The Fabled (14 page)

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Authors: S. L. Gavyn

Tags: #vampires, #urban fantasy, #demon, #paranormal romance, #magic, #werewolves, #witch, #elves, #djinn, #incubus, #pheonix

BOOK: The Fabled
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“Right. There is a conglomerate that owns
LabTech. The majority stockholder is actually an account created in
the name of a larger business that is owned by Neil Niobe.”

“Should that mean something to me?”

“Neil Niobe just runs a small software
company called UniSoft. It is the leading software company in the
world. He has businesses in every major country and is a major
stockholder in several computer manufacturing companies. Basically
if it’s a computer, it’s likely his company had a hand in it.”

“So he’s richer than, uh, almost anyone? Why
have I never heard of him before?”

“You’re not a billionaire? I don’t know. I
had never heard of him either but I’ve heard of his company.”

“So he’s definitely rich enough to be funding
this whole ‘steal the Vamps and kill them’ project? Is he

“As far as I know. I suppose he could be
behind it but I couldn’t imagine why he would want to be?”

“Oh, you know, golf doesn’t hold the
excitement it used to so now he’s torturing Fabled as a past time.
His company has a logo, right? It doesn’t happen to be the symbol
of Caduceus. Please say yes.”

“Sorry. It’s some weird geometric shape with
a bunch of sides and a big ‘N’ in the middle.”

“That figures. So he’s rich enough to pull
something like this off and he’s loosely connected to the asylum
but that’s all we’ve got. Am I right?”

“Sounds right, yes.”

“Great. Let’s get some shut eye. Maybe I’ll
dream about the answer to our problems.”

Tristan already had his coat on. “If you’re
waiting for me, you’re backing up.”

I made it home in record time, showered and
climbed into bed just as the sky outside was starting to turn
purple. My phone started ringing before my head hit the pillow. I
reached over and grabbed it off the nightstand without getting

“This better be good.”

“I waited all night for your call but it
never arrived. Have you found any information at all or did you
decide to take a vacation?”

“Yes Roman, I’m currently in Cancun getting a
massage by the most amazingly fingered cabana boy. Sorry I forgot
to call.”

“If I didn’t know you were currently in your
bed alone, I might be upset by that knowledge.”

I bolted up and looked around the room but
didn’t see anyone. Did he bug my house while I was gone? No, not
only is there security setup at the entrance to the subdivision. My
home had its own security system that was boosted by a spell
created by Lucian.

“Don’t worry Sunshine. I’m not in your home.
I could be though if you’d like.”

I laid back down. “Security detail on the
roof of a building?”

With my room taking up a large section of the
second floor of my house it was likely someone could see inside
from one of the nearby skyscrapers and Atlanta was full of

“Yes. Which one I won’t tell.”

“Great. Now I’m going to have to keep my
blinds shut at all times. I’m sure he got a good show when I was
walking around naked a few minutes ago.”

He didn’t reply right away. “I will be
changing security personnel.”

“You’re going to fire him for seeing me
naked? That’s a little extreme don’t you think.”

“I mean to replace his post with a female.
Don’t worry, he will not be fired.”

“Good because I was joking about the naked
thing anyway. I know better than that. Let’s steer this
conversation into less personal territory. I talked with the
director of the asylum and she denied all knowledge of the hole in
the wall and the illusion placed on it. Other than that I’ve got
nothing. Do you know of anyone who would hold a grudge against

“No. Most who are unhappy with me take the
more direct approach. Except for you of course. You run across the
country siting you never wish to see me again.”

I decided to ignore the last comment. “Well,
whoever’s doing this is obviously using the club as a means to find
their victims. Tristan and I talked about it and we think it would
be best to watch the club and its patrons. We’re going to have
agents patrolling the perimeter but it would be best if we’re
inside. Can you give us temporary jobs that will allow us to watch

“Hm.” He seemed to think about it. “I will
introduce you as my newest conquest and your partner can be a bus
boy since it so aptly fits him.”

