The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings (106 page)

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Authors: Philip Zaleski,Carol Zaleski

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Literary, #Nonfiction, #Retail

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A special thank-you is extended to Owen Barfield, whose letters and phone calls in the 1980s to a young writer (Philip Zaleski) helped inspire this book. We owe a great debt to Owen A. Barfield (grandson, and trustee of the Owen Barfield literary estate), L
onie and Stratford Caldecott, Kate Farrell, Alastair Fowler, Walter Hooper, Lois Lang-Sims, and Fr. Robert Murray, S.J., for generously sharing their firsthand knowledge of our subjects. We thank the Bodleian Library in Oxford for the privilege of reading unpublished Inklings material, including the recently catalogued Barfield Papers. For the same privilege, we thank associate director Marjorie Lamp Mead, archivist Laura Schmidt, and former archivist Heidi Truty at the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College in Illinois. We were deeply honored to receive the Wade Center’s award of the Clyde S. Kilby Research Grant for 2014.

For help in locating photographs and for permission to use them, we especially wish to thank the Tolkien scholar John Garth and Alison Wheatley, archivist of the Schools of King Edward VI in Birmingham (for identifying and sharing the rare photo of Tolkien with the KES cadet corps), Sister Jean Frances, C.S.M.V. (for Sister Penelope), Adrian Rance-McGregor and Kathryn Spink (for the young Bede Griffiths), Owen A. Barfield, Douglas Gilbert, Martin Macgregor, Harry Lee Poe, and Laura Schmidt at the Wade Center. We thank our wonderful agents, Kimberly Witherspoon and David Forrer of InkWell Management, for years of friendship, guidance, and support, and Frederick T. Courtright and the Permissions Company for skillfully handling a very complicated set of permissions issues. We thank Smith College for generous sabbatical research time and funding; and the acquisitions, circulation, interlibrary loan, and reference staff at Neilson Library, Smith College, for their kind attention and selfless assistance. We thank our student assistants for their enthusiasm for all things Inkling, medieval, and Romantic: Kiersten Acker, Liz Casler, Emma De Lisle, Gwen Gethner, Megan Kearney, Natalie Sargent, and Alexandra Zaleski; Janet Brennan Croft, Craig Davis, Robert Easting, Alan Jacobs, Fr. Ian Ker, William Oram, Kimberley Patton, Fr. Gregory Phillips, O.S.B., the late G. B. Tennyson, John F. Thornton, and Ptolemy Tompkins for encouragement and advice; Kriston Rucker and Anne Larlarb for love and cheer; John Zaleski for translation help; Andy and John Zaleski for filling our lives with joy, wisdom, love, and exuberance; and the Caldecott family for true fellowship in Oxford and beyond.

We are especially grateful to the scholars cited in our notes and bibliography, who have devoted their lives to conserving, editing, and interpreting the literary legacy of Tolkien, Lewis, Barfield, Williams, and their associates, and to all those, named and unnamed, whose contributions to the growing field of Inklings studies would, if listed in full, swamp the book.



The index that appears in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

“Abecedarium Philosophicum” (Barfield and Lewis)

Abercrombie, Lascelles

Abolition of Man, The

Ace Books

Ackerman, Forrest J.

Adams, Walter

Addison, Joseph

Adoration of the Magi

Adrian IV (pope)

Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book

AE (George William Russell)






Agape Fund

Agrippa, Cornelius


“Air Castles” (Barfield)

Aldwinckle, Stella

Alexander, Samuel


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

All Hallows’ Eve

allegory, (see also
Allegory of Love, The
Pilgrim’s Regress, The
); in Narnia books; parody of; in poetry; in science fiction

Allegory of Love, The

Allen & Unwin

All My Road Before Me

Allott, Kenneth

Al-munqidh min al-dal
The Deliverer from Error
) (al-Ghaz

Alphabet of R

Altizer, Thomas J.J.

Amen House


Amis, Kingsley


Ancrene Wisse

Anderson, Douglas A.

Angel in the House


Anglican Church; Barfield’s baptism in; converts to Roman Catholicism from; holy orders in; Irish; Lewis and; moral theology of; at Oxford University; Williams and



Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

Anglo-Saxons; language of,
Old English/Anglo-Saxon

Angry Young Men


Annan, Noel

Anscombe, G.E.M. (Elizabeth)

Anstey, F.

Anthroposophy; American interest in; Christianity and; de la Mare’s interest in; Lewis’s rejection of; Maud Barfield’s animosity to; Nazi ban on;
See also
Steiner, Rudolf



apologetics; of Lewis (
see also titles of specific books

“Apologist’s Evening Hymn” (Lewis)


Apostles, the


Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Aquinas and Kant

Arbuthnot, John

Ardley, Garvin

“Are There Any
Objections to Free Love?” (Williams)

Ariosto, Ludovico


Arnold, Matthew

Arras, Battle of


Art of the Cave Dweller

Arthurian legends; Williams’s fascination with

Arthurian Torso

Art Nouveau

Arts and Crafts movement

Artzybasheff, Boris


Asiatic Society of Bengal

Askins, John “Doc”

“Ass, The” (Lewis)

Assault on Olympus
(W. Lewis)

Assumption of the Virgin


As You Like It

At the Back of the North Wind

atheism; of Barfield; of Kirkpatrick; Lewis and; opposition to

Auden, W. H.

Augustans and Romantics
(Dyson and Butts)

Augustine, St.

“Aunt and Amabel, The” (Nesbit)

Austen, Jane

Ave Maria

Ayer, A. J.

