The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (83 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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Christine Fitzgerald shared the most intimate details of Diana’s life and knew her in ways and at levels that very few others did.
The incredible revelations of the Windsor’s treatment of Diana over many years, the threats made to her by Prince Charles’ personal detective, the ritual sacrifices and the confirmation that they were responsible for the murder of Barry Mannakee, should not pass without note.
There should be a campaign to press the Windsors to face these matters and for Al Fayed, Trevor Rees-Jones, Earl Spencer and the others I have named, to answer the questions that have to be addressed.
Power must be stripped from the Windsors, their royal dynasty dismantled and their crimes against humanity publicly exposed.
More than that, however, those in the political, security and medical professions, who are also involved, must be equally exposed.
The Royal Family, Earl Spencer, and the Satanic, former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, have all dismissed claims that Diana was murdered and called for such suggestions to cease ‘for the sake of the boys’.
These questions must not be allowed to be ignored or another Elite assassination will have been promulgated whilst those responsible go free.

Earl Spencer even went to the extent of issuing a statement on behalf of the Spencer family in February 1998 in which he asked: “Is there any good in all this speculation? I ask that because there is clearly a lot of harm in it.
All we, her family, ask is that Diana’s memory be respected and the sensational speculation be left out of the public arena, where it undermines our aims to come to terms with her loss”.

Had Diana been your sister would you not be determined to find out what happened?
If you were Prime Minister when such a famous and loved Princess had been killed, would you not insist that the truth be established?
So why don’t they?
I think we all know the answer to that particular question,

Diana had a profound effect on millions of people as was apparent after her death and most people did not know the full extent of her suffering once the Windsors got hold of her.
In many ways Diana was a mirror of Marilyn Monroe, used by the establishment and then cast aside and murdered when her usefulness was at an end.
Marilyn had affairs with John Kennedy and also it seems, his brother, Bobby and when she became dangerous because of her inside knowledge she was killed because of what she knew.
In another of those remarkable examples of synchronicity there are many ‘coincidences’ that connect her life and that of Diana’s.
They were both born on the first of the month and died at the age of 36 in August.
They both married on the 29th of the month to men twelve years older.
Marilyn called herself the Queen of Diamonds and Diana the Queen of Hearts and both were subjects of the Elton John song, Candle in the Wind, which he sang at Diana’s funeral.

Since Christine Fitzgerald first spoke out about her relationship with Diana, the threat to destroy her business has been implemented.
Suddenly the phone stopped ringing and she was seeing as many clients in a week as she had been in a day.
This is unexplainable when you consider that she is one of Britain’s most gifted and effective healers working in the centre of London.
Unexplainable that is, unless one is aware of the story.
But she is nevertheless determined that the truth shall be known, whatever the authorities seek to do to her: “I don’t want a war, I just want to end the bullshit”, as she puts it.
Looking back on Diana’s life and their conversations together she reflects:

“Poor cow, she was in a house where no one gives a damn and it’s a terrible state of affairs.
She was all alone in a nest of vipers.
I used to just patch her up.
She just found me and came to me.
I made her wait a fortnight until I checked it out.
They used to say that I was giving her anger therapy.
I didn’t.
I used to just listen to her, take it all in and think Jesus Christ!
But I didn’t think they would kill her. I can’t believe that this information is so close to home and yet they are still managing to keep it at bay.
My room is the truth room and it’s a real place of safety and I don’t judge anyone on their s**t and that’s why I haven’t spoken about any of this in the past.
She was as screwed up as anyone you know and if you’re going to tell the truth, you have to tell the whole truth.
She wasn’t crazy, she was mentally and physically abused, I feel, from a little girl.
Her father was a nasty piece of work and her stepmother (Raine), too.

The Royal Family was very afraid.
She would have taken the public away from them; she would have taken the world from them gradually.
They recognised her worth and fed off her in a psychic vampire way for a long time.
All she wanted was to get married and have children you know, bless her little heart.
She wanted to live out what she had never had. The world would have come to rights with Diana because as f****d up as she was, she was a light being and wherever she went she manifested love.
It was amazing.
The sad thing was that she didn’t know she was doing that and she needed proof of her worth and she was looking in the wrong quarters for that.
But when she tried to break away, we went out and did normal things.
She did Kung Fu with my husband for five years.
She wanted to be normal, to link arms and walk down the street.
She knew where her heart lay.
She really and truly did amazing things.”

Diana said she could not believe how cold the Windsors were and the public were shown a graphic example of this in the days after her death.
They stayed out of sight in Balmoral in Scotland while the people mourned Diana in their tens of millions with an unprecedented explosion of grief.
It was only the pressure from the public through the media that forced the Queen, kicking and screaming, to make a cold, emotionless and pathetic ‘tribute’ to Diana on TV the night before the funeral.
Cold is a word constantly used about the Queen, Phillip and Charles and that’s the mental and emotional profile of the Brotherhood and its networks.
William (Bill) Cooper said that the Initiates that he met in his work for US Naval Intelligence had “No conscience, no morals, no regrets, no feelings, and no emotion”.
This is precisely the same psychopathic character profile as the Windsors and indeed most of the Elite that control our lives.

