The Fallen (Book 1) (19 page)

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Authors: Dan O'Sullivan

BOOK: The Fallen (Book 1)
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I’m sorry, sir.’ The apology was sincere. ‘Sir, if I may ask, why am I going on this journey?’

The King thought it would be interesting and educational, and that I would need a Squire. The King himself selected you as the most capable.’

Enrique stood staring at Dale in open mouthed amazement.
‘The King selected me?’ He leaned against the cabin door, lost in thought. ‘Sir, I hate being here in Castle. My parents sent me here and I’m so-’ He stopped abruptly and his face went pink as he stared down at his boots.

Continue!’ Dale ordered.

took a deep breath. ‘I feel trapped in the city. I don’t fit in with the other boys. They think I’m stupid and…agrestic I suppose, but I’m just different from them. Western Downs seems like a primitive land to them. I try to fit in, worrying about how I look, how I act, what to say, trying to sound smart. And at the same time I just want to go home. Sometimes I think if I act… incompetent, maybe the King would send me home.’

Enrique, I think I know why you don’t fit in, but tell me what

In Western Downs you dress so that you’re not naked, you train with weapons so you can protect and defend the people, and you study so you can improve their lives. In Castle, you dress so that you can impress each other, you train so you can beat each other and you study because if you don’t you will have to answer to Administrator Happy. It just seems ridiculous to me. It doesn’t make any sense and I don’t understand it at all, and I guess that’s why everyone has no difficulty in making me feel ridiculous, and I just want to go home.’ Enrique continued to gaze to his boots. ‘I’m sorry. I must sound like an idiot.’

Dale sighed.
‘After my home in East Inlet was destroyed by the fallen and my parents were killed, I was sent to Emerald. This has been my first visit to Castle. Please don’t think that I cannot understand how you feel.’ Dale’s words were so sincere and heartfelt that Enrique looked up at him curiously.

Do you want to go home too sir?’ asked Enrique.

Always, but I haven’t yet sunk to acting like an idiot to try to get sent home by the King.’

Enrique grimaced.
‘If all I have to do is act like some kind of ridiculous twerp to get out of this horrible place, I’d do it again in a second. But that’s not why I got sent away is it? Now I have no idea where I’ll end up.’

This ship is bound for Warbilla, and from there…I’m not entirely sure what will be our final destination, but you cannot leave us if we stop at Western Downs. You must complete the journey with me and when we return to Castle you can petition the King to be transferred. You’re a Squire now; you may be sent wherever the King requires you to go.’

’s face was alight with excitement. ‘We’re going home?’ He practically shouted the question.

We’re going
Western Downs. We may stop briefly if the King’s Marshall deems it necessary to take on more soldiers. Enrique, has anyone taken the time to explain what we’re doing?’

No sir. Not yet.’

Sit,’ Dale suggested, pointing to the chair. ‘What do you know of the fallen?’

Not a lot, sir,’ said Enrique, dropping onto the chair. ‘I’ve heard they are brothers to the Daoine Maithe, but have lost…well, I really don’t know anything. I heard Baroness Kielie talking to Lady Sophie about soldiers going to rescue Governor Ringo’s daughters from the fallen. Is that what we’re doing, sir?’

That’s it, in a nutshell.’

How in the name of His Supreme Majesty are we going to get into fallen territory, find them, get them away from the fallen and get out again alive?’ Enrique was alarmed. ‘Sir,’ he added.

I have absolutely no idea. Even if we stop briefly at Western Downs, we will be following the Great Southern Current so this ship will be moving really fast and it won’t take us long to reach Warbilla. So we have little time to come up with a plan. I’m to meet with Prince Galbraith, Danil, Callian and Valeska after we depart. I want you to be there. You and I have a lot to learn. I’m barely a Baron and you’re barely a Squire.’

Technically sir, you became a Baron when your father died.’

In inheritance yes, but the title isn’t officially recognized by the crown until the holder turns eighteen and the King himself proclaims your title.’

The King proclaimed you as Baron?’

