The Family Jewels (13 page)

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Authors: Christine Bell

BOOK: The Family Jewels
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ake bowed
his head beneath the chilly spray as much to clear his head as to calm the clamoring ache in his groin.

It had been a hell of a night. He felt almost hung over from the constant twisting and turning of emotions, although the fact that he'd only slept for a few hours before Mike's text had woken him probably had something to do with that. His brother had really come through for him, which only made what was coming down the pike in these next few weeks more difficult. He just had to hope he didn't see him when things got really deep. And, if the latest tape he'd gotten from the bug he'd planted at Alistair's place was any indication, it was about to get deep quick.

He braced his hands on the wall as his thoughts turned to Sadie.

What was he supposed to do now? More than anything, he'd wanted to walk into the kitchen this morning and let her know that he'd changed his mind about the poker game altogether and demand that she hand over the jewels and keep the cash like some sort of caveman. Just because he helped her and they'd had sex --something he hoped to do again in the very near future-- didn't mean he owned her. She was fiercely independent and something told him that, despite her momentary lapse last night where she'd let him care for her, she wasn't going to hand over total control to him.

He was still knocking around potential solutions when a cool blast of air washed over him and the shower door opened. He stepped away from the spray and wiped the water from his eyes to see Sadie stepping into the stall with him and closing the door behind her.

"Hey," she murmured.

Blood rushed to his ears and he wasn't sure whether he replied out loud or just in his head, because his brain had shifted into overdrive.

Her hair was up again, a poignant memory of the night before, and every creamy inch of her was on display. Her neck was bruised, but, to his relief, the redness had died down some. The rest of her was a revelation. He had only gotten a glimpse of her getting out of the tub and the night they'd had sex in the living room, she'd been fully clothed. Nothing that could've prepared him for the sight in front of him. Her breasts were high and full, tipped with rosebud nipples that peaked as droplets of cold water clung to them. Her waist was narrow, and her hips two lush handfuls that his fingers itched to touch. He reached for her, his cock as hard as a tire iron, but she held up a hand.

"I have exactly ten minutes, Jake, and I have a very specific idea how I want to use every one of them." Her voice was husky with promise as she reached behind him and turned the nozzle to hot. Her breasts brushed his chest and he let out a low hiss.

"Whatever you want," he muttered, a hot pulse of need racing through him.

When she laid a hand on his chest and slowly drifted to her knees, he groaned. How many nights since the first time they'd met had he imagined that mouth on him? Those lips closing over him and sucking deep?

"I'm glad to see the cold shower didn't ruin my fun," she whispered, before dipping her head low and swiping her tongue over the swollen, thick head of his cock. One hand shot out to grip the wall and his other moved to slide into that mass of gorgeous, silky hair.

Her soft, small fingers circled his shaft and she shot him a sweet smile before bending again and swallowing him whole...taking his cock from tip to root. The molten cavern of her mouth scorched him even as the tight column of her throat molded around him like a glove.

"Jesus, Sadie-"

The words died in his throat as she began to move, making soft sounds of pleasure around him. Slowly, oh so slowly, up and then down, her tongue dragging over his aching flesh as she worked his cock. He squeezed his eyes closed, shutting out the vision that would be branded in his mind for life, because seeing it in the flesh right now when she was sucking him off was going to make ten minutes about seven minutes too long. He needn't have worried, though, because just as he began moving with her, fucking her mouth, feeling the hot liquid pooling in his balls, ready to snake up his length and fire into her waiting mouth, she pulled back.

He looked down to find her staring up at him, eyes dark with desire trailing over his face, down his chest, lingering on his abs.

"You're beautiful, Jake. Like a statue," she said, almost reverently.

The compliment barely registered in his overheated brain when she began to stroke his cock, eyes locked on her own motions. He willed himself to look away, knowing that watching was a risk, but with each pass, the head of his cock came closer and closer to her breasts until she was jerking him off against her nipple.

Suddenly it was all too much and not enough. He wanted it drag her to standing, hoist her up and fuck her, but not half as much as he wanted to drop to his own knees, spread her wide and take her clit into his mouth and suck.

"Fuck, ah, Sadie." He released her hair and reached for her, but she shook him off.

"No way, Callahan. I want you to come for me. I want to watch your face when you do. Please, let me..."

Her hands didn't stop moving as she spoke, her grip growing firmer and firmer, her strokes growing longer and faster.

The need to come came rolling up like a summer storm and hot liquid snaked up the length of his cock.

"Ah, Jesus,” he groaned, gripping the shower tiles once more for purchase. Right as the climax overtook him, she lunged forward, encasing him in her mouth again, sucking him hard and deep as hot come jetted from his cock. It felt like forever as he growled his pleasure, body tensed and quaking, muscles flexed with the power of it.

It was several long moments before his senses started to return. The sound of his own, harsh breath, sawing in and out of his lungs. The heat of the shower spray hitting his back. The sight of Sadie on her knees before him as she slid his still-hard cock from her mouth. But it was her smile that did him in.

It was tremulous, and pure and genuine.

