The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality (72 page)

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Authors: Brian Greene

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21. The expert reader will recognize that I am not distinguishing between the various dark matter problems that emerge on different scales of observation (galactic, cosmic) as the contribution of dark matter to the cosmic mass density is my only concern here.

22. There is actually some controversy as to whether this is the mechanism behind all type Ia supernovae (I thank D. Spergel for pointing this out to me), but the uniformity of these events—which is what we need for the discussion—is on a strong observational footing.

23. It's interesting to note that, years before the supernova results, prescient theoretical works by Jim Peebles at Princeton, and also by Lawrence Krauss of Case Western and Michael Turner of the University of Chicago, and Gary Steigman of Ohio State, had suggested that the universe might have a small nonzero cosmological constant. At the time, most physicists did not take this suggestion too seriously, but now, with the supernova data, the attitude has changed significantly. Also note that earlier in the chapter we saw that the outward push of a cosmological constant can be mimicked by a Higgs field that, like the frog on the plateau, is perched above its minimum energy configuration. So, while a cosmological constant fits the data well, a more precise statement is that the supernova researchers concluded that space must be filled with something
a cosmological constant that generates an outward push. (There are ways in which a Higgs field can be made to generate a long-lasting outward push, as opposed to the brief outward burst in the early moments of inflationary cosmology. We will discuss this in Chapter 14, when we consider the question of whether the data do indeed require a cosmological constant, or whether some other entity with similar gravitational consequences can fit the bill.) Researchers often use the term "dark energy" as a catchall phrase for an ingredient in the universe that is invisible to the eye but causes every region of space to push, rather than pull, on every other.

24. Dark energy is the most widely accepted explanation for the observed accelerated expansion, but other theories have been put forward. For instance, some have suggested that the data can be explained if the force of gravity deviates from the usual strength predicted by Newtonian and Einsteinian physics when the distance scales involved are extremely large—of cosmological size. Others are not yet convinced that the data show cosmic acceleration, and are waiting for more precise measurements to be carried out. It is important to bear these alternative ideas in mind, especially should future observations yield results that strain the current explanations. But currently, there is widespread consensus that the theoretical explanations described in the main text are the most convincing.

Chapter 11

1. Among the leaders in the early 1980s in determining how quantum fluctuations would yield inhomogeneities were Stephen Hawking, Alexei Starobinsky, Alan Guth, So-Young Pi, James Bardeen, Paul Steinhardt, Michael Turner, Viatcheslav Mukhanov, and Gennady Chibisov.

2. Even with the discussion in the main text, you may still be puzzled regarding how a tiny amount of mass/energy in an inflaton nugget can yield the huge amount of mass/energy constituting the observable universe. How can you wind up with more mass/energy than you begin with? Well, as explained in the main text, the inflaton field, by virtue of its negative pressure, "mines" energy from gravity. This means that as the energy in the inflaton field increases, the energy in the gravitational field decreases. The special feature of the gravitational field, known since the days of Newton, is that its energy can become arbitrarily negative. Thus, gravity is like a bank that is willing to lend unlimited amounts of money—gravity embodies an essentially limitless supply of energy, which the inflaton field extracts as space expands.

The particular mass and size of the initial nugget of uniform inflaton field depend on the details of the model of inflationary cosmology one studies (most notably, on the precise details of the inflaton field's potential energy bowl). In the text, I've imagined that the initial inflaton field's energy density was about 10
grams per cubic centimeter, so that a volume of (10
= 10
cubic centimeters would have total mass of about 10 kilograms, i.e., about 20 pounds. These values are typical to a fairly conventional class of inflationary models, but are only meant to give you a rough sense of the numbers involved. To give a flavor of the range of possibilities, let me note that in Andrei Linde's chaotic models of inflation (see note 11 of Chapter 10), our observable universe would have emerged from an initial nugget of even smaller size, 10
centimeters across (the so-called Planck length), whose energy density was even higher, about 10
grams per cubic centimeter, combining to give a lower total mass of about 10
grams (the so-called Planck mass). In these realizations of inflation, the initial nugget would have weighed about as much as a grain of dust.