“I was thinking more along the lines of
Tristan being a bartender since they hear so much gossip and I
could be a server.”

He laughed. “Dear naïve Sunny. There is no
possible way I would put you in my club as a server.”

“Why the hell not?”

“Do I really have to explain? You don’t like
people. You tend to hurt or kill anyone who upsets you. Not to
mention everyone is afraid of you. I wouldn’t have a club once word
got around that you were a drink wench.”

“Hey, I never said anything about being a

“Server is out. You can pose as my lover. It
will place you in the club each night without having to interact
with the patrons.”

“No. There has to be some other job I could
do that will allow me to watch everyone without interacting with

He sighed. “I will think on this. Meet me at
the club an hour before opening.”

“Alright. But I’m not going to pretend to be
your newest fuck so you better come up with something.”

I hung up. There was no need for pleasantries
and he was keeping me from my sleep.

Chapter Twelve

Playing with an old flame”



We met up at the club at eight the next
night. It was Friday and the club opens an hour later tonight and
tomorrow. I parked in the employee lot and went to the back door
with Tristan following. A rap on the door brought an employee to
open it for me. It was the Djinn.

“Hello Carly. It’s good to see you

Her eyes narrowed at me as I passed her. You
know what they say. Kill ‘em with kindness.

“Hey Carly. How’s it going?” Tristan asked
her as he passed.

“It’s going. How are you?”

He shrugged. “I’m here.”

I turned back to look at their exchange. When
did they become BFF’s? Carly caught me looking and smirked. She
probably thought I was the jealous girlfriend mad because she was
hitting it up with my man. Whatever. I shrugged and moved on down
the hallway.

Roman was waiting in the main club area. He
took in my attire appreciatively. I had opted to dress the part
tonight so instead of my usual jeans and t-shirt I wore black
leather pants and a black camisole with a charcoal gray lace
tanktop over it. Black knee high boots completed the ensemble. It
wasn’t exactly provocative but I wouldn’t stand out either. I had
also chosen to leave my hair down since I usually keep it braided
when I’m on a case. It had gotten long enough to touch the waist of
my pants in the back. I’ve always liked long hair. It was the only
girly thing about me but everyone had to have their concession.

“Hello Sunshine. You look very fetching

I raised a brow. Fetching? What am I, a dog?
I heard the sound of drums and turned to see the band for the night
begin rehearsing. The drummer and guitarist were doing a duet
together and it sounded pretty good.

“Thanks. I trust you have a job for me?”

He smiled. “Indeed I do. If you will
accompany me to my office.”

I raised a brow.

“It won’t take but a moment,” he added.

I glanced at Tristan.

Roman turned to the Djinn. “Carly, show the
boy to his station at the bar.”

She nodded and motioned for Tristan to follow
her. Tristan shot Roman a warning look before turning for the bar.
Roman ignored him and looked at me expectantly so I started up the

When we reached his office door Roman reached
forward and opened it for me allowing me to enter first. Once he
was inside I looked at him expectantly in return.

“I would first like you to reconsider the
option of posing as my lover. It would allow you better options of
learning the clientele.”

“Not going to happen, Roman. I really hope
you didn’t bring me up here to try to convince me.”

He smiled and took a couple of steps closer
to me. “Could I convince you Sunshine? Even a little.”

I took a step back. “You have another job in
mind. Just tell me about it.”

He would have a backup plan. A man like Roman
Alexander always has multiple plans waiting in the wings.

He sighed. “The singer for the band has taken
a preapproved vacation for the next two weeks. The backup singer is
good but not nearly as good as you.”

“You want me to sing in the band?”

He shrugged. “It would allow you to watch the
patrons without interacting with them.”

“I don’t know any of the songs. Hell, I don’t
even know what kind of music they play. How am I supposed to fill
in tonight?”

He smiled. “That is why I asked you to meet
me in here. They have been playing in my club for almost two years.
I know every song they play.”

