The Game (5 page)

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Authors: Calista Kyle

BOOK: The Game
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"I don't know how you deal with that every day," Rob said breaking into my thoughts. I looked up at him blankly. "The paparazzi," he explained.

"I don't think you ever really get used to it, but it's all just part of the job," I said.

"You seem very tolerant of it all," he said. "I don't think I could handle all the attention."

"Like I said, it's all part of the job. I could let the press get to me and lash out, or I could use it to my advantage. I simply choose to exploit the press just as much as they exploit me. It's a win-win situation," I explained.

Rob sat back and blew out a low whistle. "You certainly seem to have it all figured out," he said in awe. "I would have thought you'd be angry or a little bitter about the rumors floating out there about you."

"Oh, I'm pissed off, but I'll be damned if I let them ruin my career over it."

"So, what really happened?" he asked, a spark of interest lighting his eyes. "I've read the papers' accounts of your affair, but what's the real story?"

I was momentarily taken aback by his blunt question. Instead of feeling offended, I was actually relieved. No one had ever asked me that before, which I realized was a bit strange. Everyone just assumed that I'd done it--slept with a married man. Granted, I put myself in that situation, but it still rankled that they assumed I was the type of person that was capable of that. All they wanted to know was why I did it, and if I regretted it. No one, besides Charlotte, believed me or wanted to hear the truth. I could tell that even Arnie had his doubts, but he still did his job as my publicist to deny the rumors. Rob was the first one out of my inner circle that had seemed genuinely interested in the truth.

"There was never an affair. Harry Barnes is the last person I'd ever consider sleeping with," I said leaning in and speaking lowly.

Even though we were at a private table away from the other customers, I didn't want our conversation to be overheard. I wanted the story of the affair to die down, and being caught discussing it in public would only bring it new life.

"So, how did they get that idea then?" he asked.

I shook my head ruefully. "Cause I'm an idiot," I said. "His wife hates my guts, and I'm not particularly fond of her either. She said some nasty things to me at a party, and I got even with her by telling her that I'd slept with her husband. It wasn't true, but I was only thinking about hurting her and wiping that smirk off her face."

"And how do I fit into all this?" he asked. "I assume I'm to be some sort of sacrificial lamb to the tabloid gods?"

"Something like that," I laughed. "More like a distraction."

Rob shot me a crooked grin from across the table and I felt my spirits inexplicably lift. I'd forgotten how easy it was to talk with him, and how he could make me smile and laugh. I never took him seriously when we first met. He was the consolation prize after Ryan admitted he was in love with someone else. I had been disappointed, but quickly brushed that off and moved on to the next man, who happened to be Rob. It never progressed beyond flirtation, but sitting across from him now, I wondered what I was thinking, and how I managed to withstand his charm and appeal.

"That makes me feel a little better," he said.

I cleared my throat and gave my head a tiny shake. The last thing I needed was to develop real feelings for Rob. We had both made it very clear that this was strictly a business relationship, and I didn't want to mess it up.

"So, you know why I need a fiancé, but you never really explained why you needed one," I said trying to get my mind off his many attractions.

Rob blew out a long sigh and shook his head slowly. "I blame my mother for this. She drove me to it," he said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes, but waited for him to continue. "She's been nagging me about settling down for a while now and I finally got sick of it. So I gave in, sort of," he said flashing me a devilish grin. "I want to teach her a lesson never to meddle in my life again. So I--or rather my sister Stella--thought the best way to do that was to get engaged to the most unsuitable woman I could that would horrify her."

"I didn't know I was so unsuitable," I said.

Realizing how hurtful his words must have sounded, Rob looked stricken for a moment before apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I'm such a jackass," he said.

"But it's true, though. I'm just a scandal prone actress--not good enough for someone with your blue blood. Hell, you're probably a lord or something right?"

Rob choked on his sip of water before he looked up at me self consciously. "It's just a minor barony," he mumbled.

