The Final Shortcut (29 page)

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Authors: G. Bernard Ray

BOOK: The Final Shortcut
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During the shower his cell phone rang, but he decided to let it ring. Every bone in his body ached and the rejuvenating spray was intoxicating. He would gladly listen to any complaints about his phone etiquette later. Besides he knew who it was. If it were an emergency his old friend Conrad would call back immediately ring twice and hang up. A signal that had used for many years, but thankfully not this time. He stayed in the shower till the water started to cool before slowly getting out. The hotel phone was ringing when he turned off the water so he half jogged to answer it. With every step he could feel the soreness in his muscles pulling them tight under the skin. With one hand he grabbed the receiver and with the other he lowered himself down on the bed, and sighed a bit as he said, “Hello.”

“Hello Sir, My name is Wyatt from the front desk. A friend of yours has arranged room service for you and I’m calling to find out when you would like to eat tonight.”

“A friend eh.” It could only be Jenkins, but the unexpected generosity could mean two things, good news or really bad news. “How did he know I was back?”

“He left instructions for the manager to personally call him when you returned.”

“Well then, what did my friend order?”

“He had hoped to keep it a surprise, but I will tell you that it’s one of the Chef’s best dishes. And I hope you are hungry.” Wyatt snickered a little before continuing. “By the way your guests never showed.”

“Guests? What guests?” Ray was beginning to wonder what was really going on.

“Well I just assumed you were having guests because your friend ordered food for three.” He couldn’t hide his laughter and he had to hold his hand over the phone.

“Ok, I got you. How soon can you bring my meal?” Ray looked at his watch; it was half past nine.

“Chef can have it ready in about thirty minutes.” Wyatt straightened up and tried to sound professional again.

“Thirty minutes will be fine. I’d like to get some wine if you have….”

“Your friend has already chosen a lovely white zinfandel for your meal. And a brandy, cigar dessert. Will there be anything else?”

“I will be sure to mention your excellent accommodations to my friend.” Ray smiled at the thought of a grand stuffing topped off with a good cigar, he couldn’t help but wonder what the bad news was.

He quickly dressed, choosing to put on his best clothes befitting a special occasion, and he couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer. Grabbing the cell phone he punched the redial and waited. After three rings the familiar voice on the other end finally answered.

“Hello Ray. How was your meal?”

“It’s on the way now, what’s the occasion?” Ray listened intently while the caller said nothing for a few long seconds.

“Does it have to be a special occasion for me to treat a friend to dinner?” Jenkins held on and smiled envisioning his friends face on the other end. A very long silence was the response. “Well ok, maybe it is a special occasion.”

“Did we break the case?” Ray got immediately excited at the idea of finally ending this mystery.

“No, but the Senator is no longer in charge of this investigation. Within twenty-four hours most of “Kitty City” will be in jail. We will at least get some satisfaction from all this work.” Jenkins pushed back from his desk and shut down his computer for the first time in months.

“What happened to the Senator?”

“The powers that be pulled the plug. We will continue to work this case but from the home office. You won’t have to stay in the field, your tickets will be at the airport when you get there, just call and confirm a time.” Jenkins closed his eyes and leaned back in his overstuffed leather chair. “I think I’m going to take a few days off and sleep.”

“I know how you feel. So we’re finally going to drop the net on ‘em. That’s great! It’ll probably take a month just to process everybody.” He laughed as he walked over to the door, opening it slightly and returning to his chair. “It’s a real kick in the ass that we couldn’t ever find the hijacker.”

“Yes it is….and there was one thing that came through a little while ago. An abandoned car matching the description of your two suspects was found a couple miles outside of Bontonville. A rental, some personal items were inside and it was unlocked.” Jenkins read the report certain that it would get a quick reaction.

“Oh yeh! What kind of items? Where did they tow it?” Ray sat up straight in his chair, excited at the chance of finding a real clue.

“It doesn’t really say much about the items. but the car and all its contents are at the Bontonville impound facility. The Sheriff is holding them pending your expert examination.” Jenkins smiled broadly having anticipated Ray’s every question. “And I’m sure you’re aware that we are officially off the case once the dragnet is dropped. You have until four p.m. tomorrow to poke around. But….” He didn’t say the words, he was trying to keep an optimistic attitude.

