The Forbidden Duke (16 page)

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Authors: Darcy Burke

BOOK: The Forbidden Duke
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“You promised to tell me how you ignore everyone,” she said. “Will you tell me now?”

He arched a brow. “It’s a well-guarded secret—the very core of my reputation as the Forbidden Duke.” He rolled his eyes, shocking her with his behavior. He seemed so…accessible. Not forbidden at all. “It’s a nonsensical name.”

“But somehow dashing just the same. We want what we can’t have, do we not? Calling you forbidden makes you desperately appealing.”

He leaned even closer. “Does it?”

Nora’s breath was trapped in her chest. Her skin felt aflame. Desire and need pooled in her belly. She managed to keep herself very still despite the riot going on inside of her. “Yes.”

“Then for you, I shall be forbidden.”

Any prayer she had for keeping her inappropriate thoughts to herself completely fled. “That’s a shame, for I was hoping you might kiss me again.”

“I was hoping you would ask.” He didn’t hesitate before his mouth claimed hers. Where he’d gone slowly before, this was much different. His lips were insistent, his tongue seeking immediate entrance. She opened for him and went to clasp his shoulders, but realized she still held her whisky glass.

He seemed to read her mind as his fingers wrapped around hers for a brief moment. He took the glass from her, and she heard a soft clack as he set it on the bookshelf.

His arms came around her waist, and he pulled her flush against his body. Her night rail and night robe were scant protection against the heat and weight of his frame. But she didn’t want protection. On the contrary, she wanted to feel him naked against her. She touched his chest and ran her hands up his coat until she found his bare flesh above the collar of his shirt. She curled her fingers around his nape, threading through the silky ends of his hair.

His tongue licked deep into her mouth. Sensation careened through her, sending heat to that space between her legs. No man had ever been closer to her, but it wasn’t close enough. She tugged at his hair and pushed into him.

He squeezed her waist, kissing her almost savagely. But oh, it was so wonderful. She’d never imagined such a rush of pleasure, such a bone-deep need.

Suddenly he was gone, stepping back from her. “Nora, this is not a good idea.” He stared at her, his lips parted, his breathing ragged.

It was a terrible idea, of course. There were so many reasons she should run upstairs, not the least of which was the fact that he was her benefactress’s son or that history could very well repeat itself. Except, this felt different. Haywood had misled her,
her. With Titus, this felt…right even though Society would damn her for being wrong. “You are, unfortunately, correct. It doesn’t matter that I want you—and I do, quite fervently.”

She felt no shame, even though Society said she ought. She did, however, feel the pressure of propriety, and that was why she should go. Regardless, her feet were lead, and her mind was tethered to this moment.

His eyes were dark with what she was certain was lust, but also wary. “You are tempting me beyond a man’s rational thought.”

“I fear my logic fled right around the time you said that you would be forbidden for me. I want what I can’t have, Titus. Yes, I’m going to call you Titus if you are to call me Nora.”

“It doesn’t look or sound as if either one of us is leaving.”

Their gazes locked, holding them in place as if they still embraced. Nora couldn’t bring herself to compare this to her foolishness nine years ago. Then, she hadn’t fully considered the consequences, nor had she experienced this depth of desire or emotion. “I can’t seem to drag myself away.”

She wanted to be like him, not to care what anyone thought. But could she really throw her future away to spend this night with this man? The words fell out of her mouth as soon as they rushed into her head: “No one will know.”

He blinked at her. “What’s that?”

“I said, no one will know. What we choose to do here… No one will know. The entire staff is upstairs asleep, save the footman, who is probably asleep at his post after letting you in.” She wouldn’t be ruined. Her future could be secure—after everything he’d done for her, she trusted him to ensure that. She repeated herself, but this time with the edge of a query. “No one will know.”

He shook his head, and his eyes burned with intense promise. “

“Except us,” she said softly, a warm anticipation spreading over her as she made her decision. “I should like for you to stay. Here. With me. And…continue. I am no longer the green girl I was, and I’m aware of the risk I am taking. I don’t know what my future holds. I
this night. I want
.” She trembled with excitement and apprehension. Would he think ill of her? Worse, would he deny her?

“Nora, are you certain? There are things—”

She moved swiftly to the door and turned the lock, thankful that it even had one. Then she stepped toward him and put her finger on his lips. “Shh. I don’t wish to speak of them now. I have no expectations of you beyond this night. I’ll understand if your honor demands you take your leave, but I would much rather you stay.”

He wrapped his hand around hers, drawing her fingertip from his mouth. “What is honor when compared with this gift? You can have me. But it’s your choice. I want you to wield that power.”

Oh God, she did.

He unbuttoned his coat with slow, meticulous flicks of his thumb and fingers. He peeled the garment from his shoulders and tossed it to the chair. Then he repeated the act with his waistcoat. When his fingers tugged at his cravat, his gaze turned even darker, and the pupils grew larger. Watching him pull the neck cloth away, exposing the flesh of his throat, she felt like the most powerful woman in the world. This man was hers for the taking.

She’d claim this scrap of independence, of supremacy, and wield it. For the past nine years. For the future and whatever it would bring.

For herself.

She untied the sash at her waist and shrugged the night robe to the floor. Taking a deep breath, she pulled the night rail over her head in a single, rapid movement lest she lose her courage. “Show me what to do.” She looked him in the eye, and for a moment, desire stretched between them, became a palpable thing. She held her breath.

“You are beautiful.” He took a step toward her, his gaze moving over her with predatory intent.

She moved her hand to cover herself, but he reached out and stopped her. “Please. Don’t. I just want to look. Can I?” He raised his eyes to hers, and she saw stark need, but also courtesy. If she said no, he’d let her go. Of that, she had no doubt.