(S. Lewis)

“Babylon” (Graves)

Bach, Johann Sebastian

Bacon, Francis

Bacon, Roger


Baker, Leo Kingsley

Ball, Robert Stawell

“Ballade Mystique” (Lewis)

Ballantine Books

Balzac, Honor


“Barbarians and Citizens” (C. Tolkien)

Barfield, Alexander (Owen’s son)

Barfield, Arthur (Owen’s father)

Barfield, Elizabeth (Owen’s mother)

Barfield, Jeffrey (Owen’s son)

Barfield, Lucy (Owen’s daughter)

Barfield, Matilda (“Maud” n
e Douie; Owen’s wife); in America; animosity to Anthroposophy of; children adopted by; marriage of Owen; old age and death of

Barfield, Owen; academic interest in;
Allegory of Love
dedicated to; American success of; Bellow and; childhood and adolescence of; children adopted by; dancing of; death of; depression of; essay in memorial volume for Williams by; fascination with language of; “Great War” debates of Lewis and; influence on Lewis of; on inception of Inklings; law practice of; and Lewis’s conversion; Lewis’s friendship with; at Lewis’s funeral; marriage of; on Mrs. Moore; novels by; old age of; personal characteristics of; Pitter and; plays by; poetry by; rejected for Magdalene College tutorship; spiritual views of; stutter of; in World War I; during World War II

Barfield, Owen A. (Owen’s grandson)

Barnacle, Nora

Barrett, Grant


Bassano, Jacopo

Bateson, F. W.

“Battle of Maldon, The”

Baxter, Mrs. E. L.

Baxter, Richard

Baynes, Pauline

BBC; Barfield’s talks on; dramatic readings of Tolkien’s works on; Lewis’s World War II talks on; Sayers’s Jesus play on


Beat writers

Beaumont, Francis

Beckett, W. Eric

Bede, St.

Beerbohm, Max


Behold the Spirit

Beith, John Hay

Bell, Clive

Belloc, Hilaire

Bellow, Saul

Beloit College

Benedictines; Anglican

Bennett, Arnold

Bennett, Henry Stanley

Bennett, J.A.W.

Benson, R. H.

Benson, Richard Meux

Bentley, Edmund Clerihew


: The Monsters and the Critics” (Tolkien)

Bergson, Henri

Berkeley, George

Bernard of Clairvaux, St.

Betjeman, John

Beyond Personality

Bible; Deuteronomy; Exodus; Genesis; Isaiah; John; Jonah; Joshua; Judges; Luke; Numbers; Peter; Psalms; Revelation; Romans; Samuel; Song of Songs; Ten Commandments; Timothy

Bide, Peter W.

“Bill Stickers” (Tolkien)

Biographia Literaria

“Biographia Theologica” (Barfield)

Birmingham University


Blackwell, Basil

Blackwood, Algernon

Blake, William

Blamires, Harry

Blavatsky, Helena

Blaxland–de Lange, Simon

Blickling Homilies, The

Bloomsbury Group

Blunden, Edmund

“Bluspels and Flalansferes” (Lewis)

Bodkin, Maud



Bohm, David

Book of Common Prayer

“Book of the Foxrook, The” (Tolkien)

Book of Lost Tales, The

Books on Trial

Borges, Jorge Luis

Borrow, George

Bosanquet, Bernard

Boshell, Patricia

Boswell, James

Bosworth, Joseph

Bottomley, Gordon

Bowra, Maurice


Bradley, F. H.

Bradley, Henry

Brady, Charles A.

Brandeis University

Bratman, David

Bratt, Edith,
Tolkien, Edith (n
e Bratt)

Brendan, St.

Brewer, Derek

Brideshead Revisited

Bright Young Things

Brinkworth, Guy

Britain, Battle of

British Academy

British Columbia, University of

British Council

British Expeditionary Force

British Foreign Office

British Library Association

Broad, Dorothy

Broadcast Talks
(Lewis); See also
Mere Christianity

Brogan, Hugh


Brook, G. L.

Brooke, Rupert

Brown, Gerald Baldwin

Brown, Norman O.

Bruno, Giordano

Buchanan-Riddell, John Walter

Bucke, Richard Maurice



Bunyan, John

Burchfield, Robert

Burckhardt, Jacob

Burgeon, G.A.L. (Barfield pseudonym)

Burgess, Anthony

Burke, Edmund

Burne-Jones, Edward

Burton, Richard

Butler, Theobald

Butterfield, Herbert

Butterfield, William

Butts, John

Byron, George Gordon, Lord

C. S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis in a Time of War


Caird, Edward

Calabria, Don Giovanni

“Calling of Arthur, The” (Williams)

Cambridge University; Lewis’s chair in Medieval and Renaissance Literature at; new critical movement at; RAF Chaplains School at

Campbell, Roy

Campbell College

Campion, Edmund

Camus, Albert


Canisius College

Canterbury Tales

Capron, Robert “Oldie”

Captain, The

Carpenter, Harry James

Carpenter, Humphrey

Carritt, E. F.

Carroll, Lewis

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Catenian Association

Catholicism; Anglo-; antagonism toward,
anti-Catholicism; converts to; Eucharist in; of Griffiths; in Ireland; in Italy; Joyce’s upbringing in; Lewis’s views on; at Oxford; of post–World War II new Inklings; pre-Reformation, in England; in Tolkien’s mythology; Vatican II and changes in; Williams and; during World War II;
See also

Catholic World


Cavaliero, Glen

Cave, the

Cecil, Lord David

Cecil, Rachel

Cellini, Benvenuto

Celtic mythology

Celtic Revival


Centenary Press

“Century of Poems for Celia, A” (Williams)

Cevasco, G. A.

“Chaining of Melko, The” (Tolkien)

Chambers, R. W.

Chapman, R. W.

Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times

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