Read The Evil Twin? Online

Authors: P.G. Van

The Evil Twin? (21 page)

BOOK: The Evil Twin?
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“Why does he think that?” my aunt’s voice was calm.

“He knows the family that could…or he is sure is the family that gave me up for adoption,” I said weakly.

My aunt did not say anything for almost half a minute, and I hoped to hear her say that Reyan was wrong.

“You were adopted baby,” my aunt said in a calm tone.

“Mami…Noooo,” I screamed at the top of my lungs as Annie wrapped her arms around me.

“Vinnie, listen to me!!” my aunt’s voice cut through my sobs.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I demanded.

“Would it have made any difference except for you wondering where they were?” she said her voice lost in my sobs.

“I didn’t want to be adopted Mami. Mom and dad are my real parents and that’s it!!” I cried looking at the phone.

“Vinnie…who is this family? What do you know about them?” my aunt asked.

“I don’t want to know, and I don’t care!!”

“Vinnie, I need you to stop being emotional. You don’t know under what circumstances they had to give you up for adoption.”

“Oh, I know Mami. They had twins and gave me up for adoption because I was the evil one,” I snapped.

“Stop it!! Vinnie,” Annie said rubbing my back.

Reyan walked in just as I was losing it.

“Annie, what the heck?” he fumed at Annie as I ran into his arms.

“Reyan...Mami is lying to me…I wasn’t adopted,” I said shaking my head.

“Sit down baby,” he said firmly taking me back to the table.

“Hi, Ms. Gill,” Reyan said into the phone.

“Reyan, do you know Vinnie’s family?” my aunt asked.

“They are not my family!!” I cried uncontrollably.

“Easy baby, don’t fight this,” he said softly kissing my forehead.

“Reyan, there’s nothing easy about it…I don’t want to think about this and spend the rest of my life thinking about how this family didn’t want me…I already spent two years of my life thinking my parents didn’t want me,” I gritted my teeth digging my fingertips into Reyan’s arms.

“Baby…stop!!” Reyan pleaded.

“Vinnie, come to the phone…I need to talk to you,” my aunt ordered.

I sat on the chair, my body trembling and my lips quivering from the outburst of emotions.

“Vinnie, what did you say about spending two years thinking your parents didn’t want you?” my aunt’s voice was weak but calm.

“Mami, when…mom and dad didn’t come back and they didn’t call…I thought they didn’t want me and that’s why they left me with you.”

“Why sweetie…you know that’s not true,” she said weakly.

“I know now…but when they didn’t call and they didn’t show up I thought they…”

“Vinnie, I am sooo sorry baby,” my aunt’s sobs interrupted me.

“Mami, it’s okay, I know now,” I spoke into the phone.

“No baby, you don’t understand…I knew they weren’t coming back a few weeks after the accident, I just didn’t have the courage to tell you.”

I sat frozen hearing my aunt crying on the phone. My tears dried up, and I had nothing to say. I heard Reyan talk to my aunt consoling her while Annie hugged me and wept silently.

“I officially ruined your birthday, Annie.” I said my mind numb.

“Shut it, Vinnie!!!” she said tightening her hold around me.

“Vinnie…” Reyan’s voice broke off when I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

“I am sorry I yelled at you the other night…you were right to not tell me,” I said shakily.

“Sweetheart, please don’t….” Reyan started to say.

“You should have never told me anything. I was happy not knowing any of this,” I said softly and added looking at Annie and Reyan, “You will not speak of this ever again, and you are not to discuss this with anyone else.”

“Vinnie, but…” Reyan started to say and stopped when I held my hand up firmly.

“Never again, Reyan!!”




Annie and I were at the rescue center to pick the kittens for Annie. The plan was to go to the rescue center on her birthday but after all the activity that Sunday morning, Annie was in no mood to go to the rescue center.

“The kittens have been waiting for their mommy since Sunday, and she shows up three days late,” I teased.

