The Fighter's Secretary (7 page)

BOOK: The Fighter's Secretary
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She paused at the threshold and looked around before giving him a shy smile. “Nice.”

He glanced at the room, glad she liked it. While he’d picked out the colors, he really hadn’t done any of the decorating, his mother had handled all of that. After living in small apartments and rental homes her whole life, his mother loved to decorate so he’d let her loose in his home. Thankfully she kept in mind that he wasn’t a girl and had reeled back her usual tastes that ran to pink and frilly. His bedroom faced the water and had been done mostly in chocolate, gold, and cream colors with splashes of burgundy and navy blue here and there. It was a comfortable space, but right now he could give a fuck where they were as long as Amanda was with him.

The ability to make small talk was beyond him at the moment so he pointed to the bed. “I want you to strip, then get up on the bed in a submissive kneel.”

She took a step toward his bed, then stopped and looked over her shoulder. “What is your version of a submissive kneel?”

He wanted to smack himself for forgetting how new she was to all of this. She’d said she’d played a bit with an ex-boyfriend, something he never wanted to think about again, so he had to take a mental step back and slow down. “I want you kneeling with your ass resting on your heels, your knees spread, and your eyes closed.”

Turning his back to her, he was hyper aware of the soft slide of her clothing over her skin as she undressed. He wanted to turn around, to watch her reveal herself to him, but he put his own needs aside for hers. This was all about Amanda and he was going to make sure she realized that he was her man, her Master, and everything she’d ever need.

Amanda knelt in the center of Dallas’s bed, looking down at the cream comforter that covered his king-size bed. The room itself was beautiful. On the second level of the house the dark wood French doors were open, revealing a deck enclosed in black wrought iron and the lights of Miami beyond. Done in warm tones with modern art accents, it was a space that was masculine without being cold or overbearing. The bed itself was a thing of beauty, made of the same dark wood as the doors, and it had four spiraling posts. She couldn’t help but wonder if Dallas would tie her to them.

For a moment a streak of irrational jealousy tightened her stomach as she wondered how many of his girlfriends he’d brought here like this, but she shoved that thought out of her mind. So he’d had sex with women before they’d met, she’d had sex with men as well. While she was monogamous with her partners, she’d had her wild days in college where she’d slept with more than a few men. Except the guys she’d dated weren’t public figures and Dallas didn’t have to field phone calls from them.

Before her thoughts could continue down that dark road, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly, minutely shifting her position and wondering how good Dallas’s night vision was because it was rather disconcerting to be spread open like this. As she stared down at her sex she could hear him moving across the thick carpet, and she swore she could feel him, like an electrical charge washing over her body as he drew closer.

“Well, I can see we’ll have to blindfold you.”

She almost asked what he was talking about, but realized she’d forgotten his instruction to keep her eyes closed. Dang, she wasn’t a very good submissive. Hoping she hadn’t disappointed him too much, she said, “I’m sorry, Master.”

He made a pleased sound and the bed dipped next to her a moment before his rough hands brushed the hair off her shoulder. “I like it when you call me that. Say it again.”

Her heart did a funny thump and her voice trembled as she said, “Master.”

The soft brush of his lips over her exposed shoulder tightened her belly. “You are so beautiful.”

There was no missing the sincerity of his words, the reverence in his voice, and she tilted her head to the side so she could rub her face against his. A moment later he gathered her hair back then slipped something over her head. Without thinking she reached up and felt the silk mask that now covered her eyes. It was oddly designed so that it had what almost felt like pads over her eyes that kept her from seeing anything, unlike a regular mask that usually had a gap at the bottom.

“Amanda, we aren’t going to bother with a safe word. If you want me to stop, just tell me and I will. Later, after we’re more comfortable with each other, you may wish to indulge in some forced seduction role playing, but for right now you’re in control of how far we go.”

“Okay,” she said and tried to keep the disappointment out of her voice. From the books she’d read with BDSM in them the Dom always took total control. Part of her had been looking forward to that surrender, but at the same time knowing anything he did to her would be done only with her full consent helped her relax.

