The Final Score (9 page)

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Authors: L.M. Trio

BOOK: The Final Score
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, given what he’s been through, I’d imagine it could change you. I appreciate you opening up to me. It gives me a little more insight about you.”

I try to offer a smile as we rise
from the bench and he puts his arm around my shoulder as we walk towards my apartment.

“You’re very guarded
, you know? You never talk about your personal life,” he says, joking with me.

“Well, there you go
. You got an earful tonight.” I laugh, realizing I do not mind that his arm is around me. It feels good to be able to talk about it with someone.

As we
reach my apartment, I remind him that I have class on Monday and I won’t be in to work until Tuesday. While we talk, I feel the need to assure him that I’ve had a nice time with him the last couple of days. He kisses me softly on my cheek before leaving, just as he did after the game the other night.

Mya is waiting on the couch when I walk in.

“Is everything alright? I came right home. I thought maybe you needed me.”

“Yes, I’m fine. I was just shocked seeing him and all. I told Frank
; it felt good to get it out. I’ve kept it in for so long, you’re the only one I ever told about him.”

“Good for you, I like Frank.”

“Me, too,” I reply before retreating to my room. I hope the pain I feel will soon fade once again, so that I can move on with my current life.



I was with the Renegades for two weeks before being called up to Double A just in time for playoffs. I feel good and I’m definitely getting stronger, mentally and physically. The Rays have been great to me. Since the interview, they’ve been very guarded and strict as to who is allowed to interview me. They’ve coached me on how to field their questions and if I find myself stuck, they taught me how to steer the conversation towards something more positive.

ey made a few calls to his former teammates and they greeted me as if I’d been a part of their team all season. I would love to play with Mikey again, but for now, my goal is to push forward day-by-day. I’m dominating the field like I have in the past and manage three shut-outs in my last five games.

I’m determined more than ever to have it
back, including JJ. However, right now my main focus needs to be on baseball. My loyalty is with this organization. They’ve helped me and stood by me through this whole thing. They could have easily dropped me after everything that happened. I want to prove to them that they are right for believing in me. Once I have the confidence of having my career back on track, then I will face JJ. Besides, I just got word that I’m to report to camp in Florida as soon as my season is over.



Frank surprises me when I arrive at work on Tuesday. He’s giving me top billing on his next art show. It’s scheduled to take place
in early October. Besides me, there are a couple of other local artists that will be participating, but I’ll be listed as the featured artist on the billboard and advertisements. I’m ecstatic by the news and without thinking I hug Frank tightly and kiss him on the lips. Thankfully, he doesn’t make a big deal of it, laughing and telling me that I’ve earned the opportunity. I already know of three paintings that I would like to display while Frank tells me of at least another three he prefers for the show. I cut back on my schedule at The Blue Martini in order to dedicate more time to my painting; appreciative to have the work to keep me busy.

Chapter 8


“So when does your plane get in?” JJ asks.

“Friday evening. I can’t wait to go to your showing at th
e gallery. I’m excited to see your work.”

, me, too. How did Jeffrey take it when you told him you were transferring?” she asks.

finally talked to my mom and dad about how unhappy I am at school. They agreed to let me transfer to USF over Christmas break for the second semester.

“Not so good, especially hearing that I was transferring to USF. He hates Mikey
. Why do all of my boyfriends hate him so much?” I ask. It’s true. Every guy I’ve ever gotten serious with can’t stand him for some reason.

laughs. “Hmmm… I wonder why? Could it be that he treats them like crap?” She asks sarcastically.

“Really? I’ve never noticed

“Probably because you’re to
o busy giggling and hanging on every word he says.”

“Do not!”
I argue, I don’t believe that is true. If anything, Mikey and I are usually bickering about something.

… Anyway, what did he say about it?”

“He said if I go to Florida, we’re through
, he doesn’t want to be involved in a long distance relationship.”

“Really, just like that?”

“Not exactly like that, but that’s basically what he meant. We’ll see
, I guess.”

… how do you feel about that?”

“To be honest, I don’t
really care… I mean, if I was really in love with him, would I want to leave him? Why do I feel so lonely here?”

ue… I agree.”

“So what’s going on with Frank
… anything new developing?” I ask with curiosity. Last time I visited JJ, Frank seemed to be interested in her and I think she may be interested in him as well. I just want to see her happy, regardless of who she is with. Obviously, my first choice is my brother, although I’m not sure if that is what JJ would want. She has yet to discuss anything about him with me.

. We’ve gone to dinner a few times, but it was mostly work-related. We’ve never actually called it a date or anything like that. It’s strange… I keep waiting for him to make this big move and he hasn’t.”

“Do you want him to make a big move
?” I ask.

don’t know, maybe… I feel comfortable with him.”

, I wonder what he’s waiting for... maybe, the big art show on Saturday? Maybe he’ll make you give him a private showing,” I tease.

“Shut up. You’re such a goof
,” She says, laughing. “I have to get to class, call me later. Are you going to need a ride from the airport?”

“I think Mikey’s going to meet me
,” I answer cheerfully.

“Of course
, he is,” She replies with some sarcasm. “I better go, I have class. I’ll talk to you soon. Miss you… Can’t wait to see ya.”



The sun feels warm against
my skin as I step out of the sliding doors at Tampa International. I take a breath, filling my lungs with the smell of the tropical air. God, I’ve missed this. I sling my bags over my shoulder and jump into the nearest cab.

