The Fight for Us (48 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Finn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: The Fight for Us
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“Well, Isaiah,” the mayor said, “it’s been wonderful spending some more time with you and Joss tonight. We’re hearing great things from Chicago. Seems they’re not happy they’ve lost you to us simple island country folk. Sure we don’t need to worry about you being pulled back to the big city? I mean, things don’t generally get too exciting around here.”

A few eyes at the table glanced to Joss as the mayor spoke that last bit, and she held her breath for a moment. She not only didn’t like the attention, but she didn’t like the thought of any big city anywhere stealing her life away from her.

Isaiah’s fingers uncurled and stretched out against her thigh, and he squeezed. “I have everything I need here. I’m not going anywhere.” He finally pulled his hand from her leg, but it was only to rest his arm on the back of her chair and casually run his fingers down her arm before gripping her upper arm and squeezing again.

“Well, we’re happy to say we’re going to be putting together the succession plan to phase out Chief Jeffries responsibilities, and once we’ve put the plan together, we’ll give you a call, so we can discuss this new position the council will be offering you.” The mayor smiled broadly as did every other man at the table including Isaiah.

“I look forward to it.”

They didn’t stay much longer than that. It was still light out when they said their goodbyes in the parking lot, but as Joss started toward his car, he tugged on her arm, pulling her the other way. “Walk with me.”

He held her hand as they strolled along the sea shore sidewalk toward the Pavilion. The circular building was rising up before them, and given the music from inside, there was something going on. He pulled her toward the door, and other’s nodded to them as they passed on their way inside.

“Winter Landscape Photography Exhibit,” he said.

“Do I get to go shopping for your house?”

He eyed her for a moment, saying nothing, and when he leaned to her ear, he spoke. “You may absolutely go shopping for
house.” He pulled back. “But not yet.”

When he pulled her within the door, he instantly tugged her toward the hall that led around to the council room, rather than entering the large exhibit hall where the event was being held. He closed the door silently behind her as they entered the boardroom, clicking the lock into place. Isaiah was going to end up getting himself fired before he’d even been officially hired if he kept up this reckless behavior, but she smiled even as the thought passed through her mind. The room was bright today—a stark contrast to the last time she was here. It was only four in the afternoon, and it was sunny outside. With an arched wall of windows, there wasn’t a single nook or crevice that was deprived of illumination.

Joss had struggled to see anything of what she wanted to see when she was in here with Isaiah the first time, but now, she could see it all if she chose. Her body instantly flushed as she remembered the last time they were in this room. They’d behaved so inappropriately, and they’d both walked away confused and shocked at what they’d done. It had been sexy as hell regardless, but it wasn’t until he’d slowed things down afterward that they’d had a chance to really figure out where they were going with each other. Thank God for his patience. Thank God he’d not lost that patience even now.

He watched her calmly. She stood rooted to her spot in the middle of the floor, waiting to see where he was going to take this. He liked to lead, and she needed him to. To some extent, it’s what had gotten her through the last couple weeks. He pushed her firmly, and it was never more than she could handle or more than she needed. Even that afternoon he’d done nothing more than given her the confidence and permission to feel good.

He walked to her, took her hand, and led her to the window ledge. It was the exact one he’d fucked her against, and there was little doubt it was intentional. When he lifted her to sit on the smooth cool surface, his hands only paused on her waist for a moment before he pulled away. He took a few steps back to the boardroom table, leaning casually against the nearest chair, and she waited. There must surely be something coming.

“What are you going to do to me?” She shook her head quickly as she realized just how fucking stupid she sounded. It was an odd flash of her true self—the true self that rarely held her tongue and constantly regretted what had come out of her mouth.

His lip pulled up. “What would you like me to do?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“I messed up last time I was in this room with you.” He caught her off guard with that comment, and he must have seen it on her face, because he smiled and then continued quickly. “I owed you an apology. Instead, I chickened out and fucked you.”

Her cheeks started burning, but she watched him.

