The Family

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Authors: Kitty Kelley

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Family
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In Memoriam

William V. Kelley

Adele M. Kelley

A. Stanley Tretick

Charlie Tolchin

To my husband, John, who continues to make dreams come true

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—
deliberate, continued, and dishonest—but the myth—
persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.”



Thanks to the following institutions for kind permission to reprint photographs:

George Herbert Walker Bush © George Bush Presidential Library

Lucretia Wear “Loulie” Walker © George Bush Presidential Library

Samuel Prescott Bush © Columbus Dispatch

Pauline Pierce © George Bush Presidential Library

Barbara Pierce with father and siblings © George Bush Presidential Library

Prescott and Dorothy Bush © George Bush Presidential Library

James S. Bush and bride © AP/Wide World Photos

Prescott Bush & family at wedding of George H.W. and Barbara © George Bush Presidential Library

Nancy Bush Ellis © George Bush Presidential Library

Prescott Bush at Yale © Images of Yale individuals, ca. 1750–1976 (RU 684). Manuscripts & Archives, Yale University Library

George H.W. Bush at Yale © Yale 1948 Class Book. Manuscripts & Archives, Yale University Library

Skull and Bones listing for Class of 1948 © Yale Picture Collection, ca. 1831–1996 (RU 117). Manuscripts & Archives, Yale University Library

George H.W. Bush and Babe Ruth © George Bush Presidential Library

George W. Bush at Yale © Images of Yale individuals, ca. 1750–1976 (RU 684). Manuscripts & Archives, Yale University Library

George W. Bush’s Yale transcript © The New Yorker

Prescott Bush and Dwight D. Eisenhower © George Bush Presidential Library

Prescott Bush and Richard Nixon © George Bush Presidential Library

Planned Parenthood letter © From the Drew Pearson Papers at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library

Prescott Bush, John F. Kennedy, and New England senators © Reprinted with kind permission from the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library

Prescott and Dorothy Bush gravestones © Courtesy of author

George H.W. Bush and Dwight D. Eisenhower © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. Bush and President Richard Nixon © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. Bush and Henry Kissinger © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. Bush, Ambassador to UN © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. Bush, chairman RNC © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. and Barbara Bush, China © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. Bush, CIA director © George Bush Presidential Library

Vice President and Mrs. George H.W. Bush with President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan © AP/Wide World Photos

President and Mrs. George H.W. Bush with Vice President and Mrs. Dan Quayle © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. Bush with young George and Robin © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. Bush and family, 1959 © George Bush Presidential Library

Vice President George H.W. Bush and family, 1981 © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. Bush on his seventy-fifth birthday, with family © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. Bush and former presidents and first ladies © AP/Wide World Photos

George H.W. Bush with Jennifer Fitzgerald © George Bush Presidential Library

Jennifer Fitzgerald © Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Library

Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan © George Bush Presidential Library

Vice President and Mrs. George H.W. Bush aboard Airforce Two © George Bush Presidential Library

George H.W. Bush with George W. in Texas Air National Guard © AP/Wide World Photos

George W. Bush congressional campaign poster © George Bush Presidential Library

George W. Bush with Texas Rangers sign © AP/Wide World Photos

Jeb Bush and George W. Bush, 1955 © George Bush Presidential Library

Governor Jeb Bush and George W. Bush, 2000 © AP/Wide World Photos

Katherine Harris and Governor Jeb Bush © AP/Wide World Photos

President and Mrs. George W. Bush, Inauguration Day, 2001 © WIN McNamee/Reuters

George W. Bush at Bob Jones University © AP/Wide World Photos

George W. Bush at Ground Zero © AP/Wide World Photos

George H.W. Bush in pilot’s uniform © George Bush Presidential Library

George W. Bush landing on USS
Abraham Lincoln
© AP/Wide World Photos

Bush twins, Barbara and Jenna, 2001 © Larry Downing/Reuters

Lauren Bush © AP/Wide World Photos

George P. Bush and his uncle George W. Bush © AP/Wide World Photos

Noelle Bush © AP/Wide World Photos


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