The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (11 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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"As I have already implied, students of fossil primates have not been distinguished by caution when working within the logical constraints of their subject.
The record is so astonishing that it is legitimate to ask whether much science is yet to be found in this field at all.”

However, in my view, the story of the Piltdown-man fraud provides a pretty good answer to that question. 

So, the ‘theory’ of evolution is based on the hypothesis that contemporary man today has evolved from his primate ancestors, diversifying from them between 4 and 10 million years ago.
Although no definitive consensus has yet been reached by the evolutionary researchers, the generally accepted list of ancestors of humans reads as follows: 


Australopithecus or ‘southern ape’

Homo habilis or ‘tool using man’

Homo erectus or ‘upright man’

Archaic Homo Sapiens or ‘old modern man’

Homo sapiens or ‘modern man’

According to the evolutionists the first ape ancestors of man, Australopithecus were creatures which had some human-like but possessed mostly ape-like characteristics.
Some branches of the Australopithecus have allegedly become extinct and the others developed into the Homo (human) strain.
Evolutionists also insist that Homo erectus and its subsequent incarnations were almost identical with contemporary man.

Today there are over 200 species of apes still extant.
However, it is claimed that there were in total, more than 6500 species of primates that lived in ancient times but are now extinct.
According to the estimates of scientists, only 3% of these primates are known.
The species Australopithecus named by evolutionists are actually extinct apes which share some common structural characteristics with today's apes. 

The primary criteria used by evolutionists in categorising and evaluating human fossils are; bipedalism (upright walking), cranial capacity (the volume of the brain-pan) and cranial shape.
Various classifications are evaluated according to those criteria. 

Yet, some of these criteria, especially the cranial capacity are extremely unreliable.
For example, the generally accepted cranial capacity figure for a contemporary ape is a maximum of 750 cubic centimetres (cc).
The cranial capacity of humans is said to range between 900-2200cc, but among the Australian Aborigine natives, there are quite a number of individuals who have a capacity of around 850cc and furthermore cranial capacity is obviously subject to huge variations, depending on age, sex, race and other criteria.
Cranial capacity can therefore never be a reliable means of measurement. 

The crania of ape fossils and the crania of today's apes are very similar to each other, being narrow and long.
However, human crania are more voluminous with wide foreheads, the skull is flat with no protrusions, eyes are wide apart and the shape of the eyebrow ridges above the eyes change according to racial traits.
In addition, the mandibles of humans are very much different from that of apes, bearing a distinctly parabolic shape.


To continue the argument, the arms of apes are longer in relation to the body and their legs are shorter, both toes and fingers of apes have grasping abilities and they are all quadrupeds – all true of both primitive and modern species.
Indeed their entire skeleton is designed for a quadrupedal-type body structure.
They stand on two feet only rarely, for example when reaching upwards to grasp tree branches or pick fruit, but generally spend most of their time on all-fours. 

Bipedalism is a characteristic exclusive to humans (in primates) and this quality is the factor that most distinguishes human beings from other mammals.
A human hip, pelvis, back-bone and spinal cord are designed only for a biped and could not function correctly in a quadrupedal frame.  In short therefore, when analysing the ‘proof’ of evolution, one could realistically say that the most important and binding criterion should be bipedalism.
Bipedalism is the critical factor that distinguishes humans from apes and therefore the focal point of the argument should be the question of whether our so-called ‘ancestors’ walked upright or not. 

One of the most enduring chapters of the apocryphal human evolution story is Neanderthal man. Neanderthals, whom even the evolutionists deem to be ‘real’ human beings were regarded for some considerable time as ‘a primitive human race’ by the evolutionists and are considered by them as an intermediate, transitional form from ape to man, possibly in an attempt to solve the ‘missing-link’ conundrum which haunts evolutionary theory to this day and which has never been adequately explained.

The story of Neanderthal man began in the Neander valley in what is now modern Germany, where a local schoolteacher discovered a skull fragment, a thighbone and other small pieces of a skeleton in 1856.
These pieces were subsequently studied by an anatomy professor named Schaafhausen at Bonn University and were eventually considered, after many surveys and comparisons, to be a typical human male with no anatomical abnormalities.
According to Schaafhausen who made the first study, the bones belonged to an old human race, possibly to a Barbarian tribe who resided there before the Germanic races moved into the region. 

Some years later however, the fossils were sent to the University of Berlin and re-examined there by Professor Rudolf Virchow.
Virchow who later in life came to be regarded as the ‘father of pathology’, made a diagnosis which still holds validity today; that these bones belonged to a Homo sapiens (modern human) who had suffered from severe arthritis in his childhood and who had died from what appeared to be several blows to the skull. 