“Don’t get me wrong, the fucking part was coming sure as we’re sitting here now, but I owed you something else first.” He glanced at the floor between them for a moment. He might be calm and assured, but it was faltering a little as she watched. When his gaze shifted back up to her, his eyes were glossy, shining in their beautiful hazel color. He swallowed over a lump in his throat, and he took a deep breath. “I was so wrong to tell you I didn’t want to fight for you.”

“I understand why—”

“I’ve said a few things in my life that I would give anything to take back.” He blinked and a tear ran down his cheek. However emotional he might be, it was completely restrained. “That one fucking sentence is the very worst of my regrets. I know you understand. That was my saving grace, but I still need you to know how sorry I am for ever saying it.” He walked to her then, gripping her waist in his large, strong hands and holding her still in his grasp. “I know I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating now, because it’s the most important thing you need to know about me and my intentions with you. I will fight for you every day for the rest of my life.”

He kissed her, and she melted into it. His mouth moved from hers along her jaw and down her neck, and her moans were breathless as his lips worked over her skin. “I want to make love to you again already. Being apart for damn near three weeks has made me a bit insatiable now that I’ve gotten inside you again.” His hands started to push up under her skirt, and she shivered as the cool air touched her skin, but then he paused. “But not here.”

The pang of disappointment was swift, and when he pulled back, he smirked.

“Bad enough the soon to be Bristol Chief of Police has had sex in this room once already.” He never lost the smirk as he commented.

She bit her lip as she watched his playful expression.

He helped her down from the ledge, but rather than pulling her away, he turned her body to the window, and he rested his chin on her shoulder. The view was stunning as most were on this island. It was white—the ground covered in a thick blanket of snow, but however frigid that beautiful landscape looked, it was warm inside, and his body that had closed in behind hers enveloped her even further.

“Do you remember when you thought I was going to break up with you? Insane idea to be sure, but regardless, it gave me the opportunity to convince you just how infatuated I was with you.”

She laughed quietly as he wrapped his arms around her. “Yes. I think you decided oral sex was the best way to make your point.”

He chuckled. “Well, you do have the sweetest fucking pussy, and you’re exceptionally good at throating my cock.”

He nibbled along the side of her neck as heat surged through her body with those words.

“Do you also remember how I told you that one day I’d need convincing, and I’d tell you exactly how you could do that?”


“I need you to convince me now. Convince me that you love me, that your life belongs to me, that you understand you’re worthy and so am I, and that you’re willing to deal with the hard stuff, knowing we’ll get back to the easy stuff together…just convince me.”

“Let me guess, you want—”

The ping of metal gently hitting the marble sill interrupted her cheeky response, and when she glanced down toward the sound, he was pulling his hand back from the spot he’d just set something down. She gasped as she took in the small silver band sitting on the sill and reflecting the sunlight.

“Convince me.”

Her fingers trembled as she reached for the ring, and her breath came in shuttering, barely restrained gasps. After fumbling with it for a moment, she lifted it in her fingers and melted as he nuzzled against her neck in her favorite place, letting his lips linger and tickle her earlobe.

“Steph said you didn’t like diamonds, which is…odd, and she said something simple. If it’s not what—”

“I love it.” She sucked in a quick breath.

She felt his lips pull up against her neck. “It was my mother’s. Not a wedding ring for her, but since you have to be all non-traditional, it’s going to be one for you.”

He slipped it on her finger and clasped his hand with hers, weaving their fingers together, palm to palm.

“Convince me.”



Eighteen Months Later

Joss’s hair was lightly whipping in her face as the wind off the water moved through the open four-season room door. It was still early, and as she glanced to the master bathroom door, Isaiah appeared, newly showered and shaved and naked as a jaybird. He smirked when he caught her looking and chuckled, walking instantly to the bedroom door and locking it. It was the routine. They had to have these routines with two sixteen year olds in the house. If one of the girls wasn’t barging in to steal a scarf or a cardigan from Joss, they were barging in just to barge in. But it was early for the girls yet, even for this special day.