I take in the
colorful scenery as we drive the familiar route to my condo. Once I arrive, I turn my key in the lock and slowly open the door. I step inside and notice that everything seems exactly as it was when I left. Mikey and I made it our home while we were here and it’s still comfortable, familiar.

feel jittery as I head to my bedroom, I wonder if Mikey made any changes since I left, especially since I had the larger room. JJ was a frequent visitor back then. Again, I open the door to my bedroom slowly, halfway expecting it to be Mikey’s room now, but as I look around, I note that everything remains in its place; just as it was the last day I was here. I can tell the room is freshly dusted and cleaned, but not disturbed. It’s strange to see clothes I wore then, laundered and folded neatly on my bed. The walls are still covered with sketches and paintings from JJ, notes she had written on post-its are still pinned to the bulletin board. My hand traces over her handwriting. Framed pictures of the two of us are scattered throughout the room.

The check
I gave to Mikey that day in Atlantic City sits on the bureau untouched. There’s a small envelope on top. I empty the contents into my hand. Out falls the sparkling ring I had given to JJ, here, on her eighteenth birthday. I thought it was gone for good the night she had thrown it at me in the crowded bar. I roll it around in my hand as I read the inscription on the inside of the band, “I’ll love you always, Luke.” I sit down on my bed, clenching the ring in my fist. Those words are just as true now as they were then.

I slowly walk to my closet and open the door. Sitting on the floor is one of my old equipment bags. I rummage through the bag, remembering my season with the Stone Crabs. Mikey and I were having the time of our lives, living on our own for the first time, fulfilling our dreams. JJ visiting every chance she got and the two of us planning our future. I look up at the clothes hanging in the closet. A few of her things remain hanging. I reach for one of her dresses, hoping to catch the scent of the perfume she used to wear.

Feeling somewhat overwhelmed, I sit back on my king size bed, taking it all in. A while later, distracted by the growling of my stomach, I head to the kitchen to search for a menu to order something to eat. On the counter, I find a note scribbled from Mikey.

“Glad you’re back. I stocked the fridge. See you in a couple of days. Don’t do anything stupid (like stalking someone). We’ll talk when I get back. – M”

Mikey’s away playing for a couple of days on a road trip, and that’s exactly what I was planning on doing. It sucks having someone know you so well. I laugh out loud, thinking about it. I don’t care, I’m doing it anyway. I have to see her.

rummage through a huge pile of mail stacked on the counter. I come across an invitation to the Frank Simone Art Gallery, my heart races as I read the invitation:

Please join us to honor the works of our local featured artist: Jesse Martell.

A reception will be held on Saturday, October 6
at 7:00 pm,

Avenue, Ybor City. Hor’s d’orves and wine will be served.

Other artists
’ works on display: Christopher VanHorn and Elizabeth Goldman.

The chills run up and down my spine as I read the invitation over again, “local featured artist: Jesse Martell.” October sixth is only a couple of days away. Mikey has an early afternoon home game that day. I’m assuming he’s planning to attend.

immediately pick up my cell and dial De’s number. Just as I’m about to hang up, she answers. I ask about the invitation, De says that she is flying in to attend with Mikey.

“You mean you are both planning to attend and you didn’t tell me?” I ask.

“We didn’t think you would be back so soon. You just told Mikey you were coming back two days ago.”

“You still could have mentioned it.”

“Mikey was planning on talking to you about it when he got home. He was supposed to leave you a note,” she says, sounding annoyed.

“He did leave me a note, it says,
don’t go stalking anyone, and that he’d talk to me when he got back.” I laugh.

“He is such an ass
. Before you go and do anything stupid, talk to him first,” she pleads.

“Why, what’s goin’ on?”
I ask curiously, my heart suddenly drops at her quietness. “De, what’s up?” I ask.

, Luke, but it’s her big night. You can’t just pop in on her. How do you think she’ll react?” I’m silent. I didn’t give much thought to the fact that she might not have the reaction I’m hoping for. “I’m sorry, Luke. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but remember, she hasn’t heard from you in over two years. She doesn’t know that you are in town. It’s not easy on Mikey and me keeping this from her.”

“I know
. You’re absolutely right. I’m sorry. I know I put you in a tough spot. I just had to prove to myself that I’m the same person she thought I was. I’m going to make this right, De, whether or not she wants to be with me. Hopefully, if nothing else, I can give her closure and she can really move on if that’s what she wants. It’ll kill me, but at least she’ll know how I felt all along,” I say.

“I know
, Luke. I hope it all works out and everyone is happy.”

“Well, I guess we’ll see soon enough. I’ll wait till after her show.”

After we hang up, I think about what she said. It never crosses my mind that she may be on a whole different page than me once she sees me. Now that Deanna put it in perspective, I realize how insensitive it would be to show up at her art show, and what, just expect her to greet me with open arms? The person that almost ruined her life for the second time. I shudder at the thought of what she must think of me. Even though I agree to wait until after her show to talk with her, I know I can’t wait a few more days to
see her
. It’s already killing me knowing we are in the same city. I can sneak a peek in the mean time, right? Sure. Who will know?

The next day,
I have a light practice with the pitching coach, followed by an intense workout in the gym. I thought I worked out my nerves about seeing JJ, but after jumping in the cab after practice I’m still feeling fidgety. I happen to pass a Harley dealership on the way home and I get this crazy idea in my head. Without thinking twice about it, I ask the driver to make a u-turn. I pay him after he drops me at the front doors of the shop. I’m feeling a little spontaneous and figure I found the perfect toy to ease some anxiety and spend some money.

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