The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles) (5 page)

BOOK: The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles)
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Chapter Five

When Satan doesn
’t lie


              I was exhausted.  It was the only excuse I could give for going to sleep so quickly when just taking a nap had become so dangerous.  As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.  It didn’t take long to realize what a mistake closing my eyes had been. 

A hot wind caressed my skin causing sweat to drench me.  I opened my eyes within the dream and immediately took in my surroundings.  Darkness didn’t meet me like it had before.  Still, I knew I was in danger because where I stood was more terrible  than the darkness had been.  There was evidence of torture and murder within the area which seemed like some type of cave structure.  Blood stained cavern walls and screams of a million tortured souls surrounded me.  Immediately, I wished for the darkness again but my wish wouldn‘t be granted. 

“Alex,” my name surrounded me, echoing off of the crimson walls and I stiffened because even though I had spoken to him only once, his voice was already familiar.  Slowly, I turned toward Lucifer, jolting with surprise when I saw him. 

He would have easily been the most beautiful man I had ever seen if it hadn’t been for the knowledge of his ugly soul.  His hair was a mixture of brown, blonde and black and waved back from his face in thick, shining locks.  His face was tanned and his eyes were a beautiful shade of grey.  He was shirtless displaying muscles which would rival  the hottest actor in Hollywood.   He wore jeans which hung low on his waist.  Still, the very sight of him made me sick. 

I narrowed my eyes, seeing past his physical beauty once again to his dark soul.  Lucifer would devour anyone near him and smile while he did it.  He had even tried to overthrow his maker. 

I watched as he crossed his arms over his chest.  He smiled, flashing perfect white teeth, “So you’ve come to see me again.”

I raised my brow.  He acted like I was visiting a dear friend instead of my most hated enemy, “More like I was kidnapped…again.”

One corner of his mouth lifted and I guessed that he was trying to seem seductive.  I curled my lip in disgust as he said, “You amuse me.”

“Believe me,” I sneered, “I don’t intentionally give you any entertainment.” 

He smirked as he said in that smooth voice which grated my nerves, “That’s what makes it sweeter.”

“What do you want?” I asked, annoyed, angry and even though I would never admit it to him, a bit scared. 

His smile widened as he leaned against the blood soaked walls of the cavern.  I had to fight the disgust which overwhelmed me then, “I only want to talk.”

I raised my brows, “I don’t believe you,” I said, shaking my head. 

He leaned up and stepped forward, “That’s usually a smart idea,” he said, laughing, “After all, I will do anything to win this little war.”

“Yet, you are destined to lose,” I said, rolling my eyes before looking back into his reddening face, “Why do you even try?”

“You don’t get it, do you?” He asked as he stalked closer to me.  His eyes were too bright and I had to suppress a shiver. 

“Get what?” I asked, frowning. 

“Even if I do lose, I still win,” he said, angrily. 

“What do you mean?” I asked as I tilted my head, studying his face. 

“I mean that I will win by taking as many of you…humans with me as possible,” He sneered as if disgusted, “It will break his heart every time he loses one of you.”

I laughed, suddenly understanding, “You’re jealous of us,” I said, watching his face turned a violent shade of red. 

His eyes widened in anger as he took a threatening step toward me.  I stepped back, suddenly showing my fear.  My breaths came quickly as my heart picked up speed.  I closed my eyes willing myself to wake up but suddenly, I heard a familiar, comforting voice. 

“You will not touch her, Lucifer,” I heard as my eyes opened to find Semarias blocking Lucifer’s path to me. 

I heard Lucifer laugh, “So, you’re a guardian now?” Lucifer said, amused, “I wonder how that happened?”

“They needed the best,” Semarias said but I could hear the anger in his voice. 

“Perhaps, but you’re bonded with her,” Lucifer said as I looked around Semarias’ shoulder to view him.  His eyes landed on me.  His voice was mocking, “Do you know what that means?”

I noticed Semarias stiffen, “Alex, you need to wake up.”

