The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: The Final Note (DJ Series Book 1)
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“I’ve never had ice thrown at me and hopefully it stays that way.”

“I’m sure it will. I’ll introduce you to a few of our regulars and take you up to see what equipment we have for you to use. We do provide headphones but most of our regular DJs bring their own so if you stick to using the Pioneer ones provided you know none of the other DJs are going to come and whip the headphones in the middle of a mix.” He laughs at the memory.

“We have had experience of that before. We don’t allow drinks on the stage for obvious reasons. If Alannah wants to join you on stage then that’s fine but we do ask you to use the seat provided. We don’t want to be getting sued if you trip over a wire and break those pretty ankles.” Evan winks at me before rushing on. “You’re more than welcome to get on the front of the stage and join in with the dancers if you like though. There is plenty of security around, all in the standard uniform, any aggro just give them a nod. Is there anything you want to ask me before we go out because communication isn’t easy out there?” He points to the door and Dayton shakes his head, seeming okay with everything that has just been run by him.

“Nope, think you covered everything.”

“Excellent, now if you could just both wear these it just lets security know you have access to the stage area.” He hands us two bright pink Tyvek wrist bands with the Sphinx logo on them and ironically the same treble clef and staff as Dayton’s tattoo with
Access All Areas
written on them.

I put Dayton’s on for him, my hands shaking slightly. Dayton’s hands seem steady putting mine on and when he’s finished he gives me a chaste kiss on the lips.

“Ready?” Evan asks and we nod before following him out of the office through the corridor and back into the booming arena. Evan looks back at us and smiles, nodding his head towards the bar that’s down three steps, away from the dance floor. He leans over the bar and clicks his fingers. “Kylie,” he yells and surprisingly a young girl with short blond hair hears him, she raises her head and nods. Evan takes our order before turning to Kylie.

“Whatcha want this time?” she teases Evan and he narrows his eyes at her in a playful manner.

“I suppose a BJ is out of the question while you’re on duty?” He winks and Kylie flicks a bar towel at him. “A J2O and a VK blue, bitch.” Kylie she sticks her tongue out before disappearing for a few seconds before popping back up with our drinks. “Thank you, honey.” Evan hands us our drinks.

“Anytime, bitch.” Kylie grins. Evan waves goodbye to Kylie who is pulling someone else a pint.

We make our way to the chill out area with our drinks and I look towards the stage which seems miles away, the size of the arena is so immense. I can barely make out the silhouette of the DJ but I can see the dancers in front of the decks. Evan is crazy if he thinks I’m going to get out front with the professionals, I would die of embarrassment. I follow Dayton closely and we steer our way through the thick crowd, Evan often stopping to say hello to people or kiss women on the cheek.

We go through into the chill out area and Evan guides us to a black leather sofa with three people sat around a low table. They all stand up to hug him before looking behind him to Dayton and me. The red lights make my eyes go funny for a few seconds. It’s quieter in here and a lot cooler, thanks to the air conditioning.

“Dayton, these are three of our local drunks. They practically live here and we have tried everything to move them on but for some reason they love our dungeon and now they are like pieces of the furniture,” he teases and the two ladies giggle, the guy rolls his eyes. “This is Liz, Mary and Taylor.”

Liz is a tall, pale girl with long, silky, raven black hair down to her waist. She wears retro glasses and a sixties inspired outfit. Mary is shorter than me, plump but couldn’t be missed in a crowd with a shocking pillar box red bob and matching bright red lipstick. Taylor is about the same height as Dayton but is rake thin and is dressed in chinos and a collarless shirt.

They all greet us with a kiss on both cheeks and I see that even though they may be a little eccentric they are very warm people and we all take a seat.

“Where else do you play?” Mary asks Dayton and he tells her about Lexis and everyone sits listening and sipping their drinks, I tune out a little, taking in the area.

There is a couple laid on a water bed, laid on their sides facing each other and chatting. There is a loud group of men at one of the other tables, every so often a loud burst of laughter emits from the table making people turn. There is a steady stream of people making their way to the end of the area towards doors which I assume are the restrooms. Seb comes in and gives the room a quick sweep before seeming satisfied everything is okay and he turns and leaves. I hear Mary and the others laugh.

