The Game (16 page)

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Authors: Calista Kyle

BOOK: The Game
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I knew my face must have looked thunderous. Just then I looked over to see Emilia at the entrance of the ballroom. All eyes turned to her as she stood there. She was looking directly at me and her smile faltered when she saw my face.

She was stunning, of course. She always looked stunning, but I couldn't fully appreciate her at the moment. My mind was too focused on figuring out what the hell my ex-girlfriend was doing at this party, and who I could blame for it.

As she began walking down the stairs, I tore my eyes away from her and went to look for my mother. In my mood, I knew any conversation with Emilia would only end in an argument or hurt feelings.

My mother was standing off by a far corner of the room surrounded by my Aunt Madeline, Roman's mother, Roman, Lily, and Stella. They all paused their conversation when they saw me approach.

"Rob! I've been looking for you all evening. Come give your Aunt Maddie a kiss," my Aunt said, offering her cheek to me. I kissed her brusquely, and turned my glare at my mother.

"What's up with you, Rob? You look like you could murder someone right now," Stella said.

"I could," I said, still keeping my eyes trained on my mother.

To her credit, she looked me straight in the eye, not even flinching or showing any sign of discomfort or guilt. "A word with you, mother," I said, darkly.

"Oh please, Robert. What's gotten into your head now? Just let it out. We're all family here," she said, sounding exasperated.

I gnashed my teeth in frustration. The last thing I wanted to do was get into this private matter with her in front of Roman, his mother and Lily. Stella was looking a little too interested for my liking too. Instead, I clamped down on my annoyance and tried to smile lightly. It felt like my mouth was made of cement, and I was sure it came out like a grimace.

"I noticed you invited Cordelia Crenshaw tonight," I said.

I had the satisfaction to see her momentarily blush, but she matched my casual tone. "Yes, I had er--forgotten about that. I saw Cordelia at the Forrester's the other week and invited her on a whim."

I didn't believe her for a second, but I knew that was all I'd get out of her right now. I wasn't about to pick an argument in front of all these people either, especially on her anniversary, so I reluctantly let it go. I turned back around, looking for Emilia. Now that I'd gotten that off my chest, regardless of how unsatisfactory it had been, I felt more in control of my emotions, and could greet her with some modicum of civility.

A familiar laugh arrested my attention and I saw Emilia chatting with none other than Peter Stanwick. I almost wanted to throw my hands up in frustration or punch a wall. Could this night get any worse? Peter Stanwick was a prick, and another person whose presence here tonight irked me. I turned back to my mother again and lifted an eyebrow at her, daring her to explain why she invited him. Instead she just shrugged and sipped on her champagne.

Emilia was leaned in close to Peter--too close--and was whispering in his ear. The sight sent a rush of red hot jealousy coursing through me. She was flirting with him shamelessly, and in my own home no less.

His arm reach out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear and I almost lost it. I was just about to make my way over to break up their little tete a tete when I felt a hand on my arm. Roman was looking at me with concern and shook his head. I wanted to shake him off, but another laugh drew my attention, and I looked up to see Emilia and Peter walking away arm in arm.

Humiliated didn't even begin to describe how I felt. I couldn't stand the pitying looks from those around me. I knew our engagement was fake, but no one else but Stella, Roman, and possibly Lily knew. The scene we'd all just witnessed made me look like a fool in front of everyone.

I wanted to follow them and beat the ever loving shit out of Peter Stanwick, but that would have caused a bigger scene at my parent's party. And I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of letting her know she had gotten to me. Instead, I shook myself free of Roman's grasp and walked toward Cordelia.







Chapter 18: Emilia


Peter Stanwick was a perv and boring on top of it all. What a mistake it had been for me to go off with him. We were standing outside on the balcony while he went on and on about some vacation he took with the 11th Earl of whatever. I'd stopped listening as soon as we'd gone outside.

When I'd first arrived at the party, my eyes scanned for Rob's familiar form. I'd taken extra care tonight with my appearance, hoping foolishly to impress him. After my talk with his mother this morning, I began to wonder if maybe I should take a chance and try a little harder to let him know how I felt. His mother seemed to accept me, and maybe Rob just needed a little nudging to admit his feelings.