I didn’t listen.  Instead, I looked at Lucifer, “What does that mean?”

He laughed as he clapped his hands amused, “It means that he’s in love with you,” he said.  He shook his head as he continued to laugh at my look of shock, “When an angel loves a human, they can fall.  You are his temptation.  You could destroy him.  Better yet, you will destroy him and I will be there waiting to welcome him with a smile on my face.”

I backed away, “No,” I said, looking at Semarias, terrified, “Tell me that’s not true.”

His face fell and he opened his mouth to speak.  I thought he would explain but instead, he whispered, “Wake up.”

Darkness immediately surrounded me and I was floating up to the light until my eyes opened, waking me with a start.  I sat up in my bed looking for Semarias but found myself completely alone.


              I walked out to the deck and waited for Semarias with my arms crossed over my chest.  The cold air blew around me but I was refusing to move until I spoke to him.  I narrowed my eyes and inhaled, knowing that he was watching me though he still didn’t show himself. 

“Semarias, I need to speak to you,” I whispered with tears burning my eyes.  I could not believe that I could potentially be at fault for his downfall.  A tear fell down my cheek but still, it was silent.  I closed my eyes, knowing I would have to use something stronger than his embarrassment or my tears to make him show himself, “Please, Semarias.  Don’t leave me to handle this by myself.  I need you.”

“I can tell when you lie,” I heard him say behind me and I stiffened. 

I turned, meeting his eyes.  For the first time, Semarias did not look calm.  He seemed angry and embarrassed, “I’m not lying,” I said, letting the hurt show on my face. 

He stepped closer to me and looked down into my face, “I guess I should apologize,” he whispered.

“For what?” I asked, tilting my head as I studied him.  I was remembering when he had described the bond he had with me.  He had said we were like soul mates.  He had also said that he wasn’t in love with me.  I was shocked that he was able to lie. 

“I’m sorry for what Lucifer said,” he said, looking truly terrified. 

“Is it true?” I asked, feeling Semarias’ hurt, “Are you in love with me?”

He shifted, hesitating for a moment, looking away toward the back yard.  He met my eyes seconds later and tears were resting in the depths of his.

“Yes,” he said as his head dropped in defeat, “I wish it wasn’t the truth but it is.”

I closed my eyes and was surprised when I felt a tear fall down my cheek, “When did that happen?”

“Love has always been there,” he said, shifting, “But I’ve felt…different for a few months now.”

My heart trembled as I realized that he hadn‘t lied.  He had just begun to feel this way, “Could you fall because of this?” I asked, blinking another tear from my eye.  I couldn’t help the guilt that slammed through me as I spoke the words. 

I watched his adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed hard, “I could,” he said as he finally met my eyes again and explained, “If I go against orders to do what I think you’d want or to serve your interest instead of God’s…Then, I’ll fall.”

My heart sank as I wondered how hard it must be to be in love but be in the position to fall out of grace with God especially when it was someone like me…someone who was constantly in danger.

“I wouldn’t want you to do anything to risk your soul,” I said, shaking my head.  I wanted to take the decision from him but I realized it wasn‘t that easy so I gave him the only words which I knew he would listen to, “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you fell because of me.”

He nodded, remorseful, “I was never going to act on it,” he whispered, brokenly,  “I knew it was…impossible.”

“You know I love Ky,” I said, feeling my heart break. 

He nodded as he looked up at me, “I know,” he said, “And I am happy just being your friend,” he looked at me with an understanding I didn‘t believe I had earned.  Still, I was surprised to see a lone tear fall down his cheek.

I stepped forward and hugged him, “You will never lose my friendship,” I said, into his shoulder as he hugged me back. 

“I know,” he whispered, backing away, “Still, for now, I have to go.  I need some…time.”

“I understand,” I whispered and then, he disappeared though I was sure he was still observing me.  Still, I couldn’t help the tears that fell down my face as I realized that the worst pain comes when Satan doesn’t lie.





