He must have taken his shirt off at some point, because when he knelt behind her, his thickly muscled, still jean covered thighs bracketed her hips and his warm bare chest pressed into her back. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you what you need, but we’re learning about each other and I want to take this slow, to enjoy you. I have waited so long to have you in my bed.”

The sincerity in his voice, the reverence in his touch, soothed away the last of her nerves. She relaxed back into him, then her breath caught in her throat when his calloused fingers began to gently glide over her upper chest, tracing patterns on her skin and awakening her to his touch. Dallas surrounded her, the muscled cage of his body holding her and allowing her to go limp in his arms. He made a pleased murmur as she leaned into him and his hands coasted over her shoulders, over her arms, and back up again. When she’d wiggle as he hit a sensitive spot he’d pause and trace over that area as if memorizing her responses. She’d never had a man pay such close attention to her body before and the knowledge that it was Dallas doing it made her feeling incredibly aroused.

By the time his touch returned to her upper chest her nipples had beaded up tight, begging for his attention. He skimmed the palms of his hands over those hard tips and she gasped, then thrust her chest out, needing more, wanting him to ravage her. Instead he kept his touch light, teasing even until she was shivering at ever brush of his fingers over her nipples.

When he cupped her breasts with both hands and began to rub his thumbs over her overly sensitive tips she gasped and whispered, “Please.”

“Please what,
mi amor

“Please touch me.”

He lazily tweaked at her nipples, his touch still maddeningly gentle. “Like this?”

Her pussy ached and somehow her breasts seemed to have a direct line through her body to her clit. “No, harder.”

Immediately his fingers grasped her nipples in a firm pinch and she arched with a sigh of delight. “God, yes.”

“Do you like pain with your pleasure?”

He began to pinch and pull at her nipples, sending shards of fierce arousal through her, making her pant and strain.

“Amanda, do you like pain with your pleasure? Answer me or I stop.”

“I don’t know.” He squeezed her breasts hard and she pressed herself against him, wanting the big cock she could feel against her back inside of her. “Yes, I like it, but no man has ever done it for me.”

“Mmmm, you say the most beautiful things. Stay still.”

He leaned away, his heat moving from her back and leaving her feeling chilled before he returned a moment later. “I’m going to put some clamps on those pretty nipples of yours with a chain connecting them. After they are clamped I will put the chain in your mouth, like you did in my office. Ahhh,
, you have no idea how much watching you touch yourself turned me on. You will be in control of how hard you tug, but you will not release your grip on the chain. Do you understand?”

Holy hell, he was like one of her most erotic dreams come to life. “Yes, oh please, yes.”

She had the impression of cool metal against her overheated flesh before the first clamp was applied. Whatever he was using felt like it had little teeth, and without thinking she reached up and touched the clamp, trying to learn its shape. It did indeed have little teeth, not sharp, but enough that she could feel a burn from them. Brushing her hand away, Dallas tightened the clamp until she whimpered, then did it just a little bit more. That burn was now a full-force pain and she wiggled, trying to make the hurt lessen.

Dallas moved from behind her and she had to spread her legs further to steady herself without his support. The bed dipped as he shifted to her front, then his lips wrapped around her clamped nipple and she had a mini orgasm that tore through her at the wonderful sensation of his soft touch. He made a pleased sound and sucked her aching nipple into his mouth, laving it with his tongue and driving her crazy before clamping the nipple on her other breast and repeating the same treatment.

“Open your mouth.”

She did and a surprisingly loud moan escaped her when he placed the chain between her lips. Right away she bit down on it and gave an experimental tug, wincing at the pain and groaning as the pleasure mixed in.

He slipped his fingers between her widespread legs and made a pleased sound. “So wet for me.”

Spreading her moisture up to her clit, he began to rub his thumb in lazy circles around that bundle of nerves and it felt so good she wasn’t sure if she could survive it. Never in her life had she experienced such fierce arousal, the need to have him inside of her, to have that physical connection between them slowly shutting her thoughts down to only focusing on her body. When his lips returned to her nipple he moved his thumb off of her clit and she started to protest, almost losing the chain before he slowly slid one of his fingers into her aching sheath.

