The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (57 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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In accordance with my extensive research on the subject, I firmly believe that Hitler and Braun were secretly flown via Hamburg to Norway, where they were transported to South America (probably Argentina) by U-boat.
According to contemporary Pravda (the Soviet newspaper) reports, at least five U-boats full of Nazi officials left Norway for Argentina during the period from the end of April to early May 1945.
Furthermore I also believe that these people were not merely just allowed to escape, but were actively in effect ‘rescued’ in complicity with the British and the US Elite on the basis that in their eyes, they had committed no crimes but were merely acting out their intended roles in the stage play otherwise known as World War II and now that their performance was at an end, they were free to seek refuge with whomsoever would have them.


Hitler aged 90 in 1979

So, after the war the five German U-boats reached Argentina with no less than 50 high ranking Third Reich officials on board including Hitler and Braun.
During the trip they even sank a US battleship and the Brazilian cruiser Bahia with a death toll of more than 400, including many US naval personnel.
Both the US and the British Government have systematically covered up this operation.
Why would this be?
Did they actually arrange for Hitler to escape?
I firmly believe so.

Operation ‘Übersee Sud’ (Overseas South) was the code-name of the plan that helped certain high-ranking Nazi officials to escape from the Soviets, possibly in the safekeeping of, but certainly with the co-operation of the British and US Governments.

That same name that always seems to be lurking in the background in these clandestine affairs, Winston Churchill, was apparently the mastermind behind the escape.
The Argentinian Navy established a ‘freedom zone’ to allow the Germans to disembark without being disturbed, in accordance with British Elite instructions.
So, was Adolf Hitler definitely a passenger on one of these U-boats?
It is believed by several respected researchers that Hitler, Eva Braun, her sister Gretel Braun and Martin Bormann escaped via this clandestine operation, however it does still remain unclear whether Hitler specifically landed in Argentina or not.

“We know for sure that Hitler fled either to Spain or to Argentina.”
Josef Stalin in conversation with the US Secretary of State, James Byrne in late 1945

“We have not been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death.
Many people believe that Hitler escaped from Berlin.”
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1946

“Russia must accept much of the blame that Hitler did not die in May 1945.”
Michael Mussmano, presiding judge at the Nuremburg trials, 1946

“We did not identify the body of Hitler.
I can say nothing definite about his fate.
He could have flown away from Berlin at the very last moment.”
Marshall Zhukov, Commander in Chief of the Soviet army, 1945

Do not these three quotations alone tell us everything that we need to know?
If these people genuinely believed he had escaped, how does this reconcile with the popular myth of his death in the bunker?
The simple answer is that it does not.
These claims of suicide and cremation on waste land are provably false and were no doubt spread as deliberate disinformation to prevent the truth from reaching the masses.
This of course is more compelling evidence of the systematic falsification of history at work.

Chicago Times 16th July 1945

Apparently, according to a Japanese source, Hitler flew to Norway at 4.14 pm on the 30th April 1945 in an unmarked aircraft together with Eva Braun and a small party of friends, then reached his final destination, Argentina by U-boat and went into seclusion after ‘completing his duty’.
He spent the rest of his long life in Mendoza in the northwest of Argentina, protected by the Nazi SS and the indigenous Jewish community (how ironic, but how appropriate).
Hitler reportedly died in Mendoza, Argentina in December 1985 at the age of 96 and his remains were buried in a public cemetery in Palmero, thirty miles southeast of Mendoza.
The fate of his wife, Eva Braun is unknown.

The murder of General George Patton

General Patton, perhaps the most popular of the WWII American generals had no qualms about killing enemy soldiers in combat but he ‘drew a line’ at the wholesale murder and starvation of helpless prisoners and civilians in his sector of occupation, as advocated by his superiors.
However because of this, he came into serious conflict with another general of higher rank; General Eisenhower and from then on his fate was sealed.
It is well-known that the two had on-going, extremely animated debates about how the civilian population of Germany was to be treated and Patton was in effect sentenced to death by the directors of this scenario.


