The Everborn (2 page)

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Authors: Nicholas Grabowsky

Tags: #Fantasy, #Horror, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Suspense, #General

BOOK: The Everborn
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Acknowledgments and sincere gratitude to the following for the very things I needed the most during the construction of this monstrosity --for support, friendship, and for believing in me, in various stages of my life but particularly during the 17 years it took to complete this book in its present form: Marybeth Harold, Mike Erlandson, Naomi Munton, Donna LaBartunek, Andrea Stinson, Scott Trepesowsky, Terry Robbins, Pat Simpson, Brandon Battle, Ryan Lightsey, Kyle Pamson, my fifth grade teacher and mentor Michael Montrief, Joe Randazzo, Josephine & Doug & Karen Davenport, Jake Istre, Frank Castillo, Robert Horton…..and Phyllis Haupert, because you can’t erase 8 years.


Dark Delicacies Book Store in Burbank, CA.


Clive Barker and Dean R. Koontz for great advice in spurts for two decades.


Walter Koenig, one helluva acting coach whose
Star Trek
credits don’t even come close to touching upon the great man and talent he is.


Moustapha Akkad, for phone conversations, awesome insight, and a warm soul. You will always be remembered.


Jeremy, my first beloved son, and my grandson Nathan….


Charlton John, my little Boo…..


.....and Mom & Dad.


























PART ONE: Max and the Watcher Swap Stories

A Message of Untimely Importance...................1
Maxwell Gets a Grip..........................................12
A Boulevard of Doors........................................17
Time Retold At the Motel Untold.....................30
No True Beginnings.........................................45


PART TWO: Informal Introductions

Swapping the Story Again.................................51
The Watchmaid Bari.........................................64
Melony Polito at the Crowjob...........................67
Andrew Erlandson at the Crowjob...................78
Andrew and Melony.........................................91
Scratch At The Crowjob.................................100
A Departing Exchange...................................107
A Few Fringe Benefits Of The Gods..............112
Max And Melony............................................115
Ralston And Jessica........................................120
The UFO Detective........................................126
Scratch And The Church On The Rock…….141
Max Goes To Church.....................................155
Knocking On Scratch’s Door.........................166
Matt McGregor Goes To Church...................179
A Refresher Course Brush-up At The Office…………………………………………189
The Interview At Andrew’s Apartment..........195
A Strange Brew Of Personality.......................211
A Rude Awakening For William Behn...........217
A Telephone Call For Ralston Cooper.........226
26. An Odd Distortion For Bari.........................232
27. Andrew Is Not An Alien...............................237
28. Climactic Introductions...............................248
29. A New Recruit For The Magdalene.............263



30. In The Watcher’s Own Words......................271


PART THREE: The Magdalene Salvatia

When The Sacred Ones Fell From The Sky…………………………………………...279
32. The Tale Of The Magdalene Queen........... 283
33. The Black Widow Messiah...........................295
34. Simon BoLeve...............................................305
35. Simon And Salvatia.......................................324
36. The Son Of A.J. Erlandson...........................336
37. The Playground............................................340
38. An Assessment Of Casualties.......................358
39. The Big Deal................................................362



40. In The Waking World...................................373


PART FOUR: The Master Magicians

41. Company For Scratch...................................379
42. Company For Melony...................................394
43. Company For Ralston...................................406
44. Carbon Canyon.............................................419
45. The Diner Untold.........................................424
46. Private Parties Only......................................437
47. The Watchers................................................449



48. Max And The Watcher, In Parting...............469








The Everborn












Nicholas Grabowsky









A Diverse Media/Black Bed Sheet Book

Antelope, CA


















































Some men a forward motion love,


But I by backward steps would move,


And when this dust falls to the urn,


in that state I came, return.”


Henry Vaughan,

Century metaphysical poet


















UFOs And Sunday School


(an essay of sorts by Maxwell J. Polito, world renowned UFO researcher and Occultist, originally handwritten after this novel was conceived, as an afterthought)


It was not supposed to happen this way, not any of it. And most certainly not to me. Yet I’m a part of it, immersed in it, quite like an actor immersed so intensely within a role that to him reality is reduced to an indistinguishable blur.

I have never exactly thought of myself as an actor, but at this moment I would surrender everything to distinguish the role I am forced to play from the man I truly am. If my circumstances dictate the role, then perhaps by playing it out I will find that man. This notion provides me with a subtle comfort, though my limited choice in the matter is evident even in the very nature of my writing these words.

So how, might you inquire, were things
to have happened, and, what tale have I to tell in contrast?

Firstly, for all of us, things went this way:

We were no more than a few decades into the twentieth century when the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects reached the attentive and ever-gullible ears of our society. The vanity and excessive ignorance of the notion that we were alone in the universe gave way to the restless ideology that there must be something more, something
out there
, something physical and independent from our otherwise spiritual concepts of God. The “science” of contemporary UFOlogy became the inevitable result of scientists, truth-seekers, and those obsessively curious trying to find a way to explain the outrageously downright unexplainable....

....such as, for example, supersonic saucers soaring quite rudely into USAF air space, time and again without so much as a knock on the door of our atmosphere before entering. Bodies of bulbous-eyed embryonic humanoids were recovered in Roswell, famously, though evidence of the wreckage of their craft suggests the incident was nothing more than a top secret kite the government was flying one day made of aluminum foil and balsa wood. I went on a picnic where once
flew a kite, and when the wind sent it crashing down and I recovered it, there were no alien bodies littering
surroundings, as far as I could tell. Way before any of this, Orson Welles broadcasts a
War of the Worlds
which caught those of us who didn’t know any better on a bad night, when even the Nazis seemed like bags of posed plastic soldiers compared to those invading Martian bastards. Sightings and reports eventually flourished in such whimsical diversities that, perhaps, the U.S. Air Force would have found things much simpler had they hired an illustrator for their
Project Blue Book
files, secured national syndication rights, and had themselves a lucrative Sunday comic the whole family could enjoy.

We cultivated these phenomena even through real wars, which in comparison proved to be frightening jolts into tangible reality, and it was from these wars and recurring pressures that we sought escape in UFOs. While our kids spent bedtime hours holding flashlights to
Amazing Stories
beneath tented bedcovers, we spent daytime hours watching
The Day the Earth Stood Still
and wondering privately about what we would do if what we saw came true.

Since then, the mythology surrounding E.T.s has become far more defined, as the human race advances within civilized society, boldly and often blindly leaping into new frontiers of awareness and knowledge, the phenomenon advances with us. Space aliens are no longer simply from Mars or Venus, as the limits of our imaginations once dictated. To some, they are hailed as saviors from a distant galaxy. Others believe they’ve emerged from black holes or time warps to mutilate our cattle or to sketch witty, circular doodles in wheat fields.

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