Yes, and I turned eighteen.’

When sir? I mean, when did you turn eighteen?’

This morning, I turned eighteen this morning.’

May your day be blessed, sir!’

Thank you.’ He studied the boy’s face for a moment, wondering how he could have possibly misread him so badly. ‘When we meet with the others,’ he said, ‘I want you to listen carefully to everything that’s said. You’re not to speak unless you’re asked a direct question. If there’s something you wish to contribute, that you feel is vital to our mission, indicate in the correct manner of a Squire, by raising your hand.’ Dale paused. ‘In actual fact, we may find ourselves floundering so far out of depth that we might
be better off listening in silence.’

Enrique laugh
ed at this observation. ‘If we’re meeting with one Prince, two guardians and the King’s Marshall you can rely on me to shut my mouth, sir.’

The King’s Marshall is also a guardian. His marriage to Lady Valeska is the catalyst for his change.’

Enrique sat in stunned silence for a moment.
‘Danil is a guardian now? Well, one Prince and three guardians. You can still count on me to imitate a clam. Can I go back up to the castle sir? I forgot something.’

You can’t be serious! Weren’t you instructed on what to bring? I’m sure we were given the same list!’

Yes sir. Sorry sir.’

You have to
lists like that Enri! In a situation like this it could be the difference between life and death, or at least convenience and inconvenience.’

You’re right. I’ll be more careful sir.’ Enrique shifted his feet uncomfortably.

Have you got your list? Dale held out his hand. I left it up in my room.’

What? You haven’t got your list and you haven’t got some of your gear! What did you forget?’

I forgot to get a walking pack from the soldiers’ stores. I just shoved all my gear in an old sack but it sounds like we might be doing a bit of walking, so I thought I’d better go back and get something a bit easier to carry. It was noted at the end of the list.’

Oh.’ Dale’s face reddened and a wry smile crossed his face. ‘Um...could you get one for me whilst you’re there?’

que crossed his arms and grinned delightedly. ‘Is that on
list too Baron Dale? How very...interesting!’

Just shut up and get me a decent pack Enrique!’

Yes sir! Fine sir! Do you need anything else sir?’

No!’ Dale grimaced. ‘Well, since you’re going back, could you bring the dagger I accidently left on the chest in my room, my bow and quiver of arrows - they’re under my bed, and my black cloak. It’s folded up and sitting on the end of my bed...with my list.’

que burst out laughing. ‘Anything

Ha ha, very funny. Just get me my dagger Enri. You’re making me think I might need it.’ He rose from the bunk and slammed his already bleeding head into the wooden edge of the top bunk. Enrique leapt forward and caught Dale as he fell forward, managing to push him back onto the bunk.

I’ve been assigned to the clumsiest Baron in Alkira!’ he muttered as he knelt beside Dale, holding up his head to study the wound. ‘I’ll get the physician, sir.’

No!’ Dale whispered hoarsely. ‘There are some cloths in the washstand. If we just stop the bleeding, I’ll be fine.’

Enrique grabbed several cloths from the shelf below the washstand, dropped them into the basin and poured water
over them. He wrung some of the water from the cloth and began to clean the blood from the wound and from Dale’s hair. Then he knelt beside the bunk and held a clean, dry cloth firmly on the wound. ‘Probably better if you don’t move for a while, sir,’ Enrique suggested.

Squire, when we’re in a formal situation, you are required to call me Baron or sir. Otherwise, my name is Dale.’

Enrique smiled at Dale.
‘Thank you…Dale. Sir, my friends call me Enri.’

Dale smiled back at the Squire.
‘Enri, did you fold my clothing and arrange my possessions in this cabin before I arrived?’

Yes sir – Dale,’ he corrected himself.

Thank you. It was considerate of you.’

It seemed you could use all the help you could get.’

And you felt bad because you considered placing my belongings aboard the wrong ship?’

Er, yes. There was this little fishing boat…’

Dale laughed.
‘You’re tall enough Enri that I could have stolen most of your clothing.’

Would you like something to eat sir?’