“Get used to a working mommy cuties!!” Annie laughed pulling out her phone.

“Why is Reyan calling me now?” Annie scrunched her nose.

“Reyan, you do know I am with your girlfriend, do not disturb us,” she teased.

I listened to her talking on the phone, and I knew instantly something was wrong.

“Let’s go, Vinnie.” She urged me out of the rescue center.

“What’s going on? Is Reyan okay?”

“Yes, he is fine.”

“Annie, where are we headed?” I asked few minutes into the drive when I noticed her hand shivering on the wheel.

“Vinnie, everyone is okay, but we have to go to the hospital.”

“Is it Chloe? Is the baby okay?” I covered my mouth with my palms.

“It’s not Chloe. We will be at the hospital in one minute, and I am freaking out so you need to go easy on the questions.” Annie was shaken up.

Annie pulled in front of the emergency entrance and said, “Go in and ask the guy that looks like a bouncer for Reyan. I am gonna go park.”

I sprang out of the car and ran into the lobby and as Annie had described there was a heavyset man in an all black attire.

“Please follow me,” he said even before I uttered a single word. I followed him with my heart in my mouth not knowing what was going on.

I saw Reyan pacing in the hallway looking extremely tensed.

“Reyan, what is…” my words were lost in a gasp when I saw Meg on the bed with an oxygen mask on her face.

Reyan put his arms around me as I stared at Meg in horror.

“She is okay baby, just drugged,” he said holding me to him.

“What the heck happened and how did you know? The school didn’t call me.” I was livid.

“Where’s Mami?”

“I couldn’t get a hold of Ms. Gill so I asked Annie to bring you here so you don’t freak out. I know you’ve had a lot to deal with lately.”

“Who is responsible for this? Was it the kid who got his nose broken?” I barked ready to break his nose again.

“Sit down baby,” Reyan said softly directing me to a chair on one side of the room.

He took a deep breath and leaned against the wall in front of me.

“I need you to stay calm. This is a hospital and you don’t want to wake Meg up.”

“You are freaking me out now,” I whispered gritting my teeth.

“Meg was drugged in a kidnapping attempt.”

“What the fuck?” I gasped.

“Vinnie, calm down.”

“Robert was released from the county jail two weeks ago, and he had been scouting since the minute he got out to get either one of you, and he managed to get to Meg today.”

“This is not real…I am dreaming,” I blurted, hyperventilating and stood up to put my arms around Reyan, “I am scared Reyan.”

“There’s nothing to be scared about. That asshole has his ass back in jail, and he will never see the free sunlight again,” he said through clenched teeth.

“How did you know he was out?”

“My girlfriend’s problem is my problem,” he smirked.

“I don’t understand how you knew about Meg.” My voice was muffled against his shirt.

“I had a team watch Robert, and I had round-the-clock security for Meg, your aunt, and I was your personal security,” he smiled turning my heart to goo.

“Thank you baby, thank you. How can I ever repay you?” I asked weakly.

“Don’t be ridiculous baby,” Reyan said running his palm on my back.

“Reyan, I am serious. I’ll do anything for you. Just say it.”

“Don’t be silly, Vinnie.”

“No, anything. You want my anal virginity, it’s yours,” I whispered.

He laughed hugging me and said, “You are too funny. I don’t want your anal virginity…yet.”

“Baby anything you want. I will strip for you in the middle of Union Square if that’s what you want.”

“Okay, it’s getting out of hand now…I will ask for what I want when I think of it…I do like the idea of you stripping for me just not in the middle of Union Square.”

“Anything you want baby!!” I hugged him letting the moisture from my eyes be soaked up by his shirt.

“Vinnie, you need to get ready to talk to Meg about what happened today,” Reyan said softly when my sniffling subsided.

“What do you mean?” I asked pulling back to look at him.

“Meg is going to have a lot of questions about what happened and why it happened.” His voice was calm but stern, and I knew he was expecting me to tell Meg everything.