We have all been hoodwinked for thousands of years.
Hoodwinked about our history, hoodwinked about whom we really are and the true nature of life.
Hoodwinked about the true background and agenda of those we have allowed to rule us.
How apt, therefore, that this word should also derive from Freemasonry.
Dr. Albert MacKey, the 33rd degree Freemason and foremost Freemason historian of the 19th century, defined the term ‘hoodwinked’ in his Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry as: ‘A symbol of secrecy, silence and darkness, in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane’.

Diana’s tragic death is but one of a long, long line of others whose lives have been cut brutally short to serve the agenda of these monsters who rule us with an iron fist, encased in a velvet glove.

PART 3 – The World of Today – Our Distorted Reality


The distorted reality under which we all exist today is a direct result of the falsification of much of what we regard as our true historical heritage.
In the first two sections of this book, I have attempted to provide evidence for and examples of the numerous ways in which we have been distracted and diverted from the real truth in order that a tiny minority of people may benefit from that lack of knowledge and thus maintain the status quo heavily in their favour.
Maintaining this ‘edited’ view of the past is essential in their control of the vast majority of humanity and this is sustained by all the methods already covered, including but not exclusive to, the media, the entertainment industry, the medical profession, politics, law and the subtle utilisation of a group of people that have come to be known by the ‘truth movement’ as ‘useful idiots’.
However, more of this important group very shortly.

We have been lied to and deceived on a truly epic scale by those who rule over us, ever since human society first saw the light of day, regardless of whether, like mainstream history and archaeology you believe that to be ten thousand years ago – or even ten million years ago.
As a timely reminder, here is a reprise of the quote from the first page of the introduction, by Dr. Henry Makow, who like myself has been researching these issues for many years and sums up this conspiracy succinctly, thus…

“In fact, ‘conspiracy’ is very plausible.
People who control a grossly disproportionate share of the world's wealth will take extreme measures to consolidate their position.”
[My emphasis – JH]

This is the entire nub of the issue in two short sentences and summarises neatly the reason that humankind is now in the situation in which we find ourselves today.
Everything else is just a means to this end, a method by which we can be controlled, indeed the ‘extreme measures’, to which Dr. Makow refers.

So, let us now move into the very recent past and from thence to the present day and examine the issues which confront us daily and which have as a result of the falsification of past events now become pertinent to our everyday struggle to survive.
But firstly, let us examine the prominent role played by a group of people who are very important to the Elite’s plans for keeping us all in a state of ignorance of the truth.

Useful Idiots

What do I mean by this term?
‘Useful idiots’, as distinct from ‘shills’ – people who are knowingly setting-out to deceive us, are those among us who are unknowingly furthering the agenda of the Elite by acting as unwitting purveyors of falsehoods and naysayers of the real truth.

For example, when confronted with the facts, they will ask lots of questions, but never wait to hear an answer.
To their minds, questions are not a search for information, but rather a tool of disruption.
In this way, the useful idiot never has to expose his ignorance because he never has to enter into a meaningful dialogue with anyone who has an opposing view.
All he has to do is maintain an attacking stance and this perpetuates a useless, circular argument, usually ending in utter stalemate.


Another of the most common tactics used is the injection of ‘humour’.
He will turn everything into a joke, whether it is funny or not.
Laughing at that which we do not understand often makes things appear less daunting, but it also makes us more passive and accepting.

The comedians that are most successful (and popular) are those that follow mainstream thinking and encourage us to laugh at anything that challenges these norms.
A good example being the ridicule to which David Icke was subjected for many years in the early 1990s when he made the now self-acknowledged mistake of trying to bring his views to an unthinking majority by the very medium which would seek to destroy him (television).
This made him an easy target for the ‘comedians’ of the day and even the mention of his name alone, would be guaranteed to raise a cheap laugh.
In Medieval times, even the most tyrannical of rulers would allow a court jester to make jokes at his expense because the jester was an inconsequential figure, a powerless and non-threatening entity.
A jokester can verbally undermine anyone to his heart’s content, but will never really change the world because although he may make us laugh, ultimately no-one really cares what figures of fun have to say about anything of consequence.
It is not too difficult to imagine a whole subsection of society emulating this dynamic; millions of people deluding themselves into thinking that being a slave is not all that bad, just as long as we are funny slaves.

Whenever the useful idiot is confronted with a truth that threatens his established world-view, he will do anything to distract or derail the argument.
Making poor jokes, resorting to childish ridicule, ignoring cold hard logic and facts, making threats or denying that you are qualified to present the facts, even though the facts speak for themselves no matter who is relaying them.
The list goes on and on and very seldom will he confront the truth presented on its own terms, instead, he will often make a point of making the ‘messenger’ the issue at hand and not the information being presented.
For example, I have lost count of the times when in trying to present an argument that I have been cut-off in full flow by a mocking statement such as... ‘You must have too much time on your hands’.
As though ‘having too much time’ somehow is an actual impediment to seeking the truth and not the opposite ie. not having enough time on one’s hands!