Was this the same woman who had lied through her teeth often as not? Who ran cons for a living? It was hard to even reconcile the two.

And when she rose to press a kiss to his jaw before promising she would call him later, he knew what he had to do.

Come hell or high water, he would make sure that this con was her last.


adie stepped into her apartment
, her mood shifting down a few gears as she contemplated facing Monica. She'd stopped off and grabbed a spring patterned silk scarf, and had to hope that it didn't draw too much attention to her neck. She was already going to be on shaky ground trying to explain how she'd managed to get Dominic in custody.

She slid the key in the lock and announced her arrival as she stepped in. Monica was standing in the living room, packing some things into her overnight bag.

"Hey!" Monica said, making a beeline toward Sadie and throwing her arms around her. "Oh my God, Sadie."

Monica buried her face into Sadie's neck, her whole body shaking.

"I can't thank you enough. I really can't." She pulled away, the relief on her face making the last of Sadie's apprehension fade away. "For the first time in a long time, I feel hopeful and excited for tomorrow."

Sadie set down her purse and made for the kitchen. "I'm so glad I could help. Did you eat something yet?"

"I'm scheduled off today, so I'm going to go to my apartment and make a meal there. Enjoy the peace and calm." She trailed behind Sadie into the kitchen. "I'm too grateful. Too happy with the outcome to question how you managed it.. Gift horses and all, but I know there is more to this story. I knew it yesterday. You seemed...different." Monica's keen eyes traveled over her face and wig. "You went from reserved and quiet to warrior princess. It was like I was seeing you for the first time."

Sadie instantly went tense, waiting for the inevitable questions, but Monica surprised her.

"I like it." She shrugged. "I like this you."

The quiet, sincere sentiment meant more than her friend could know. She made a mental note to let the real Sadie out to play more when it was just the two of them. Who knew? Maybe once she'd gone straight, she could slowly start to reveal her true self to Monica and walk away with a true friend?

The mood that had started to flag soared again.

"Let me get your stuff for you before you go," Sadie said, shuffling back into the living room and gathering Monica's phone and keys from her purse. Her hand hesitated over the wad of money. This part would be tricky, because she knew it was far more than Dominic had stolen from her, but she had to try. She handed the whole lot of it over, and held Monica's gaze. "This is for pain and suffering. It's not my money, and it's not charity. It came directly from Dominic, so don't argue." She shoved the wad into Monica's hand. "Take it."

For a long moment, she waited, hoping like hell she hadn't pushed too hard and caused problems for herself. But Monica surprised her yet again. "If you're telling me the truth and this is really Dom's money?"

Sadie nodded firmly. "It is."

"Then I'm not going to argue. That bastard owes me more than I can ever get back. Thank you again, Sadie." In spite of it all, Monica's pretty face showed no bitterness. "If ever you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask. I’m there in a heartbeat."

Somehow, Sadie knew that she was speaking the truth.

With that, her friend picked up her bag and headed to the door.

Sadie walked her out and waved as she hailed a cab. As ugly as the night before had been, this morning had turned out perfectly. Which was all the more reason to never take a risk like that again. She'd likely used up every drop of luck she'd ever collected. From here on out, she was going to tread much more carefully.

She was just changing into her Roberto’s uniform when her phone buzzed. She grinned when she saw Jake’s number.

“Hi, everything okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, I just realized I hadn’t mentioned getting together tonight.”


"If you're free."

"I am but...well, sort of.” She hated to say no, but she also had work to do to prep for tomorrow. “I was going to hit some secondhand shops for a new dress. The only Countess-wear I have was that dress I wore to the gala. I've got to get some designer duds for poker night so I don't look out of place."

"We can go together. I've got a great eye for fashion," he said, in a tone clearly indicating that he didn’t. "And then, when we're done, we can eat and just double-check that we’re all set with everything for tomorrow."

What she should do was get a good night’s sleep and focus on the task at hand…but what she wanted to do?

"Okay. Well, I'll be at the restaurant on the lunch shift until five and then I have to go home and change. Want to say like six thirty?"

"Sounds good."

They disconnected a moment later and she stuck her mobile back into her pocket. There was no question that they could use a refresher, and he still hadn’t seen her card handling skills in action. They were both used to working alone, and relying on another person in order for things to go right was unnerving at best. Making sure they had covered all their bases would probably make them both feel a lot more comfortable about the weekend to come.

Keep telling yourself that, Sadie.

Fact was, she wasn't thinking a lick about their plan right now. All she could think about was Jake’s face that morning in the shower and how badly she wanted nothing more than to stay.

She shifted as a bolt of lust hit her right in the belly, making her nipples go stiff.

This was almost over, and when it was, she’d finally be free.

Free to live and laugh…and maybe even love.

She couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she headed out the door for work, a skip in her step.

* * *

s it too short
, though?"

Jake squeezed his eyes closed and said a silent prayer for strength. If she bent over in front of him like that one more time, she was going to have a way bigger problem on her hands than an exposed ass.