“Reyan, she is too young to understand.”

“You can’t lie to her and if you don’t, I will tell her,” he said, not budging.

“I hated my aunt when I found out what she did. How can I expect her to not have the same reaction?” I asked, my voice shaky.

“She will understand if you tell her exactly the way you told me. She needs to know what the women in her life have done for her, and that will only make her stronger,” Reyan whispered, looking at Meg who was still sedated.

              I took a deep breath when I realized he was right.

              “I will tell her, Reyan. I am also planning to go back to be her roommate until she feels better,” I said softly.

              “No!!” Reyan objected laughing.

              “You know you can come visit, but you’ll have to wait until I get back to make your wish,” I laughed hugging him.



Chapter 21

Me: I am freaking out. Please come home.

Reyan: Why are you freaking out?

Me: Seriously?

Reyan: Seriously?

Me: Not funny!!

Reyan: Not funny!!

Me: I’m gonna stop texting you

Reyan: I’m gonna stop texting you

“Fuck you!!” I said looking at the phone putting it away on the vanity in the bathroom fuming at Reyan.

“I’d like that baby,” Reyan said from the entrance of the bathroom making me jump out of my skin.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were home?” I growled.

“Why so serious, baby?” He walked up to where I was standing stuck in a fitted blouse I was trying on to wear to Reyan’s brother’s wedding that was a couple of weeks away.

“Reyan, this is crazy. I don’t know why these frigging blouses have to be so tight and why the closure has to be in the back. I am meeting your parents for the first time officially five weeks after the fiasco at the restaurant,” I said, feeling the pressure of meeting his parents the following day.

“Take a deep breath, sweetheart. One baby step at a time!! What’s first?”

“I need to get out of this blouse and try on…” Reyan brought his index finger to my lips and said, “I heard you say ‘Fuck you’, what was that about?”

“Nice try, I have a few more outfits to try and then we need to go eat.” I laughed taking a step away from him.

“Everything I ever want to eat is right here, right in front of me.” He winked.

“I know, but I have too many outfits to try on tonight…get out of my way,” I said trying to push him out of the bathroom.

“Didn’t you say you needed help taking off that blouse?”

“Fine, take it off,” I grumbled turning my back to him.

“Do you think I should invoke my, ‘Vinnie will do anything for me’ card tonight?” he chuckled.

I smiled, unable to challenge him, and stood with my back to him with my hair pulled over my shoulder.

He wrapped his arms around my bare midriff and took a deep breath against the nape of my neck. He sucked the tension away from me, and I flopped my head back to rest it on his chest as he ran his lips along the side of my neck.

“I want you to do what you said when you were annoyed with my messages.”

“Get me out of this blouse first,” I snickered.

“And?” he prompted twirling his tongue along my collarbone.

“I need to try on another outfit.” My voice was wobbly and a deep ache started between the apex of my thighs.

“Wrong answer,” he groaned digging his teeth into the muscle on my shoulder. I moaned with the sweet pain and said, “I want you to suck...I want an Aussie.”

“In a hurry sweetness?” he chuckled.

“Yes, I can’t wait,” I pleaded.

“Oh, yes you will. I am not letting you off so easily tonight. You’ll think twice before you swear next time.” His voice was husky and there was a command in his voice that got me hot all over, and all I could think about was challenging him.

“Fuck you, Reyan Bhatia!!” I rasped half laughing.

“Oh baby, you have no idea how much trouble you are in tonight.”

“I can’t wait to find out,” I said digging my fingertips into his scalp.

He groaned deep inside sending my libido rocketing through the roof into outer space. I liked being a rebel in bed, and Reyan fueled my bad girl mode with just the right amount of dominance.

“You will, hotness, you will,” he growled against my neck taking one hand to find the last few hooks on the blouse I could not take off. He slipped his fingers through the openings between the hooks and yanked the blouse open.