And how is that supposed to help me? He
obviously thought I could learn the songs from him but how? My
magic. He wants me to take the songs from him.

“You want me to take your magic?”

“Certainly not all of it. I will think of the
songs and allow you to take just enough to get the lyrics with the
magic. I would have you take it from the band members directly but
I don’t think they would approve of you stealing their magic.”

“Can I do that?” Okay, that sounded stupid
but I’ve never taken someone’s memories before. Sure I get random
images when I take magic but I don’t control what images I get.

“If I make the thoughts readily available,
yes. I’m sure with practice you could pull whatever thoughts you
want to.”

Hm. That’s an idea. Imagine the information I
could ascertain with that ability. All I would need is a touch and
I could know all I needed.

“Alright. Are you ready?” I would give it a
try. At the least I could get some of his magic and like he’s
already pointed out he’s a very strong Vampere.

“I want your word first. You will only take
what I give and no more.”

“You have my word. I want no more and will
take no more.”

He nodded. I closed the space between us and
took his hand. Then I let my magic travel into him. The first image
that came to me was of us in an embrace. We were in my hotel room
the day K had given me Lucian’s elixir. I remember thinking how
handsome Roman was and how attentive he was being. He had driven me
back after I fainted in K’s office and had stayed with me to make
sure I was okay. After talking about everything and nothing for a
couple of hours I threw caution to the wind and kissed him. That
was the first time we would sleep together but definitely not the
last. We had a five year relationship that ended with me finding
out he had lied to me about virtually everything the entire

I pulled the other information he wanted me
to take then released his hand and punched him in the nose.

“Ow! Gods, what was that for?” He held the
back of his hand to his face and saw it came away with blood.

“That’s for the reminder of how you
manipulated me for five years.”

He reached for me but I backed away.

“Sunshine, I didn’t mean it that way. I just
wanted you to remember what he had.”

“Oh I remember all right. You lied to me
Roman. For years, you lied to me. And I fell for it.”

“I didn’t lie to you about everything.”

I walked to the other side of the room and
took a second to get control of my temper. Once I calmed down I
looked at him. He was watching me like I was a wild animal about to
pounce so I held out my hands in a typical “what do you want”
fashion before dropping them and sighing.

“I don’t want to rekindle any old flames,
Roman. I just want to find out who’s taking these Vamps and go back
to my life.”

His jaw clinched. “You think that boy can
make you happy?”

“Did you?”

He started to reply then closed his mouth. I
took that as my opportunity to leave.

Downstairs I met the band members. None of
them wanted to shake my hand which wasn’t surprising. They all
seemed a little skittish around me until I started to sing and by
the time the doors opened they were all piped up for a night of
music and dancing. My singing is what did it. See, one of the first
things I learned about my magic is that all it does is absorb other
magic/energy. Except when I sing. I don’t know why and no one else
does either but when I’m singing, whatever emotion I want to
express through that song actually goes out with the lyrics and a
small amount of my magic will disperse slowly through those
emotions. For example if I want the band members to be cool instead
of freaked, I play whatever song suits my fancy and make sure to
feel calm and cool myself. My magic does the rest.

Unfortunately, it only releases my own magic
and since my magic is constantly absorbing energy it never runs
low. But if I steal someone else’s magic I can’t release it through
singing. That’s where Doyle has been helping me out. Talking about
Doyle, I haven’t heard from him in a while. I should give him a
call when I get a chance. After I solve this case.

The band started at ten and I instructed the
other members to go on stage without me opting to join them after
the first song started playing. It would give me the opportunity to
start singing before the tomatoes started flying. Not that I
thought it was likely anyone would throw anything. They would be
more likely to run for the door.

One thing that has me wondering about this is
if Roman knows about my ability to make people feel what I want
through my songs. I played the piano when I was Human and he often
liked to hear me play and sing but if he didn’t know about my
ability, he had to know no one would want to hear me sing. No, he
knows. I’m not sure how but he has to know.

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