The Fry Chronicles

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Authors: Stephen Fry

BOOK: The Fry Chronicles
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Also by Stephen Fry


The Liar

The Hippopotamus

Making History

The Stars’ Tennis Balls



Moab is My Washpot

Rescuing the Spectacled Bear

The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within

Stephen Fry in America

with Hugh Laurie

A Bit of Fry and Laurie

A Bit More Fry and Laurie

Three Bits of Fry and Laurie

Fry and Laurie Bit No. 4

The Fry Chronicles


an imprint of



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First published 2010

Copyright © Stephen Fry, 2010

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ISBN: 978-0-14-196957-2

To M’Coll



C is for C
for Cereal, for Candy,
for Caries, for Cavities, for Carbohydrates, for Calories

C is for Cigarettes for Convict, for Cundall,
for Corporal Punishment, for Common Pursuit, for Cessation

1. College to Colleague

College and Class
Chess, Classics, Classical Composers, Curiosity and Cheating
Caledonia 1
Cherubs, Coming Out, Continent
Challenge 1
Corpus Christening
Chariots 1
Caledonia 2
Comedy Colleague, Collaborator and Comrade
Continuity and Clubroom
Comedy Credits
Chariots 2
Corpsing Chorus
Cellar Tapes and Celebration
Cheerio, Cambridge
Caledonia 3

2. Comedy

Carry on Capering
Clash of Cultures
Chelsea, Coleherne Clones and Conscience
Colonel and Coltrane
Computer 1
Challenge 2
Church and Chekhov
Cockney Capers
Chichester 1
Crises of Confidence
Commercials, Covent Garden, Compact Discs, Cappuccinos and Croissants
Crystal Cube
Cryptic in Connecticut
Critics and Couriers
Confirmed Celibate
Characters and the Corporation
Colonel and Mrs Chichester
Computer 2
Conspicuous Consumption
Country Cottages, Cheques, Credit Cards and Classic Cars
Carlton Club Crustiness
Courtly Comedy
Coral Christmas, Cassidy, C4, Clapless Clapham, Cheeky Chappies and Coltrane’s Cock
Clipper Class, Côte Basque and Choreography




Work is more fun than fun

Noël Coward

I really must stop saying sorry; it doesn’t make things any better or worse. If only I had it in me to be all fierce, fearless and forthright instead of forever sprinkling my discourse with pitiful retractions, apologies and prevarications. It is one of the reasons I could never have been an artist, either of a literary or any other kind. All the true artists I know are uninterested in the opinion of the world and wholly unconcerned with self-explanation. Self-revelation, yes, and often, but never self-explanation. Artists are strong, bloody-minded, difficult and dangerous. Fate, or laziness, or cowardice cast me long ago in the role of entertainer, and that is what I found myself, throughout my twenties, becoming, though at times a fatally over-earnest, over-appeasing one, which is no kind of entertainer at all, of course. Wanting to be liked is often a very unlikeable characteristic. Certainly I don’t like it in myself. But then, there is a lot in myself that I don’t like.

Twelve years ago I wrote a memoir of my childhood and adolescence called
Moab is My Washpot
, a title that confused no one, so clear, direct and obvious was its meaning and reference. Or perhaps not. The chronology
took me up to the time I emerged from prison and managed somehow to get myself accepted into university, which is where this book takes up the story. For the sake of those who have read
I don’t mean to go over the same ground. Where I mention events from my past that I covered there I shall append a superscribed obelus, thus:


This book picks up the threads and charts the next eight years of my life. Why so many pages for so few years? It was a late adolescence and early manhood crowded with incident, that is one answer. Another is that in every particular I fail Strunk’s
Elements of Style
or any other manual of ‘good writing’. If a thing can be said in ten words, I may be relied upon to take a hundred to say it. I ought to apologize for that. I ought to go back and ruthlessly prune, pare and extirpate excess growth, but I will not. I like words – strike that, I
words – and while I am fond of the condensed and economical use of them in poetry, in song lyrics, in Twitter, in good journalism and smart advertising, I love the luxuriant profusion and mad scatter of them too. After all, as you will already have noticed, I am the kind of person who writes things like ‘I shall append a superscribed obelus, thus’. If my manner of writing is a self-indulgence that has you grinding your teeth then I am sorry, but I am too old a dog to be taught to bark new tunes.

Between Mama and Papa with a rather long-haired Roger on the right.

I hope you forgive the unedifying sight of my struggle to express some of the truths of my inner self and to measure the distance between the mask of security, ease, confidence and assurance I wear (so easily that its features often lift into a smirk that looks like complacency and smugness) and the real condition of
anxiety, self-doubt, self-disgust and fear in which much of my life then and now is lived. It is a life, I suppose, as interesting or as uninteresting as anyone else’s. It is mine and I can do what I like with it, both in the world in the real plane of facts and objects and on the page in the even more real plane of words and subjects. It is not for me to be so cavalier with the lives of others, however. In much of my life from 1977 to 1987 people appear who are known in the public world and to whom I cannot give convincing pseudonyms. If I told you, for example, that at university I met a man called Lew Horrie and that we embarked on a comic career together it might not take great insight or too much Googling on your part to know that I was writing about a real person. It is not for me to go blabbing about his life and loves, personal habits, mannerisms and modes of behaviour, is it? On the other hand, were I simply to say that everyone I met in my journey through life was darling and gorgeous and super and lovely and talented and dazzling and sweet, you would soon enough be arcing streams of hot vomit all over the place and in every probability short-circuiting your eBook reader. I don’t doubt for a minute that my publishers have already made it clear in the small print of the contract I signed with them that I, the author, am responsible for all lawsuits appertaining to, but not restricted to, emetic and bodily fluid damage to electronic reading devices in this and all territories. So I am sailing between the Scylla of protecting the wholly reasonable privacy of friends and colleagues and the Charybdis of causing you, the reader, to sick up. It is a narrow course, and I shall do my best to steer it safely.

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