"Ha! I knew it," I said. I couldn't keep the laughter out of my voice. It was just so fitting that Rob would be an aristocrat. No wonder his mother would have a fit if she thought her precious son were cavorting with someone as uncouth and vulgar as me.

"It's not anything about you in particular, but actresses and celebrities in general she has a problem with. And I also thought that perhaps you could play up being a loud and obnoxious gold digger, since you're an actress and all, it would really serve her right. But I didn't mean that you were unsuitable, just the character you'd be playing," he explained.

"So, you want me to act the part of the fiancée from hell?" I asked.

Rob looked a little sheepish before nodding his head. "That is, if it's all right with you. I thought since you were an actress, it wouldn't be a big deal. Just another role to play," he said.

"You don't have to explain. I get it. You want to teach her a lesson she'll never forget," I said.

"Yes, exactly."

I smiled a genuine smile at him. "Then I'm your girl. I can do bitchy and manipulative."

We finished our meals and I waited while Rob paid the check. It had been an enlightening conversation with him, and I was actually glad that we cleared up some issues between us, minor as they were. I knew what he expected of me, and I hoped I could keep everything civil and businesslike now that we'd gotten that out of the way.

Once he signed the receipt, he turned to me and took in a deep breath. "Well, it's time to face the throng again," he said.

We both slipped on our sunglasses like we were putting on armor for a battle. He pulled out my chair for me and I stood up, leaning against him as I grabbed his hand in mine. I felt a tingle where our fingers met, but buried any thoughts of what it meant in the back of my mind. This was strictly business. Nothing more.







Chapter 5: Emilia


"Have you seen the
Daily News
this morning?" Charlotte asked as she stepped into my living room.

She was carrying a stack of newspapers and magazines with her. She dropped them down on the coffee table and pulled out one of the papers, handing it to me. I scanned over the headlines, my brow creased in confusion. There was nothing there that caught my attention.

"What am I supposed to be reading?" I said, handing it back to her.

She rolled her eyes at me before turning the page to the entertainment section. I took the paper back and saw a big picture of Rob and me at a movie premiere. He was standing behind me with his hands over my stomach. The headline read: "
It's Official! Emilia's Pregnant
". I let out a peal of laughter. I had to remember to show that to Rob. I was sure he'd get a kick out of it as well.

Since embarking on our fake relationship, things had gone surprisingly well. It had been easy to pretend to be in love with him. Almost too easy. He was charming, intelligent, and funny, and never took himself too seriously. His laid back attitude was rubbing off on me, and I found myself enjoying things more when he was around. I tried not to read too much into it, and had to remind myself that this was all fake and would end in a few months. Still, I couldn't completely suppress some feelings of longing that would creep up from time to time.

"Don't tell me you leaked that out to the press," I said.

"No, that's the great thing about it. They came up with that themselves. They're just eating up everything about your relationship. That whole scandal with Kelsey and Harry is a thing of the past. All people are talking about is you and Rob."

"Good," I said, pleased that things were finally going right.

"Why didn't you tell me he was a Lord? Did you know they're already calling you Lady Emilia?" she gushed.

"It's just a minor barony," I said, repeating Rob's words..

"Who cares what it is! This relationship is going better than we could have hoped. You've never been a hotter commodity than you are right now. Why didn't we do this sooner?"

I shot her a withering glare. Nothing but the direst circumstances would have convinced me to get involved in this scheme. I might have been driven and ambitious, but I still had my standards. If it weren't for the fact that I'd rather die than let Kelsey Keller screw me over, I might have decided to ride out the scandal.

"Because we didn't need to," I said. "I hope you do remember that this isn't real, and will end after awards season," I reminded her.

"Of course I remember, but I'm just saying, you can't buy good press like this. It's like you've been reborn, and all your past sins and transgressions have been forgiven."

