The Forgotten Sin (Purifiers Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: The Forgotten Sin (Purifiers Book 1)
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"Like I had a choice... there were those who thought it was too beneath them to have
sausages in their prestigious lunch party and threw it on the floor in disgrace!" Kazuki
answered sounding as if this was not the first time that something like this had happened.

"What a waste!" Iliana said then light heartedly added. "Well... if that happens again
think of Yuki and I. Both of us would be most grateful to have extra food in our bellies,
especially barbecued sausages... Although I would prefer to have ones that have not been
on the floor... do you agree Yuki?... Yes you do!"

Iliana tickled Yuki under her neck who turned to her with her baby blue eyes glistening and
barked happily. Iliana then looked back up at Kazuki and her eyes widened and her mouth
dropped. Kazuki was smiling. He had a smile that could make any woman, man, child and
even animal fall to their knees. It almost made Iliana’s heart melt inside her chest.

"You know... you look like a fish with your mouth open like that." Kazuki
announced which made Iliana close her mouth quickly and narrow her eyes at him. "What
were you staring at?"

"You... you were smiling!... I have never seen you smile before!"

"You say it as if I cannot."

"Actually... I thought you could not!" Iliana said still in shock.

Kazuki raised an eyebrow when his mobile rang in his light brown trouser pocket where he
reached into to pick it up.

"Hello... Father Benjamin... hold on, let me put you on speaker."

"Why are you putting me on speaker?" Father Benjamin asked just after Kazuki
pressed the speaker button on his mobile.

"Hello Father Benjamin." Iliana said cheerfully.

"Iliana?... Whoa!... Wait... You two are together? I know I asked Kazuki to keep an
eye on you but I did not mean it that way!" He commented in a shocked tone.

"Do not get the wrong idea... we just happened to be in the same place at the same
time!" Iliana exclaimed.

She then realised that this was the first time her and Kazuki had a nice-ish conversation.

"As if things like that even cross my mind." Father Benjamin said. "Anyway... as
both of you are coincidentally
and conveniently together, Jung has discovered something."

"Sorry... who is Jung?" Iliana asked.

"He is a Special Agent in the police force and part of my small team." Father
Benjamin answered. "He will explain to both of you of his findings. I just need you two to
meet us in front of the Noire club at ten tonight."

"At ten?" Iliana repeated immediately thinking that she would have to ask Mrs.
Croppe to look after Yuki for the night.

Mother was again occupied with her seemingly demanding boss and Father was up to his
neck with the sudden unusual amounts of incidents at the hospital which he did not want to
go into detail when Iliana asked...

"What kind of incidents?"

So both of them will most definitely be not at home until after midnight again.

"Do not tell me... your worried your not going to bed early to catch up with your
sleep!" Kazuki sarcastically commented seeing the worried look on Iliana’s face.

Iliana gave him an evil look before retaliating sarcastically back through gritted teeth.

"No actually... but I am so
glad you think I am beautiful and need more beauty sleep
to top up."

"Not exactly what I meant... I was thinking along the lines where maybe a beauty
sleep might
do you more good."

With that comment Iliana picked up a tray of sausages and threw it at Kazuki. Yuki
grabbed as many of the thrown sausages as she could with her mouth. While Kazuki who
did not expect that to happen was left crouched there with grease from the sausages
smeared on his brilliant white shirt.

"I will see you then Father Benjamin." Iliana hastily said in a huff not even looking
in Kazuki’s direction.

She then stormed off with Yuki hot on her heels with a mouthful of sausages.

"Do you want to tell me what just happened?" Father Benjamin asked.

"You do not want to know." Kazuki answered with a smile on his face.




***CHAPTER 3***



It was fifteen minutes before ten when Iliana stepped out the taxi. She was surprised
how early she had arrived after the long conversation she had with Mother over the phone.
When Iliana told Mother she was going out with some friends and may not be home until
late Mother interrogated her. Asking who she was going with, where she was going. But
finally agreed when Iliana mentioned twisting the truth a little that one of her friends was a
police officer. Iliana wished she had not bothered to call her.

After turning the road, the taxi drove off and left Iliana standing on the pavement of
an empty street. The air was still warm but the sky was black and the light wind brushed
through Iliana’s long and thick hair. Noire club was a large building that stood at the end
facing the long street with the ‘Noire’ sign flickering above the double doors. The shops
either side of the street had ‘Closing Down’ signs taped across their windows. It was
desolate compared to the other side of the city which was heaving with people, mainly pub

A red four door Mini Cooper turned from the end of the street with a silver Ford
Focus following behind it. Both cars parked on the side of the road, steps away from Iliana.

An Asian man who looked in his late twenties got out from the Mini Cooper and made his
way to Iliana, while Kazuki and Father Benjamin got out the Ford Focus. His wavy black
hair hung loosely around his head, nearly touching his shoulders. Even though he was small
built and probably only inches taller than Iliana, you could tell he worked out at the gym by
his strong physique. On top of his white shirt he wore a dark coloured jacket which was
open revealing his police badge clipped on one side of his black jeans.

He noticed Iliana eyeing his badge which he then unclipped and stuffed it in his jeans

"Will not be needing that tonight... I am officially off duty!" He exclaimed in a good
spoken English but with an Asian accent.