Dale sat up.
‘No. Not now, but get something for yourself if you’re hungry.’

Do you wish to change clothing before you meet with the Prince and the guardians?’ asked Enri, noticing Dale was still wearing the torn and dirty clothing he’d been wearing that morning.

I suppose I should,’ Dale grumbled.

On the other hand perhaps not. They might not recognize you.’ Enri dodged out of the way as Dale swung his foot at him. He accidently kicked the washstand and hopped out of the door cursing the laughing Squire.


Chapter 21



Elena and Immosey sat with their arms around each other, with Louisa doing her best to wrap her own arms around both of the girls. She had found that she could transfer a little heat from her body through her hands, but
it was very difficult and extremely tiring. Milgorry found a relatively safe place for them to rest and he now stood not far away, staring into the bushes and listening. He looked uneasily at the girls huddled together for warmth and cursed under his breath. They had nothing but the clothes they wore and the weapons he carried. He knelt and picked up Immosey’s cold hand and then Elena’s and then stood up looking even more concerned.

I have to go back,’ he said.

shook her head anxiously. ‘If you’re caught, you’ll be returned.’

They won’t see me and your sisters need warmth and food. We’re too far from any human settlements. I don’t know Alkira as well I know Nyinaku. I can lead you to wherever you wish to go, but the land is not as familiar to me. The nearest place I can think of to get blankets and maybe a little food is back at the camp. Please don’t move unless you have to.’ A second later he was gone.

They didn
’t move. Louisa concentrated hard on controlling the heat in her body. A small surge of warmth ran through her fingers. She sighed. It wasn’t enough. She had been trying all night since Milgorry left and she was exhausted, and now she wondered what she was doing wrong. Maybe it just took practice. Elena gave her a smile of encouragement.

Louisa, we appreciate that you are trying. Don’t panic, we’ll be alright until Milgorry returns. He can’t be far away now,’ she said decisively, looking up at the sky which was beginning to brighten.

Elena, your teeth are chattering and your legs are shaking. What am I doing wrong?’ Louisa asked desperately.

I’ve had very little contact with the Daoine Maithe before, so I’m not much help. But look, even though Milgorry is one of the fallen he was able to help Immy – only it seems he had to ask. Maybe you need to ask?’ Elena suggested.

’s eyes widened. Almost instinctively she placed her hands over Elena’s and Immosey’s hearts.
she thought, feeling a little foolish. Warmth flooded from her body and out through her hands. Elena and Immosey simultaneously gasped as the heat raced through their bodies, completely warming every part like they were suddenly immersed in very warm water.

Lou!’ Immosey exclaimed, stretching her arms. ‘You did it!’

Louisa laughed in relief.
‘Not without help.’

Maybe that was just a little reminder of who you report to, guardian,’ a voice said behind them. ‘You are truly a guardian, and you asked for help, which in your case means you have acknowledged your heritage – your choice is made.’

Mil!’ Louisa jumped to her feet and practically leapt into his arms. Elena and Immosey stood up with relief.

I have horses about a mile from here. I thought it best not to lead them through this part of the woods. The fewer tracks we leave the better, so we’ll carry you to the horses,’ he said, crouching so Immosey could climb onto his back. Five minutes later they were in a dark part of the forest, where four horses were tied to the branch of a tree.

How did you get horses?’ Immosey was amazed that Milgorry had not been caught. ‘Never mind, I don’t want to know,’ she said quickly, as she noticed his clothing was splattered with blood.

He untied a large cloth sack from the back of the largest horse and handed it to her.
‘It’s probably best you don’t know,’ he agreed, avoiding looking directly at her. He handed a second rather lumpy bag to Elena. ‘Food,’ he said. ‘Could you organize it please so you can eat as we ride? We won’t be sleeping yet, they’re much too close and we need to be gone from here as quickly as possible. Get something warm on first.’ He went back to the horses and began to shorten the stirrups on the three smaller animals. The girls could hear the desperation in his voice as he spoke. ‘They’re going to find us. I cannot see how we can possibly outrun them. Louisa, you might, by yourself, maybe - with a little luck. But the girls…they have no chance! Now if we were trying to move through Nyinaku I think I could hide you fairly easily, but here, I don’t know Lou, I don’t see how we can possibly do this.’

