The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (2 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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Live Aid / Live8

The Red Cross

WWF (The Worldwide Fund for Nature – formerly the World Wildlife Fund)

Cancer Research

Poppy Day / Remembrance Day / Veterans Day

Harry Potter

Crop Circles

Agenda 21

World War III

Big Brother is Watching You


The Police – To Protect and Serve the Elite

The Free-man Principle


Mind Control

Project Bluebeam

Suppressed Technologies

Radiant Energy

Permanent Magnets

Mechanical Heaters

Super-Efficient Electrolysis (The Water-Powered Car

Implosion Engine

Cold Fusion

Anti-Gravity Propulsion

Health and Nutrition and the false medical paradigm in which we all live



Bird flu and swine flu ‘pandemics’

HIV / Aids


Autism – vaccine-induced brain damage

Mercury in dental fillings

Marijuana – the myth

Energy-saving Light-bulbs

Invented diseases

High Cholesterol

Food and Nutrition


Genetically Modified Food

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)


Contaminated Drinking Water

Junk Food

Codex Alimentarius

Religion and Spirituality

Mainstream Religion


Reincarnation and ‘Life between Lives’


PART 4 – The Epilogue


“History is created, manipulated and written by those who are predominantly on the victorious side of the nation which has supreme political, and especially military, dominance.
Any ‘truth’ which has the slightest potential of weakening their total hold over the masses is not tolerated.
Any truth which can impact their power is squelched or cunningly hidden by them, usually in a manufactured media release to the unsuspecting public, often in a jovial manner to render the information a laughing matter and display it as harmless.”
Former NASA astronaut, Clark C McClelland

“History is a lie, commonly agreed upon.”
Voltaire, French philosopher

The ongoing, deliberate, systematic falsification of both ancient and modern history and thus by default, our present reality, is undoubtedly taking place as part of a conspiracy by the ruling Elite.
I do not intend by this statement to suggest that the whole of recorded history is false, but it is clear that at the very least, the framework of our past and present is certainly distorted and manipulated to present a deliberately misleading picture of reality in order to benefit a tiny minority of humanity.
This is no wild, unsubstantiated claim, it is a well-established fact and I believe it to be no great exaggeration to say that almost everything you think you know about history and the present-day is wrong.

However, I use the word ‘conspiracy’ guardedly.
The very word itself conjures up an image of tin-foil-hat-wearing geeks, suffering from extreme paranoia and irrationality.
This engendered image in itself is an appropriate illustration of how we have been systematically socially-engineered into believing the Orwellian ‘double-think’ that war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, truth is lies, black is white, up is down, 2+2=5 and anyone even suggesting a conspiracy is simply crazy or outrageous.
However as ‘conspiracy’ is indeed what it is, I shall continue to use the word.

“In fact, ‘conspiracy’ is very plausible.
People who control a grossly disproportionate share of the world's wealth will take extreme measures to consolidate their position.”
Dr. Henry Makow, author of ‘A Cruel Hoax’

“How many times have you heard the mainstream media dismiss certain points of view as ‘conspiracy theories’?
It seems as though one of the easiest ways to brush something off is to label it as something that only ‘conspiracy theorists’ would believe.
Well, you know what?
A whole lot of the time, the ‘conspiracy theorists’ are right and the mainstream media is wrong.
In fact, we owe a great debt to ‘conspiracy theorists’ because they will go places and investigate things that the mainstream media would never even touch.
The reality is that the mainstream media only tells us what the government and the big corporations want us to hear, and much of the time it is those in the alternative media that are left with the task of trying to figure out what the real truth is.
So don't look down on conspiracy theories or conspiracy theorists.
In a world where almost everything we are told is a lie, the truth can be very difficult to find.”
Michael Snyder, Blacklisted News.
August 2011

In my view, when anyone says “I do not believe in conspiracy theories”, what they actually mean is… “I have already made-up my mind based upon what I have been told to think by the mainstream media conspiring to propagandise us through TV, radio and newspapers, so please do not confuse me with the truth”.

Unfortunately, the society described in George Orwell’s dystopian novel, ‘1984’ is not some distant future improbability, it is already here.
More than one quarter of a century later than the author anticipated, but here it is nevertheless.
George Orwell and Aldous Huxley were both members of the inner sanctum of the Fabian Society; an integral part of the Elite secret society network and this is whence they derived the insider knowledge for their prophetic novels, ‘1984’ and ‘Brave New World’.
This is also the reason that these works are now proving to be so accurate in their ‘predictions’.

In order to comprehend why and how the entire history of the human race as related by politicians, scientists, historians and educators, is very largely a manufactured falsehood, one has to attempt to understand and interpret a pattern which only becomes evident upon the closer analysis of world events today and their root causes.
One is naturally faced with the greatest difficulty in coming to terms with all the various and diverse facets of this whole conspiracy and understanding the many different phases of this monstrous plan, as it is staggering in its interconnectedness and complexities.
The purpose of this book is to facilitate the linking of all these at first glance, unrelated facets and thus lead to a better, more complete understanding of the insidious plight currently facing the human race.

