The Exception (43 page)

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Authors: Adriana Locke

BOOK: The Exception
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The day had been long, emotional, and all-around draining. The only bright spots of the day were Cane’s texts every hour.

The doctor had come in and explained the results to Kari in all kinds of medical lingo. She had translated it to me to mean that he had a heart attack, but the permanent damage had been minor. They were going to keep him overnight to monitor him while one final test result came in, but with better diet, exercise, and stress management plans, he should be fine.

By the time I got into my Jeep in the late evening, I was spent. The families in the waiting room, crying and worrying left and right, were downright depressing. I didn’t know how Kari did that day in and day out.

I sat in my car as the sun sat beautifully in the sky just above the horizon. It was a mix of blues, purples, and rosy pinks, like a painting hanging above me.

I picked up my phone and dialed Cane. It rang twice before he answered.

“Hey, baby! Is everything okay?” His voice was laced with concern and it made me smile.

“Yeah. Dad’s going to be all right, but they’re keeping him overnight. I’m just leaving the hospital now.”

“I’m on my way home now, too. I had a few things to take care of at Benjamin Estates that I didn’t expect, but everything’s okay.”

I flipped my visor down as I pulled out of the parking lot. “Do you want me to grab something to eat on my way home?”

Cane chuckled.

“What?” I asked.

“You just referred to my house as ‘
’. You just made my fucking day, baby.”

I laughed, my energy waning by the minute.

“You sound beat. How about I pick up dinner and you grab a bubble bath until I get there?” His voice was low and sexy. I just wanted to make it to his house, get undressed, and lay in his arms.

the best thing
heard all day.”

I knew he was grinning. “I am driving through Gilbert now, so it’ll be a little bit, but I’ll be there.”

“I love you, Cane Alexander.”

“I love you, beautiful girl.”


I turned the radio up, the beat to the random hip-hop song on the radio matching my mood.

Lighthearted, optimistic, fucking happy.

I’m listening to fucking hip-hop?

I leaned back in my seat and couldn’t help the smile on my face. In a few minutes I would be at home—
—with Jada.

Don’t fuck this up, Alexander.

I laughed out loud. At least I knew myself.

The sun dipped below the horizon as I made my way west, towards my house and my girl.

She called it home. There’s hope for me yet.

I exhaled some nervous energy, knowing that the next day was going to make it or break it. It had to go right, I had too much damn time and money invested in it. Not that I gave a shit about the money. It was made to be spent. But I wanted her to want what I had to give her. What I had to offer her.

Besides my heart. Because she already fucking owned that.

An excitement I couldn’t remember feeling before sparked through me, reminding me vaguely of Christmas morning as a little boy. The feeling of knowing something great could possibly happen, if the stars aligned and everything panned out like you planned.

But just like a little kid on Christmas morning, I really had no control over how this went. That would be up to Jada.

My phone lit up on the dash and I recognized Lucy’s cell number.

“Hey, Lucy.”

“Good evening, Mr. Alexander. I just wanted to remind you that I’m off work tomorrow. You haven’t been in the office for a few days, so I wanted to make sure you remembered.”

I hadn’t fucking remembered, but she deserved the time off. And I had apparently already approved it.

“Yeah, Lucy. That’s fine.”

“Great. Enjoy your evening.”

“Hey!” I called out quickly.

“Yes, Mr. Alexander?”

“It’s Cane, Lucy,” I muttered for the thousandth time. “Where is that pizza shop you ordered from the night you delivered pizza to Jada? Do you remember?”

“Yes, sir. It’s right next to our office. Would you like me to order for you?”

“Yes, please. Have them deliver it to my house, okay?”

“Yes, sir!”


By the time I got to Cane’s house, the night sky was cloudless, starless, and black.

I was exhausted, mentally and physically, and the sound of a bubble bath while I waited for the love of my life to get home was bliss.


I smiled to myself, realizing that Cane was right. I did refer to his house as mine.

Could I do that? Could I live with him?

I shook my head, a warm feeling taking over me from the inside out.

I wasn’t sure if I could, but I wasn’t sure if I couldn’t either.

The neighborhood was quiet. The only sound was the crickets making their humming sounds. A small wind glided through the streets, whipping my hair behind me. I finally felt that I was where I belonged.

