The Everything Toddler Activities Book (30 page)

BOOK: The Everything Toddler Activities Book
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1 cup flour

1 cup sugar

1 cup cold water

4 cups boiling water

1 tablespoon alum

½ teaspoon oil of wintergreen

Mix flour and sugar in bowl, then slowly add in cold water to make a paste.

Add the boiling water and transfer the mixture to a saucepan.

Bring to a boil and stir until mixture is thick and clear.

Remove from the heat and add the alum and oil of wintergreen.


Recommended Resources

Other Toddler Activity Books

Herr, Judy.
Creative Learning Activities for Young Children.
(New York: Delmar Thomson Learning, 2000).

Kohl, MaryAnn.
First Art: Art Experiences for Toddlers and Twos
. (Silver Spring, Maryland: Gryphon House, 2002).

Masi, Wendy.
Toddler Play (Gymboree)
. (Minneapolis, MN: Creative Publishing International, 2001).

Pica, Rae.
Moving and Learning Series: Toddlers
. (New York: Delmar Thomson Learning, 2000).

Rowley, Barbara.
Baby Days: Activities, Ideas, and Games for Enjoying Daily Life with a Child Under Three.
(New York, NY: Hyperion, 2000).

Schiller, Pam.
The Complete Resource Book for Toddlers and Twos: Over 2000 Experiences and Ideas.
(Silver Spring, Maryland: Gryphon House, 2003).

Warren, Jean.
Toddler Games: Simple Seasonal Games Designed Especially for Toddlers.
(Totline Publications, 2002)

Parenting Books

Bowers, Ellen.
The Everything® Toddler Book, 2nd Edition
. (Avon, MA: Adams Media, 2010).

Brazelton, T. Berry.
. (Boston, MA: Da Capo Press, 1992).

Douglas, Ann.
The Mother of All Toddler Books.
(New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2004).

Eisenberg, Arlene.
What to Expect: The Toddler Years.
(New York, NY: Workman Publishing Company, 1994).

Hewitt, Deborah.
So This Is Normal Too?
(St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press, 1995).

Margulis, Jennifer, ed.
Toddler: Real-Life Stories of Those Fickle, Irrational, Urgent, Tiny People We Love.
(Jackson, TN: Seal Press, 2003).

Murphy, Jana.
The Secret Lives of Toddlers: A Parent’s Guide to the Wonderful, Terrible, Fascinating Behavior of Children Ages 1–3
. (New York, NY: Perigee Trade, 2004).

Shonkoff, Jack P., ed.
From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development
. (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2000).

Books for Your Toddler

Breeze, L., and A. Morris.
This Little Baby’s Bedtime
. (New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company, 1990).

Brown, Margaret Wise.
Goodnight Moon
. (New York, NY: Harper Festival; board edition, 1991).

Carle, Eric.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
. (New York, NY: Philomel, 1994).

Christelow, Eileen.
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
. (New York, NY: Clarion Books, 1998).

Eastman, P. D., illus.
Are You My Mother?
(New York, NY: Random House Books for Young Readers; board edition, 1998).

Keats, Ezra Jack.
The Snowy Day
. (New York, NY: Viking Books; board edition, 1996).

Kingsley, Emily Perl.
I Can Do It Myself
. (Racine, WI: Western Publishing Co., Inc., 1980).

Kunhardt, Dorothy.
Pat the Bunny
. (New York, NY: Golden Books; reissue edition, 2001).

Westcott, Nadine Bernard.
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
. (New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company, 1988).


