The Escort Series (15 page)

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Authors: Lucia Jordan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Sagas

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her breakfast away, unable to take another bite. Biting on her lip, she told
them finally, “That’s just it. I don’t need any more time. This thing…all
that’s happened…I never planned for it to get this far. And now I’ve decided it
needn’t go beyond this point. It’s been fun, really it has but I think it’s
best we end it here and now.”

“So, a
weekend of fun and
done, right?” Jason asked with
a thin little smile.

she could reply, Ryan said calmly, “I really thought you’d come to trust us.
You wouldn’t let us get this far with you if you didn’t. Even when we could
tell this was your first time in many ways, you never hesitated or rejected
anything we did to you. And every moment, we tried to show you how much we
valued the manner in which you submitted to us.” He sighed shortly, as if
impatient with himself. And then he added, “Bea, what more do we need to do to
prove that we’re perfect for you?’

no need to prove that because I already know,” she said quietly. “I just don’t
think that
perfect for you two.”

that be our decision to make?” Jason asked coolly, but she could see the anger
in his eyes. Oh wow…she should have known he might not take this very well. She
curbed any sensation of feeling bad that she’d hurt him in some way. Couldn’t
they see she was doing them a favor? The last thing she wanted was to
disappoint them in the end when they realized she wasn’t exactly what they were
looking for. How could she dream of meeting up to their lofty demands?

not anything like you think I am,” she cried out suddenly, throwing up her
arms. “I’m not really an escort; I never was. I work in some IT firm and I
haven’t had a boyfriend in almost a year. My flat mate Lisa suggested I help
her out when she was in danger of missing an appointment with you two. So I
filled in for her, never dreaming it would get to this. So…there you are. I’m
not experienced, at all. Everything that’s happened so far has just been a
stroke of luck on my part. I’d never have dreamed I’d be capable of sexually
satisfying one man, let alone two!”

noticed that you do satisfy us – in every way,” Ryan said wryly. “And did
you really think we didn’t know you were far from experienced? Not that it was
so telling, but we knew within an hour of meeting you that you weren’t some
world-weary professional escort. And you proved this to us many times. You
never cashed that check, and you never seemed interested in how much we earned
or what we could offer you financially. You genuinely seemed like you were
starting to develop feelings for us. Real feelings.”

the problem, she would have
said, but bit the words down. Yes, exactly, she added to herself; she was
totally starting to develop feelings for them, far more than was wise in her
position. They wanted a dutiful sex slave, to be trained in all their many
demands. While she…

sorry Ryan…Jason. I can’t. I just…can’t,” she said, and suddenly it was too
much for her. Stuffing a fist into her sobbing mouth, she quickly dashed from
the kitchen, ignoring their calls for her to wait.

found herself stumbling out into the terrace. God, it was beautiful out here,
she noted even beneath the tears brimming her eyes. She really had been through
a lot this past weekend, emotionally and physically. There was no doubt she
needed a chance to just exhale, take it all in. Maybe if she thought it over,
she would change her mind and see things their way.

heard a sound behind her, and was surprised to turn and see Jason. She’d been
so sure he’d be too angry to want to talk to her. She could tell she’d
disappointed him in some way with her decision.

hands were gentle as they fell on her shoulders, his lips pressing a soft kiss
on her nape. She sighed, dashing away a tear as she leaned back against him.

sorry,” she said numbly.

I’m sorry,” Jason replied, slipping his arms around her waist. “You aren’t
ready. We shouldn’t have rushed you. And wanting you around all the time,
expecting you to be happy to come with us to Scotland…”

“It’s a
really great idea,” she said quickly, turning in his arms to gaze up into his
handsome face with the blond hair swept over his forehead. He looked like
something from
a sexy men
’s magazine; polo shirt and
dark pants, his arms muscular, his shoulders broad and his waist narrow. Her
body thrummed in response to everything about him. She just had to look at
either him or Ryan and she felt ready to jump into the sack with them. She
wasn’t sure if such dependency was healthy.

And yet
with everything that had happened, she knew it didn’t even really bother her
that they wanted just her; that they wished to share her.

And she
would gladly give them complete control in the bedroom; that didn’t worry her
in the least either. What scared her was losing
control outside of the bedroom as well. Falling for them too
hard and opening
up to wanting more than they
were interested in giving.

would have loved to go to Scotland with you and Ryan. But I can’t,” she said
quietly. “I can’t let this continue. I hope…I hope you both find the right
woman that can give you everything I’m not ready or able to.” Her voice had
grown so soft it was almost a whisper. She flinched as his hands tightened
around her for a moment, before he let her go at last.

looked up and his expression was detached. “We’ll arrange for you to be taken
home now.”


Chapter Four

turned for the umpteenth time on her bed in her apartment, so different from
the massive king-sized bed in Ryan and Jason’s marvelous home.

It was
more than two weeks since that fateful weekend. And every night, they still
filled her dreams. Even now, she found it hard to sleep as she punched her
fists into her pillow before falling back unto it with a heavy sigh.

remembered talking to Ryan one last time as the driver brought the car up front
to take her home. She’d looked up at him with a rueful smile. “I hope you
aren’t too mad at me for lying about being an escort.”

you never actually
,” he said, returning
the smile gently. “Besides, I think we guessed that you weren’t exactly who you
pretended to be. It doesn’t matter either way, little one. We still think
you’re perfect.”

shaken her head in reply, unable to speak as she kissed him on the cheek and
then hurried to the dark, low-slung automobile that had come to a stop in front
of the entrance of the house. Bea had to force herself not to look back as she
slid into the back passenger seat and the car sped out of the driveway.