I gasped when I heard the ripping of the silk fabric. My breasts bounced at the sudden release from the fitted blouse to fall into Reyan’s palms. My nipples turned rock hard, and he rolled them between his fingers.

“You ruined the blouse you idiot. I asked you to take it off not tear it apart,” I said provocatively knowing it would piss him off.

Without a word, he turned me around and picked me up to tote me over one shoulder and walked towards the bedroom.

“You need to be disciplined,” he said spanking me.

“Oooh, I’m scared,” I retorted as he flung me onto the bed. My back hit the mattress as I laughed looking at his grim expression. He was clearly turned on, and I knew my comments were fueling his arousal.

I slid out of the blouse that barely clung to my chest and threw it at him as he stood staring down at me. He caught the blouse before it hit his face and threw it to the ground.

My breath got caught in my throat when I saw him pounce onto the bed with desire burning in his eyes. I wanted him, and I wanted him so bad that I wanted him to destroy me.

“You better be scared baby!!”

His breath was hot against my cheek when his lips crashed into mine with a wild primitive hunger. His lips were firm and demanding, and all I wanted to do was give in, and I did. I let his tongue slip past my lips without a fight, and I moaned when he squeezed my breast cupping it in his large palm. He switched from one hardened bud to another kissing me with a hunger I had not seen before. His hunger fueled my inner need running my palms over his back enjoying the feel of his hardness digging into my mound through his jeans.

“You are no where close to getting me baby,” he snickered pulling his hips away from mine.

“Don’t be an ass, Reyan…please,” I said when he gently slapped away my palms when I reached for his jeans’ zipper.

“Patience baby…patience will make this night perfect,” he said nipping on my belly button.

“This is torture,” I declared throwing my head back when he dug his tongue into my navel.

I could feel the heat emanating from my folds down below and the pulsation in my muscles that wanted to surround and take in his nine-inch hardness. I moaned in anticipation grabbing his hair when he went south to the waistband on the flowing maxi skirt. The skirt was part of the three-piece outfit I was trying on just before Reyan showed up.

His hands searched eagerly for the clasp on the waistband; I knew he was getting impatient, and I was more impatient this time. I let go of his hair and reached for the clasp on the skirt only to have them slapped away by him.

“That’s my job.”

“You are sucking at your job today,” I wailed unable to handle the throbbing ache between my legs.

“I can’t take this anymore, fuck me Reyan, fuck me hard.” It was half cry, half plea.

“Talk to me hotness, tell me what you want,” he requested, his voice huskier than usual as he slipped the layered skirt down leaving me with just my panties that had miraculously stayed in tact in spite of the scorching heat my body produced in that area.

The soft cotton sheets felt ice cold against my heated body, and no amount of the cool breeze from the San Francisco Bay was going to cool me down.

Reyan trailed his lips lower towards the waistband of my panties and just when I clenched my stomach in anticipation of his tongue on my folds, he trailed his lips back up to my nipples that had hardened and coaxed them turning them into pebbles.

I panted and moaned digging my nails into his neck and back arching beneath him eagerly for his mouth to go to my pleasure center that had been dying to be touched.

“Reyan...” I sobbed unable to handle the throbbing of my swollen clit.

“Oh baby, I love it when you are so hot for me, what do you want?”

“I want a fucking Aussie,” I started to scream and it died in it’s path when I felt his long, skillful fingers running circles over the damp spot on the sheer fabric of my panties.

I grabbed his shoulders with both hands and squeezed my eyes shut when I felt his heated breath skimming on my inner thighs.

“What do I do now baby?” he teased poking his tongue through the dampness on my fabric.

“Take it off?” I yelled.

“Take off what love?”

I let go off his shoulders and reached for my panties.

“No, you will not. If you don’t keep your hands to yourself, I am going to tie you up.” I had nothing to challenge his commanding tone with and moaned clasping my fingers in his hair.