3. See Paul Davies, "Inflation and Time Asymmetry in the Universe," in
vol. 301, p. 398; Don Page, "Inflation Does Not Explain Time Asymmetry," in
vol. 304, p. 39; and Paul Davies, "Inflation in the Universe and Time Asymmetry," in
vol. 312, p. 524.

4. To explain the essential point, it is convenient to split entropy up into a part due to spacetime and gravity, and a remaining part due to everything else, as this captures intuitively the key ideas. However, I should note that it proves elusive to give a mathematically rigorous treatment in which the gravitational contribution to entropy is cleanly identified, separated off, and accounted for. Nevertheless, this doesn't compromise the qualitative conclusions we reach. In case you find this troublesome, note that the whole discussion can be rephrased largely without reference to gravitational entropy. As we emphasized in Chapter 6, when ordinary attractive gravity is relevant, matter falls together into clumps. In so doing, the matter converts gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy that, subsequently, is partially converted into radiation that emanates from the clump itself. This is an entropy-increasing sequence of events (larger average particle velocities increase the relevant phase space volume; the production of radiation through interactions increases the total number of particles—both of which increase overall entropy). In this way, what we refer to in the text as
gravitational entropy
can be rephrased as
entropy generated by the gravitational force.
When we say gravitational entropy is low, we mean that the gravitational force has the potential to generate significant quantities of entropy through matter clumping. In realizing such entropy potential, the clumps of matter create a non-uniform, non-homogeneous gravitational field—warps and ripples in spacetime—which, in the text, I've described as having higher entropy. But as this discussion makes clear, it really can be thought of as the clumpy matter (and radiation produced in the process) as having higher entropy (than when uniformly dispersed). This is good since the expert reader will note that if we view a classical gravitational background (a classical spacetime) as a coherent state of gravitons, it is an essentially unique state and hence has low entropy. Only by suitably coarse graining would an entropy assignment be possible. As this note emphasizes, though, this isn't particularly necessary. On the other hand, should the matter clump sufficiently to create black holes, then an unassailable entropy assignment becomes available: the area of the black hole's event horizon (as explained further in Chapter 16) is a measure of the black hole's entropy. And this entropy can unambiguously be called gravitational entropy.

5. Just as it is possible both for an egg to break and for broken eggshell pieces to reassemble into a pristine egg, it is possible for quantum-induced fluctuations to grow into larger inhomogeneities (as we've described) or for sufficiently correlated inhomogeneities to work in tandem to suppress such growth. Thus, the inflationary contribution to resolving time's arrow also requires sufficiently uncorrelated initial quantum fluctuations. Again, if we think in a Boltzmann-like manner, among all the fluctuations yielding conditions ripe for inflation, sooner or later there will be one that meets this condition as well, allowing the universe as we know it to initiate.

6. There are some physicists who would claim that the situation is better than described. For example, Andrei Linde argues that in chaotic inflation (see note 11, Chapter 10), the observable universe emerged from a Planck-sized nugget containing a uniform inflaton field with Planck scale energy density. Under certain assumptions, Linde further argues that the entropy of a
inflaton field in such a tiny nugget is roughly equal to the entropy of any other inflaton field configuration, and hence the conditions necessary for achieving inflation weren't special. The entropy of the Planck-sized nugget was small but on a par with the possible entropy that the Planck-sized nugget
have had. The ensuing inflationary burst then created, in a flash, a huge universe with an enormously higher entropy—but one that, because of its smooth, uniform distribution of matter, was also enormously far from the entropy that it could have. The arrow of time points in the direction in which this entropy gap is being lessened.

While I am partial to this optimistic vision, until we have a better grasp on the physics out of which inflation is supposed to have emerged, caution is warranted. For example, the expert reader will note that this approach makes favorable but unjustified assumptions about the high-energy (transplanckian) field modes—modes that can affect the onset of inflation and play a crucial role in structure formation.