“Evan, you’re a pervert.” Liz chuckles and I missed the joke but I smile anyway.

A quick look at my watch reads 9.30pm and I feel a nervous tension knotted in my stomach. Dayton seems slightly calmer than me and he interlaces our fingers before kissing the back of my hand and smiling.

“Are you okay, gorgeous?” he whispers and I nod.

“I’m fine, babe. How are your nerves?” I ask with a sympathetic look on my face and he bites his lip, looking so sweet and endearing I want to hug him.

“I just want to get up there now if I’m honest.”

I nod my understanding.

“Well, we will be sure to get front row when you get behind the wheels of steel, Dayton,” Liz assures him and he smiles gratefully at her.

“Thanks, I appreciate it. You don’t have ice in your drinks, do you?” he asks and Evan roars with laughter. The three others seem confused and exchange glances. “Sorry, Evan told me about some DJs getting ice pelleted by the crowd,” Dayton explains and they smile at him now they are in on the joke.

“I’m sure you’re far too good for that.” Mary smiles at him. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of knickers wet, too.” She bites her tongue bar and I have to curl my lips in to stop myself laughing. If he gets the reception here that he does at Lexis he will be mobbed by women.

“Thanks.” Dayton rolls his eyes and shakes his head at Mary.

Evan slaps him on the back. “Do you want a quick tour of the stage area? You’re on shortly.” Dayton nods. We say goodbye and leave the others at the table.

We start to push our way through the crowd towards the side of the stage but progress is slow. Dayton is introduced to a few of the clubbers and I see women’s greedy eyes sweeping over him. I see their disappointment when they notice Dayton holding my hand.

I can feel the bass of the music playing in my chest and the lights are blinding at times when the bass of the tracks really kicks in and the lights go into strobe flashes. When there is a change in the tracks the crowd go wild, some blowing whistles and everyone has their hands in the air. The atmosphere is intoxicating and everyone seems hell bent on tonight being enjoyed like it’s the last night of their lives. I find myself smiling for some unknown reason. This is more like a huge rave than a nightclub.

When we make it to the side of the stage Evan is talking to one from the security team and Dayton greets him before turning to me and talking close to my ear.

“Can you believe this place, Lana? It’s amazing don’t you think?’

I see an energy and excitement in his eyes. He is ridiculously happy and I grin brightly and nod. Stepping closer to him I put my arms around his waist and pull him to me tightly for a kiss, which he eagerly returns. I can feel the adrenaline surging through him into me. Evan taps him on the shoulder and indicates for us to follow him through a door next to the stage and up some stairs. Coming out from behind the curtain and onto the stage I am staggered when I look out over the equipment.

There is a sea of hundreds of faces in front of us, even Dayton seems to halt for a few seconds and take in the view. You can clearly see the first seven or eight rows of faces, then people seem to get smaller, fading into the darkness. The lasers roll over them like a spotlight searching a black ocean. The smoke billows out and the clubbers yell, their hands in the air.

Evan speaks to the DJ who is playing and doing a great job of it while dancing and clapping, he introduces Dayton and they exchange words. I spot a stool in the corner and sit down. After a few minutes Dayton comes over and smiles widely.

“I’m bricking it now, sugar,” he informs me, worrying his bottom lip. I reach out and run a hand up and down his arm.

“Dayton, you are by far the best DJ I have ever heard. Forget the crowd is there and just pretend you’re mixing at home. I swear once you hit your stride and get the first three tracks down you will start to really enjoy it.” I smile encouragingly and he nods.

“Dave has said he will stay with me, just in case I struggle with the mixer settings or anything, that’s reassuring. I just don’t wanna flop.” He runs his hand through his hair, mussing it slightly but it gives him a just fucked look and it’s hot!

“There is no way you are going to flop, baby,” I tell him with massive confidence while standing to hug him. I rest my forehead against his, looking deep into his eyes. “This is your chance to shine, music is in your blood, Dayton.”

He closes his eyes, looking like he is trying to drag confidence from everywhere in his body. Evan calls him over and Dayton nods before looking back at me. I kiss him on the mouth quickly and use his shirt to pull his face close.

“Go make those clubbers make memories to your tunes, Dayton.” I wink before kissing his cheek.

