The Forgotten Eden (14 page)

Read The Forgotten Eden Online

Authors: Aiden James

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Horror, #Dark Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: The Forgotten Eden
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A single ‘click’ resounded when both objects were inserted. With a loud groan the massive gates opened. The bright golden glow from the village poured out into the corridor, bathing us. Gripping her hand tight we stepped into her surreal village, and the gates slowly closed behind us.”

The Golden Village

I’d like another Coke,” said Jack.

Sure, no problem.”

Peter stood up and moved over to the small refrigerator. “Let’s see...there’s still three left after this one, but I’m sure I can get more if needed.” He brought it over to the table.

Have you heard enough, yet?” asked Jack, after a healthy swallow. “I’ll be more than happy to shut up about this shit if you’d rather.”

No,” said Peter. “You keep forgetting I’m not your average audience.”

Well, there’s some seriously intense stuff about to come your way, which may prove to be a lot harder to digest—even for you,” Jack advised. “My personal involvement may make it really tough to share everything, Agent McNamee. I’ll give it my best shot.”

I’ll take what you’ve got, Jack,” said Peter, relaxing back into his seat once more. “So, let’s hear it.”

All right,” said Jack, pausing to take another deep breath and release it slow. “Once the gates closed, we started walking along a golden cobblestone road. I mean, it at least looked like real gold. A variety of shops lined both sides of the road amid tall juniper trees and mature magnolias. There were a number of weeping willows as well.

Many of the buildings stood several stories high and appeared to be made of the same white marble as the path leading to the village, with snakes, dragons, and other exotic critters etched in gold on their walls. The buildings tapered inward on each level, similar to ancient structures in South America and the Far East I’d seen in pictures. Each of the inset doors, window shutters, and even the shingles on each roof were painted gold too. Some buildings had really odd symbols, completely foreign to me, etched above the doorways.

I remember how everyone in the village was really tall, and despite their unusual height, there wasn’t an ugly one in the bunch. Like a bunch of Hollywood hunks and divas, man, that could all be playing for the Lakers. They hung out in groups of four to six, and they seemed to be having a really great time. Their laughter filled the air around me. The language they spoke seemed stranger to me than the one spoken by the miahluschkas. I asked Genovene if they all were part of her family.

No, they’re not,’ she replied. ‘These are the caretakers for my village, and they’re off from work today. We all love a good holiday!”

They all wore colorful robes and tunics, and a ton of gold jewelry. Olive skinned, their long braided hair was so dark it looked purple to me. At least their eye color was like most folks—you know, everything from gray to brown, but flashing with a luminance unlike what you’d normally see. Sort of like the damn sparkling vampires in one of those Twilight flicks. And despite being almost seven feet tall, their movements were elegant…graceful and incredibly limber.”

A basketball coach’s wet dream, perhaps?” said Peter, grinning wryly.

For real,” Jack agreed, snickering for a moment while his eyes bore a faraway look. “At least at first glance they’d be, I guess…. Genovene asked me if I was hungry yet. I told her ‘yes’, a little.

Good, I’ve got just the thing for us!’ she said. She pointed to a small open-air market to the right of us, where all sorts of delectable treats were on display. ‘Come on!’

She enthusiastically tugged on my hand, but I resisted her. I didn’t budge at all.

What’s wrong?’ she asked, her face clouded with worry.

I don’t know...maybe I should get back home, Genovene,’ I told her, looking down at my feet to avoid her penetrating gaze…those eyes that now seemed to flicker. ‘Grandpa’s probably wondering where I am by now. He’s pretty good at figuring things out.’

Truth is, I’d been fine up until a moment before, when a weird feeling overwhelmed me. I could’ve sworn I’d also heard a soft voice warning me that I mustn’t stay—to get the hell out of there


she declared, as if hurt by my words. ‘Shame on you, Jack Kenney, for not trusting me yet! I told you earlier your grandpa would be busy for a while, and that you’ll be back home long before he comes looking for you. I know you’re dying to see the rest of my village, so what’ve you got to lose? You’ve already come this far!’

Her lip quivered as if she might cry. Perhaps she also heard the voice. She gazed beyond me and squinted, angry, as if determined to see something difficult to discern. My apprehension began to dissipate, almost as quickly as it had come over me.

She seemed relieved, returning to her vivacious self. But I couldn’t help wondering…. Was something trying to protect me? If so, from whom or what? I guess it was like that inner voice we all ignore at times, then wish later we’d paid attention.

She didn’t give me long to think about it, invading my personal space again. With a naughty smile she eyed me, again so seductive, and slid up close to me, her breasts pushing against my right collarbone and shoulder through her gown.

Jack’, she whispered, huskily. ‘If you really want to leave, you can. I’d be sorely disappointed, but I won’t stop you.... Won’t you at least have a bite to eat first? You’re still hungry, right?’

I nodded that I was.

Come share a small treat with me,’ she said, her voice soft and sultry as the mythical Siren. ‘After that, if you still want to leave, I’ll take you back home immediately. Should you decide instead to continue your visit a while longer, I’ll make sure you have the time of your life.’

I found it harder to hide my arousal. She giggled and stepped away, giving me space only a small part of me wished for. She turned her back and extended her hand for me to take, leading me to the stand while she swung her hips back and forth ever so slight. ‘What would it hurt?’ I told myself, ignoring the dangerous compromise my hormones forced upon my ability to reason clearly.

The marketplace was covered by an elaborate canopy, basically a bakery and produce stand with rows of marble shelves filled with almost everything I liked to eat. Marble columns with etched gold designs supported a twenty-foot ceiling. Thick ivy and wisteria vines hung down from the eves.

Come on in, Jack!’

