The Essential Edgar Cayce (21 page)

Read The Essential Edgar Cayce Online

Authors: Mark Thurston

Tags: #Body, #Occultism, #Precognition, #General, #Mind & Spirit, #Literary Criticism, #Mysticism, #Biography & Autobiography, #Telepathy), #Prophecy, #Parapsychology, #Religious, #ESP (Clairvoyance

BOOK: The Essential Edgar Cayce
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In that of the lower digestive system, being an over-acidity from the conditions existent in system, naturally there are the resultant forces thrown into the intestinal tract, and THROUGHOUT this causes distress to the body.

In the activity of the eliminations as thrown off through the kidneys, or through the HEPATIC circulation as a whole—the liver, as indicated, congestion. Hence the excretory and secretive system not ALWAYS working in accord one with another, for often the greater portion of the blood supply is in THIS portion of system, with insufficient in the extremities. This causing the laxness of the circulation.

In the kidneys, these express themselves in the character of the urine, or of the eliminations as are thrown through same, and will be found that these may be altered or changed considerably by the diet, or even by the AMOUNT of water that would be taken into the system.

In meeting the needs of the conditions of this body, not only must the specific conditions be considered, but also the building UP, or of the GENERAL debilitation as has existed on account of the conditions, so that—in aiding one we do not OVERTAX the other. The diet, of course, would be among the first things to be considered.

In meeting the needs, then, we would do this:

As medicinal properties that will aid the system, we would follow those of the alkaline, and especially of Chalk-Bismuth, and such, in the system.

The water that is taken—MOST of same should carry those of elm, and this should be prepared just before taking, but should ALWAYS be cool, or cold.

Just before the MEALS are taken, that of a MILD tea of Saffron should be able to coat the whole of the stomach proper. This will aid digestion.

Also those of the food values should be practically, or in a practical manner—they will be found necessary to be changed, see—for these will necessarily alter the conditions in system, and when there is found disagreement in any portion, alter these. The fruits and cereals should be those that are of EASY digestion. Occasionally there may be taken rice cakes, with honey—but the honey should NOT be other than that WITH the honeycomb. Not strained honey. Ovaltine may be taken as a drink at times. No tea, no coffee. In the character of MILKS—this will not always agree with the system, for curds would be produced from same that would be bad. Then, these may be altered by the CHARACTER of the milk at times as may be taken. That of the goat’s milk, or of the dried milk, or of such, may be used occasionally. This with the cereals, or with the foods, or with the first morning foods.

Of the noon—these should consist chiefly of those of the liquid diet, and should NOT be too EXCESSIVE in ANY manner. Beef JUICE may be taken; but NOT the flesh itself. Small quantities, often sipped, would be the better for THIS body; that is, near the noon hour, see?

In the evenings—these may be altered to those that are blood and nerve building, and may be changed to any of the characters of foods that are ALKALINE REACTING! Eggs may be taken at this time, provided the YOLK only is prepared, either in the form of hard and WELL MASHED afterward, mixed with any of the oils—olive oil, also those of cod-liver oil, should be part of the diet. Ready for questions.

What quantity of elm and saffron should be used?

For each glass of water a pinch between the finger and thumb of the ground elm, stirred well, with a small lump of ice in same; prepared about two to three minutes before it is drunk. Of the saffron—this should be made as a tea, STEEPED—as a tea—and NOT too strong. This may be altered according to that—when this is taken, it should be preferably warm, and just before the meal—see? So that, that as first taken, in the system—or into the stomach—forms a coating over the whole of same. If these are found to produce DISTRESSES at any time, NOT the QUALITY of the stuff but the QUANTITY should be decreased; for these will be effective, as will also be found Magnesia and Bismuth will be effective in CHANGING the conditions in the system. Do that. Charcoal should be effective also, to reduce the amount of gas.

Well that the irrigations of oil be occasionally used for the lower portion of the system, so that the colon may be cleansed properly, and that the STRAIN as has been induced by the lack of blood supply through this portion of the system may be increased. BUILD up the general system.