He offered her his hand when he approached the reading chair, and as he pulled her up, he took her place and pulled her right back down to his lap. She was not quite as naked as he was, but she was close. She’d not even bothered buttoning the white dress shirt of Isaiah’s she’d snatched from the floor when she rose. She’d been the one to yank it off him the night before, and she decided to help herself to it this morning. He pushed it off her shoulders now, staring at her breasts for a moment.

It was a little chilly, and the cool air coupled with Isaiah’s searing eyes had her nipples hard and constricted. “This is going to be a long day, you know that, right?”

She nodded. Yes it was.

“But it’s going to be an amazing day, you know that too, right?”

She laughed quietly. She was well aware, and she nodded again.

“You know I love you?”

“Of course. I love you too.”

He kissed her even as his fingers clamped down gently on her nipple. The pressure increased with every passing second, and she whimpered into his mouth as his tongue swept past her lips. His free hand snaked between her legs, stroking gently between the lips of her sex.

And that’s when it happened. It certainly wasn’t the first time, nor would it be the last. The pitter patter of feet running down the hallway toward their room interrupted Isaiah’s fingers and tongue, and he sighed into her mouth before kissing her sweetly one last time. He stood depositing her on the floor. She watched as he walked naked and hard to the bathroom door, grabbing her robe from the hook and tossing it to her before he snatched a pair of sweatpants from his drawer.

They ignored the excited knocking on the door for a few moments as they made themselves presentable. Isaiah flopped down on his stomach on the bed, hiding the inappropriateness happening between his legs, and Joss opened the door to the two widest smiles she’d ever seen.

“Do you know what today is?” Harper was chattering as she walked in.

“Yeah. I need that berry colored lip gloss, Joss.” Nat’s hands were clasped as she pleaded sweetly with her expression.

“Well, good morning to you both.” Joss kissed them each on the cheek quickly. “You know where to find the lip gloss, Nat.” She patted her on the back before climbing onto the bed beside Isaiah.

“Mom, is it almost time to leave for the spa?”

Joss snorted before she could stop herself. “Honey, it’s seven in the morning. They don’t even open until nine, and our appointments aren’t until nine forty-five.”

“Gah!” Harper exclaimed loudly. “What are Nat and I supposed to do for the next two and a half hours?”

“I don’t know. How about make us breakfast, or watch a movie, clean your bedrooms?” Joss tried. That last one wasn’t likely to happen.

“Yeah, just maybe find something to do not in
bedroom,” Isaiah commented wryly.

The girls rolled their eyes, but they both moved toward the door.

“Come on, Nat. We know where we’re not wanted.” Harper could be just as wry as Isaiah. “We’re making frozen pizza for breakfast.” She pursed her lips and smirked at them.

The moment they were back out the door, Isaiah stood, rounded the bed, and relocked the door. “Robe off please. I think foreplay would be pushing our luck this morning with the busybodies already going full-steam.”

She chuckled as she kneeled up and let the robe drop from her shoulders to pool on the bed around her. He pushed his sweatpants down his hips, gripping his still rigid erection in his hand. His eyes were hooded and seductive as they watched her.

He walked slowly toward her, his expression moving back to seductive more and more with every footfall. He smirked as he crawled onto the bed, pushing her back to lie on the bed and pulling her knees apart as he covered her body with his own. He made love to her, thrusting and pulling from her. When he kneeled back, anchoring his knees under her thighs, she watched the exceptionally erotic movement of his hips between her legs. She could feel him filling her body with the motion and rhythm of his thrusts, and she fought to keep her sound stifled.

He watched her closely, studying her eyes as he rolled his hips, and when he finally let his focus shift down to the place between her legs that their bodies met, he groaned quietly. “God, I love seeing my cock slide into you.” His voice caught in his throat as her muscles clamped down on him, and when he reached for the lips of her sex, she clenched again and he cursed.

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