By any standard, I should have been over the moon with how things had been going. Our scheme was working out perfectly, and my career had never been better. I was getting calls for parts that I'd never had a shot of getting before. On top of it all, the buzz around my performance in
Letters to Zelda
had been growing stronger, and my chances come award season were dramatically improved. The studio and my publicist had been working tirelessly behind the scenes to campaign for me. Right now, it seemed like a sure bet.

Even with all these good things going on, I couldn't appreciate it as much as I should have. I tried to ignore that little voice in my head that kept reminding me that I hadn't seen Rob at all yesterday. His absence shouldn't have bothered me. I wasn't attached to him at the hip, and our contract allowed leeway for personal time. Still, he came to my mind far too frequently for my liking.

I turned my attention to Charlotte, who was looking at me strangely. She stared at me expectantly, and I realized I'd been caught thinking about Rob again.

"I'll be glad when this whole charade is over," I finally answered. It was the truth at least. "Then I can get back to my regular life."

Charlotte opened her mouth to speak, then shook her head slightly. I was on the verge of asking her what she wanted to say, but she had already started talking again. "Don't forget, Arnie has booked you for appearances on some talk shows this Friday. I need you to be on your game, Emilia. Talk about the movie, but don't forget to throw in little tidbits of you and Rob. That's what they really want to know. You should act a little reluctant talking about it, but be so overjoyed, you can't help yourself. Don't go dishing. You don't need to be jumping up and down on the couch or anything crazy like that."

"Are you really giving me acting lessons?" I asked incredulously.

"Just play it cool. If in doubt, just remember that less is more," she said, ignoring my question.

"I know what I have to do," I said.

"When are you seeing Rob again?" she asked.

"We have a date planned on Wednesday." The realization sent a flutter of nerves through my stomach.

"I think it's time for some public PDA," Charlotte suggested.

I turned to look at her and cocked my head. "Public PDA?"

"Oh, don't act all coy and innocent. You've been together for weeks now. It's time to heat things up. Where will you two be going? I'll tip the paps so they can catch you in a passionate embrace."

"This is so messed up," I said, shaking my head.

"Why are you acting so squeamish about it now? It's not your first time using the press for positive publicity," Charlotte asked.

I didn't know the answer to that myself. Somehow though, I found myself shying away from exploiting our "relationship", which was completely irrational since the whole purpose of the charade was for positive publicity.

Charlotte let out an impatient snort and threw her hands up. "I don't know what's gotten into you recently, but whatever it is, don't let it mess with a good thing. Kelsey's rumors are pretty much forgotten. Just keep doing what you're doing and it'll be a thing of the past," she said.

I clung on to that thought as Charlotte left my house. I had to remember what this was all about--the scandal, my career, and award season. Nothing else mattered in the grand scheme of things. And Rob was just a means to an end.


My cheeks ached from smiling so much. Troy and Kerry, hosts of
Morning Talk
, sat there rhapsodizing about new love, throwing in little jokes as if they were so clever.

"So tell us, Emilia, how did you and your Prince Charming meet?" Troy asked.

"He's sooo dreamy," Kerry added in that vapid, high pitched voice she used, which was completely different from what she sounded like when the cameras weren't rolling.

"It's nothing too exciting, actually. We were just introduced through some mutual friends," I said. I had to hide the smile as I thought of what their reaction would be if I told them the truth. "
Actually, Rob and I aren't really together. Our whole relationship is completely fake
," I thought.

"Ooh I can see there's something more to this story then you're letting on, judging from that smile on your face," Troy cooed, as if he'd caught me in a lie.

"My lips are sealed," I said playing along.

"Now, there are rumors that you two are expecting your first child together," Kerry said. "Care to address them?"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "People have far too much imagination," I said.

"So, is that a yes or a no?" she asked.

"What do you think?" I said, not answering the question. Before Kerry could delve further, we cut to commercial break.

"That was clever of you," Kerry said. Her voice had dropped a couple of octaves, and she sounded much more brisk and business-like once the cameras stopped rolling.

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