“You are so tight, so hot. And your little pussy is sucking on my finger, begging me to make you come. Do you want that? Do you want to orgasm with my finger inside of you?”

She frantically nodded her head, shuddering as the movement pulled on her nipples.

He began to slowly finger fuck her, once again keeping his touch almost delicate while he built her arousal higher and higher until she was squirming. She needed him so badly, wanted him to make her come, and she tried to rock herself on his hand, to get him to move faster.

Instead he withdrew his touch and to her shock gave her right breast a smack, the pain enhanced by her tightly pinched nipple. “Bad girl. Stay still.”

She keened when he slapped her other breast, the chain tugging in her mouth as her aching flesh swayed from his blow.

“On your hands and knees. You may release the chain.”

With a move that was less than graceful, she fell forward and shuddered at the sensation of the chain swinging beneath her, gravity pulling her breasts down and making her crazy. The need to be fucked consumed her and she arched her back, spreading her thighs and offering herself to him. “Please, Dallas, please I need you.”

Instead of doing as she begged, he swept her hair over one shoulder and began to gently kiss her back, licking along her spine and making hard shivers race through her body. She swayed with his touch, thrusting her hips back as if someone were fucking her. This made the nipple clamps sway and she swore she was going to come just from him kissing her back. Then he reached her bottom and he bit her, hard.

She gave a guttural moan and froze, her nervous system overwhelmed and her mind gone completely. Everything inside of her was focused on Dallas, on his lips slowly moving to the divide of her buttocks. When he began to lick at her anus she tensed until she thought her muscles might snap. Then, when he thrust his tongue into that tight little hole, she came.

Bright fireworks burst inside of her mind and she screamed out her pleasure, loving how he held her hips still, tilting her ass up so he had better access to her pussy. With each contraction, each hard wave of pleasure he licked at her pussy, lapping up her arousal while making these pleased, hungry noises that only extended her release. At least the tension left her body and she would have collapsed if he hadn’t caught her around the waist and gently rolled her over onto her back.

Tremors shook her and she could barely protest when he removed the clamp from her left nipple. Then a shocking burst of pain scoured through her as blood rushed back to that abused tip. His lips locked around it and she buried her hands in his hair, trying to tug him away from the hurt, but he didn’t even seem to notice. Instead he babied her nipple, gently suckling it and making the pain turn into pleasure. By the time he removed his mouth she was once again squirming beneath him, saying his name over and over. He undid the other clamp and she screamed at the discomfort, but instead of trying to keep his mouth away from her breast she urged him to it, needing him to make her body turn the sensation from pain to pleasure.

After he’d made her nipple tingle with pleasure he reached up and pulled the blindfold off. She blinked as her eyes readjusted, then smiled up at him. He was so incredibly handsome, all rough angles and hard ridges. The dim light added deeper shadows to his body and she reached up, tracing her fingers over his face, touching him like she’d always wanted to. “Thank you.”

His lips curved the slightest bit, but she scarcely noticed. Instead she focused on his body, on touching him, on running her hands over his broad, bare shoulders, tracing the deep lines of his pectoral muscles, and rubbing her hands all over his smooth, tight skin. He felt just as good as she’d always imagined and when he pressed down fully on her she realized he was nude.

He let out a low groan and buried his face against her neck. “You feel so soft, I need to be inside of you. Do you want me to use a condom?”

She hesitated, torn between the need to be safe and the desire to have him inside of her, skin to skin. “I’m on the shot. Have you been tested?”

Lifting himself so his forearms braced either side of her head, he nodded. “I’ve been tested and I’ve never had sex without a condom.”

She blinked at him. “Never?”

“Never. Have you?”

“Well, yes, but I was in a committed relationship. But I’m clean. The last guy I had sex with was over a year ago and I’ve been to the doctor since then.” She flushed, not liking his smirk when she said that. “What?”

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