The Forest Ranger's Child (21 page)

Read The Forest Ranger's Child Online

Authors: Leigh Bale

Tags: #Maraya21, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Religion & Spirituality, #Fiction

BOOK: The Forest Ranger's Child
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Finally. Finally the words she’d longed to hear. “I love you, too, Dad. More than I can ever say. I’m sorry, too. For everything.”

She spoke through her tears, knowing she might not share this mushy stuff with her father again for years, if ever. But it didn’t matter. They both knew how they felt about one another and she could accept that. It was enough.

Minutes later, Nate joined them, walking Peg to let the horse cool down. Dad rolled down the window of his truck so they could talk.

“She okay?” Nate called as he dismounted.

“No, I’m not,” Lily spoke before Dad could respond.

Both men stared at her, their eyebrows lifted in alarm.

“Nate, Dad’s gonna take me into town. Can you take Peg over to the Stokelys’ place and leave him there?” she asked. “See if Bill will drive you into town to meet us at the clinic. I’ve never had a baby before, but I’m almost certain I’ve gone into labor. And I’m not due for five more weeks.”

Nate nodded, his expression stoic and rather nervous. If Lily hadn’t been feeling so rotten, she would have laughed at the way the two men hurried to meet her request.

And that’s when Lily realized how much she loved them both. How much she never wanted to be parted from Dad or Nate ever again. Come what may.

It hadn’t been easy, this forgiveness thing. But God had performed a miracle in her life. He’d brought her home. He’d kept her safe. He’d given her a family to cherish.

Now she just needed to tell Nate how she felt about him. And pray that he’d forgive her stubborn foolishness for ever pushing him away.

* * *

Hours later, Lily released a sigh of relief. Her contractions had stopped and the doctor told her the baby should be okay.

“But don’t push it, Lily. It’s bed rest for you until your due date. No more all-nighters in a rainstorm with your horses. No more housework. No more cooking and gardening. No more anything except taking care of your own needs. Or I’ll put you in a hospital bed for the next five weeks. Understand?” Dr. Kenner gave her a scolding frown.

Lily nodded, not daring to argue. Somehow, she’d figure out a way to take care of the horses. The Lord would help her. He always had. She just needed to have faith and He’d see her through.

“She’ll behave. I’ll make sure of that.”

Lily looked up and found Nate leaning against the doorjamb, his thumbs slung through the sides of his belt buckle. His warm gaze rested on her, his eyes narrowed with gentle determination.

“Nate! I’m so glad you’re here.”

“You are?”

“Oh, yes!” She didn’t even try to fight the glittery feeling she had inside. Not when he was the one person she longed to see more than any other.

“I’ll leave her in your hands, then.” As the doctor left the room, Lily sat up, moving her left arm carefully so she didn’t pull out the IV.

“Are you really happy to see me?” Nate rested his hands by his sides as he sauntered forward and stood next to the bed.

“Oh, yes. So very happy.” She met his gaze, amazed by the welling of love that overflowed her heart. In such a short time, she’d learned that her capacity to love never ceased. Soon, she’d have a new baby to love. It just went on and on, growing with each new member of her family.

Nate’s somber expression didn’t soften as he jutted his chin toward her large stomach. “That little girl has been through an awful lot. Both of you have. This was a close call, Lil.”

“I know. We could have lost the entire ranch instead of just the stable and some corrals. Thank goodness Dad and I updated our insurance policy right after the Stokelys’ ranch was hit. Our policy includes flood coverage.”

“I’m very glad, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

She frowned and cocked her head. “What do you mean?”

His eyes narrowed. “You could have had the baby early. And I’d like us to be married before our baby comes.”

She sucked back a surprised gasp and tried to swallow around the sudden lump in her throat. “Our baby?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He glanced at her tummy. “I know I didn’t father that little girl, but she’s my child just the same. I want her to grow up knowing we both love her. I want her to grow up knowing me.”

