The Flight of the Iguana (39 page)

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Authors: David Quammen

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“The Biology of Scorpions.” Max Vachon.
Vol. XII, No. 46. April 1953.

Scorpions of Medical Importance.
Hugh L. Keegan. Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi. 1980.

Venomous Animals and Their Toxins.
Gerhard G. Habermehl. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1981.

Venomous Animals and Their Venoms.
Vol. III:
Venomous Invertebrates.
Edited by Wolfgang Bucherl and Eleanor Buckley. New York: Academic Press. 1971.

Dangerous to Man.
Roger A. Caras. South Hackensack, N.J.: Stoeger Publishing Co. 1977.

“Courtship of the Scorpion.” J. Henri Fabre. In
The Insect World of J. Henri Fabre.
With an introduction and interpretive comments by Edwin Way Teale. New York: Harper & Row. 1981.


Insectivorous Plants.
Charles Darwin. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1889.

The Carnivorous Plants.
Francis Ernest Lloyd. Waltham, Mass.: The Chronica Botanica Co. 1942.

“ ‘The Most Wonderful Plant in the World': With Some Unpublished Correspondence of Charles Darwin.” Frank Morton Jones.
Natural History,
Vol. XXIII. 1923.

“Pitcher Plants and Their Moths.” Frank Morton Jones.
Natural History,
Vol. XXI. 1921.

“Carnivorous Plants.” Yolande Heslop-Harrison.
Scientific American,
Vol. 238, No. 2. February 1978.

“Fly in the Sundew.” Terry Ashley and Joseph F. Gennaro, Jr.
Natural History,
Vol. 80. December 1971.

“Observations on the Sundew.” Mrs. Mary Treat.
The American Naturalist,
Vol. VII, No. 12. December 1873.

The Selfhood of a Spoon Worm

“When Is Sex Environmentally Determined?” Eric L. Charnov and James Bull.
Vol. 266. April 28, 1977.

“Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in Turtles.” J. J. Bull and R. C. Vogt.
Vol. 206. December 7, 1979.

“Evolution of Environmental Sex Determination from Genotypic Sex Determination.” J. J. Bull.
Vol. 47, No. 2. 1981.

“Monogamy and Sex Change by Aggressive Dominance in Coral Reef Fish.” Hans Fricke and Simone Fricke.
Vol. 266. April 28, 1977.

“Temperature of Egg Incubation Determines Sex in
Alligator mississippiensis.”
Mark W. J. Ferguson and Ted Joanen.
Vol. 296. April 29, 1982.

Intersexuality in the Animal Kingdom.
Edited by R. Reinboth. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1975.

Sex Determination.
Guido Bacci. New York: Pergamon Press. 1965.

Common Intertidal Invertebrates of the Gulf of California.
Richard C. Brusca. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1980.

“Natural Selection of Parental Ability to Vary the Sex Ratio of Offspring.” Robert L. Trivers and Dan E. Willard.
Vol. 179. January 5, 1973.

“Thermal Biology of Sea Turtles.” N. Mrosovsky.
American Zoologist,
Vol. 20. 1980.

“Temperature Dependence of Sexual Differentiation in Sea Turtles: Implications for Conservation Practices.” N. Mrosovsky and C. L. Yntema.
Biological Conservation,
Vol. 18. 1980.

“Adaptive Significance of Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in a Fish.” David O. Conover.
The American Naturalist,
Vol. 123, No. 3. March 1984.

The Descent of the Dog

Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog.
John Paul Scott and John L. Fuller. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1965.

The Dog: Its Domestication and Behavior.
Michael W. Fox. New York: Garland STPM Press. 1978.

“Canid Communication.” Michael W. Fox and James A. Cohen. In
How Animals Communicate.
Edited by Thomas A. Sebeok. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press. 1977.

Canine Behavior.
Michael W. Fox. With a foreword by J. P. Scott. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Publisher. 1965.

“On the Origin of the Domestication of the Dog.” M. F. Ashley Montagu.
Vol. 96, No. 2483. July 31, 1942.

A History of Domesticated Animals.
Frederick E. Zeuner. New York: Harper & Row. 1963.

The World of Dogs.
Josephine Z. Rine. New York: Doubleday & Co. 1965.

Of Wolves and Men.
Barry Holstun Lopez. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1978.