Is it so difficult to check information to confirm whether or not any premise is true?
I have been asked many times when stating a fact to one of these people, to ‘prove it’ but when I offer to do so by pointing them in the right direction, they will often ostentatiously decline the offer on the basis that It cannot possibly be true.
It obviously must be extremely difficult for some people to check information though because so many people believe absolutely everything they are told by the mainstream or figures of authority, or simply assume it must be true, without bothering to check it out for themselves.

If a so-called ‘scientist’ suddenly announced via the media that adding arsenic to coffee will increase one’s desirability in the eyes of the opposite sex, would these people blindly ingest it or would a more sensible approach be to double-check the facts first?
Obviously everyone knows that arsenic is poisonous, but how many other poisons do we westerners ingest daily because some petty official gave the all-clear to add it into our food supply.
I am speaking of such horrors here as; mercury (thimerasol), aspartame, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), fluoride, rBGH, Bisphenol-A, GMOs and others too numerous to mention and all of which appear with monotonous regularity on the ingredients list of popular foodstuffs.
A few minutes of research via that invaluable tool, the Internet, which is available to virtually all now, would soon provide a mountain of evidence to demonstrate that these substances are far from the benign entities they are purported to be and indeed are in some cases, bordering on deadly.
But are these people aware of this fact?
Welcome to the world of the useful idiot.

However, having said all that, to be a truly useful idiot is not just simply a case of for example, taking part in the mass-ingestion of all this filth, but in order to qualify as a bona fide, paid-up member of the club, the really useful idiot is someone of the ilk of the official or the ‘scientist’ who vehemently propounds the purity of these substances.
He may also be the dentist who mockingly laughs when questioned about the safety of fluoride in toothpastes or the nurse who threatens to call the Child Protection Service / Social Services if you refuse a vaccination for your newborn baby.
It is often also the person who received his standard dose of academic propaganda without ever comprehending the fact that once upon a time, the first rule of ‘good science’ used to be to question everything and not just blindly accept anything laid down by someone claiming authority.

So, the useful idiot is not only conditioned himself, but is also a valuable distribution agent of that conditioning to others.
When confronted with a viewpoint which falls outside of his dogmatic stance, his brain shuts down because he has lived most of his life with the ideas and propaganda inherent in a lifetime of brainwashing.
To be confronted with the fact that everything he previously thought he knew and has based his entire life upon is false, is an extremely nasty medicine to have to swallow.
This is an acknowledged condition known as ‘cognitive dissonance’.

Of course, this all makes the useful idiot the prime target of Elite disinformation campaigns.
Nearly all criminal actions by the Elite through their puppets in government, receive their primary support from this portion of the population exactly because they are so easily misled by authority.
These people have been conditioned to automatically disbelieve and ridicule anything that comes with the engendered label of ‘conspiracy theory’ and instead of checking facts for themselves, firmly believe that there is no need to do that because if it is deemed to be a conspiracy theory, therefore by definition, it must be utter nonsense.

But why should we bother trying to communicate with these unquestioning robots at all?
Surely they are the absolute definition of a lost cause?
However, if we can demonstrate that beyond all doubt that just one of their misconceptions is totally without substance and unsupported by facts, it may just be that they are no longer able to assume that any of their other misguided views are of any real substance either.
They may eventually be shamed or forced into doing the research, which may then lead to the world-shattering realisation that suddenly they know nothing.
I have been in that position myself and believe me it is not a very pleasant place to be.
It appears that the whole world has suddenly fallen apart and the question then becomes one of ‘what is actually real and what is not?’ and almost like a child, one has to start re-learning how to relate to this strange new reality, over again.

Eventually though, one accepts the loss of innocence.
That dupe that was so convinced of what was right and wrong and certain of his place in the grand scheme of things suddenly finds himself in a scary place, a world he must now investigate alone to determine the truth, instead of being spoon-fed the reality proscribed by faceless others in the world of academia or the media.
The empowerment and the sheer awe inherent in this process are almost unbelievable in their scope and have to be experienced to be understood.
It is almost like a blind man who can suddenly see after forty years or so of blindness, never knowing what he was missing all that time because he had nothing with which to compare it.
But, once the huge leap across this vast chasm has been made, it is not only impossible to go back to being the person we were before; it is absolutely unthinkable so to do.

Of course, no-one regards themselves as a useful idiot, blindly serving the interests of monsters in the cruel and heartless oppression of their fellow man, but the fact remains that many people are in just such a position.
You may despise some of them or wish them ill, but please do not give-up on them all.
There are some good, honest, well-meaning people amongst their ranks and confronting their unintentional ignorance is not simply just the duty of we who are better informed; it is also an act of compassion towards those who are not.

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