A spear of happiness pierced Lily’s heart and she couldn’t keep herself from smiling wide. “What exactly are you proposing?”

“I think you know.” His tight mouth twitched with a barely concealed smile.

She gave a hoarse croak of laughter. “Yes, I know. But will you ask me one more time, please? Just so I can say yes?”

He lowered to one knee, his head and broad shoulders barely showing above the high hospital bed. She couldn’t see when his hand slipped inside his pants pocket, but he produced her mother’s engagement ring and placed it on her finger before squeezing her hand tight.

“Marry me, Lillian Hansen. If I have to beg, I will. But I’d rather not have to ask you a third time. I love you. More than I can ever say. Please be mine forever.”

His voice sounded insistent, persuasive even. And Lily tugged on his arm to get him to stand up and hug her. He obliged her with a minimum of confusion. As the warmth of his solid arms slid around her shoulders, she felt so comforted. So safe and wanted.

“Oh, yes, Nate. I’ll gladly marry you,” she whispered against his ear before kissing his lips. She gazed adoringly at his chiseled face, unable to see through the haze of tears filling her eyes. “Don’t worry, dear. You won’t have to ask me again. I’ve learned where I belong. I love you, too. So much. I’ve been such a dope to resist you. I should have seen what the Lord tried to show me again and again.”

As he leaned over her, his wide smile of pleasure told her everything she needed to know. “And what’s that, sweetheart?”

“That you’re the man for me. And I’m the gal for you. It’s that simple. I should have trusted you from the start. You saved my life. You and the Lord’s love have made me whole again.”

“I feel the same about you, Lil. I never knew how lonely I was until you came along. Being with you completes me.” He lowered his head, his lips grazing hers in a soft kiss.


They broke apart, staring at the door where Dad stood hat in hand, looking beet red with embarrassment.

“I…I’m sorry to interrupt, but does this mean we’re gonna have a wedding? Do we get to keep the baby?”

Nate glanced at Lily and waited for her confirmation. She answered loud and clear, her voice vibrating with contentment. “It sure does, Daddy. And the sooner we get married, the better. We want to make it legal before Rose is born.”

“Rose?” Nate asked, his eyes aglow with love.

She nodded and bit her bottom lip. Her entire body quaked with joy. “Yes, after my mother.”

He kissed her and she felt his chuckle rumbling deep in his chest. “How about Rose Allison?”

She lifted one brow. “Allison?”

“After my mother.”

She said the name several times, trying it out on her tongue. “Rose Allison Coates. Yes, I think that name is absolutely perfect.”

Hank’s laughter filled the room and he slapped his scruffy cowboy hat against his thigh. “So do I, darlin’. So do I. I’m sure glad you’re finally getting hitched. Now Nate can stay out at the ranch all the time where he belongs.”

“I’ll still have to drive into town for my ranger job, but I can take care of the horses, too,” Nate said.

Lily smiled. “As long as you come home to me each night, I don’t care what you do for a living.”

“You won’t be able to keep me away,” he promised her.

And with Hank’s blessing, Lily married the man of her dreams later that week. Three weeks later, they welcomed little Rose into their home. A healthy, perfect baby girl.

“Our first child. Except for her mother, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in all my life.” Nate spoke in awe as he held the sleeping infant in his arms. His large finger looked so big and strong with Rose’s small hand wrapped around it. He gazed at the child with an expression of utter rapture. His child.

Lily gave a playful grimace and pressed her hands against her abdomen. “It’s hard to think about having another baby after the labor and delivery I just went through.”

“Do you mind so much?” He leaned over to smile into her eyes and kiss her lips.

“Of course not. My mom used to say having a child was nine months of hardship for a lifetime of joy. Knowing what Daddy went through with me, I suspect it’s a lifetime of hardship, too. But I’d gladly go through it again as long as our children are healthy, happy and love the Lord.”

“I agree. We’ll teach our children to trust in God and serve Him.” Nate kissed her again, very sweetly. His lopsided smile and the loving emotion gleaming in his eyes spoke volumes.