She pulled me inside the market. The place mostly deserted, the ceiling was embossed with more designs similar to the talisman I had earlier. Something smelled really great—like a freshly baked chocolate cake just pulled from an oven. Genovene led me over to the source of the wonderful aroma, a series of shelves stacked high with a variety of chocolate treats.

Go ahead...pick something that looks good to you.’

I figured I’d try a sample and then head home. Some fudge cookies caught my eye, and I soon determined these were the source of the enticing smell. My stomach started growling, which confirmed my decision to take one. I took a bite, and the instant I swallowed it I felt lightheaded….thought at first it was my hunger. But then the sensation subsided, and with it my immediate desire to return home.

This is really

I’d never tasted anything like it before and ravenously devoured the rest of the cookie, still hungry for more. ‘Would you mind if I had another one?’

She chuckled, but grew silent as she considered my request, her amazing eyes perhaps sifting through my weakened mind.

Why don’t we wait, Jack,’ she finally told me. ‘I’ll save another treat for you to nibble on later, but we mustn’t spoil your appetite. It won’t be too long before the Celebration Feast starts. I’ve got just enough time to show you around my village.’

She slipped a cookie into her gown through a slight opening near her neck, and seductively moved her shoulders back and forth, allowing the treat to slide between her breasts where the ridge of the cookie’s edge soon disappeared. My train of thought vanished with it.

A ‘celebration feast’?’ A strange euphoria gained strength as it flowed through me. ‘What’s that?’

I didn’t tell you?’ She raised her eyebrows as if surprised, and motioned for me to follow her back into the sunlight and the golden road. ‘We’re having a special dinner today that you’re especially invited to attend. Do you have any idea why?’

I shook my head no, fighting to maintain my concentration, the euphoric sensation too strong to resist.

This feast is for you,’ she said. ‘It’s in your honor.’

’ I felt a wide smile spread across my face.

Absolutely!’ She beamed with delight. ‘Now, let’s get started on your personal tour. Shall we?’

She held out her arm for me to take and we moved deeper into the village. At one point, I pulled out my watch to try and see what time it was—strictly out of curiosity. I no longer cared about getting home on time. The crystal face glistened in the sunlight, and for the first time I noticed it’d been scuffed up. This made me sad, though I had absolutely no idea why. At least I could still read the time clearly enough, which seemed important for some reason. It was a few minutes after 11:30 a.m., which meant I had plenty of time.

Plenty of time for what?

I wondered.

Genovene watched me in my struggle as I’d nearly stopped moving. I caught a slight hint of tenderness in her radiant smile. She nudged me to keep up with her and I slipped the watch back into my short’s pocket.

As we moved along, the villagers reappeared around us. More and more of them…like swarming insects they seemed to come out from everywhere, quickly crowding us while we walked deeper into the village. I felt suffocated by their presence. Suddenly they all froze, looking back nervously toward the village entrance.

At first, I saw and heard nothing. Then the loud groaning of the village gates announced the massive doors were reopening. Once the groaning stopped, I heard horse hooves and wagon wheels clicking against the golden cobblestones, moving swiftly toward us.

Everyone scattered off the road and Genovene steered me over to one side, barely avoiding a speeding stagecoach. Pulled along by what I believe were four white Arabian stallions driven by a ruggedly handsome man with long flowing white hair. The man’s lustrous mane and luminous blue eyes very similar to Genovene’s, he was dressed in a black cloak trailed by a long black cape. The carriage itself brilliant white with gold trim, the reins and restraints were covered with an array of colorful gems.

The driver smiled and waved to us, his cape and hair floating and whipping around him as he flew by. Blown back by the wind from the passing carriage, I watched as it disappeared around a corner, a shimmering white blur on its journey to whatever destination it had. The villagers crowded back onto the road, raising their voices joyously and waving their arms above their heads. They chased the speeding carriage as an excited mob, leaving only a few stragglers while the village gates closed again.

Who was that?’ I asked.

That’s Malacai, my brother,’ said Genovene, admiringly. ‘Always in such a hurry!’

How many brothers and sisters do you have again?’

Two of each,’ she confirmed, ‘and, they’re all looking forward to meeting you, Jack!’

I felt another big smile spread across my face, flattered at being treated so important. Genovene affectionately massaged my shoulders before sliding her hand down to mine again. We stepped back onto the golden road, following the excited mob chasing after Malacai.

Where are they all headed to, anyway?’ I asked.

To the plaza,’ she said. “Everyone’s excited about the Celebration Feast, and it should be quite an event this time!’

Do you have these feasts often?’

Not as often as we’d like,’ she told me. ‘We all love a good party around here, and today’s the
opportunity for one!’

Again, she seemed barely able to contain her excitement, and her hair and gown turned translucent in the sunlight. But it was no longer possible for me to know for sure whether my eyes played tricks on me, or whether that fact was even important.

There’s an amusement center just ahead,’ she said. ‘Our arcades are really unique, and I think you might enjoy what we have here. Would you like to see if there’s anything you might want to try your hand at?’

Who wouldn’t? I imagined every kid on the planet would love to trade places with me right then if they could, just for the village’s uniqueness alone.

Sure, that sounds great!’

She led me off the road to our right, and we soon stood in front of the wildest arcade I’ve ever seen. The building gaudy in some ways and at the same time incredibly cool, it looked like it belonged to Universal Studios in Orlando, or some place like that. Layer upon layers of twinkling jewels crowded the outside walls in chaotic designs. The walls looked like they were made of purple marble trimmed in gold, with hideous holographic monsters depicted in violent battle scenes upon each wall. The place stuck out like a sore thumb amongst its more elegant neighbors.

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