The Fire Starter (10 page)

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Authors: Misty Wright,Summer Sauteur

Tags: #Romance & Fantasy Novel

BOOK: The Fire Starter
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Speaking of that, I looked at Spencer, and he was looking at me too. I wasn't mad at him anymore, not now that everything had been clarified. It was time to make amends. "Spence…"

"Yes," he came closer until he was just about a few inches from me.

Without another word, he closed the remaining distance between us as he kissed me longingly. It was such a fiery kiss, and now I know why. Now I know why when he was sick it burned just touching his skin. It wasn't just the fact that he made me feel warm all over--he indeed knew how to make fire.

I broke away, "But how is it possible?"

"Let's just say…my family had never been normal. That time at the village, I was the one they were calling cursed," he simply replied.

"You mean Evan--?"

"He isn't a fire starter, but he has a different ability," he answered enigmatically.

"You're not going to tell me, are you?" I giggled, crashing onto his chest as he enveloped me into a tight hug.

"It's not my secret to tell," he whispered on my hair before kissing it.

It was weird, and it made me think all sorts of things about Spencer's family, but for now, there was something else I wanted to ask. "And the others?"

He didn't speak, but he nodded, confirming my theory. So they weren't just people who had struck up a friendship because they liked each other. They were friends because they had a similar secret to protect.

We decided it was best to go back before it got dark, Spencer never letting go of my hands until we had reached the cafeteria where the others had waited for us. It seemed so long, but they told us we were only gone for about 20 minutes.

"Finally," Blake commented, noticing that Spencer was smiling affectionately at me. I rested my head on his shoulder, thankful that now everything was okay between us.

It's true then. Magic does exist.

"You saved me with fire that time, didn't you?" I looked at Spencer, willing him to remember the moment that got him suspended. I felt the fire, but it didn't leave any marks.

"I had to get them away from you," he whispered before kissing my cheek.

"And that time when we almost kissed…"

"No insects," he clarified. It was also his fire.

"It all makes sense now," I said before pulling him into a tight embrace.





The call came a week later. Just when I was already thinking that everything would be okay, that my parents wouldn't be bothering me again, my phone rang in the middle of the night. Spencer had just left, and I was just about to go to bed.

"We're coming to get you."

The message was simple and clear. They knew where I was, and they were not happy with what I had done. Not that it mattered whether I was happy or not. What mattered to them was that I had disobeyed orders. My father didn't even bother asking about how I was doing.

I let the phone drop to the floor, but sadly it didn't break. It just landed on the carpet with a muffled thud and I looked at myself in the mirror, asking myself what to do. Should I tell Spencer and the others? I can't just disappear, can I? Will they even find me?

Realizing that my parents might be here any minute and that I might not be able to say goodbye to them properly, I decided to tell them the next day.

"Someone looks like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Kyle observed as she took her place at the table, indicating me. I must look terrible for her to notice something was amiss.

"There's something I want to tell you all…" I trailed.

Instantly, Spencer's hand landed on mine, comforting me and willing me to continue what I was saying. He must be very nervous.

No one resumed eating as they waited for me to speak. "I might be gone any day now."

"What?" there was a loud chorus from the group, all of them asking the same thing.

"I thought you liked it here?" Reid asked, pain evident in his eyes. It must be a blow to him as the council president to lose a student without having any say in the matter.

"What happened?" Evan wanted to know.

Blake didn't even bother with his sarcasm and just looked at me, probably trying to see if I had lost my mind.

It was hard saying goodbye to them. They were the first real friends I had. "My parents, they're coming to get me."

"They found you," Spencer mumbled, his hold on my hand tightening. I wished, at that moment, that his hold on me would be enough to stop my parents from taking me away, but I knew that can't be.

"But you can't leave! What about school? What about your studies? What about Spencer? What about us?" Evan looked like a child begging for his mother not to leave.

"Even if I don't want to leave, they won't make it easy for this school until it throws me out." I gritted my teeth as I recalled various circumstances where my parents displayed the extents of their power, of their hold over people. "My parents don't play fair."

"Really?" Blake cocked his eyebrows, a one-sided smile already on his lips. "Have they met my parents yet?"

"Blake, I don't think--"

"He's right. Blake's parents are also powerful." Kyle nodded along with Xander.

"But my parents are--"

"You can stay with us," Spencer added to the chaos.

"I can't, Spence. It would be too dangerous. I don't want to burden your family. I don't want to cause them any trouble."

"Kayleigh," Spencer said slowly, but seriously. "Your parents aren't the only ones who are powerful."



About The Author


Misty Wright aka Eddy Kong spent the majority of his working life working as a financial consultant in a MNC financial institution. Eddy Kong is a financial consultant by day and book fanatic the rest of the time, he is now pursuing his life-long dream of weaving interesting romance tales for others to enjoy. He has a loving wife and three wonderful kids.

His co-author, Summer Sauteur is a freelance web-designer for a company in the Philippines. During her spare time, she likes to write romance stories.

They like to spend time coming out with interesting romantic & supernatural stories during their spare time. Stay tuned for their "The Count Draker" series.





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