What more could Lily ask for? The Lord had given her everything. And so much more.

* * * * *

Look for another wonderful book

from Leigh Bale in early 2013,

only from Love Inspired books!

Dear Reader,

Have you ever made a serious mistake in your life? One that led you down a dark path that pulled you away from God and broke the hearts of your loved ones?

All of us sin. No one is perfect, except Jesus Christ, our Savior. Sin alienates us from God and deadens our spiritual soul. Because God knew we could not live a perfect life here in mortality, Christ came to rescue us from our wrongdoings. Justice demands restitution for our wrongs. But how can we, as imperfect beings, ever pay the price to make things right again? We cannot. We needed a mediator to atone for our sins. Otherwise we could not be forgiven. Christ paid that price for each of us.

The Forest Ranger’s Child,
the heroine comes to the realization that Christ has atoned for her sins. He suffered excruciating physical and spiritual pain so that we all might be made whole. I am amazed by the love and great sacrifice my Savior has offered each and every one of us. All we need to do to take advantage of this great gift is repent and forsake our sins. What a perfect plan our Heavenly Father has given us. What a perfect love He offers all His children on earth.

I hope you enjoy reading
The Forest Ranger’s Child,
and I invite you to visit my website at to learn more about my books.

May you find peace in the Lord’s words!

Leigh Bale

Questions for Discussion

  1. Lily Hansen returns home after being gone for years, hoping to rebuild her relationship with her estranged father and the Lord. Pregnant and alone, she doesn’t know where else to turn. Do you think she made the right decision by going home? What would you have done instead?
  2. From their first meeting, Lily feels comfortable and safe in Nathan’s presence. Have you ever connected with someone in this way? If so, who was it? Did this person feel the same way about you?
  3. Hank Hansen is Lily’s gruff father. Why do you think it is so hard for Hank to tell her he loves her? Do you have a problem telling your family members that you love them or showing them physical affection? Why or why not?
  4. Knowing about Lily’s past, why do you think she has a deep and abiding distrust of all men? Do you think she was right to be distrustful of Nathan, even after he had saved her life from the flash flood? Why or why not?
  5. Nate was raised by a single mother who suffered guilt and isolation most of her adult life. For this reason, he has compassion for Lily’s plight. Do you believe Lily deserved to be ostracized by people at church and within her community because of what she’d done? Why or why not?
  6. Lily returns home seeking a safe haven where she can have her baby. But when she arrives, she discovers that her father is ailing and suffering from financial trouble. This causes Lily to think more about her father’s needs than her own. Do you think it was good for Lily to serve her father instead of dwelling on her own problems? Why or why not?
  7. Lily is torn between keeping her unborn child and giving the baby up for adoption. Because of how she’d messed up her life, Lily doesn’t believe she’s the best mother for her child. If Lily hadn’t found love and decided to marry Nate, what do you think she should have done with her baby? Why?
  8. When Clara comes to visit, Lily compares her past mistakes with Clara’s seeming success with career and family. Lily feels like a failure in comparison, yet she’s determined to change her life for the better. Do you ever compare your life with others? Do you look for the good in your life, or the bad?
  9. When Lily discovers her father is suffering from financial troubles, she is tempted to criticize him the way he has always done with her. Instead, she decides to sell her mother’s ring so she can help. Why is it so tempting to criticize those people closest to us?
  10. Because she fears criticism for being pregnant and unmarried, Lily is tempted to stay at her father’s ranch, far away from other people. Do you think this is wise? Why or why not? How should Lily handle other people’s disapproval?
  11. When Lily discovers her father has a serious illness that could be terminal, she realizes she’s taken him for granted all her life. Do you have people you take for granted? How might you appreciate them more?
  12. When Nate first proposes to Lily, she doesn’t believe she loves him. He offers safety and security and a name for her unborn child. Do you think she should have agreed to marry him anyway? Why or why not?

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