As soon as I spotted him, my face lit up. But that was short lived. He looked over at me and our eyes met, and for a fraction of a second, I felt like the world stopped turning. Then I noticed that frown on his face and the anger he seemed to be projecting toward me. The illusion was gone, and instead of feeling hopeful, I felt depressed and angry instead.

Now I knew how stupid I'd been, yet again. It seemed like I'd never learn my lesson when it came to Rob. He would never change. It was pathetic of me to keep having these hopes, when he'd made it crystal clear that our relationship was fake, and only a temporary thing. He'd practically begged to be let out of the contract early, but it was only my stubbornness and pride that forced him to stay.

I walked into the ballroom carefully, not wanting to trip on my Elie Saab gown. All eyes were on me and the last thing I needed was to face plant into the ground. Once I made it inside, I expected Rob to at least come over to say hi, if only for appearance sake. I was his fiancée, after all.

Instead, he'd deliberately walked away from me as if I were nothing. He didn't even shoot me a look or a word to explain where he was off to. Just gone. I heard titters from some of the people around me who had witnessed his rude exit, but I held my head up, trying not to let it get to me--or at least show that it got to me.

I wouldn't let Rob's callous behavior ruin my mood or my night, and I certainly wasn't going to let a perfectly good designer dress go to waste by leaving early or hiding myself away in a corner. If Rob wanted to pretend I didn't exist, then I was sure I could find someone else who would jump at the chance to keep me company.

It didn't take long for Peter Stanwick to saunter over to me, a cocky grin on his face. He was handsome in an arrogant way. He had the look of a blue blood all over him, from his aquiline nose to his slightly protruding teeth. Still, he was tall, fit and had a good head of sandy brown hair that was slicked back from his forehead.

He looked me up and down appreciatively, his eyes lingering on the plunging neckline of my dress. Normally, I wouldn't hesitate to tell him off for leering at me like a piece of meat, but tonight I welcomed it. At least he was someone who paid attention to me. Seeing my smile as an invitation, he reached out and lifted my hand and kissed the back of it. I had to fight to keep from recoiling at his touch, and maintain a pleasant look on my face even though he was cheesy as hell.

"You look like a fairy goddess," he said.

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from saying something rash. It wasn't the man's fault that he had no game. I wondered idly if his lines ever worked on anyone else, but I kept my mouth shut and just smiled and thanked him for his compliment.

"I see your fiancé has left you to fend for yourself," he added a moment later.

I shrugged, trying to seem unconcerned. "I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself," I said.

At that moment, I looked over and caught Rob talking to his family, not even looking my way. His total indifference felt like salt in the wound, as if he couldn't care less whether I stayed or went. I hated how hurt I was at his behavior.

"Come, let's go get some fresh air. It's getting a bit stuffy in here," Peter said, noticing my deflating mood. He looked genuinely concerned, and I wondered if I might have misjudged him, so I nodded my head and left with him.

Turned out, my first impression was right. Once out of the crowd of guests, Peter turned up the charm, or what he thought was charm. He complimented me again on my dress, my hair, my eyes, and my charming American accent. He was also getting a little more touchy-feely out in the relative seclusion of the balcony. We weren't the only ones out here, but he had managed to get us to a somewhat private spot hidden in the shadows. I was getting sick of his attention and thought I'd rather take my chances back inside the house.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

I looked up and stared at Peter blankly. I had no idea that he was even still talking, but shook my head and smiled politely.

"I'm sorry. I must have been distracted. Do you mind if we head back inside? It's getting a little bit chilly out here." To emphasize my point, I rubbed my bare arms and shivered.

Instead of being a gentleman and offering to escort me back in, he got a wicked gleam in his eye, and leaned in close to whisper in my ear. "I'm sure I can think of countless ways to warm you back up," he said, licking his lips.

I shuddered at the thought. "No, I'm going inside. You can stay out here if you like," I said more firmly.

