The Flames of Deception - A Horizon of Storms: Book 1 (55 page)

Read The Flames of Deception - A Horizon of Storms: Book 1 Online

Authors: AJ Martin

Tags: #fantasy, #epic, #dragon, #wizard, #folklore

BOOK: The Flames of Deception - A Horizon of Storms: Book 1
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They were only a temporary fix,” Matthias said. “They were
ripped apart by the sorcerers as soon as they knew about her. She
has to learn how to use them, not run away from them.”

Are you saying that’s what
did?” she snapped. Matthias said
nothing, simply looked to the ground. She sighed. “We have
certainly started again from where we left off, haven’t

It seems that way. And I really
have the energy for
an argument.” Matthias replied.

I know you weren’t responsible for what happened.
And I know what you did saved my life,” Maryn sighed. “But you led
them right
me. That was something that broke my

Matthias nodded glumly. “That’s a decision I
regret every day. Perhaps I
have refused, found some way of defying the
Council’s orders. But at the time I couldn’t see any way out of it.
And then afterwards… sometimes I wish I
forced you to take me with you. There have
been times since I have wondered if that was the biggest mistake I

They were silent a moment, but then Maryn
continued. “It wasn’t written. The gods took you down a different
path and here you are now, making a difference to someone’s life
and doing some good.” She offered a hand. “Perhaps we never will
see completely eye to eye on the past. But given the circumstances,
perhaps we
broker a truce?”

Matthias took her hand and shook it without hesitation.
“Agreed,” he said. Then, after a pause, he let go, and sank back,
rocking in his chair, watching Maryn silently.

What is it?” she asked him.

You still look exactly the same as you

She chortled. “Now I
you’re lying!” she sipped at her delicate
china cup. “Just before you arrived I thought to myself how the
power is losing its grip on my skin. I’m starting to feel time
beginning to catch up with me.” She nodded. “As it
be. One
live forever, after

Speak for yourself,” Matthias chuckled and finished his tea,
placing the cup back on to the small table between them.

You look well enough, despite coming in here
soaked to the skin,” Maryn said. Then she peered a little closer.
“But it’s happening to you as well. Your eyes

wiser?” he ventured.

remains to be seen,” she shot

Matthias’s smile fell a little. “I have felt a
watchful eye over my shoulder all the more these past few years,”
he said. “Time loads a lot onto our shoulders as the ages pass.
Even more since I have been travelling with the princess, I have
felt time
me. She is so young and I am so old in

You give yourself little credit as always,” she
said softly. “That you have grown older is no
thing. How
can one gain experience? You want to
change the world and lead Mahalia into the future with these other
wizards? Then you need the wisdom that
with age to do so.” Her face grew sad.
“The outcome of all you have told me could change the world.
Thousands of people will live or die depending on the decisions
made in the coming weeks. Depending on what you

Matthias nodded. “I know.” He shook his head, and stared out
the window. The rain had abated a little and sunlight was peeking
its way through the thick cloud.

you love her?” Maryn asked suddenly.

He looked up at her, wide eyed, shocked by the
suddenness of the question. “You have always been abrupt, Maryn,
is another level entirely.”

She smiled. “You
then,” she nodded.

After a moments pause, he answered. “I care about her a lot,”
he began. “She is unlike any person I have ever met before.” Then
he started to laugh. “I know what you’re thinking. Stupid old fool,
falling in love with a human.”

You’re not so old as to never fall in love again,” Maryn
replied softly. “And who can dictate who we will fall

I’ve seen too much,” he said sharply.

What does
have to do with anything?” she

It has
to do with it. Josephine is young, innocent and
uncoloured by the madness of this world.” Matthias sighed. “I have
hurt people, Maryn. You
what I’ve done. Destroyed the lives of people who
never deserved such a fate. On top of all that, I have helped to
bring about revolutions and topple rulers as part of Mahalia.” He
shook his head. “I would bring her nothing but pain. Just as I did
to you.”

Pain may wait for that girl whether you are the one to cause
it or not,” she replied. “Is it not better to face it with someone
who knows the truth of the world?”

Matthias looked at her a moment, then shook his head. “I feel
uncomfortable talking about such things with you,” he

You think it improper to speak of such things with
one who knows you so well? Who
can you talk to like this? Not even Luccius knows
you as I do,” she replied.

don’t want to hurt you,” Matthias said.

Maryn smiled. “You assume that I have been alone all this
time?” she asked, and he looked up at the wry grin on her face. She
shook her head. “There was a time when I cried over such things as
the lost love of youth. But trust me when I say, Matthias, you will
not hurt me in discussing this aspect of your life.”

Matthias nodded. “Then I have run out of excuses not to talk
about it, it seems.”

