The First Time (2 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: The First Time
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He was older than her, possibly twenty years if she were to guess,
but his skin was tanned and smooth, his blond hair styled as was in for the
times, and his green eyes were striking but also held something far darker,
something she wasn’t sure if she wanted to unlock. Their gazes held for so long
she dropped her head from the awkwardness of it. The feel of his fingers under
her chin, lifting her head up so she was forced to look at him, sent tingles of
awareness through her. This was the first time a man aside from her father had
laid a hand on her. Of course where her father’s touch had been loving
affection, Master Kristoff’s touch was filled with so much heat she felt it at
her very core. The way he watched her with his intense green eyes made her very
aware of what they would do tonight. She didn’t know anything about him, but
very soon she would know everything there was to know about the man before her.

When he let go of her chin she didn’t drop her head again, because
him forcing her to look at him had been a silent demand. Did he not like the
submissive and docile woman she was trained to be? It was all she knew, all she
had ever been taught. He handed the auctioneer a thick envelope, and she
wondered exactly how much she had been worth to him.

He took her hand and led her through the throng of men that made
up the bottom level of the auction house. There were so many men, far more the
age of her grandfather than the few younger ones that were seated in plush red
velvet seats. Of course there were more men than there were virgin women being
auctioned. Veronica’s group had been the first to go on the block, and there
were still two more sets of twenty girls to be auctioned off. Only half the men
in attendance would take home a wife today.

Many of the men turned their attention her way, and although many
of them stared at her, their eyes traveling down her robe-hidden body, the
majority of them were staring at Master Kristoff. Her husband led her out of
the building to a waiting limousine. A chauffer dressed in livery opened the
door for them and Master Kristoff ushered her inside. When he was seated beside
her and the car pulled away from the curb, Veronica was struck with intense
emotion. The money she earned tonight would go to her family. She would never
be able to see them again, not unless her husband allowed her to. This was her
life, one in which she was to always please her husband and obey his every
wish. Tightness started growing in her chest at the very idea that the life she
had known would never be anymore. She may have been watched constantly, always
being prepared for this life, but she had been given a small amount of freedom.
She had wandered her mother’s garden, smelled the red roses that climbed the
trellis, had even watched the hummingbirds drink nectar on the deck. Would her
husband allow her such freedom, or would he expect to be ready for his sexual
appetites day and night?

She looked over at him through the tiny wisps of hair that fell
across her eyes. She was shocked to see him watching her, the intensity in his
gaze sending a chill up her spine. He was so large that his body barely fit in
the small confines of the car. His long legs, stretched out in front of him and
slightly spread, showed just how muscular he was. His suit jacket was draped
over the seat across from them and she just now noticed his sleeves were rolled
up his forearms. He appeared relaxed and in control. Was he always like this,
or was he putting on a façade to put her at ease until they were behind closed

All of her training came to her, and she licked her lips. She
didn’t miss how his eyes dropped to watch the act. “I hope I do not disappoint
you, Master Kristoff.” She averted her eyes and watched the passing scenery out
the window.

“Look at me, Veronica.” His voice possessed a rough timbre that
had her nipples tightening beneath the robe. When she looked back at him he was
running his hand through his hair, disheveling the once immaculately styled
locks. “Our servants call me Master Kristoff. You are my wife and will not. I
am just Kristoff to you, alright?”

His tone had softened, and she felt warmth bloom inside of her.
The fact that he wanted her to use his given name spoke a lot about the type of
person he was. Even her mother, who had been a virgin at the auctions when she
was twenty, called her father Master Eric. A lot of the men that bought a wife
liked to be called such titles. They either derived pleasure from it or they
liked the power that came with it. Either way she was married to a man that was
already giving her freedom that most females in her situation didn’t have.

“Okay. I’d like that.” The small smile that graced his face made
him seem a little less scary. He lifted a hand and Veronica held her breath as
he ran his fingers through the tendrils of hair that had escaped her chignon.
Those same fingers brushed her cheek and she couldn’t help how her heart raced
from such a small, seemingly innocent touch.

“You were by the far the most beautiful woman at the auction.” His
voice almost had a faraway quality to it as his eyes roamed over her face.
“Come here, Veronica.” The way he said her name made her think of sex. It was
pitched low and rolled off his tongue, like he was savoring each letter.
Adrenalin raced through her veins as she moved closer to him, so close that she
could smell his cologne. It was a rich and heady combination that had her most
intimate parts tingling. She had never been aroused, never been around anything
that would have put her in such a state, but as she sat next to Kristoff she
knew what she was feeling now was most certainly that: raw, intense arousal.

His hands on her shoulders turned her so her body was facing his.
He was so much larger than her that she felt wholly feminine. She couldn’t help
but compare his strong masculine body to her soft womanly figure. What would he
look like without that suit on? Did he have just as many muscles as she thought
he did? She could certainly see the defined groups of them every time he moved.
There was no doubt in her mind that he was going to kiss her. His eyes kept
dipping down to her mouth, lingering there longer and longer until slowly he
started to lower his head. When his mouth was mere centimeters from hers,
everything inside of her stilled. His warm breath, smelling slightly sweet,
brushed along her lips and had her aching for him to kiss her.

“Veronica,” he said her name again, so soft and sensual that her
eyes fluttered closed and she leaned forward that last bit of space that
separated them and sealed her mouth with his. At the first touch he groaned and
cupped her cheek. She had assumed he would be forceful, taking what he wanted
because she was essentially his property, but the gentleness inside of him made
her want him desperately. Never had she felt such intensity inside of her, such
a longing to be with a man she had never met before, a man that had bought her
and was now her husband.

