The Fancy (27 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes,Lawrence James

BOOK: The Fancy
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excitement, “I’l bring’em right in!” He rushed from the

room and down the hal , leaving the men alone.

Quinton turned to Manny, “I’m sorry, the thought

of spending the night in this horrendous place-…”

Manny lifted a hand to stop him, “I am in total

agreement, the quicker our goal met, the better.”

“The woman Cora, is my wife’s mother. I cannot

leave here without her, no matter what else she must

be with us upon departing. He’s going to bring in

God knows how many slave girls, how many wil we

buy? And how wil we get him to add her?” Quinton


“I wil buy them al with the stipulation that Cora

is thrown in with them, or else, none.” Manny

answered, “He is in need, he wil take the deal.”

“I owe you greatly for this.”

“You owe me nothing, you get her mother, and

the rest belong to me.” Manny expressed.

Quinton sighed, nodding at the fair deal.

Ten minutes later, they could hear them being

shuffled down the hal towards them, until altogether,

eight young girls stood before them, with Cora

standing behind them al . They were shocked to see,

that three of them, were no more than 10 years old.

Their skin color ranged from mahogany, to olive.

Some had dark eyes, two had blue eyes, one of

them, sandy blonde hair. The one with blue eyes and

sandy hair was one of the young ones – they could

also see, that she must have been his bastard child

from one of the slaves.

Manny couldn’t take his eyes off of her at first,

he couldn’t believe it! He knew that it happened, he’d

always known – but to see this man, eagerly wil ing

to sel his very own little girl to them, to do with her,

whatever they pleased made him sick. He couldn’t

speak for a moment; it was like seeing Hope – his

own daughter by Lena. No, her eyes had not been

blue, no her hair not quite the blonde of hers, but

their skin color was so close, they could have been

sisters. He looked to the other two young ones, and

realized there was another that was his – this one

also had blue eyes, her skin, dark, her hair straight

and dark with a hue of blonde, and then it occurred

to him that they were sisters, of the same mother

perhaps. Sure enough, they could hear screaming

from outside, their mother.

Manny wanted to take them al , but had no way

to transport them. He couldn’t ignore the screaming

of the mother, and then another joined the first. The

sound of it was horrible beyond any nightmare.

Quinton couldn’t speak past the massive lump

of disbelief in his throat, to see eight young women,

al beautiful yes – but with them, 3 little girls, it was

more than he could stand to be witness to. He

wanted to leave the evil place that minute.

Manny came to his feet, “I wil take them al !

Their mothers included – they breed wel .”

Gareth couldn’t believe his ears, immediately

the numbers started adding up in his head, but

before he got too excited, he wanted to make it clear

on the total price.

“Now be sure, I’m talking $100 a head.” He


“Yes, the two mothers of the young ones

included, how much for them?”

“Wel , they breeders – they come just about as

high, oooh, I’l give you a deal, let’s say, $75 for each

of them.”

Manny nodded, and then pointed at Cora, “And

for her, how much for her?”

“Her? Cora? She ain’t worth nothing, breedin’

days over, she damaged her insides so she couldn’t

have another, goddamn Indians – she should be

dead.” He grumbled angrily, looking back at her.

“Nevertheless, I’l have her just the same.”

Manny spoke up.

“Why? Dammit,” He turned to Cora, “Get them

two in here that’s doing al that screamin’ so they can

shut up! Giving me a damn headache.” He griped


She turned immediately, cal ing them inside.

Both women rushed in, going for their daughters,

one grabbed two to her breasts, another was

enfolded into her mother’s arms as wel , stil sobbing

low. They were afraid, al of them, their future

uncertain. The older girls, age range from 13 to 16

maybe, stood accepting, no tears.

After the women had calmed a bit, silent in their

fears, Manny went back to dealing, “Wel – how

much for Cora?” He asked.

“Emmm,” Gareth scratched his head, looking at

her, “Not too sure I want to get rid of her, she our

medicine woman – she sees to the others.”

“In that case, I’m wanting her even more, my

new plantation is in need of someone to care for

those I own. I’m certain there wil be another among

yours who can carry on where she left off.”

Gareth stood thinking about it, not wanting to

throw her in, when Quinton spoke up, “We wil pay for

her, what this entire lot wil bring you.”

Gareth’s eyes grew so round they looked as if

they could pop out of his head, “Let’s see that would

be, 800 for the young ones, 150 for their mothers,”

He looked up at Quinton as if he was crazy, “You

mean, you’l pay $950 for an old broken down, good

for nothing Indian, that can’t produce no more?”

“Yes – if you say that she has healing skil s…”

“That and more! That and more! You got

yourself a deal! Got to pay now, I prefer gold.”

Two hours later, they rol ed out with their 11

charges after Manny promised him, that he would be

back. Gareth was dancing with joy, eagerly pressing

him not to forget that he’d said so. It had been a long

time since he’d made such a deal, and of course, he

gained extra because the women needed blankets

to keep warm and instead of throwing those in, he

charged over the top for them as wel .

Once they were al completely clear from the

plantation, they assured the women that they were

safe, that no harm would come to them, or course

they didn’t believe them until Quinton cal ed out

Cora’s true name, “MiaKoda…” She looked up at

him as he rode alongside the wagon where she sat

with the others.