Peter's face transformed, and he looked almost dangerous as he grabbed my arm in a firm grip when I turned go. "What's your hurry? I'm sure no one inside will miss you," he said, his voice laced with menace. His grasp on my arm was tight, and was pinching the sensitive skin under my upper arm.

I was not only cold now, but pissed off. If this guy thought he could overpower me because I was petite and a woman, he had another thing coming. I wasn't raised in a family with three brothers, and I didn't spend most of my career fending off creepy older men, only to be taken advantage of by some pansy little prick like Peter Stanwick.

My first instinct was to turn around and deck him with my free hand, but I was at a bad angle for that. Plus, his grip on my arm restrained my movements. Instead, I relaxed my body and smiled at him coyly.

"You're right. Let's get away from here," I said, batting my lashes at him.

I don't know if he was just an idiot, or so arrogant that he believed I could really want him, but his hold on my arm loosened enough for me to break free. I turned to face him fully, and before he knew what was coming, kneed him right in the groin. I heard a loud satisfying crack as he fell to the ground in a heap, curled up in a fetal position.

"You bitch!" he yelled as he lay writing on the floor.

"Don't forget it either. Next time you come at me like that, I will fucking cut your balls off, capiche?" I whispered menacingly in his ear.

He didn't say anything, but continued to writhe on the floor, breathing heavily. I turned around and marched back into the house, adrenaline rushing through me, making my heart pound in my chest. The evening had just completely turned into one of the worse nights of my life. I wondered if it could get any worse when my eyes caught sight of Rob standing next to some other woman.

She was backed up against a wall, looking up at him adoringly while he stood close to her--so close their bodies were touching. Rob's arms were pressed up against the wall on either side of her head. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear, and she laughed loudly.

Several people turned to look in their direction, but Rob didn't notice. He didn't seem to care. I noticed several pairs of eyes dart my way speculatively, and felt a flush of embarrassment at their pitying looks.

As if fending off Peter Stanwick wasn't enough, now I had to watch my supposed fiancé flirt with some other woman in a roomful of people. I didn't know whether to walk up to him and throw a drink in his face, or pretend like nothing was wrong. The third option was to just leave. I was very tempted to do that. It would serve him right, but I had no intention of running away. We were still engaged in the eyes of the public, and leaving would just cause more trouble for me in the long run.

I tried my best to look unconcerned, as if it didn't bother me, when inside I just wanted to cry. I tore my eyes away from the sight of Rob and the mystery brunette, and pasted a smile on my face, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I scanned the room looking for a familiar or at least friendly face. A grim smile twisted my lips as I watched Peter Stanwick limp into the room, his face scrunched up in pain. The sight was very satisfying, but not enough to forget about Rob and his whore.

"Hello, I don't think we've met." The accent was American and I turned around to see a tall blonde with kind eyes looking down at me. "I'm Lily Conrad. Rob's cousin by marriage," she said introducing herself.

"Emilia," I said. "It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot of good things about you."

She blushed modestly and waved her hand in front of us nonchalantly. "I'm sure it's all exaggerated. Anyway, I'm a huge fan of yours.
The Clan
was such a good movie, one of my all-time favorites. I loved you and Erik Ralston in it. I'm sorry, if I sound like a fan girl; I'm not embarrassing you, am I?" she blurted in a rapid fire stream.

"No, no. It's actually nice to see a kind face in this sea of strangers. So compliment me all you like," I smiled.

Her face fell for a moment and I saw her dart her eyes toward Rob and the brunette. She shook her head imperceptibly, almost to herself, and turned back to me.

"I hope you don't mind my saying this, but Roman told me about you and Rob. He's being a complete jackass, and I really don't know what's gotten into him. I've never seen him so out of sorts before."

"Don't worry about it," I said brushing it off. I didn't know what to think about this relative stranger knowing my business. Rob had signed a confidentiality agreement and yet he'd seen fit to tell his cousin about our arrangement. I felt another burst of irritation at him. I must have let my annoyance show on my face because Lily was quick to apologize.

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