Nevertheless, William King an anatomy professor from Queens University in Ireland who studied the fossils after Virchow, produced a totally new interpretation of the facts, which was in effect responsible for the Neanderthal man ‘legend’.
As a long-time passionate advocator of the theory of evolution, King drew his conclusions from the structure of the bones in accordance with evolutionist prudence.
He pronounced that this fossil was more ‘primitive’ than modern man and therefore could not be classified as such.
He also assigned to the fossil, it’s now ubiquitous scientific name, Homo Neanderthalensis.
According to King, it was a member of the Homo (human) species; but at the same time too primitive to be a human. 

Two years later, similar skeletons were found in Belgium.
These skeletons, which did not attract much attention initially, were subsequently brought to the attention of those who were looking for the supposed ape-ancestors of man, influenced strongly of course by Darwin's book, ‘The Origin of Species’.  


In 1908, further Neanderthal skeletons were found in Moustier in the region of La Chapelle-aux-Saints, France.
These were studied by Professor Boule from the Paleo-anthropology Institute in Paris, himself a dedicated and passionate supporter of evolutionary theory. Professor Boule himself was indeed responsible for creating the popular, primitive Neanderthal man image in our minds.
Boule described his findings as follows: 

“Neanderthals seem to be closer to apes than any other group of man and their intelligence is not wholly developed.
The composition, position and the order of the cerebellum and spinal cord are the same as the apes.
Besides, the feet have the same grasping attribute as in chimpanzees and gorillas.
The anatomical structure of Neanderthals indicates that they walk in an awkward and clumsy way.” 

At the same time, Professor Boule was responsible for the first Neanderthal face and body shape reconstruction.
According to this reconstruction, which he made whilst relying upon his own preposterous pre-conceptions, “Neanderthal man is a half-man and half-ape being.
He cannot walk upright and stoops, as do apes.”
This utterly baseless theory made by Boule in accordance with his subjective interpretation of the Neanderthal fossils he had in his possession is responsible for the popular mental image we have of Neanderthal man, which still abides to this day. 

Popularised depiction of a Neanderthal

Despite all the unstinting efforts of the evolutionists, this subjective approach to Neanderthals began to change in the 1950s.
Advanced technology began to confirm that Neanderthals were by no means primitive humans, in sharp contrast to the prevailing view.  In light of the advent of this new data, these questions were still pertinent; was Neanderthal man, alleged to live only 30,000 years ago, really as primitive as the evolutionists claimed and were Neanderthals primitive creatures who had no civilisation and unable to even walk upright? 

These questions were answered by two researchers who examined the La Chapelle-aux-Saints fossils in 1957.
These anatomists whose names were Straus and Cave discovered exactly why the fossil man found in 1908 and depicted in a reconstruction by Boule, stooped.
As Professor Rudolf Virchow from Berlin University had pointed out originally, this fossil had also suffered from chronic arthritis, just as had the original Neanderthal man who was found in 1856.
This insidious bone disease was deforming the shape of the spinal column and led to stooping due to the gradual decaying of the bones.
His mandible bone was also deformed and in short, the reason why the Neanderthal fossil possessed a bent posture was the simple fact that he suffered from nothing more uncommon than severe arthritis and not as had been proffered by the evolutionist dogma, his relationship to a primitive species of man. 

In all other aspects, ‘Neanderthal man’ possessed human characteristics.
His big toe was not bent as Boule claimed; his thighbone was exactly the same as that of modern man and the report prepared by Straus and Cave culminated with the following words:

“If they had come back to life today, most probably they would not be discriminated from the other people in the New York subway, provided that they had bathed, were shaved and wore modern suits.” 

Today, evolutionists remain evasive on the subject of Neanderthal man.
It has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the reason why the fossil was stooped as illustrated in Boule’s crude and deceptive reconstruction, was the presence of severe arthritis.
An authority on this subject, Erik Trinkaus of The University of New Mexico, remarked… 

“Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal skeletal remains with those of modern humans have shown that there is nothing in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusively indicates locomotive, manipulative, intellectual or linguistic abilities inferior to those of modern humans.” 

The evolutionists deliberately ignore the difference between the average 1400cc cranial volume of modern man and the 1750cc volume of Neanderthals. They know very well that the announcement of this fact would pose another serious problem to their weak thesis.
Since the evolutionists interpreted the cranial volumes they found, as evidence of evolution, accepting the fact that Neanderthal man had an even larger cranial volume than modern man would imply a regression in the evolutionary process as this would simply mean that Neanderthals were more intelligent than modern humans.

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