Chapter Six



              “You look tired,” Ky said, frowning as he walked in the front door of my house the next morning.  His eyes darkened in worry as he studied my face, “Did something happen?”

I raised my brow.  I had struggled with whether I should tell him about what had happened the night before and had decided that I probably needed to.  After all, I had promised not to keep anything from him anymore.  Still, I could guess his reaction would not be a good one. 

“Yes, I was visited by Lucifer again,” I said, yawning for what seemed the hundredth time that morning, “Let’s just say that he gets worse every time you meet him.  Maybe he needs medication.”

“Alex, don’t joke around about it when it obviously bothers you,” Ky said, pursing his lips in disapproval. 

“I’m not,” I said but he raised his brow and I sighed, “Okay.  Maybe I am joking a little.”

“It’s more than a little and you know it,” he said and then, shook his head as his eyes gazed into mine.  His face was serious, “So, what happened?”

“Like I said, Lucifer visited me.  I have to admit that my smart mouth got me into trouble and he came toward me like he was going to hurt me but Semarias saved me,” I said, shifting uncomfortably as I said Semarias‘ name. 

He narrowed his eyes, “Your angel?”

“Yes,” I said as I bit my lip, trying to figure out a way to tell him. 

“What else?” He asked, realizing there was more.  I winced and his eyebrows went up, “I can tell from the look on your face that there is something else.”

“There is,” I said, feeling the color rise in my cheeks, “Lucifer began to taunt Semarias.  He said something that I am sure Semarias never wanted me to know.  I‘m sure it embarrassed him.”

“Okay?” Ky said and then, narrowed his eyes, “Why are you stalling?”

I shifted again and wished that I could make myself really small.  Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option. 

“Because I don’t know how you’ll react,” I said, giving him a quick glance.  I chewed my lip, nervously. 

“Are you in danger?” He asked as worry darkened his eyes. 

“No more than I usually am,” I said, quickly before forcing my eyes toward his face, “However, Semarias may be in trouble.”

“Okay,” he said, shaking his head, confused “I really don’t understand and if you don‘t explain it to me soon, I will go crazy trying to figure out what‘s going on.”

I took a deep breath and blurted it out very quickly, hoping it sounded better than it actually was, “Lucifer told me that Semarias is in love with me and because of that he risks falling from grace.”

Ky’s eyes widened in shock.  It was obvious that he was not expecting anything I had just said.  He blinked and then, finally gained his voice, “Are you serious?”

“Very,” I whispered, squirming as he stared at me. 

He shook his head as if he were trying to shake off the shock, “Is there anything else you want to tell me?” He asked, frowning as the full effect of what I told him finally penetrated his mind, “For example, do you feel the same way?”

I shook my head virgorously, “I love him but not like that,” I said, struggling to explain, “He guards me.  He’s been concerned about me since I was a baby.  I guess it’s like he’s an old friend.  That’s how I feel.  That’s why I’m worried that these…feelings will cause him to fall not because I‘m in love with him.”

Ky smiled, relieved and nodded his head, “I understand,” he whispered. 

“I know that I could have chosen not to tell you,” I said giving him a weak but sincere smile, “But I promised I wouldn’t keep anything from you anymore.”

“I’m glad that you told me,” he said, caressing my cheek, “But I can’t help but feel nervous about this.  I mean you can see him when I can’t.  He’s always there.  I’m sure he’s here now.”

“He may be here but I can’t see him right now.  He doesn’t always show himself.   Still, for everything else you’ll just have to trust me,” I said, looking into his eyes, “I hope you don’t doubt how I feel because I love you.”

He nodded, “I do trust you,” he said, kissing me softly, “Do not ever doubt that I love you back.”

I nearly laughed because it seemed that he was saying that not only to me but to Semarias too.  I shook my head…Boys and their competitive nature.