“That sounds like a plan of action to me, I’ll buzz over there in the morning and who knows, and this might just lead us to something.” Ray stood up and continued talking. “I just know those guys are tied into this thing somehow.”

“We can only hope that you are right. It wouldn’t be the first time you found the answer at the last moment.”

“You mean by accident.” Ray laughed walked back and forth across the floor.

“Whatever, you have a knack for needling out the right angle, somehow. Anyway, enjoy your Mongolian grill, I hope the ribs are tender, and I’ll see you here in two days right?” Jenkins took his legs off the table and moved ready to hang up the phone.

“Right after I check out the car, I’m off to the airport. An I’ll call you as soon as I land.” Ray heard the door being pushed open and a red headed teenager entered with a steaming cart of food.

“Take care Ray, see you then.” And he hung up as he stood. Ready to get away from the office at last. He didn’t hold any hope that Ray would find anything else to report. But with the case officially open for a little longer he could send him on without reservation. And he knew that if anyone could ferret out a clue, it was Ramone Hitchcock.

When Ray turned to see his surprise meal he was genuinely surprised, a steaming Mongolian style stir-fry full of beef and peppers, a short rack of ribs, fried rice, egg rolls, wonton soup and a bowl of marinated mushrooms. The only thing that didn’t fit was the wine but Jenkins knew it was Ray’s favorite. This was truly going to be a great meal. Fortunately he had plenty of time before checkout tomorrow.




Chapter 22


“Morning Clyde!” Calling from her station behind the counter, Linny flashed a wide smile and motioned him toward his favorite stool. She was cute with strawberry blond hair and an always friendly manner. She was on her way to him with a fresh cup of coffee before he sat down. “You look a little ragged around the edges this morning, you awright?”

He pulled his hat off and slowly wiped his face with his hand, letting out a long sigh.

“Yeh, I’m just tired after a long night.”

“So I hear.” She put a hand on her hip and grinned. “How does General Lee look in his new clothes?” Several other diners were tuned into their conversation waiting for the official version of the story. Even though most of them had been talking about it for hours.

“I am surprised every year at the expertise these kids show in their Halloween pranks. And they keep starting earlier every year.” He gulped down half a cup of coffee and motioned for another. Turning to the side so more of the regulars could hear more clearly he continued. “You know they wrapped that entire nine-foot statue with strips of cloth and paint. I swear I thought a real mummy was standing there. I don’t know how they were able to spend that much time out there without being seen.” He gulped down the rest of his coffee and turned a toothy grin to his audience. “Hell it looked so real I nearly shot it!” He let loose a belly laugh and several others joined in.

“Well that would’ve made the national news.” Linny laughed and refilled his cup. “You ought to know them kids keep getting smarter and smarter. They ain’t gonna wait till Halloween so you can catch ‘em. They gotta start a couple days early.” She chuckled a bit more and moved off to tend another customer.

“Oh I know.” He took another drink and rubbed his face again. A yawn forced its way out and he could feel the age in his joints as he flexed. “I just hope they don’t have any more stunts planned. I don’t know if my heart can stand it.” Returning to the counter he waved to the cook who in turn gave him a wave that told him his breakfast was on the way. Linny passed by and topped off his coffee before putting the pot away.

“Can I get you some aspirin or something’?”

“No I’m fine. Where’s Ellen?”

“Oh she wasn’t feeling too well so she went out back to get some air. You want me to call her?”

“No, let her relax, I’ll talk to her in a little while.” Clyde sipped his coffee slower now. Closed his eyes, reeling after a long morning. He had been awake since just after midnight and right now he could fall asleep on the counter. The only force keeping him moving was the hot black coffee that was Ellen's trademark. Just two more days and the Holiday would pass. Then his quiet little town would settle back down. He really didn’t mind the pranks so much but the City Council had a different opinion. Every year they made a lot of noise and demanded they have someone to punish. And every year after it was all over they forgot about finding someone to blame. But this year would be different. It was going to cost a little money to clean up General Lee’s bronze features. And someone else was going to have to pay this time. He knew who the kids were, because it was always the same kids for the last three years. And he knew they didn’t mean for the paint to leak on the statue. But he would have to bring them in this time.