Chapter 12

1. The circumstantial evidence I have in mind here relies on the fact that the strengths of all three nongravitational forces depend on the energy and temperature of the environment in which the forces act. At low energies and temperatures, such as those of our everyday environment, the strengths of all three forces are different. But there is indirect theoretical and experimental evidence that at very high temperatures, such as occurred in the earliest moments of the universe, the strengths of all three forces converge, indicating, albeit indirectly, that all three forces themselves may fundamentally be unified, and appear distinct only at low energies and temperatures. For a more detailed discussion see, for example,
The Elegant Universe,
Chapter 7.

2. Once we know that a field, like any of the known force fields, is an ingredient in the makeup of the cosmos, then we know that it exists everywhere—it is stitched into the fabric of the cosmos. It is impossible to excise the field, much as it is impossible to excise space itself. The nearest we can come to eliminating a field's presence, therefore, is to have it take on a value that minimizes its energy. For force fields, like the electromagnetic force, that value is zero, as discussed in the text. For fields like the inflaton or the standard-model Higgs field (which, for simplicity, we do not consider here), that value can be some nonzero number that depends on the field's precise potential energy shape, as we discussed in Chapters 9 and 10. As mentioned in the text, to keep the discussion streamlined we are only explicitly discussing quantum fluctuations of fields whose lowest energy state is achieved when their value is zero, although fluctuations associated with Higgs or inflaton fields require no modification of our conclusions.

3. Actually, the mathematically inclined reader should note that the uncertainty principle dictates that energy fluctuations are inversely proportional to the time resolution of our measurements, so the finer the time resolution with which we examine a field's energy, the more wildly the field will undulate.

4. In this experiment, Lamoreaux verified the Casimir force in a modified setup involving the attraction between a spherical lens and a quartz plate. More recently, Gianni Carugno, Roberto Onofrio, and their collaborators at the University of Padova have undertaken the more difficult experiment involving the original Casimir framework of two parallel plates. (Keeping the plates perfectly parallel is quite an experimental challenge.) So far, they have confirmed Casimir's predictions to a level of 15 percent.

5. In retrospect, these insights also show that if Einstein had not introduced the cosmological constant in 1917, quantum physicists would have introduced their own version a few decades later. As you will recall, the cosmological constant was an energy Einstein envisioned suffusing all of space, but whose origin he—and modern-day proponents of a cosmological constant—left unspecified. We now realize that quantum physics suffuses empty space with jittering fields, and as we directly see through Casimir's discovery, the resulting microscopic field frenzy fills space with energy. In fact, a major challenge facing theoretical physics is to show that the combined contribution of all field jitters yields a total energy in empty space—a total cosmological constant—that is within the observational limit currently determined by the supernova observations discussed in Chapter 10. So far, no one has been able to do this; carrying out the analysis exactly has proven to be beyond the capacity of current theoretical methods, and approximate calculations have gotten answers
larger than observations allow, strongly suggesting that the approximations are way off. Many view explaining the value of the cosmological constant (whether it is zero, as long thought, or small and nonzero as suggested by the inflation and the supernova data) as one of the most important open problems in theoretical physics.

6. In this section, I describe one way of seeing the conflict between general relativity and quantum mechanics. But I should note, in keeping with our theme of seeking the true nature of space and time, that other, somewhat less tangible but potentially important puzzles arise in attempting to merge general relativity and quantum mechanics. One that's particularly tantalizing arises when the straightforward application of the procedure for transforming classical nongravitational theories (like Maxwell's electrodynamics) into a quantum theory is extended to classical general relativity (as shown by Bryce DeWitt in what is now called the Wheeler-DeWitt equation). In the central equation that emerges, it turns out that the time variable does not appear. So, rather than having an explicit mathematical embodiment of time—as is the case in every other fundamental theory—in this approach to quantizing gravity, temporal evolution must be kept track of by a physical feature of the universe (such as its density) that we expect to change in a regular manner. As yet, no one knows if this procedure for quantizing gravity is appropriate (although much progress in an offshoot of this formalism, called
loop quantum gravity,
has been recently achieved; see Chapter 16), so it is not clear whether the absence of an explicit time variable is hinting at something deep (time as an emergent concept?) or not. In this chapter we focus on a different approach for merging general relativity and quantum mechanics,
superstring theory.

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