ABC Dominoes activity, 230

Act It Out activity, 127

Action plays, 105–07

Air-Travel, 46–47

All about Me activity, 179

All-about-Me Book activity, 181

Animal Sounds activity, 49

Animals, 202–05

Anytime activities, 24–26

Apple Prints activity, 238

Arctic Animal/hibernation, 248–50

Art/exploration, 63–79

Astronomy/nighttime activities, 157–58

Away from home activities, 45–62

Baby Bonnet Doll activity, 123

Back Blackboard activity, 15

Backward Upside-Down Day activity, 40

Backyard/nature activities, 145–58

Bag Puppets, 130

Ball Painting, 70

Basketball, 142

Bath-time activities, 12–14

Beach activities, 57–59

Beach Fantasy activity, 36

Beach Towels, 58

Beachcomber activity, 35

Beanbag Toss, 28

Bend and Stretch activity, 20

Big Feet, Little Feet activity, 175

Big Head Puppets, 129

Binoculars, 158

Bird activities, 213–15

Birds That Fly activity, 105

Birthday Blocks, 283

Birthday Cake, 229

Birthday Parties, 282–85

Black Magic activity, 66

Bleeding Tissue Paper activity, 98

Blob Race, 289

Block building, 124–26

Block City activity, 125

Blossom Trees activity, 252

Blowing Games, 195

Blown Pictures, 152

Boats That Float, 84

Bowling, 142

Box Train, 38

Brush the Tooth activity, 188

Bubble Bonanza activity, 91

Bubble Catch activity, 90

Bubble Prints activity, 76

Bubble Tools, 92

Bubble Wrap Fun, 94

Bugs! activities, 148–50

Build a Person activity, 178

Butterfly Feet activity, 149

Buzzing Bee activity, 111

Calming/rest-time, 15–17

Camping Theme, 119

Can You See? activity, 61

Captions, 161

Car-Travel, 48–49

Catching Butterflies, 148

Categorization skills, 52

Celebration Picture activity, 259

Changing Colors, 146

Chanukah, 272–74

Character in a Bag, 127

Children, special needs, 189–200

Children with autism activities, 192–93

Christmas, 275–76

Cinderella’s Shoe, 220

Circle Chase, 137

Circle Prints, 223

Circus Theme Party, 281

Clap Your Hands, 283

Cleanup Is Fun!, 21

Cloud Pictures, 152

The Clown Says activity, 141

Cobbler Cobbler activity, 55

Coffee-Filter Butterflies, 150

Cognitive disability activities, 196–97

Collages, 51, 74–75

Collect Rain activity, 34

Color activities, 224–26

Coloring activities, 64–67

Community helpers activities, 205–07

Cooperative game activities, 134–36

Corn Rolling, 239

Cornucopia activity, 239

Count Them Up activity, 143

Count Through the Day activity, 227

Counting Sheep, 17

Crafts, 78–79

Create your own game activities, 141–42

Creative movement activities, 110–12

Creative Reenactment activity, 163

Cupcake Crayons, 67

Daily routines, activities for, 9–26

Dance/movement activities, 101–16

A Day at the Beach-Indoors!, 34–36

Deep-Sea Dive activity, 212

Digging for Bones, 210

Dinosaur activities, 210–11

Distractions, eliminate, 12

Do You Remember activity, 160

Doctor’s and Nurse’s Hat activity, 121

Does Not Belong activity, 161

Dog Biscuits, 204

Doggie, Doggie, Where’s Your Bone activity, 132

Dolls, 122–24

Down by the Banks activity, 10

Drumsticks, 56

Duck, Duck, Goose activity, 133

Earth Day, 266–67

Easter, 268–69

Easy collage activity, 51

Echo Echo activity, 168

Egg-Carton Bat, 243

Egg-Carton Tulips, 253

Etch a Sketch, 86

Everlasting Sand Castles, 255

Exercise activities, 108–09

Exploring concepts, 221–36

Exploring themes, 201–20

Fairy tale activities, 219–20

Fall activities, 240–42

Family Tree activity, 174

Fast and simple games, 143–44

Favorites activity, 52

Feed Me! activity, 187

Fence Tapestries, 286

Fill and Dump activity, 24, 144

Fill-in Story activity, 166

Find Me in the Snow activity, 249

Find the Squeaker activity, 197

Fingerprint Bugs, 150

Firefighters, 206

Firefly Firefly activity, 158

Fireworks Painting, 270

Fishing for Colors, 226

Fishing in the Tub, 14

Five-senses activities, 184–86

Fizzy Bath Balls, 13

Flannel-board activities, 169–70

Floating Art, 77

Flour Bombs, 284

Flower Crown activity, 157

Flowery Window Clings activity, 255

Flying, 112

Follow the Path activity, 282

Footprint Bunny, 268

