The Faerie Master (Aaron's Kiss Series) (9 page)

BOOK: The Faerie Master (Aaron's Kiss Series)
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“Since we haven’t...the last thing, the sex thing, you can drink from somebody else still, right?
You don’t need me now.
You can find someone else, right?”

Feeding from another would kill me at this point.
It’s your blood my body needs now and no one else’s will do.
You are my mate, Cade.
I will spend our lives taking care of you, providing for you, and making your life easier.
It’s my duty.”

“I don’t want you to do any of those things.
I can do them on my own.
I want to do them on my own.
Please, don’t you understand?
You have to take it back.
I want you to take it back.”

She started sobbing again and couldn’t seem to stop.
Shawn held her close and
as much as she wanted to tell him to let her go, it was comforting and warm.
It wasn’t long before she was asleep.

When she opened her eyes he was staring down at her.
She didn’t know how long she had been out, but if his beard was any indication, it had been at least a day or more.
She knew nothing about men’s grooming habits. The few men she had known as an adult had shaved daily and so she didn’t know what happened when they didn’t.
Did facial hair grow slow, fast?

Before she could stop herself she reached up and rubbed the back of her hand over his whiskers.
They were firm, but not hard like she thought they’d be.
When he didn’t move she ran her thumb over his lips and watched as they pinked up a little.
His eyes had been a deep blue when she first looked at him and now they were turning red, a deep blood red.
And his fangs peeked out over his bottom lip.
For reasons she couldn’t fathom she continued her exploration.
His cheeks were next; they were high and tight and there was a small scar just below his left eye.
She looked at it then ran her finger over it and then looked at him again.

“A piece of shrapnel hit me when a blast went off too close to where I was sleeping.
I was lucky that I didn’t lose my eye, or anything else.”
His voice was soft and gentle.

Satisfied, Cade ran her fingers through his hair and felt the small knot at the back of his head.
She didn’t do anything more than brush her fingers over it lightly, but he still winced.
His hair was soft and silky.
She was amazed at how thick it was, and curly.
It was a deep brown with hundreds of highlights in it of every color she could think of.
The whiskers on his face were blonder, more golden browns than reds.
And it was not as long as she had first thought, just past his shoulders.
She thought it had been tied back before.
She liked it better down.

Shifting on the bed so that she was facing him she ran her hand down his neck, pausing at the beating pulse in his throat.
She watched mesmerized as it sped up with her touch and then more when she ran her thumb over it.
His swift intake of breath had her look up at him again, but he only nodded.
She wasn’t sure what he meant, but took it to mean she could continue.

Never had Cade touched a man like this, or anyone for that matter.
His skin was both hot and cool to her touch.
Firm and soft in places she didn’t think possible.
His chest was hard, his breast muscles were taut with strength yet she wasn’t afraid he’d hurt her.
When she touched his nipple it puckered and hardened
the areola around it crinkled too.
Not really giving much thought to what she was doing, she leaned forward and licked at the hard nub and then nipped it gently with her teeth.
Her whole body tightened when he growled at her. The rumbling came through her hand, which was still on his chest.
Afraid to look at him now, she nipped again and then pulled it into her mouth and suckled.
When his hand cupped the back of her head and held her there she opened her mouth over him and sucked more of his skin into her mouth.
Her body flooded with cream.

“Cade, baby, don’t stop touching me.
Please, I want you to touch me.
Explore me.”

When he rolled to his back, taking her with him, she slid her leg over his and then moved to sit astride him.
Her legs wrapped to either side of his waist.
He didn’t touch her other than to adjust her over his abdomen.
Now she had both hands free to touch.

His ribs were muscled and
when she felt them ripple under her touch, she reached under her shirt and felt her own.
Hers were so different than his. She used both hands, one to touch him and the other to feel the difference between the two of them.

“My ribs are thicker than yours.
My skin isn’t as toned.
You have a scar here too.
It feels long and like you might have really been hurt.”

“Before I was changed, the reason I was changed I guess.
I was twenty-seven and had fallen over a cliff.
The woman who found me changed me. She said that she needed a companion and thought I’d do.
She thought I was handsome enough to satisfy her through the years.
I don’t think she thought I’d last this long.
She died some years later.
Another lover took her and staked her in the sun.”

“Did you?
Satisfy her, I mean?”
She hoped he wouldn’t comment on the tone.
It sounded like she was jealous, which she was not.