Maryn shook her head. “Well, if you truly do not
want to discuss it, I will not press you on it further.” She leaned
forward, “But one piece of advice I
give you. Do not let fear hold you back, or else
you will regret it the rest of your life. And if you plan on living
forever, that
be a long time.” She smiled.

nodded to her and smiled back. “I’ve missed talking to you. You
always were good at helping me see clearly. I’m not nearly as good
at it as I like to think.” Maryn bowed her head in acknowledgement.
“If she doesn’t recover, I’ll never forgive myself,” Matthias

She is strong – willed,” Maryn commented. “When I
helped her to suppress her power, she fought against it with a
strength like no one I have ever seen. I have never met someone so
determined. And infected with poison that strong, she should have
been dead within a day at most.” She shifted in her seat. “If she
been picked by the gods, they might be on her side, helping
to keep her here.”

Matthias shook his head. “Well they’re not
,” he said bitterly. “It’s not enough.”

Luccius appeared in the doorway. They both looked up at him

Still no change,” he said sadly.

Maryn rose and patted Matthias on the shoulder. “Why don’t
you get some sleep?” she suggested. “There is plenty of room for
you all. I will watch the princess for a while.”

Matthias shook his head. “No. I’ll relieve

You need rest,
man,” Maryn said sternly but with a

won’t sleep. Not with Josephine still like this,” he replied. “I

She smiled. “Stubborn mule as always,” she
muttered. “Well then, I’ll make another tea. Gods know we haven’t
had enough
.” She left the room.

Luccius sat in her vacant seat. “This ointment is helping a
treat,” he said, indicating to his bare arms. “She’s a clever
woman, Maryn.”

Matthias nodded. “She is at that.”

certain the potion will help Josephine. We just have to be

Matthias smiled. “I’ve never been very
at that,” he

Luccius nodded. “Did you talk about things?” he asked, taking
off his bandana and running a hand across his twisted locks of

did,” Matthias replied.


have called a truce.” He smiled.

Luccius nodded. “Well that
good. If experience tells me
anything, it’s that if anyone can hold a grudge for that long, it’s
. Better to calm the waters. Make peace.”

Matthias nodded thoughtfully and his sharp eyes
studied Luccius. “Wise words, but are they ones you’ll ever follow?
ever go back and make peace with your

Luccius’s face grew pensive. “Perhaps. When the
time is right. But not now. As much as I miss that place, I
go back yet.
There’s too much to do.”

You can’t run forever,” Matthias said bluntly,
rising from the chair. “From

I can try!” Luccius grinned. “I’ve made it
far, haven’t

world seems to have a funny way of ensuring that our past catches
up with us again,” Matthias suggested and indicated to his
surroundings. “What better proof do you need than my standing here,
in a place I never thought I would be, with a person I never
thought I’d see again?”

the world wants me to go back before I am ready it will have to
take me on a leash,” the ansuwan said mockingly.

Matthias smiled thinly and nodded. “I’d best go relieve
Thadius,” he said, turning to the door. “If I can prise him

Matthias,” Luccius said, stopping the wizard in
his tracks in the doorway. The wizard turned around to face him
again. “What…” He paused. “What do we do if the princess

thought you said you were sure that she would?” Matthias

ansuwan swallowed. “I am. Sort of.”

Matthias looked at him and nodded. “If she doesn’t, then I’ll
take care of it.”

Luccius looked confused, but before he could question any
more, Matthias turned and left the room.

A World of
of the Cycle Unknown,
495 N.E. (New

Josephine opened her eyes to the glow of a full, yellow moon
set in a jet – black, night sky. She was lying on her back and for
a moment it felt like she was paralyzed and unable to move. Her
fingers felt gingerly beneath her and found the familiar touch of
grass. She grew puzzled.

Where am I? Where are the others?
She thought

Hello?” she called out, but no - one replied.
“Matthias? Thadius? Luccius?” There was no answer and so she sat up
with effort, her head groggy and heavy and looked around
tentatively. She was definitely not in the mountain pass anymore.
She looked down at the grass she had felt beneath her. It was a
disturbingly dark green, almost
, as if it were infected by something. It
stretched out to the horizon; a sickly field of dying plant life
that surrounded her in all directions for miles.

Where in the gods
Josephine thought. Her memory jogged suddenly.
Taico Grimm.
She threw a hand to
her neck, feeling for where he had dug his nails into her skin.
There was no pain and from what she could feel, no cuts.
Am I

ears picked up a whispering voice, vague and distant.

Is there anyone there?” she called out. Her voice
echoed around her, but no one replied. The air tasted strange as
well: metallic like iron. Like
. She shivered, even though she wasn’t cold. There
was no heat or chill that she could feel at all – no sense of
temperature. It was as if her skin had been

Everything here seems wrong!
Delicately Josephine rose to
her feet. Turning this way and that she tried to decide on a
direction, straining to hear the voice again. It was gone. Each way
she looked nothing differed, and so she picked a path and started

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