The lack of sleep from the night before had really taken it’s toll.  My mind was clouded and I couldn’t pay attention for the second day in a roll.  Sadly, it only got worse as I sat in my fourth period History class.  Mr. Connors was teaching about the civil war but even the details of the battles did not capture my attention like they normally would.  Obviously, Mr. Connors had noticed too. 

“Alexandra, will you follow me to the hallway?” He asked, narrowing his eyes in a way that told me before I rose from my seat that I was in trouble. 

My heart sank.  Mr. Connors, my favorite teacher, was truly annoyed with me.  I shifted nervously as I stood amongst the students mocking me for having caught the attention of Mr. Connors and made my way down the aisle. 

As soon as I stepped out into the hallway, Mr. Connors closed the door with an ominous click.  He faced me with his face red in anger.  His eyes were wide and immediately, I backed into the lockers lining the walls.  I had never seen Mr. Connors act anything but nice and calm.  How he acted now went completely against his character.  I swallowed as my mind whispered that something was not right…Mr. Connors wasn’t right. 

“Mr. Connors, I’m sorry,” I whispered, hoping that the whispers were wrong and I was overreacting from lack of sleep and the threat of war, “I should have been paying attention.” 

He smiled and I pressed back further into the lockers.  Something was definitely off with Mr.Connors. 

He pushed his face closer to me, “What’s wrong, Alex?” He asked as I looked straight into his usually kind eyes but in that moment they were filled with cruelty and hate.  I swallowed as I watched red begin to interlace with his blue irises. I inhaled sharply as the red began to pulse.  I knew what that meant. 

“You’re possessed,” I said without thinking of the consequences.  My heart froze as the red completely engulfed his irises. 

Mr. Connors laughed as he stretched his hand forward and touched my cheek.  He only stopped when I pulled away, “You can’t fight us,” he said, as I put my hand in my pocket and turned on my cell.  I swallowed, hoping that I was hitting the right buttons and would find someone on the Apppointed who would answer and hear what Mr. Connors was saying. 

“Look how easy it was to get you alone, Alex,” he said, grinning triumphantly.  I shivered realizing he was right and that it could happen to any of the Appointed, “Look at how easy it will be to kill you.”

“Who are you?” I asked as a tear fell down my cheek.  I looked around terrified but I already realized there was no way to escape.  I was trapped between Mr. Connors and the lockers. 

“I am many,” he whispered and I wrinkled my nose.  His breath smelled like rotted meat, “I am Legion.”

“Alex!” I heard my name called, causing Mr. Connors to back away surprised.  I turned my head, seeing Daniel and Will running down the hallway.  For once, I didn’t feel guilt pierce me at Daniel’s appearance.  Instead, I felt the sharp twinge of relief but he disappeared only a moment after seeing him.  I looked around searching for him and sighed when he reappeared beside me, grasping my wrist.  Mr. Connors turned back to me but before he could react,  I was caught in a wind which caused me to close my eyes.  A second later I was beside Will. 

“Close your eyes, Alex,” Will said, frowning, “Unless you think you can handle seeing time fly.”

“I can handle it,” I said even though most of the time, I couldn’t and he shook his head at my stubborness as he grabbed my other wrist.  Daniel was still holding the other as Will said, “Speed up.”

Everything blurred until we heard the bell ring and then, it slowed to a stop.  I blinked, feeling a bit dizzy as I looked around finding Mr. Connors standing by his door.  He smiled at me as his eyes returned to normal and a chill slid down my spine. 

“Is he possessed?” Will asked as I released both his and Daniel’s hands.  Students began to fill the hallway. 

“Yes and I know by who,” I said unable to take my eyes from my possessed teacher. 

“Who?” Daniel asked and I looked up into his face as a tremble shook through me.  For some reason I calmed as I gazed up at him and I took a deep breath. 

“Legion,” I whispered and Daniel moved closer to hear me as I repeated, “He’s possessed by Legion.”

“Oh hell,” I heard Will say beneath his breath. 

“Exactly,” I said at his accuracy as another shiver slid down my spine. 

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