She let her hand fall to her side and forced herself to relax. There would never be another night like this. She wanted to immerse herself in the experience. In him.

He moved closer, pausing in front of her as his gaze dropped to her chest. Her breasts tingled beneath his stare. She wouldn’t think she could feel so sensitive without him touching her. He stepped around to her side—slowly, his gaze probing her in ways she wasn’t sure his hands could.

She felt vulnerable, standing naked before him. She’d never been more keenly aroused, had never imagined such a sensation existed.

He moved behind her. She felt his breath against her neck. He was close. But not so close that he touched her. A thrill tickled her spine. Her breasts pulled. She glanced down and saw her nipples had grown hard.

He came around her other side, entering her line of sight once more. His dark head was bent. She caught his sandalwood scent. It only heightened her arousal.

She wanted to look at him the same way he was surveying her. “You’re wearing far too many clothes.” It was all she could manage. Her voice was made of small, hard pebbles.

“I am.” He sat on the edge of the chair and pulled off his boots. His stockings followed as he peeled them off in quick succession.

He stood and pulled the tail of his shirt from his breeches. She went to him and covered his hands with hers. “May I?”

He looked at her, his eyes gleaming like emeralds. “Yes.” His hands stilled, then fell to his sides. She drew the shirt up, exposing his flesh. He was unimaginably muscular, the planes of his abdomen sculpted like a statue.

He raised his arms as she pulled the garment over his head. She dropped the linen to the floor, heedless of where it landed. Thoughts fled her brain like bees in a downpour. She was absolutely speechless at his beauty.

Unlike him, however, she couldn’t keep herself from touching him. She reached out and caressed her fingertips against the space between his belly and his chest. He was warm and smooth and hard.

He flinched and sharply inhaled.

She snatched her hand away and looked back up at his face.

He found her hand and put it back on his chest, higher this time, where it wasn’t smooth, but dusted with dark hair. “Don’t stop. Unless you want to.”

She didn’t want to. She flattened her palm against him, reveling in the feel of his hair and the plane of his flesh beneath.

“Nora,” he rasped. “I’d like to touch you too. May I?”

She realized she hadn’t asked for permission, but he didn’t seem to mind. She was flattered that he’d thought to do that. “Yes. Please.”

She tensed, eager but also afraid.

He gently skimmed his fingertips along her shoulder, moving inward to her collarbone then drifting downward between her breasts. She tensed, but his touch was light, deft. He drew his hand through the soft valley then beneath her right breast. His knuckles brushed the underside, and it was her turn to gasp.

His hand curved and came up, cupping her. He was still incredibly gentle, going as slowly as she could ever want.

“Is this difficult for you?” she asked.

“In what way?” He cradled her, his thumb brushing over her breast in ever increasing swaths, bringing him closer and closer to her nipple.

She found herself straining, wanting that touch. Needing that connection. “You’re so…controlled. I can barely keep a thought in my head.”

“You seem to think I have many, when in fact I have just one—pleasuring you.”

Oh God
. Her knees quivered, her thighs, all of her took on the properties of a jelly.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and held her. Finally,
, his thumb brushed over her nipple and then the unthinkable happened. He bent and took her into his mouth, his lips closing over her flesh.

She’d kept her hand on him throughout his exploration, but she wanted more. She moved her hand to his head and curled her fingers into his hair. His grip on her waist tightened as he tongued her. The strokes were light at first, teasing, but grew with intensity until he was nearly devouring her with his mouth. Or at least that was how she would describe it. And she could think of no finer characterization, because it made her feel distinctly hungry. For what, she wasn’t yet certain, but she knew he would satisfy her. He’d said his only thought was to pleasure her.

She closed her eyes as he feasted, moving to her other breast. She let her head fall back as she held on to him—one hand twisted into his hair and the other clasping his shoulder. Heat and desire flowed through her until a wild craving built between her thighs. She knew what would happen next, what
happen, if she allowed it.

She shouldn’t, but why not? This night was for her. He wanted her to have the power of choice, and she chose this.

His mouth left her breast just before his hand cradled her neck. She opened her eyes to see he’d straightened and was looking at her. She thought he might say something, but he didn’t. His mouth descended on hers, and his lips and tongue consumed her. This was like no kiss she’d ever imagined. She realized everything about this was beyond her comprehension, and she felt a moment’s sadness that she’d existed for twenty-seven years without experiencing this. Another reason to embrace it—him—while she could. She closed her eyes again and let herself dissolve into this moment.

He held her head captive while he pillaged her mouth, his tongue licking, his lips suckling. She tried to mimic what he did, using her tongue, clasping at his flesh, but feared she was a hopeless amateur.

With the hand around her waist, he pulled her against him. Their chests met, and she moaned into his mouth. Her breasts, already enflamed from his kisses, grew even more sensitive. The sensations in her nipples pulsed through her and settled between her legs, driving her hips forward.

Though he still wore clothing over his lower half, she felt the length of his arousal against her lower belly. Need exploded there, but it wasn’t quite right. She stood on her toes, seeking to position him in the right spot. Then he grazed it, and light flickered behind her eyelids.

He broke the kiss and in a fluid movement, picked her up and delivered her to the settee. He laid her gently on the cushions and stared down at her. His jaw was clenched, and she had the sense that he was just barely composed. She wondered if he ever let himself go completely. She wanted to see that.

“Nora, shall I stop?”

“Now? It’s just becoming interesting.” That flash of pleasure she’d felt hinted at far more to come. There was no way she would allow him to stop. “Show me what to do.”

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