And if we’re caught?’

The girls are dead. I’m returned. You wake up in Weema.’

Why didn’t they do that in the first place? Why didn’t they just kill Elena and Immosey and knock me out? Wouldn’t that have been easier?’

Definitely. But Nandul doesn’t like to lose anything - or anyone - that he can use. If he thinks he can use you to bargain for something, he’ll keep you all alive long enough to get what he wants. And you might survive the journey unconscious, but your sisters would not.’

What about east to Naraloon?’ Louisa suggested. ‘We’re already a long way south aren’t we?’

That’s where they expect us to go, anywhere north or east. Unfortunately they know we’re hemmed into this little corner of Alkira. They didn’t expect anyone would return to the camp so they weren’t taking the trouble to hide their conversation.’ Milgorry frowned. ‘I imagine they’ll know I was there when they find the three-’ He stopped speaking as Elena and Immosey walked up.

They had removed their dresses, wrapped their bodies in several blankets and then squashed their dresses back over the top to hold the blankets
in place. Both had sheepskins wrapped around their necks and shoulders, and each had tied a blanket around their head and draped it like a shawl.

Good,’ said Milgorry. ‘Are you warm enough?’ Both girls nodded. ‘Are your hands free?’ They nodded again and slipped their hands from beneath the blanket shawls.

What do you mean ‘hemmed in’?’ Elena asked hesitantly.

They won’t chase us. They’ll get ahead of us and cut us off or they’ll surround us and then close in slowly. Even now the fastest warriors are moving into position around us, to the north and east.’

And then they wait for us to try to pass?’ Immosey asked nervously.

Yes, or they gradually close in until we have no-where to run.’

So will we get past them?’ Immosey was sounding panicky.

Milgorry sighed.
‘I wish I could say that was possible, but it’s not.’ He leaned his head against his horse and absent mindedly scratched its neck. The three girls felt guilty. Louisa’s eyes filled with tears as she sensed Milgorry’s despondency.

I’m sorry Mil. I shouldn’t have let you get involved in this. I should never have let you help us. Now your own people will be hunting you and it’s my fault. I was so desperate to get away. I should have thought more of what might happen to you.’

Milgorry was suddenly very still.
‘Exactly which bit is your fault Louisa? The bit where hundreds of warriors attack your barge and kidnap you? The bit where someone beats you senseless or perhaps someone attacking your sister? Or when someone holds a knife to an innocent girl’s throat?’ Milgorry’s voice was rising in anger and frustration. ‘Is it your fault Nandul has some mad plan to have you bear his child? Is it your fault your sisters are being used to control you? Is there anything at all, which you could possibly have had any power over, in all this mess? I doubt it! If it’s anyone’s fault it’s mine. I can’t believe I agreed to Nandul’s madness in the first place. I’m a fool!’

Stop!’ Milgorry drew breath as Elena’s voice cut in sharply. ‘Don’t you dare start blaming yourself! If it wasn’t for you I don’t expect Immy and I would be alive right now! If you hadn’t helped us to get this far, Immy would certainly be lying in agony with a broken arm, and I don’t even want to think about what might have happened next! We may only have a tiny chance, but it’s more than we had before, so you can both stop blaming yourselves right now!’ Milgorry and Louisa gaped at Elena as she stood glaring at them with her hands on her hips. ‘Now,’ Elena continued resolutely, ‘we just need to come up with a plan. Obviously we can’t do what they are expecting us to do, but I can’t believe we are completely out of options. We have to do something. If it doesn’t work, at least we will have tried.’

Mil, I do have an idea,’ said Louisa. ‘It may be the worst idea ever suggested, but if they have us trapped to the north and to the east I think we have no choice. Where is the only place they won’t be looking for us?’