“Our Western history is every bit as distorted, censored and largely useless as that of Hitler's Germany, the Soviet Union or Communist China.”
Anthony Sutton, historian

It is a truism to state that in the Western world, we all grew up with mainstream media stories of Soviet and Communist Chinese governments who were able to fool all their näive citizens into believing that they lived in some sort of ‘socialist’ paradise, not realising themselves that they suffered a kind of ‘living hell’, whilst we were all assured that we lived in a blissful state of democratic freedom and we, for our part were only too happy to believe this lie.
How many times have you personally used the expression ‘it’s a free country’ in proclaiming your right to express an opinion or perform a specific action?
How ironic it is then that it turns out that the joke is actually on us?

In fact, the citizens of both those aforementioned countries knew the real situation exactly.
They watched the state news broadcasts and read the state newspapers and treated them as some kind of sick comedy show at worst, whilst at best trying to ignore them and live their lives as well as they were able, under the circumstances.
How different to our experience in the ‘free world’, then.
We were subjected to much the same kind of lies and propaganda as were our Soviet and Chinese counterparts, but the big difference is that we believed that we were being told the truth and worse yet, we for the most part still do believe it.
Our so-called ‘news’ and history and indeed much else of what we are conditioned to believe is nothing but outright propaganda and lies, broadcast as part of the ongoing, insidious Elite conspiracy.
Propaganda is similar to rat poison in that 99% of it is tasty and wholesome, the purpose of which is to disguise the remaining 1% that will kill you.

“Coexistence on this tightly knit earth should be viewed as an existence not only without wars… but also without the government telling us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know and what not to know”.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, from a speech on the 11th September 1973

If you still believe you live in a free country and not an Orwellian police-state, try one of these actions for yourself...

Take a photograph or video of a public building or a public servant (a police or traffic officer, for example) going about his duty.

Ask politely for a police officer’s name and number after feeling you have been unfairly treated by him / her or a colleague.

Take a perfectly innocent photograph of your baby or toddler in his / her natural state (ie. naked) and then attempt to get the picture developed at a high street photo-processing outlet.

Take a photograph of your own child at a school or other organised children’s event.

Post a small ‘flyer’ on a wall offering a reward for returning a missing pet cat.

Wear a t-shirt or badge (button) bearing an anti-government or anti-establishment slogan.

Attempt to provide food and drink to a small group of homeless people in a public park.

Stand in a public place peacefully making non-confrontational, anti-government or anti-royalty statements or handing out leaflets regarding the same.

Make a public statement, verbal or written, to the effect that you do not believe that as many as six million Jews were systematically exterminated in gas chambers in World War II.

Place the wrong kind of trash in the wrong bin.

Post a stupid, insensitive, joking statement on a social networking website about blowing-up an airport.

Take a small paring knife to school in your lunchbox to peel your lunch apple.

Drop bio-degradable ‘litter’ on an area of public grass (for example an apple core).

Politely refuse to submit to an outrageous, invasive body search when attempting to board a plane.

Verbally defend someone you believe is being treated unfairly by police / figures of authority.

Write and publish a poem on the Internet about assassinating the US president.

I am sure you get the picture and these are just a few examples, but suffice to say that people have been harassed, verbally and physically assaulted by police, arrested, fined and jailed in the UK, US and elsewhere in the so-called ‘free world’ for these and similar activities and these are not just isolated incidents.
The last named action above, in fact resulted in a three year jail sentence in America in 2010.

In addition to this, in our glorious so-called, western ‘free world’ society in 2010/11 the following horrendous ‘felonies’ were recorded:

In America, a 6 year old boy was sentenced to 45 days in reform school for taking to school a camping utensil best described as a combination of a knife, fork and spoon.

A 7 year old boy, described as ‘a nice kid’ and ‘a good student’ by his school was charged by police for simulating a gun in the traditional way by bending back two fingers under the thumb and pointing the remaining two fingers at another student.

Also, in Britain in June 2011, a 13 year old boy was dragged out of bed at 11.30pm by police who had unceremoniously burst into his house issuing threats to his parents.
His ‘crime’?
He allegedly threw an apple core at another boy – an allegation that was only the word of one thirteen year old against another.
Despite protests from the boy’s parents that he was asleep in bed, the police threatened arrests if their demands were not met.

And horrifically, in November 2010 a 14 year-old boy was shot dead in America by a school-district officer for becoming involved in a schoolboy fight with another boy of the same age.
The boy, when confronted, ran away, was pursued by the officer and found to be hiding in fear in a nearby garden shed.
The officer simply took out his gun and summarily executed the boy on the spot.
And this was not the first time apparently that he had resorted to unnecessary, extreme violence and yet had nevertheless been allowed to keep his job.

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