When his breakfast arrived he dug into it trying not to dwell on the unpleasant task ahead. As he ate he kept looking toward the back door. It was unusual for Ellen to be away for more than a few minutes. He took a couple more bites and stalled. He couldn’t keep his mind off Ellen. So he stacked the eggs and sausage on the toast, grabbed his coffee and headed outside. Ellen was sitting a few feet from the door in a rusty metal chair under a huge elm tree. Her head was in her hands and he could hear her sobbing as he approached.

“What’s wrong Honey?” Clyde polished off his sandwich and washed it down quickly.

“Oh Clyde, I’m about to bust!” She looked up at him and reached out with both arms. “I can’t explain it. I think I must be going crazy or something.” She mopped her eyes with a napkin and sobbed loudly burying her face in his belly.

“Baby what’s the matter? I’ve never seen you like this.” Clyde squatted down so that he was face to face with her.

“Yes you have, long ago. And I think I’m as nutty as I was way back then.” She looked at him intently and he could see the desperation in her face. “I’ve been keeping a secret for many years and it’s about time I let it out.” She turned her face away and leaned back to take a deep breath. Clyde sat down on the ground in front of her and held her hand, waiting. “Every since Marty disappeared I’ve been having nightmares, well day mares too. I keep seeing horrible things…things about Junior and me. He…” She choked on her words and had to take a drink of his coffee before continuing. “I keep seeing him covered in blood and trying to kill me.” She put her head back in her hands and the tears flowed through her fingers.

“Now you know that’s got to be a nightmare and…”

“Oh I know! Junior has never done anything to hurt anyone. It’s just that I keep having them more and more often. And lately…this is going to sound crazy… but lately I seem to have an episode and then shortly after I find out that someone’s gone missing. The last two times you told me about a missing truck, I’d had a nightmare just before.” Her eyes were red and swollen and her napkin was soaked through. Clyde gave her his handkerchief and tried to comfort her.

“You couldn’t think they’re related, do you?”

“I don’t know Clyde….but sometimes when I look in his eyes he seems like a stranger. Sometimes he scares the hell out of me, I can’t help it. I just can’t.”

“Why don’t you let me take you home and I’ll call the doctor. I’m sure there’s a simple medical reason….”

“I’m not so sure a medical doctor can help.” She looked up, her haggard expression made her look a hundred years old. “Take me home….I’ll call a doctor.”

Clyde helped her to his car and trotted back inside to make their excuses. The ride was short and silent. Her tears subsided and she stared out the window in a daze. Once they were inside he made her comfortable on the couch and she started talking again. She unloaded the tale that she had held private for twenty years, pouring out every episode in detail. Clyde sat patiently by and listened, quietly tending his lover while she talked. At first he thought she might just be suffering from a hormonal change of life, but the more she talked the more he was convinced that she had a real problem. After a couple hours she began to feel more at ease and she told him to leave so she could sleep it off. He left reluctantly only after she assured him that she was in a much better frame of mind. When he backed down the driveway he could see her standing at the front window, so he waved. She smiled and waved back and then he felt better too.

On his way by he decided to stop in at the restaurant and let everyone know that the boss was ok. She was hardly ever sick so he knew her employees would be worried. The second he walked in the door he was set upon by the two most senior waitresses. Both intent on finding out every detail of what happened. And after a few intense moments of reassurance from him they seemed satisfied. The elder of the two fetched a fresh cup of coffee and ushered him toward a booth.

“Clyde, this feller came in looking for you, and I told him if he stuck around a while he would likely find you.” She smiled wide and pushed him toward the chair. “This is Sheriff Stokes young man. I told him you didn’t stray far from here.”

“Hi, Clyde Stokes.”

“Ramone Hitchcock, I was hoping to catch up with you.” Ray smiled and extended his hand.

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