“Acoustic Behaviour of Mammals.” G. Tembrock. In
Acoustic Behaviour of Animals,
edited by R.-G. Busnel. New York: Elsevier Publishing Co. 1963.

“Wild Dogs and Tame—Past and Present.” Edwin H. Colbert.
Natural History.
February 1939.

The Complete Dog Book.
An official publication of the American Kennel Club. New York: Howell Book House. 1972.

Street Trees

“The Natural History of Urban Trees.” Ervin H. Zube.
Natural History,
Vol. 82, No. 9. November 1973.

This issue of
Natural History
(11/73) contained an admirable special supplement, collectively titled “The Metro Forest,” of which Zube's paper was part and which also included contributions by Saul Rich; Clark E. Holscher; Melvin B. Hathaway; Darrel L. Cauley and James R. Schinner; Paul E. Waggoner and George R. Stephens; Barry Gordon and Thomas G. Lambrix; Frederick Hartmann; Robert Arbib; Robert D. Williamson; and Brian R. Payne.

Likewise the
Journal of Forestry
devoted a block of space in its issue for August 1974 to the subject of urban forestry, with individual contributions by Norman A. Richards, Lee P. Herrington, Gordon M. Heisler, and Rod Cochran.

Nature in Cities.
Edited by Ian C. Laurie. (Especially the chapters by Owen Manning, Michael Laurie, David Pitt, Kenneth Soergell II and Ervin Zube, and Rob Tregay.) New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1979.

Nature in the Urban Landscape: A Study of City Ecosystems.
Don Gill and Penelope Bonnett. Baltimore: York Press. 1973.

A History of Landscape Architecture: The Relationship of People to Environment.
G. B. Tobey. New York: American Elsevier Publishing Co. 1973.

The Ontological Giraffe

Walker's Mammals of the World.
Ronald M. Nowak and John L. Paradiso. Vol. II. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1983.

East African Mammals: An Atlas of Evolution in Africa.
Jonathan Kingdon. Vol. III, Part B. New York: Academic Press. 1979.

The Lonesome Ape

The Red Ape: Orang-Utans and Human Origins.
Jeffrey H. Schwartz. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1987.

“The Evolutionary Relationships of Man and Orang-Utans.” Jeffrey H. Schwartz.
Vol. 308. April 5, 1984.

The Ape Within Us.
John MacKinnon. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1978.

“The Behaviour and Ecology of Wild Orang-Utans
(Pongo pygmaeus).”
John MacKinnon.
Animal Behaviour,
Vol. 22, No. 1. 1974.

“The Relationships of
and the Evolution of the Orang-Utan.” Peter Andrews and J. E. Cronin.
Vol. 297. June 17, 1982.

“New Hominoid Skull Material from the Miocene of Pakistan.” David Pilbeam.
Vol. 295. January 21, 1982.

“Is the Orangutan a Living Fossil?” Roger Lewin.
Vol. 222. December 16, 1983.

Sivapithecus pilgrim
an Ancestor of Man?” William K. Gregory.
Vol. XLII, No. 1080. September 10, 1915.

“The Descent of Hominoids and Hominids.” David Pilbeam.
Scientific American,
Vol. 250. 1984.

The Natural History of the Primates.
J. R. Napier and P. H. Napier. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press. 1985.

“Evolution of Type C Viral Genes: Evidence for an Asian Origin of Man.” Raoul E. Benveniste and George J. Todaro.
Vol. 261. May 13, 1976.

Stranger than Truth

“Cryptozoology: Interdisciplinary Journal of the International Society of Cryptozoology.” J. Richard Greenwell, editor. Lawrence, Kan.: Allen Press, Inc. Vols. 1-4. 1982-85.

Searching for Hidden Animals.
Roy P. Mackal. New York: Doubleday & Co. 1980.

On the Track of Unknown Animals.
Bernard Heuvelmans. Translated by Richard Garrett. New York: Hill and Wang. 1959.

“Mammals and Cryptozoology.” George Gaylord Simpson.
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society,
Vol. 128, No. 1. 1984.

Deep Thoughts

“Heavenly Fire.” George Greenstein.
Science 85.
July-August 1985.

The Fire Came By.
John Baxter and Thomas Atkins. New York: Doubleday & Co. 1976.