I used the key that Cane had given me the night before and pressed it into the lock, turning it to the left. It clicked easily and the door swung open.

I took a few steps inside the dark room to the alarm pad instinctually, before I realized that it did not go off.

I stared at the pad, lit up all blue and not flashing or asking me to press in Cane’s code of 7282.

A chill rippled up through my spine, snaking slowly through my limbs. My legs felt heavy, even though my brain was screaming at them to move.
Fast. Now!
I shoved my cell into my pocket quickly so I wouldn’t drop it.

A clicking sound echoed off the walls of the great room. Panic coursed through me and adrenaline flowed through my veins.

Fight or flight survival mode kicked in full force.

I turned to bolt towards the door, but it was just like a bad dream. I couldn’t move as fast as I needed to. As fast as I wanted to.

As fast as I knew I must.

I didn’t get two steps away before I felt the worst pain I could ever imagine.

Out of nowhere, something slammed against the side of my head, impacting me with such force that I immediately lost all control of my body.

The pain was searing. A loud noise barreled through my ears. Burst of colors, like a fireworks display, lit up as my eyes closed and I hit the ground hard, unable to catch myself.

And everything went black.


I blasted Alice in Chains as I made my way home. I turned into my subdivision, too focused on seeing my girl to even be annoyed by the Jack-and-Jillness of the fucking place.

I’m so turning into a pussy.

I smiled as the thought crossed my mind.

Yeah. I’m fucked.

I pulled up to my house on Sheffield Road and parked beside Jada. I turned to open my door and something caught my eye.

There were no lights on in the house.

I cocked my head to the side, trying to figure out why she wouldn’t have turned one light on at all.

Would she have gone to bed?

I looked above the garage to the master bathroom and it was dark, too.

This is just your paranoia from the last few weeks, asshole.

I hopped out of the Denali, but entered through the side gate, the neighbor’s dog barking its fucking head off.

The rooms on that side of the house were guest rooms and I didn’t use them for shit, so I wasn’t surprised when there weren’t any lights on. There would be no reason for Jada to be in there.

I knew I was being paranoid, but I couldn’t shake it.

I opened the door to the walkout basement quietly, slipping in and closing it softly behind me.

My senses took over: looking, listening, feeling for anything that seemed off.

I stood still, knowing that the kitchen was right above my head. I listened for any sound of life but was met with quiet.

I’m fucking paranoid! I just need to go find Jada and make love to my girl.

I shook my head, knowing I was right. I was wasting precious time.

I took a few steps ahead before the floor above me to the right squeaked, the joists giving way to the weight on them.

My brain did a quick assessment.

My office.

Someone was in my fucking office.

My stomach lurched in my throat as a cold chill broke out across my skin.

Something was really fucking wrong.


My head felt like a bomb had exploded inside it. My eyes struggled to open against my heavy lids. The pain on the left side of my head was almost unbearable and I couldn’t figure out why.

What was going on?

I tried to reach up to touch it but I couldn’t move my hands. I tried to roll over but my legs wouldn’t work, either.

A wave of panic hit me as I finally forced my lids to lift and saw that I was in a real life nightmare.

This can’t be happening!

I struggled hard against the restraints holding me tightly to the chair. My eyes darted around the room and I recognized it as Cane’s office. The glow from his computer screen and the light from the security lamp outside were the only light. My eyes were swollen and hazy and I had trouble making out much detail.

I fought to breathe around a bandana that was wrapped around my mouth. With it, I couldn’t make much sound.

I tried to figure out what was happening. Trying to see through my swollen eyes made the pain pulsing in my temple worse by the minute.

I scanned the office, too scared to even cry. I worked my hands back and forth as I tried to yell for help.

This isn’t fucking happening to me!

“You should sit still. You are only making things worse, bonita.”

I struggled to breathe as my entire body began to shake, fear and panic mixing together in one volatile concoction. I choked back the vomit that was rising quickly as I scanned the room for the source of the voice.

A large figure stepped from the shadows dressed all in black. As he approached, I could make out a bit of silver coming towards my face.

A gun.

It took every ounce of energy I could dig up to not pass out.

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