He bit the inside of his cheek and shook his head. "It's a little short, but it looks great. Just don't bend over."
Unless I'm behind you,
he neglected to add.

It had been an hour of this now. Sadie sailing into a dressing room with an armload of clothes and coming out in her favorites, twirling and posing to give him a little fashion show. Her body was ridiculously hot, and each outfit looked better than the last. This one, though, was the clear winner.

He took another long look, starting at her toes and working his way up. The sandals alone could bring a man to his knees. Platforms, peep-toe, t-bar strap around slim, tanned ankles that made his pervy brain instantly conjure images of those ankles wrapped around his back. Then it was a mile of toned, trim leg before the tiny skirt hugged her full hips. Her nipped in waist was bare --just a nefarious inch of it, a hint of golden skin that made him hope she'd lift her arms and show him a little more. The shirt was loose and gauzy, drooped lazily off one shoulder, showing off her graceful neck and collarbones. She’d have to make sure she covered her bruises with makeup, but she looked beautiful.

On any other woman, the outfit might have looked plain. A cream-colored skirt and a peach shirt with nude heels. On her, it was sublime and he could barely keep himself from stalking over to her, pressing her against the dressing room door and seeing if she wanted a repeat performance of their last night together.

"Should I try on more or-?"

"No. No, definitely not."

Her face fell and guilt pricked at him. He hated to ruin her time when she was clearly enjoying herself, but his patience was at an end and unless she was interested in some dressing room sex, he was going to have to put this little party to bed.

"That one is perfect. Let's have them bag it up and I'll buy you dinner. I'm starved."

She twisted her torso and plucked at the white tag attached to the seam of her blouse. "Okay," she murmured, blanching as she peered down. She nodded, though, and worked up a smile. "Sounds good. Give me two minutes to change and we're out of here."

Jake watched through narrowed eyes as she sauntered back to her dressing room. He'd known money was an issue for her and it bothered him, but never more so than now. She deserved something nice for herself for a change.

"We'll take the lot of it," he murmured, tugging his wallet from his pocket.

When she came out of the dressing room back in her street clothes, he had to admit, it hadn't been the new duds at all. She looked just as gorgeous in her Levi's as she had in those couture skirts.

"Ready?" he asked, bending to shoulder the five bags the saleswoman had handed him. Her eyes went wide as she flicked her gaze from the white bags to his face and back again.

"What did you do?"

"What does it look like? I bought you the rest of those clothes."

She wet her lips and peered up at him, a frown marring her brow.

"But why? I-I don't need them. I just needed the one. Seriously, Jake, it's too much. I don't need you to buy me things. That's not why-" She broke off and huffed out a sigh that sent a long lock of dark hair flying.

"That's not why you slept with me? I know that, Sadie. Shit, if you were willing to sleep with men for gifts and money, I imagine you'd have a lot more of both to go around by now." He took her arm and led her from the store with a nod of thanks to the saleswoman on the way out. "You're doing me a huge favor by even stepping back on the Hannigan thing and letting me take care of my business. The clothes are a gift for that courtesy, nothing more. And frankly? I enjoyed watching you try them on. They looked beautiful on you, and it gives me great pleasure to know that you'll be wearing them. So can we just leave it at that?"

He paused when they reached the passenger's side of his car and she looked up and met his gaze.

After a long moment, she nodded slowly. "Okay, then. I truly appreciate it, and Clarissa will too. I'll tell you one thing, if there was anything that will convince her to start putting on some weight, it will be the lure of these clothes. When she was feeling well, she was constantly in my closet stealing my stuff."

The bittersweet smile that tugged at her lips was like a shot in the gut. He didn't know what it was like to have a sibling with cancer, but he knew what it was like to watch someone you loved suffer and be totally helpless. It was a terrible feeling and one he wouldn't wish on anyone. When this thing with Alistair was finally over, he was going to find a way to help Sadie and her sister. He was no doctor, but he had a lot of connections. Surely there was something that could be done to ensure that she stayed healthy and cared for…

He pushed the thought aside and turned away to open Sadie's door before stowing the bags in the backseat. He was getting ahead of himself. Who knew if things would pan out this time with Alistair? This might all be for nothing and he could have to start from scratch again. It wouldn't be the first time. And until he had fulfilled the promise he made to himself and to his father’s memory, he would never be truly free.

Maybe Sadie could be his motivation to get it right this time.

He slid into the driver's side and plugged the keys into the ignition. "What are you in the mood for? There's a great Japanese place over on Westmore."

She nodded enthusiastically as she buckled her seatbelt. "I could eat my weight in sushi. Let's do it."

They pulled out of the lot and Sadie clicked on the radio and immediately began shimmying in her seat when a catchy pop song blared through the speakers. There was no question about it. Life was simply more fun when she was around. And the life that she’d been stuck in for so long was no life at all. She deserved better and, after tomorrow, she would have it. He would make sure of it.

He just had to hope this dance with Hannigan would be over soon, because if not, he was nothing more than an anchor, holding her back, putting her at risk when she was finally ready and able to move forward to a better future.

And he wasn’t ready to let this woman go just yet.

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