“Was the Tungus Event Due to a Black Hole?” A. A. Jackson IV and Michael P. Ryan, Jr.
Vol. 245. September 14, 1973.

“Possible Anti-matter Content of the Tunguska Meteor of 1908.” Clyde Cowan, C. R. Atluri, and W. F. Libby.
Vol. 206, No. 4987. May 29, 1965.

“Evidence from Crater Ages for Periodic Impacts on the Earth.” Walter Alvarez and Richard A. Muller.
Vol. 308. April 19, 1984.

“First Look at the Deepest Hole.” Richard A. Kerr.
Vol. 225. September 28, 1984.

“Continental Drilling Heading Deeper” and “The Deepest Hole in the World.” Richard A. Kerr.
Vol. 224. June 29, 1984.

The Discovery of Subatomic Particles.
Steven Weinberg. New York: Scientific American Library. 1983.

Particles: An Introduction to Particle Physics.
Michael Chester. New York: New American Library. 1980.

Island Getaway

“Cracking an Ecological Murder Mystery.” Mark Jaffe.
The Philadelphia Inquirer.
June 4, 1985.

Geographical Ecology: Patterns in the Distribution of Species.
Robert H. MacArthur. New York: Harper & Row. 1972.

James H. Brown and Arthur C. Gibson. St. Louis: The C. V. Mosby Co. 1983.

The Theory of Island Biogeography.
Robert H. MacArthur and Edward O. Wilson. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1967.

The Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants.
Charles S. Elton. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1958.

Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach.
C. Barry Cox, Ian N. Healey, and Peter D. Moore. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1973.

Island Populations.
Mark Williamson. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1981.

Island Biology.
Sherwin Carlquist. New York: Columbia University Press. 1974.

Talk Is Cheap

Silent Partners: The Legacy of the Ape Language Experiments.
Eugene Linden. New York: Times Books. 1986.

Apes, Men, and Language.
Eugene Linden. New York: Penguin Books. 1976.

Language in Primates: Perspectives and Implications.
Edited by Judith de Luce and Hugh T. Wilder. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1983.

In the Shadow of Man.
Jane van Lawick-Goodall. Photographs by Hugo van Lawick. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1971.

Why Chimps Can Read.
Ann J. Premack. Drawings by Robert Schneider. New York: Harper & Row. 1976.


My information on the Senyavina incident came mainly from wire-service reports (Reuters, Associated Press, United Press International) that appeared in
The Philadelphia Inquirer
February 1985. I also benefited from Serge Schemann's March 1985 story in
The New York Times.
Those articles reached me through an admirable clip service, devoted to environmental news, run by a Washington group called the Monitor Consortium. In addition:

The Book of Whales.
Written and illustrated by Richard Ellis. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1980.

Sea Guide to Whales of the World.
Lyall Watson. Illustrated by Tom Ritchie. New York: E. P. Dutton. 1981.

Whales: A Celebration.
Edited by Greg Gatenby. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1983.

The Yevtushenko poem is reprinted in
Whales: A Celebration.
It was translated from the Russian “by John Updike with Albert C. Todd.” Originally from
Stolen Apples,
Yevgeny Yevtushenko. New York: Doubleday & Co. 1968.

Beluga (Delphinapterus Leucas): Investigation of the Species.
S. E. Kleinenberg, A. V. Yablokov, B. M. Bel'kovich, and M. N. Tarasevich. Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1964. Translated from the Russian: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. 1969. Published for the Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations.

The Blue Whale.
George L. Small. New York: Columbia University Press. 1971.

The World's Whales: The Complete Illustrated Guide.
Stanley M. Minasian, Kenneth C. Balcomb, III, and Larry Foster. Washington: Smithsonian Books. 1984.

The Ecology of Whales and Dolphins.
D. E. Gaskin. London: Heineman. 1982.

Agony in the Garden

Biology and Geology of Coral Reefs.
Edited by O. A. Jones and R. Endean. (Especially “Population Explosions of
Acanthaster planci
and Associated Destruction of Hermatypic Corals in the
Indo-West Pacific Region,” by Robert Endean.) New York: Academic Press. 1973.

“Crown-of-Thorns Starfish on the Great Barrier Reef.” Robert Endean.
new series, Vol. 6, No. 1. 1982.

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