One day Patton's car was in collision with a military truck in what was regarded as a very strange accident by witnesses.
The General was taken by ambulance to a hospital, where he was observed to have serious, but not life-threatening injuries.
However, despite this, just as he was recovering some days later, he died of a ‘heart attack’.


Patton's death was extremely opportune.
The General had announced that upon his return to the United States, he was going to denounce publicly what was taking place in Germany.

“I have a little black book in my pocket and when I get back home I’m going to blow the hell out of everything.”
General George Patton, August 1945

Unfortunately though, his views had conflicted with too many important people and so Eisenhower ordered that he be silenced, probably under orders from the very top of the tree.
His ‘black book’ was never found.

At the Yalta conference earlier that year (1945) the Elite ‘masters of the world’ had agreed via their lackeys, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin that the Soviets would be the first to enter the German capital.
They needed a strong Soviet presence in Eastern Europe after the war, to maintain the on-going conflict that is their life-blood, in the form of the Cold War and a Western Europe devoid of a Soviet presence would have severely weakened that strategy.
Patton’s troops could quite easily have entered both Berlin and Prague before the Russians, but were prevented from doing so by an order from Eisenhower.

Patton made no secret of his wish to prevent the entrance of the Red Army into Berlin and in so doing made an enemy of the ‘controlled’ Eisenhower.
He was furious to be informed by his superiors that he was to refrain from taking Berlin.
He, as did they, knew that it would have been simple for the Americans to reach Berlin before the Russians and thus gain control of the entire country but that would have been contrary to the Elite’s plan for the instigation of the Cold War in the succeeding years which partly hinged upon the division of Germany into the two separate states of ‘East’ and ‘West’.
The American progress eastwards through Western Europe had been much swifter than the Russians westward march.
In the main this was due to the Germans’ readiness to surrender to the British and Americans as they knew that surrendering to the Russians was probably a death sentence.
Hence many German units on the eastern front fought to the death of the last man in their futile bid to stop the advancing Russian juggernaut.


Patton's difficulties with the Elite ‘powers that be’ over the occupation of Germany were so great that Eisenhower stripped him of his position as Commander of the Third Army and gave him command of a secondary, lesser unit.
Patton knew he was in danger of death and confided as much to his family and close friends.
He was feared because of his prestige, popularity and influence on public opinion and was undoubtedly the most renowned American combat General, while Eisenhower was nothing more than a ‘political soldier’ and Patton’s words could alert the public to the true reality of what was happening in Germany.

Thus the accident was arranged and set-up, but it was not by any means the first.
On the 21st April 1945, the plane on which he was being transported to General Headquarters of the Third Army in England was attacked by what was assumed to be a German fighter, but it turned out to be a Spitfire piloted by a Polish RAF pilot.
Patton's plane was shot at and badly hit, but was miraculously able to land safely.
Then on the 3rd May, some days before the end of the war, the General's jeep was charged by an ox-drawn cart, leaving Patton with light injuries.


Then on the 13th October 1945 came the collision with the truck, but just as Patton appeared to be recovering after the accident, the ‘heart attack’ occurred.
The fact is that after the 13th October only doctors were allowed to see Patton, with all other visitors forbidden.

From the hospital, Patton contacted his wife in America in a vain attempt to get her to have him moved from the hospital because, he said, “They’re going to kill me here.”


For many years it was only speculation that Patton had been assassinated.
Now it is known for a fact to be the truth, for one very simple reason.
An agent of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services – a forerunner of the CIA) an American military spy, Douglas Bazata, a Jew of Lebanese origin, announced it in front of 450 invited guests; high ranking, ex-members of the OSS and CIA, in the Hilton Hotel in Washington, USA on the 25th September, 1979.
Bazata said, and I quote;


“For diverse political reasons, many extremely high-ranking persons hated Patton.
I know who killed him because it was I.
I am the one who was hired to do it.
I was paid ten thousand dollars and General William Donovan himself, director of the OSS, entrusted me with the mission.
I also set up the accident but since he didn't die in the accident, he was kept in isolation in the hospital, where he was killed by me with a cyanide injection.”

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