He stretched out his hand for Iliana to shake which she did with a warm smile.

"You are obviously Iliana, my name is Jung... Father Benjamin has told me a lot of
things about you, but he failed to tell me how beautiful you are." He said flirtatiously.

His dark almond eyes surveyed Iliana in her skinny black jeans with a turquoise patterned
three quarter length sleeved blouse tucked in and her white plimsolls on her dainty feet.

"Aww... you make me blush with such a comment... but I am glad someone
thinks I
am a little attractive." Iliana said her eyes wandering over to Kazuki as both he and Father
Benjamin stood either side of Jung.

She still had not forgiven him for what he said to her earlier that afternoon, and when their
eyes met she gave him a frosty glare. Kazuki raised one of his thick but nicely shaped
eyebrows before returning the same look back at her. Jung looked from Iliana to Kazuki
confused at the awkward atmosphere.

"Did something happen between you two?" He asked.

Although she was still fuming with him she had to refrain from staring at how good Kazuki
looked. His black long sleeved shirt was rolled up to his elbows with three buttons undone
from the collar, and was tucked in his dark coloured trousers. He wore the shiniest pair of
black shoes Iliana had ever seen. But she kept her eyes on Jung and answered.

"Not at all, anyway... why are we at this club on this quiet side of the city?"

"Well... believe it or not, but this club and this side of the city used to be heaving
with life before it was ruined... But it is not actually the club that we are going into, but the
winery warehouse behind it." Jung said.

"The warehouse?" Iliana repeated unaware that one even existed behind the club.

"Yep!... Come on... follow me and I will explain but vigilant, I do not know what is
lurking around here."

Father Benjamin nodded taking out his silver cross and bible from the pocket of his light
black jacket which he unzipped and left open. As Jung lead the small group through the
narrow alley down the side of the club which reeked like a public toilet that had never been
cleaned, he started to explain all he knew.

"For a few weeks my department has had some peculiar reports from the people in
the city, especially this particular area. The majority of those reports are missing people,
unusual behaviours and a few cases of insanity."

"Insanity?... Why are the police involved in those who are insane? Should they not
contact the doctors?" Iliana asked stepping over a couple of empty boxes.

"Actually... it was the doctor’s who contacted us. Some of the patients at the hospital
began to attack other patients and the staff." Jung answered who then stopped and turned
round. "Your Father works at the hospital right?... Err... Mr. D’coye?"

Iliana nodded.

"Yes... Father has
mentioned in minor details about some incidents at the hospital.
He has been working absurdly late. Sometimes not even coming home at all... and when he
does, he looks utterly drained." She explained as she remembered one night when she could
not sleep, Father came home in the early hours of the morning looking extremely pale and
tired, he could barely climb up the stairs.

"Well... we have asked the hospital directors to keep a lid on all incidents. We have
miraculously kept this quiet for a while now." Jung said as he carried on walking. "A few
nights ago I had two of my best men survey this area. I was talking to them over the phone
when they came across this warehouse, and there were these familiar growling noises in the
background. I told them to get away quickly but both of them started to scream and the
phone went off. I haven’t seen them since and neither has their families which I then had to
tell them they were on an important mission and won’t be back for a few days. Wrapping
all the evidence together I knew that this called for our little team... and this warehouse
might give us some clues to what might be going on."

They finally reached the end of the alley which seemed to have gone on a long way.
Standing alone in the dark in it’s own spacious area was the huge metal warehouse. It
looked as desolate as the town was and the atmosphere was so eerie. Iliana felt cold shivers
go down her spine which made her step back into Kazuki.

"If it is too scary for you... you can always run back home to mummy and daddy like
a little girl!" He said sarcastically.

Sighing with annoyance, Iliana snapped back.

"You have very
wrong and disillusioned views on girls!"

"I am of course correct... all you girls are the same, especially the rich ones... You
are all pretty much useless at everything other than shopping, flirting and attempting to
make yourselves look good."

"Like your one to talk... boys like yourself, always think your so cool... strong and
think you know it all, when in actual fact you are just full of hot air."

Jung snorted with laughter as Father Benjamin stood between Iliana and Kazuki before
either of them could say anymore.

"Now, now, children... this is really
not the right time and place for your little
bickering." He said resting a hand on both their shoulders.

"Looks like you have met your match Kazuki." Jung said.

As Kazuki threw Jung a sarcastic look a loud thud and deep growling noises came
from the warehouse. Everyone stood still in silence, listening to the muffled shuffling
noises. From under his jacket Jung took out two long silver guns that were tucked in his
trousers behind him. The guns looked so shiny and clean that the detailed engravings of a
cross on each side could still be seen in the dimly lit area they were standing in. Jung
nodded at Kazuki who then took off a silver chain that he wore under his shirt. The pendant
that hung from it was a silver cross. At the centre of it was a small button, and when Kazuki
pressed it, a sharp pin rose from the top of the cross. He then pricked his thumb firmly on
the tip of the needle like point and blood began to trickle down the pin. The pin along with
the blood quickly disappeared back inside the cross. Iliana watched in awe as the end of the
cross grew longer and wider to form the blade. The top of the cross grew thicker to form
the Cross-guard and Hilt where Kazuki wrapped his hand round tightly. Suddenly in a split
second the cross formed into a long beautiful and slender sword.

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