“How – my name?” She questioned.

“Your daughter.” Quinton answered gently.

“Which – daughter?” She asked hesitantly.

“The one, who is my wife, Lady Sarah,

Countess of WhistHirst.”

Shaking her head, “I do not know such a

woman, certainly not one, who is my daughter?”

“Suga – your daughter – Suga. She is my wife,

and before I could take her across the waters to her

new home,
new home, she made me give my

word, that her mother would be with her. Suga – has

sent us for you.”

Since al in the wagon knew who her daughters

were, and especial y Suga they al sat in dumb

silence, trying to wrap their heads around the idea

that this white man had not only married her, but had

come for her mother, they could not grasp what that


“She – send you – al of you?” She looked

around at them as if they might be trying to play a

around at them as if they might be trying to play a

trick on her.

“I am her husband, she sent me. The rest came

along to see that the deed be done – no matter

what.” He smiled at her.

Cora only nodded her head, taking their word

for it, and yet, like the others sitting close around her,

she waited for the truth to unfold.

One of the women nudged Cora to ask a

question they were al curious about.

“Masta’, the others, they worry – may I ask you

about them?” Cora furthered. Manny’s eyes went to

them, to the little dark one with the blue eyes,

huddled tight against her mother. Because his eyes

were on her, she spoke up as wel , saying, “Please

massa’? We sca’d.” in the voice of one so young, a

voice so sweet, he couldn’t wait to get them to a

better place. He rode comfortably alongside the

women, his eyes stil on her, he smiled, “Ask what

you wil .” He invited.

Cora sat back, quietly, listening.

“If we is safe, where we goin’?”

“Cora, is going with Doctor Quinton, the man

riding there. The rest of you, are going to school. A

better place to live, plenty of warm clothing, and at

school, you wil learn to read - among other things.

We have a long journey ahead, huddle together and

stay warm; we are going to close the top over you.

Any more questions, before I do?” Manny asked

them. They al shook their heads, eyes wide with

wonder, praying that what he said was true.

With the blankets over their heads, closed

around their bodies, they were quiet, leaning against

one another, speaking as soft as a whisper, and a

couple were praying.

Evan sat as a witness to it al , watchful – he’d

always admired his brother. For once, he was glad

that he was the eldest and chosen as Earl, because

he knew if it had been him, or any other, they –or- he,

would have squandered much of the inheritance and

then where would they be? Yes, his father had

chosen wel to give al to Quinton, as long as Quinton

had al ,
– including himself, could continue to live

among the elites in the style he’d grown to

appreciate. As for the rest, in that too, he was

charitable. It would be interesting to see what their

mother would think of him, and his charitable spirit.

He had paid for his wife’s mother, what the other

man had paid for al the girls – their mother would not

like that at al .

Back at the Princess – the women waiting –

used that time to further educate Lady Sarah. El en

was able to sit in on the lessons as her husband

stayed behind to use this time to be with his son

more since the ship was anchored to await the


In the areas that Lena taught, El en fil ed in

whatever smal cracks there might be, for even Lena

to make notes in her ledgers and journals.

Standing and pacing, so much the way she’d

seen her husband doing for years, Lena began

reiterating what Sarah had been taught so far,

encouraging her to fil in the pauses…

“Okay, let’s hear it; the presence of kings

began how far back?”

“As far as the bible, two books are in fact

cal ed kings,” Sarah answered, “First Kings, and

Second Kings.”

“In what time or circumstances among men,

cal s out more often than not, for the need of kings?”

“That would be, in the time of wars, whether

defending ones borders or invading another land,

this is where men or a man who may be worthy to be

cal ed, king – this is where he must prove himself.”

“To whom?” Lena asked.

“Before other men.” Sarah answered.

“Elaborate.” Lena encouraged.

Sarah gave it thought a few moments, trying to

get her words in order, and then, “He must have,

traits of a leader – he must be courageous, bold,

with words to stir those around him to listen – and to

act upon what they hear; his plan must be sound and

then he must take the lead in his defenses - or – in

the invasion. Should he prove victorious, those who

fol ow him wil gain confidence that this is a man they

should fol ow, leaving al matters to him.”

“Exactly, the more he succeeds, the more he

takes, stores and distributes among his favorite

men, the more powerful he becomes. As he

becomes powerful, if – he shares his success with

those beneath him, they wil become loyal to him.

Thus, he becomes their king – the sovereign they

turn to in al matters.”

Sarah nodded, coming to understand and see

things more clearly. “What of the man himself, what

is he made of, that is different from other men?”

Sarah sat for a moment, thinking that over, “I

don’t know,-…”

“Does he have any special powers, perhaps

given him by God? That makes him stronger than

other men?” Lena asked. Again, Sarah thought

about it, “I – I don’t think so.”

“Al men are the same Lady Sarah, they al

bleed, they al feel pain, they al suffer regret with

their failures and they al shout jubilantly when

victorious.” Lena stood before her letting that sink in,

and then she took the seat across from her. Leaning

over the table, she met Sarah’s eyes and then

tapped her temple, “This is what separates one man,

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