Fourth of July, 269–70

Frog’s Dinner, 218

Fun Walk, 111

Fun with a Box, 37–39

Fun with a Hose, 154

Fussy child activities, 55–57

Fussy Hand activity, 186

Games, 131–44

Games, pretend play, 126–27

Games for two activities, 138–39

Gardening, 146–47

Giant Mural Puzzles, 287

Giant Shoes, 220

Glacier Creatures, 85

Go Team! activity, 113

Groundhog Puppet, 249

Group games, 136–38

Guessing Bag activity, 199

Halves activity, 140

Handkerchief Dolls, 124

Handmade Flags, 270

Handprint Menorahs, 273

Handprint Octopi, 190

Hand-Print Sheep, 205

Handprint Wreath, 276

Handy Dandy Game, 54

Hanging Lids, 275

Harvest Bowling, 240

Harvest-time fun, 238–40

Heart Prints, 261

Helping around the house, 22–23

Here Comes Daddy! activity, 53

Hey Diddle Diddle activity, 234

Hibernation Party, 250

Hiding Family, 176

Holiday activities, 257–78

Homemade Bubble Solution activity, 91

Homemade Butter, 18

Homemade Stickers, 76

Homemade Wrapping Paper, 286

Hopping Home activity, 108

In the Hospital activity, 49–51

Hot and Cold activity, 133

How I grow activities, 182–83

How Long? activity, 232

Hug Rover activity, 137

Hula Dance, 96, 104

Hula Hoop, 115

Hurrah for Hula Hoops activity, 236

I Am a Dreidel activity, 274

I Am Smaller Than activity, 183

I am special activities, 180–82

I Go to Pieces activity, 181

As I Grow activity, 183

I Had a Little Turtle activity, 217

I Know Your Nose activity, 175

I Spy game (guessing game), 53

Ice-Cube Painting, 247

Indoor Beach, 35

Indoor Obstacle Course, 29

Indoor Snow Fun, 43

Indoor Volleyball, 36

Invisible Pictures, 99

Jack and the Beanstalk, 107

Jack Frost, 246

Jack-in-the-Box, 106

Jumbo Card, 287

Kazoo, 96

Keep It Up activity, 134

Kisses activity, 261

Kwanzaa activities, 277–78

Lacy Balls, 276

Language disability activities, 198–200

Last Minute activities, 41–43

Leaf activities, 153, 241, 242

Learning to be safe and healthy activities, 186–88

Learning-about-family activities, 174–76

Learning-about-my-body activities, 177–79

Let’s Go Out activity, 32

Letters activities, 230–31

Lily-Pond Hop, 216

Literacy, 159–71

Litter Grab activity, 267

Little Mouse activity, 192

Little Red Wagon activity, 97

Living Shamrock activity, 263

Magic Sun Prints, 156

Makeshift Shelters, 41

Making books, 170–71

Making collages, 74–75

Many Hats activity, 207

Margarine Tub Jellyfish activity, 212

Masks, 244

Matching Boxes, 38

Matching Sock Game, 11

Matzo Ball Soup, 265

Mealtime/cooking activities, 17–19

Medical Theme activity, 119

Microphone Craft, 198

Mini Pizzas, 19

Mini Streams, 33

Mini-Pots, 89

Mirror Mirror activity, 196

Mirror-Image Painting, 70

Mobility disability activities, 194–95

Monkey in the Mirror activity, 182

Monkey See, Monkey Do activity, 204

Monster Spray activity, 16

Morning-Time activities, 10–12

Mouth Music activity, 193

Move Like Me, Sound Like Me activity, 60

Mud Paint, 87

Museum activities, 61–62

My Car activity, 208

My Hands activity, 177

My Statue Doll activity, 123

Name That Sound, 184

Name That Tune, 46

Napkin-Holder Place Cards, 291

Natural Dye Collage, 75

Nature Collection, 156

Nature crafts activities, 156–57

Nesting Boxes, Stacking Boxes, 39

New Story activity, 164

New Year’s Day, 258–60

Next Line, Please activity, 166

Noble Duke of York activity, 235

Number activities, 227–29

Observational skills, 60

Observation/problem solving skills, 33

Ocean activities, 211–13

Octopus Tag, 136

Once I Saw a Bird activity, 107

In and Out the Doors activity, 234

Outdoor activities, 153–54

Outline Match activity, 170

Paint a Song, 191

Painting, 67–70

Paper Bag activities, 65, 121, 213

Paper chain activity, 51

Paper games, 140–41

Paper Logs, 126

Paper-Plate Meals, 187

Paper-Plate Spiders, 244

Papier Mâché, 73

Parachute activities, 115–16

Party games, 288–90

Party Hats, 285

Party Photo Frames, 292

Party preparation/props, 290–92

Party time, 279–92

Pass the Beanbag, 288

Passover/Purim, 264–65

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