Milgorry stopped dead still and stared at her.
‘Yes!’ he whispered. ‘That way we would have a chance.’

Are you sure they wouldn’t find us, if you lead us through Nyinaku?’ asked Louisa, glancing sideways at Elena and Immosey. Both were looking at Milgorry in alarm.

No. I can’t say I’m entirely sure. But at least there’s a chance,’ he said emphatically. ‘Right now we don’t even have that. There is no way I can get you past them all.’

What about the Ice Coast?’ Immosey asked. ‘It’s so cold and desolate! We might get lost.’

There are many paths across the Ice and it’s a difficult place to track someone,’ said Milgorry confidently. ‘It’s actually not as cold as you imagine, especially not at this time of the year, but you’ve lived in the north for so long you’ll not be used to it.’

looked thoughtfully at Louisa and Milgorry. ‘The fallen would never dream you would lead us right into their territory. And there’s another benefit. If we’re caught, we can behave as though Milgorry is taking us to Nandul.’

rubbed her cold hands together as she considered this statement. ‘No-one who’s still alive actually saw Milgorry return Telas, did they? For all they know, Louisa may have returned Telas, and Amil and Garret.’

And then she went back and got the horses, but Milgorry recaptured us and decided to take us to Nandul himself,’ Elena finished.

Why are there four horses? She only needed three,’ said Immosey, looking at Elena seriously as she analyzed their story.

One horse to butcher and eat,’ Elena stated.

How did she carry me with a broken arm and you as well?’

She didn’t. What broken arm? Who knows about that? We took turns in running.’

That’s right! If our story is good enough, even if we’re caught we still can save Mil’s life.’

Elena nodded emphatically.
‘This mess isn’t his fault and I won’t have a good man’s death on my shoulders.’

I agree! We go west,’ said Immosey resolutely turning to find Milgorry staring at them, with the strangest expression on his face.

But you’re wrong. This
my fault. The attack on your barge-’

Don’t!’ said Elena, her hand making a swift chopping motion. ‘It’s a good plan,’ she stated bravely, ‘and we’ll do our very best.’ She turned to Immosey. ‘If you would hand out some of the food, I’ve separated a portion of that strange bread and the meat for each of us. I’ll put the rest…where do I put it?’ She looked at Milgorry questioningly.

Still l
ooking at her in astonishment, he took the sack and walked back to the horse. ‘I never would have believed it. They’re a lot braver than I would have imagined.’

Louisa smiled
in agreement. ‘I don’t think you’ve seen anything yet.’

‘Telas was going to cut Elena’s throat,’ Immosey explained. ‘Now I know that every day we wake up alive is a gift. Wherever we are; whatever we are doing, if we’re alive and free we’re lucky. Now thanks to you, we have food and blankets, so we have more chance of staying alive and staying free. So we’re doubly lucky. And we’re in the company of those we love.’ Milgorry gently lifted her onto one of the horses.

I can get up myself, you know,’ she said, but Milgorry was gone, in turn lifting Elena and Louisa onto the horses. He swung onto the back of the remaining horse.

Milgorry sat for a long moment looking between the faces of the three girls.
‘You know there’s still a very large chance this won’t succeed, that we’ll be caught.’

But less chance of being caught than if we stay here,’ Immosey clarified.

True. Are you certain you want to try this? It’s going to be very difficult.’

We are certain,’ Elena confirmed raising her chin boldly.

Are we ready then?’

The girls turned their horses to follow him.

They took a winding path which led them higher and higher into the mountains along the edge of the ice coast and the area was as strange and desolate as they had imagined. Within days they had climbed so high the air was icy against their skin. There were not as many trees as they moved south, but there was some live vegetation. The ground around them was a patchwork of black rocks and snow which stood out starkly against the rocks. A thick mist came over and everyone was pleased to feel they were at least hidden from sight from a distance. Milgorry led them far to the west of the paths used by the fallen and as they neared the ice they found shelter in a strange crevice which split the rock unevenly and offered reasonable shelter from the wind. There was enough room for the horses, who also seemed pleased to be out of the wind.

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