“She didn’t complain.
At least not about that part of our relationship anyway.
She seemed to think I belonged to her and I thought I should be my own man.
I wonder how I can remember this and nothing that happened last week.”

“Maybe she meant more to you than you realized.
I’m finished.
I’d like to go now, please.
I have to work at the bar tonight as a bartender.”

She started to roll off him, hurt at something, though she refused to acknowledge what.
She was just swinging her leg off him when he rolled and trapped her beneath him again.

“My turn.
But I want to start here.
I’ve thought about your breasts. They’re larger than I thought they’d be.
I never got the chance to really taste them before, but I would like to now.”

Without waiting for her to tell him no he ripped the shirt from the neckline to the hem, tearing her bra from her as well.
She felt her nipples harden and her breasts tighten as his had done when she had touched them.
Her breathing became harder too; she tried to blame it on his weight on her, but knew it to be from his body on her, not the weight.
When he ran his thumb up under their weight, she closed her eyes against the heat that surged through her.

“Watch me, Cade, like I did you.
I want you to watch me as I touch you.
You have beautiful breasts.
They’re full and heavy.
Their soft weight just fits in my hands and your nipples are so responsive.”

Watching his head lower to her breasts she couldn’t take her eyes off of his.
When his tongue swiped over the hard peak she felt her pussy gush more liquid.
When she tried to close her thighs he reached down and ran his hand down her thigh to her calf.
Lifting it, he put her foot at his hip and opened her to him.
Her pussy heated at the feel of his cock at her clit.

“Don’t rush me.
I want to touch so much more of you.
I can smell your arousal, Cade.
The spicy heat that calls to me.
It’s everything I can do not to move down your body and bury my face over you and feast.
I will, but not right now.
First, I want to suckle at your breasts as you did mine.
Next time, love, do it longer.
I’ve never known my nipples to be so sensitive before.
Your hot little mouth nearly made me come when you bit me.”

His head lowered to her breasts and when his tongue worried her nipple only she rocked up to him, begging him to take more.
His chuckle only made her needier and wetter.
Wrapping her other foot over his hip she locked her ankles around him and rocked into him.

I need you to make me come.
I need to come, Shawn.”
Rocking again, she nearly screamed at him when he pressed her harder into the bed, stopping her from moving.

“I’m not going to be rushed, Cade.
Trust me.
The wait will make it so much better.
I’m going eat your pussy now.
And if you’re a good girl I’ll let you come in my mouth.
I want you to flood my mouth with your come.”

Shawn moved down her body, nipping and kissing her.
With every touch of his mouth to her skin she felt a flame ignite there, a heat so hot she knew she’d have scorch marks from his mouth alone.

Cade didn’t have to be told her panties were soaked. She could feel the moisture running down her ass and pooling beneath her. When he grabbed the strings at the sides of her panties she was panting.
When he didn’t move she sat up and looked at him.
Her legs were on either side of his massive forearms as he rested his body weight on them. He was smiling at her, a predatory smile that made her heart leap and her pussy spasm.
His fangs were long and sharp and the thought of them sinking into her, into her pussy, made her moan with need.
While she watched he ripped the material from her hips and lowered his head to her opening.

The first time his tongue touched her she moved up into him.
He spread her open by bringing his hands under her thighs and then curling them around her. He opened her legs further and then lifted her up.
She couldn’t move as much anymore. And when he brought his fingers down closer to her pussy and pulled her open more he started fucking her deep with his tongue.
The world narrowed and centered on him and what he was doing to her.

A man had never gone down on her before.
The few times she’d had sex it had been quick and unsatisfying.
Cade didn’t think it would ever be anything but spectacular with Shawn.
As soon as he sucked her clit into his mouth and began to work it with his tongue he slipped his hand under her, pressed one finger into her pussy, and began pumping her as he worked her.
She was riding him now.
Her hips moved as much as he would allow them up and down his fingers and his tongue.
Grabbing the sheet beneath her she held it, hoping that when the moment came when she climaxed she wouldn’t fly off and shatter.
When a second then third finger entered her she began sobbing and moaning, begging him.
Begging him to give her relief, to give her what she knew he and only he could give her.

“Come for me, Cade.
Let me have your nectar.
Let me take your honey into me.
Let me feel it slide from your hot pussy and down the back of my throat.”

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