A deep
sigh escaped her as she thought of how it had been so far
life without Ryan and Jason. Just three days and they’d changed her whole
outlook. Just like after her first night with them in their hotel suite, she’d
suddenly been made to realize everything that was missing in her life. She felt
that same emotion all the more keenly now.

Take a chance on love
, a
voice in her head kept telling her. She shouldn’t have walked away, she
realized. She should have
Taken it slow, given them the chance to show her how much more there was to it

then the other side of her told her not to be a fool. They needed a willing sex
or at best, a ready submissive. Someone who
would satisfy both
dominant lusts. A woman like
her would need monumental loads of willpower and gusto to keep up the role as
their sexual plaything. They would shower her with gifts, and everything money
could buy, she knew. But never meaning anything more to them than an object of
desire did not sit so well in her stomach.

had been able to see right through her dilemma. Three days after her return
from her weekend with the Wallace brothers and she was still mooning about,
picking at her food. Her work suffered, and she felt like just packing it all
in and going on a well-deserved holiday.

felt grateful that Lisa had been supportive, telling her she’d done the right
thing. But as the weeks went by and Lisa noticed Bea falling into more and more
despair, Lisa felt the need to share from her wealth of experience, so to

hurting. I can see that,” Lisa said kindly as she reached over the kitchen
table to take Bea’s hand. “You went through a lot with those two, didn’t you?”

half-shook her head, half-shrugged.
didn’t harm me or anything. In fact, they were the best guys ever. I mean,
sure, the sex was like, kinky as hell, but I liked it. I liked it a lot.”

“So why
did you cut off from them? They sounded like they could make you happy.”

on the definition of happy you mean,” Bea said wryly. “I think I want more from
my men than just the wish for me to spread my legs any time they required.” And
then she clapped a hand over her mouth as she realized she’d said “her men”.
Sure enough, Lisa was staring at her with that same look of awe and envy.

gorgeous billionaires panting
for your sexy self and you still let that go?” Lisa teased, shaking her head.
But then she sobered as she continued.

“I have
a confession to make, Bea. You know Adam Beaumont? The guy I went to Vegas with
that weekend? Well, many times I got tempted to make him more than a client. He
sure seemed ready to take things further between us if only I gave the
go-ahead. But then I’d always sworn never to get emotionally involved with any
of my clients. It was just business; I was never going to let it get any
deeper, not even to the point of sex. But Adam...not only is he just a cut
above being
sexy, he’s also
a great guy. I mean sure, he’s this wild child property magnate with an insane
amount of wealth but he was always so down to earth. He treated me like…oh, I
don’t know. Better than I ever treated myself. I went to Vegas with him and I
started to do the unthinkable. I started to fall in love with him. I thought it
was just all the excitement; the glamorous life, the expensive living…
then I realized I didn’t care about that. Not his money
or what he could offer me. I began to see him as a man and not just a client. I
tripped hard and for a long time I was tempted to give in. But I didn’t.”

sighed heavily. “I told him last week that I couldn’t be his escort anymore.
That he had to find someone else. The next time he needed someone on his arm at
some fancy “do”, or just some female companionship as he goes on his wheeling
and dealing trips, then he would just have to replace me. I guess…I guess I did
it to force his hand. I wanted him to make his move, give me a reason to stay.
I was hoping he’d say he loved me and couldn’t let me go. But he didn’t.”

shrugged, and for the first time, Bea saw the somber side of Lisa. She was
always so fun, the life of the party. Nothing seemed to ever bring her down but
Bea was getting a glimpse of the fact that Lisa had bitten off more than she
could chew with this Adam guy and now she was hurting.

don’t know,” Lisa finally sighed. “Maybe he’s actually married or something. Or
maybe he doesn’t really like the idea of hooking up for real with an escort
chick. After all, some women out there make the term ‘escort’ stand for more
than just female company. Anyway…what I’m trying to say, babe, is that it’s
better this way. At least, now I know. I could have been nursing hope in my
heart where Adam was concerned but the moment I took the risk, I finally
realized where I stood. He didn’t love me and never would. Or else, he’d have
made me stay.”

squeezed hard on Bea’s fingers. “So basically…I’m trying to say that maybe you
should have taken the plunge. Maybe you should have gone to Scotland with those
two sexy billionaire brothers. Because
knowing, is almost as bad as trying it out and failing. I know which one
I’d rather pick if I was in your shoes.”

well the decision may have well be taken from my hands,” Bea said with a shaky
smile. “Because they haven’t tried to get in touch with me since that day. For
all I know, they’re back in their Highland paradise with a more willing female
seeing to their every wish. They’ve probably forgotten all about me.”

regarded her thoughtfully. “I know you spent just a few days, give or take,
around those two…but I don’t think they sounded like the fickle type. I don’t
think this is the end, Bea.”

what about you and Adam?” Bea asked gently. “What if it isn’t the end for you
two as well?”

smile was lop-sided. “I’m not going to hold my breath, sweetie. And unlike you,
I see no qualms in using what’s available to make up for what’s unavailable. So
I’m about to go get ready for my hot date with Ronaldo tonight. Not a client,
but a real date. Sure you don’t want to come along? He’s got a hot best friend
named Arman. Two Brazilian hotties with dark chocolate eyes that smolder for
” She grinned when she saw Bea’s
face. “Okay, okay, I’m just kidding. I know you’d rather stay home and daydream
about your two Scottish gents.”

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