“Good girl,” he said reaching up to plant a kiss on my lips as he slipped the last piece of the unwanted fabric off my body. He let go of my lips and went down under for a kiss that shot waves of pleasure through my body.

“Reyan, please don’t stop,” I pleaded as he plunged his tongue in and out of my inner folds while rubbing my clit with the pad of his thumb. I threw my head back gripping the sheets with both hands; he took his lips to rim my clit sucking it swollen.

I lost all control when he dug his fingers into my pleasure cave, and my body bucked against him eager for a release with every lick on my clit. I called out his name and tossed my head from side to side feeling the explosion of sensations from within, the joy of being at the mercy of the virile man who knew how to drive me over the edge and hold me there only to release me into ecstasy.

“Remember this when you say ‘fuck you’ to me,” he hummed against my clit as he worked on triggering another exothermic reaction from within.

“Fuck you!!” I screamed, raking my fingers on his shoulders as I lost the battle of the sexes and gave into pure pleasure and desire.




“Reyan, she is here in San Francisco!!” I called out from the bedroom looking at my phone.

“Who is baby?” Reyan asked surprised.

“Nandini Singhal, the author. My favorite author!!”

“Yeah, she is here for a few weeks,” Reyan said softly walking back towards the closet.

“I want to go meet her this weekend, Reyan. I’m sure we’ll have too much going on the weekend of the wedding.” Reyan’s brother was getting married in two weeks, and I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to meet the author who was not only my favorite author but my mom’s favorite one too.

“The weekend is tomorrow baby, are you sure you can go?” he asked softly.

“Yes, I am going to move my appointments with Annie and Chloe to a later time.”

“Are you sure?”

“That’s such a weird thing to say Reyan. You know I’ve wanted to meet her for so long,” I mocked.

“What time do you want to go?”

“What do you mean what time? I think we need an appointment.” I scrunched my nose.

“No we don’t, baby,” he called out from the closet.

“Really?” I got off the bed and walked towards the closet and added, “My boyfriend is really influential.”

He laughed shaking his head as I put my arms around him and said, “I want to go first thing in the morning if we can. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“You got it!! Oh, and did my mom call you?” he asked bringing his lips to my cheek.

“Yup, she wants me to go to this Indian jewelry place on Monday.”

“Oh boy,” he sighed.


“That means I won’t see you all night on Monday.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t think she’d spend that much time in a store.” I tightened my hold around his neck as his lips went down mine.

“You have no idea,” he nipped the skin on my neck.

“Okay stop,” I said pulling back and added, “even if she wants to spend all evening at the store, I don’t mind. She is very sweet. I was nervous about meeting your parents a couple of weeks ago after our restaurant episode, but I like them,” I said smiling at him.

“I am glad to hear that, sweetheart.”

“I’m sure you said something about not talking to me about…a certain family,” I winked.

“Maybe I did,” he teased his voice muffled against my neck.


The following day, I stood in front of the Indian community center unable to contain my excitement that I was going to meet my favorite author. I held my mom’s book in my hand and could feel my palms getting sweaty.

“Are you nervous baby?” Reyan asked wrapping his arm around my waist.

I nodded unable to speak. He chuckled and said, “I am too.”

“Why are you nervous?”

“Because you are.” He laughed.

“How did you manage to get us in at such short notice?”

“Well, I told her I was bringing my girlfriend, and she wanted to meet you.” He grinned.

“You talked to the author?”

“I told you she is a family friend.”

“Is she going to assess if I am good enough for you? Should I stand frozen for a few minutes so she can scan me?” I mocked.

“I told you only my aunt does that. She does that with every girl that is going out with any guy in the family,” he said shaking his head.

“I am okay to stand frozen for her perusal as long as I can get my mom’s book signed,” I declared as we walked towards the banquet hall where the event was set up.

Reyan and I walked past a group of people discussing the books and saw people lined up to have the author sign their books.

BOOK: The Evil Twin?
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