The manipulations as would be given in this condition would be for the strengthening of the whole nerve system, that the body may relax thoroughly when it rests—for the BUILDING properties for THIS body will be found in rest and sleep.



Sinusitis, a complex condition, can be caused by different things in different people. For the twenty-seven-year-old woman in this reading, Edgar Cayce notes that an inadequate blood supply has resulted in a supersensitivity to external irritants. As with many of his health readings, he mentions ingredients and remedies that are not familiar to us today. You can obtain more information about their availability by contacting the Association for Research and Enlightenment.

Also there are those tendencies, from this lack of the supplying to the blood force, for inflammation or weakness through the mucous membranes; causing the nasal passages, the antrum, and the soft tissue of the head and throat to become supersensitive to environs or activities about the body.

These should be taken into consideration also, and we will find that the body may resist cold and those inclinations for sneezing and irritation that arise at times through these portions of the body.

As to applications for bettered conditions, then:

We would be more careful as to the budgeting of the time. Take time for rest and recuperation. Take time for activities in which the exercising of the body-physical makes for resuscitation and not for detrimental conditions.

Refrain from stimulations as of ANY influence of carbonated drinks or intoxicating beverages or any carrying malt in same; that is, as a stimulant. Malt as an active principle in the DIGESTIVE system would be very well, yet—as we find—even this may be taken in a better form for the body,—as we will suggest.

Also: Have at least six to ten general osteopathic treatments, to RELAX the body; especially through the areas from the 9th dorsal to the 1st cervical, and in the latter portion of such treatments coordinating the areas from the lower portion of the sacral and lumbar to the lst cervicals.

Then, as to the diet:

Here we find that citrus fruit juices in quantities, regularly, will be helpful. Drink at least a pint of orange juice, with the juice of half a lemon squeezed into same, each day; for periods of ten days,—then leave off for a period of ten days, and then take again for another ten days, and so on.

With the meals take ADIRON; one tablet with each meal, or three tablets each day,—one at each meal. Take a whole bottle of sixty tablets in this manner, leave off a few days, and then take again,—and so on, continuing to take same for several months in this manner,—and then gradually lessen the periods of taking same, provided the system has been replenished sufficiently that there is not the fatigue when leaving same off.

Prepare an inhalant in a large-mouthed, dark glass bottle, with two vents through the cork,—and these vents corked with smaller corks. Let the bottle be at least a six to eight ounce container.

To 4 ounces of Pure Grain Alcohol, add—in the order named:

Oil of Eucalyptus................20 minims,
Compound Tincture of Benzoin................15 minims,
Rectified Oil of Turp................5 minims,
Rectified Creosote................3 minims,
Tolu in Solution................30 minims.

Shake the solution when it is to be inhaled night and morning, or when there is a tickling or coughing, or the inclination for sneezing at other times also,—that is, when these occur any time during the day; but inhale regularly of mornings upon arising, and of evenings when retiring. Inhale into one nostril, holding the other, then into the other side; also into the throat,—letting the fumes go into the lungs,—not swallowing the inhalant, but inhaling the fumes, see? Hold either side of the nostril as it is inhaled in the other nostril.

Do these, and we will bring better conditions for the body.



Although it’s not an ailment or disease, the topic of rejuvenation surfaced often in the readings of Edgar Cayce. He felt the human body could live to be at least 120 years old if people were just willing to pay the price required to keep balanced and fit. In this reading, a thirty-seven-year-old man asked Cayce to tell him how he could extend his life expectancy greatly. Here are key principles of longevity, such as cell renewal, the theory that, essentially, the body rebuilds itself every seven years. So even with the man’s weaknesses, according to Cayce, he still has the potential to live 120 or more years!

And that which bespeaks of longevity in a body bespeaks of each cell, each atomic structure, each of the corpuscles being able to reproduce itself WITHOUT those tendencies or inclinations of racial or environmental conditions, but as one purified or cleansed for that continuity of experience within itself.

