

New Swabia


II.The Cold War (late 40’s)

White Sands

Stalin’s Briefing

The Raumsfahrtwaffe is

Voices / An Epiphany

Verify in the Sky

The RAF sighting

The Arnold Sighting

Stalin’s Reaction

The Plan To Get Volmer

The Wave Of 47

The Mission

The Roswell Crash

Fort Worth Field (Carswell AFB)

The Roswell Crash Press

The Presidential

Sunset For The 40s


III.The Cold War (50’s)

The Dawning Of The 50s

Antarctic Intruders

The Trip To Space

Diamonds In The Sky

The Wave Of 52

Encounter Over Arizona

Lights Over The Capital

Decimation Of The Bomber Fleet At

The Americans Ambush

The Holloman Accord

Epitaph Of Paranoia (Stalin’s

The First Peace

Castle Bravo

MacArthur’s Gaffe

Operation Plumb-Bob


IV.The Space Race


A Ghost From The Ashes

The Blue Book Gaffe

The Hawkish New Führer

Reaching For The Moon

Operation Crowflight

Kaiser Mondkrater

The Secret Crusade Of
Kennedy’s Camelot


V.The Divergence

A Better Mouse Trap

We Choose To Go To The Moon, (And
The Other Things?)

Operation Dominic

The Raumsfahrtwaffe Changes

The Divergence Exposed

Johnson Takes Command

Another Meeting At

The Zamora Incident

The Gemini War Begins

The Fort Riley Crash


VI.The Gemini War

Lemay Turns Up The Heat

Lemay Forced Into

The Teething Of Space

What’s This Fascination With Our Power

The F.E. Warren Incident

The Heflin Photos

The Whiteman Incident

The Edwards Incident

The New York Blackout of

Cadens Caelum

The Kecksburg Incident


VII.From Gemini To Apollo

Spirited Away

Raid On St. Louis

Where There’s Smoke There’s A

The Malmstrom Incident

Shag Harbor

Magnificent Desperation


The Tumult Unfurls


VIII.Resolve and Solace

Nixon’s Peace

More Loose Ends

Treaty In The Heartland








The Gemini Divergence



The Big War






The Big War / The


So cold, bitter and brisk… it was difficult
to summon another thought other than how much longer one must
endure this frigid torment.

Despite the bitter tinge blocking any other
possible thoughts, a persistent notion did however begin to emerge
within SS Major Schwerig’s mind.

How irrational, it seemed, having to ride
around in the middle of the winter with the top of his staff car
down. But, he had been told along with the other officer candidates
back in officer training that they needed to be seen by their men
at all times sitting up straight, focused and distracted by
nothing. It was thought that a shivering, excessively bundled and
disheveled leader, sidetracked by anything, was a poor example of
leadership and ability to focus.

He watched as his driver, Sergeant Stark,
weaved back and forth to pass the horse drawn infantry. As he
passed the feldkochswagen he got a whiff of whatever was cooking
while they traveled past.

How good it smelled, he thought, then
chuckled to himself at his own interjected thought of how horrible
it probably actually was. Moving his eyes only, and not his head,
he eyed the enlisted men that he was passing.

He was so envious of their woolen layers of
clothing. Sure… they had to stay out of doors most of the winter,
but how luxurious it would be to just be able to wear one of their
woolen trench coats for just one minute.

He also thought briefly how much better
American officers had been outfitted. To him the American uniforms
looked more like ruffled landsknecht rags, but they were very
utilitarian, cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

He remembered once wearing a lamb’s wool
flight jacket from a downed American aviator. It was the warmest
coat that he had ever worn in his life. How he wished he was
wearing that now.


The extreme cold was so overwhelming that it
distracted him from noticing the beautiful mountain valley that he
was travelling through.

A torrent mountain stream rumbled to his

A light snow was falling on the already
several feet deep snow, and all of the movement in the valley was
military men and machines as well as beasts of burden traveling
along the only road through the alpine mountain pass.

He wondered what this meeting was going to be
about; being summoned at the last minute and made to drop his
current objective to attend. He was apprehensive that it may be
something more important than he cared to hear.

He saluted professionally as he rolled
through a check point, never really looking at the guard that was
saluting him in the face. He just stared straight ahead like no one
else mattered.

He watched with his peripheral vision as it
took several guards to jump on the opposite end of a gate arm that
was made from a telephone pole, in order to counter weigh it, so
that it would lift above the road.

How ironic it seemed that the German Military
had some of the most technologically advanced devices known to man,
and still some of its practices were straight out of the dark

Finally! Up ahead. He could see the lights
through the windows of the small castle that he was scheduled to
meet within. It was getting closer to dusk and with the snow, it
was growing dimmer already.

His driver pulled into the drive and showed
his orders to the gate guard. As the driver and guard conversed,
the major noticed that a horse drawn infantry division, much like
the one he had passed minutes before, had bivouacked in the field
below the castle, and its members were standing in line for their

The guard signaled them through and the
driver slowly moved forward into the court yard and found a place
to park.

Sgt. Stark quickly jumped out and opened the
door for the major and snapped his heals together as he stood up
straight and saluted.

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