The European Dream (74 page)

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Authors: Jeremy Rifkin

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Adams, James Truslow
Adams, Michael
Adenauer, Konrad
African Americans
African gray parrot
Albright, Madeline
Al Qaeda
American Dream
and American work ethic
basic contradiction in
and Bush foreign policy
and civic-mindedness
and death instinct
as end of history
versus European Dream
and risk-taking
and sink-or-swim mentality
uniqueness to America
and upward mobility
American Revolution
American Sociological Review
Amsterdam Treaty
Amusing Ourselves to Death
Animal medical experimentation
Animal rights
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
Appadurai, Arjun
Aquinas, Thomas (saint)
Aries, Philippe
Ash, Timothy Garton
Asian Development Bank
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
The Atlantic
Atom bomb
Austrian guilds
Bacon, Francis
Balance of power
Barfield, Owen
Barry, Andrew
Beck, Ulrich
Bedroom communities
Beetham, David
Benedictine order
Benedict (saint)
Berlin Wall
Berman, Morris
Bernstein, Jared
Biosphere politics
Blackstone, Sir William
Bodin, Jean
Book of Genesis
Book publishing
Borgatti, Stephen
Boushey, Heather
Boutmy, Emile Gaston
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros
Bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE)
Bowling Alone
Bretton Woods Agreement
British Petroleum (BP)
Brown, Norman O.
Bull, Hedley
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S.
Bush, George W.
Calvin, John
Campolargo, Mário
Canetti, Elias
Americans as last true believers of
Capital punishment
Capra, Fritjof
Castells, Manuel
Catholic Church
and private property
view of time
Cell phone technology
Census Bureau, U.S.
Center for Global Development
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Central Europe
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Charter of the International Military Tribunal
Chemical industry
Cheney, Dick
Cherifi, Hanifa
Child labor
Child poverty
culture of
Chirac, Jacques
Churchill, Winston
Citizenship and Social Class
Civilizing human nature
Civil society
Civil society organizations (CSOs)
Clark, Wesley, Gen.
Class politics
Clinton, Bill
Closed hierarchical model
Cobb, Clifford
Cobb, John
Cohen, Dov
Cohen, William
Cohesion Fund
Coke, Sir Edward
Cold evil
Cold War
Comenius program
Commentaries on the Laws of England
Commitment to Development Index
Committee of the Regions
Common Foreign and Security Policy
Common interest developments (CIDs)
Communications technology
Communist Manifesto
Condorcet, Marquis de
Congress of Europe
Congress of Vienna
Cook, Thomas
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooperative commerce
Corneille, Pierre
Council of Europe
Crisis conflict resolution
The Culture of Narcissism
Daly, Herman
Darwin, Charles
D’Azeglio, Massimo
Dean, Mitchell M.
Death instinct
Death penalty
Declaration of ASEAN Accord
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
Deep time
Delanty, Gerard
Delors, Jacques
Democratic socialism
Department of Agriculture, U.S.
Descartes, René
De Soto, Hernando
Deutsche Post
Development assistance
Discourse on the Origins of Inequality
Dissipative structures
Dobb, Maurice
Dollar (U.S.)
Dorgan, Byron
Duby, Georges
East Asia Free Trade Area (EAFTA)
East Asian Vision Group (EAVG)
Eastern Europe
Eastern mind
Ecosystem reunification
Edelman PR
programs for

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