He smiles broadly and runs his thumb over my cheek before winking and going to join Dave and Evan behind the decks. I watch him load his first track and put on the headphones. He gets the tune cued up then starts to fade the track in. Dave waves his arms to the crowd before pointing to Dayton and encouraging the clubbers to make some noise.

A roar goes up from the crowd and Dayton looks up with a hesitant smile, giving them the thumbs up. The mix is smooth and faultless, the two tracks melding together perfectly and I let out a sigh of relief. Evan is standing at the side of the stage, soaking up the energy of the crowd and observing his arena with a satisfied smile. The dancers on stage swap shifts. Two incredibly sweating young blondes in black and white bra and rara skirts greet the new dancers on stage. They’re wearing matching white chaps and halter tops.

It’s amazing to watch the crowd respond to Dayton’s own produced tracks, ones that we know they have never heard before, but seem to seriously love. I am sat grinning, totally pumped full of pride. I can’t sit still in my chair, the music blasting from the mega sound system, the atmosphere and adrenaline rush from the crowd as well as the lighting effects are all just amazing. Before Dayton is halfway through his set I start to understand the term ‘raise the roof’ because the energy and noise in this arena is enough to blow the top out of Sphinx. It’s unbelievable. I can’t resist getting my camera out for a few snaps so Dayton can savour the time behind the decks again when he looks back at the pictures.

Dayton really starts to get into the DJ act and is interacting with the crowd between mixes. Liz, Mary and Taylor have made their way to the front of the stage and Dayton points them out, a massive appreciative grin pasted on his face. Liz mouths something to him and Dayton cups his ear to say he cannot hear her and the whole crowd yell in response. It raises goose bumps on my skin. Just as the music hits a massive peak, Dayton blows them kisses and raises his arms in the air like he is hugging the whole crowd and drops his head back, eyes closed soaking up the admiration from the crowd. I quickly snap some pictures of the view, him looking to the whole world like a born again man. The pure ecstasy of the moment is obvious with one look at his face.

Evan saddles up next to me and offers me a smile which I return. “You look like you can barely sit still there, Alannah. Shall we join Mary and the others on the dance floor? Your boy is obviously right in his element and doing the job like a pro.”

I look over at Dayton and my heart swells with pride and love, there is no other job in the world he should be doing. I don’t know why I got so nervous for him. I should have had more faith after seeing him work at Lexis numerous times before. He is right where he should be.

“Let’s go pop out some moves, Evan.” I smile and he takes my hand, guiding me through the crowd to Mary and Liz.

Within seconds I’m lost in the music, letting it penetrate my soul and moving my body in time to the bass, feeling the tempo in my chest like a heartbeat, letting the music take me. The euphoric sounds lift me to a place in my mind where I can just let go, kick back and forget everything except having the time of my life. Dayton spots me and blows me a kiss which I blow back before snapping a few more pictures from the crowd’s point of view. I slip my camera in my handbag then close my eyes and dance till I sweat. I recognise the track coming in and know that Dayton is nearing the end of his set. I don’t want it to end yet, it’s flown by so fast I feel like he has only been up there for ten minutes. I’m sure Dayton is feeling even more disappointed than me for it to end already, he is obviously having the time of his life up there.

After shaking my ass to another three tracks which are by far the best work I have ever heard Dayton produce, Evan taps me on the shoulder and nods back towards the door to the stage. I see the next DJ go up to relieve Dayton and we follow him up the stairs. I go back to the seat I vacated earlier and I watch Dayton greet the next DJ and mix in his last track. Once it is in Dayton hands the headphones to the next DJ who gives him a pat on the back and encourages the crowd to make some noise for the leaving DJ. Both him and Dave stand on either side of Dayton and raise their hands in the air before pointing down to Dayton making an M shape over his head, the crowd’s response is deafening. I can’t help but giggle at Dayton’s now modest smile and small bow before they both take one of his hands and hold them up. I take another quick snap of them holding Dayton up like he had just won an Olympic medal for his country. Every face I can see in the front rows are smiling, whistling, yelling or blowing kisses. I see a red slip of lace come flying onto the stage and I frown before realising it is someone’s underwear.

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