His hands made their way to her waist and gripped her through the
robe tightly. In the next instant he had her lifted and straddling his waist.
She was nude under the robe and when her legs spread over his thighs and the
material parted she felt the very hard, very big definition of his manhood
against the tender folds of her pussy.

“Can you feel how much I want you, Veronica?” he said between
kisses and licks to her throat. She couldn’t answer, couldn’t find the words to
respond. All she could do was nod. The ache inside of her was all consuming,
and wetness started to quickly pool between her thighs. Could he feel her heat?
Feel the cream that he caused slipping from her body? The hands on her waist
forced her down so she was sitting right on his fabric-covered erection. She
shifted on top of him, felt him swell even further, and wanted to feel all of
that raw power pushing into her. While being trained to be everything her
husband would want, she was taught how to pleasure a man orally. She may not
have any real-life experience in bringing ecstasy to a man, but she knew enough
through her teachings to get started. She just hoped it was to Kristoff’s

Chapter Three


His mouth moved slowly yet thoroughly against hers at the same
time his big hands slid lower and gripped her bottom. He squeezed her flesh,
bringing her as close to his body as he could. With the aid of his hands and
her own desire to feel more of him, Veronica found herself growing bold and
rubbing her bare pussy on him. His tongue snaked out and teased her bottom lip,
and a little cry left her. He tasted so good, so addicting. The bundle of
nerves at the top of her pussy swelled with her increased movements. It felt so
good, so deliciously wanton to finally let all of her inhibitions go and enjoy

“That’s it, baby. Ride that sweet little cunt on me. Make yourself
come. Use me.” His darkly erotic words had her gasping against his mouth and
moving faster as she found a rhythm that would bring her closer and closer to
something monumental. Whatever was building inside of her was going to consume
her and she was helpless to stop it.

His hands were still on her ass, pulling her forward and pushing
her back on his shaft, over and over again. She opened her mouth on a gasp as a
particularly intense contraction rippled through her body. It felt so good that
the world around her dimmed in comparison. He took that as an invitation and
slid his tongue inside of her mouth, moving it against her own and mimicking what
she desperately wanted him to be doing between her thighs. She didn’t want to
think about what she was doing with this stranger, this unknown man that was
now her husband. Where had the submissive female she was trained to be gone?

She slowed her moving hips and broke their kiss, feeling that
precipice of lust starting to fade. She looked into his eyes and felt his hand
cup her nape. Dropping her eyes, she didn’t know what he wanted, how she was
supposed to act. Truth be told, she didn’t want to give herself over to a man
for the sole reason of pleasuring him. She may have gone through years of
sexual and submissive training, but the person deep down inside, the woman she
was, wanted to be her own person. She wanted to be equal.

“Look at me.” His voice was gentle yet commanding, and she lifted
her gaze to his. It was impossible not to do as he said. “I want you to come on
me, Veronica. I want to feel your body shake as you lose control.”

Oh. God.
The breath left her at his words. He leaned in and resumed kissing her. He slid
his tongue along hers, fucking her mouth. One of his hands moved to cup her
breast through the robe. The material was thin, and she knew he could feel the
outline of her nipple as it stabbed through. His groan of satisfaction made her
feel bold again, and she picked up where she left off. Moving back and forth on
him she found a rhythm that had her rapidly rising, moving closer and closer to
the explosion that she knew would take all the air from her lungs.

Whatever was building inside of her grew to the point where it
couldn’t be contained any longer. Her head fell back and her eyes closed as the
most exquisite, most explosive pleasure washed through her. She was aware of
the sounds coming from her, high-pitched mewling noises that should have
embarrassed her but she was helpless to stop. Kristoff’s mouth was now latched
on her neck, sucking on her flesh so hard she could feel the blood rush to the
surface. She wantonly ground her hips on his lap, not caring that she was
probably leaving a wet patch from the moisture continuously pouring from her
clenching pussy.

Exhaustion suddenly slammed into her, and she fell against
Kristoff’s chest, the breath coming out of her in hard bursts. His arms wrapped
around her, and he murmured against her head about how sweet and beautiful she
was, how phenomenal she felt. She had only been in Kristoff’s presence for less
than thirty minutes and already he had given her, her first climax. She should
be mortified, humiliated and ashamed, but how could she when he rubbed her back
and whispered endearments to her? She just hoped it was always like this, that
was always like this.

Chapter Four


She was still on Kristoff’s lap, her head in his chest, when the
car slowed and then stopped. A moment later the backdoor was opened, and
Kristoff helped her out of the car. His home was beautiful, with a sweeping
archway and large windows. Monstrous pine trees surrounded the property, giving
the illusion of privacy. Her husband took her hand and helped her up the wide
stone steps and into their home.
. It sounded strange even thinking it.

White marble covered the large foyer and a spiraling staircase
stood directly in front of her. There was a line of servants off to the side,
all of them in black and white attire. Their heads were bent and their hands
were clasped in front of them. Kristoff introduced them to her and then led her
up the staircase, down a long, expensively decorated hallway, and into their
A butler followed them in and
laid out a stack of clothing for her on the bed.

“We will take supper in here tonight, Edward.” The butler bowed at
the waist and shut the door on his way out.

Kristoff stood there, seemingly unsure of what to do next. Would
he expect her to strip and lay on the bed, her thighs spread? He had only shown
kindness to her, but now that they were truly alone, would that change?

“Are you cold? I can draw you a bath, and you can soak until
dinner arrives. It shouldn’t be too long.”

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