Knowing these tendencies, these weaknesses, does not then indicate that there are those bugaboos continually before the entity. For, these are left behind when ye do that ye know to do, and leave undone those things ye must or else pay the price of neglect, over-indulgence, gratification for the moment that there may be the satisfying of an appetite or tendency as may exist in the body!

Here we find the necessity for care, for exercise, for constant checking up on the bodily activities; not daily, necessarily,—but we remember that the body-physical alters in its expression continually, and by the end of a cycle of seven years it has entirely replaced that which existed at the beginning of the period seven years ago. Replaced with what? The same old tendencies multiplied, the same old inclinations doubled—or eradicated?

This depends, then, upon those activities as related to the influences or tendencies which exist. For, as may be told by any pathologist, there is no known reason why any individual entity should not live as long as it desires. And there is no death, save in thy consciousness. Because all others have died, ye expect to—and you do! These are a part of thy consciousness, in what? In the mental, in the spiritual,—and the physical reacts to same.

This is the condition that exists, then, with this body; a weakness, a tendency,—not a disease but a dis-ease,—in the hormones of the blood plasm; that tends—with cold, congestion, overacidity, or the improper balance of foods for the plasm’s reproduction—to cause in sinew, in bone, a plastic or static condition.

As far as the blood count is concerned, in numbers, in protoplasm cells, or red blood, white blood and the leucocyte, we would find few bodies better balanced than this individual entity.

As to the plasms in the nerve reflexes from brain, and the coordination of the gray and white matter,—only at times do we find these show a variation.

Frustration will at times cause, to this body, a reaction that becomes rather aggravating to the body afterwards. At the moment it is too much disturbed to even know the cause of same, but it blesses itself out, or someone else, after same is passed!

This is a reflex from the hormone supply, the inability to supply in the brain circulation sufficient of the quick activity to the impulses there, under stress.

These are merely tendencies in the body.

As to spiritual tendencies and inclinations,—these may not be given. For, these are choices of the soul itself.

The tendencies as to the ideal are well. As to whether ye keep same, this ye determine in thine own mind. But ideals are not your mind,—ideals are principles acted upon BY the mind. But remember, just as that expectancy—because your great, great, great, great grandfather died you will die too—is there, and is part of the expectancy of every cell of your body! It can be eradicated, yes. How? By that constant activity within self of expectancy that this condition does not HAVE to happen to you!

That is as the spirit. And as the spirit builds, as the spirit forms in its activity in mind, the mind becomes then the builder. The mind is not the spirit, it is a companion to the spirit; it builds a pattern. And this is the beginning of how self may raise that expectancy of its period of activity in the earth. And this is the beginning of thy ideal. Of what? Of that the soul should, does, will, can, must, accomplish in this experience!

And by what authority? WHO, WHAT do you put in authority in thy earthly experience? In spirit, then in mind?

As to the manner of eradicating these fluctuations, these confusions,—do not confuse these with that as of a “front,” as of a defense. But merely to know that you are right, to know in activity that you are right, has paved the way for self to control ANY situation that may arise,—whether of a mental confusion or of a combination of confusions from the mental and spiritual situations.

Hence again the mental rests upon its conception and choice of its ideal in spirit, and as to Who and What is the authority in same.

As to the physical conditions, that are a part of the pathological effects in the body:

At certain periods have those tests as to acidity, albumin, the balance in chyle activity through the body, as to glandular reactions; and these give then the positive or negative flexes in the body.

Knowing the tendencies, supply in the vital energies that ye call the vitamins, or elements. For, remember, while we give many combinations, there are only four elements in your body,—water, salt, soda and iodine. These are the basic elements, they make all the rest! Each vitamin as a component part of an element is simply a combination of these other influences, given a name mostly for confusion to individuals, by those who would tell you what to do for a price!

In those activities, then, add—in the proper balance—that which will maintain this equilibrium. And if you set your life to be a hundred and twenty, you can live to be a hundred and twenty-one!

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