Read The Erotic Expeditions - Complete Collection Online

Authors: Hazel Hunter

Tags: #Erotic Romance

The Erotic Expeditions - Complete Collection (48 page)

BOOK: The Erotic Expeditions - Complete Collection
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As Kirk leaned in, he looked into Mel’s eyes. The first red rays of sunset caught a few gold flecks in her blue eyes. Clearly, she hadn’t been expecting this when she’d jumped into his arms but, just as clearly, she was ready. Though she stood stock still, her nostrils flared and Kirk could feel the rising breaths in her flexing diaphragm. Only inches from her face, he was struck by the smooth perfection of her skin with just a hint of freckles on her nose.

Suddenly, he pictured Mel on the deck of her father’s boat. Kirk froze.

Mel is Earl’s daughter, for god’s sake. And ten years younger than me.

But even as his mind protested, Mel’s eyes slowly closed and her lips parted. Kirk stared at her mouth–full, glistening, and waiting.

The past be damned. This was
boat and Mel was a full grown woman–a beautiful one.

Slowly, he leaned in and covered her lips with his. Warm and moist, her mouth was shockingly succulent and sweet. As a sudden hunger swept through him, he completely encircled her waist with one arm and yanked her to him. His other hand quickly moved to the nape of her neck. As his lips slid along the silkiness of hers, he ran his fingers into the damp hair behind her neck. Through the thin lycra suits, he felt her body warm against his but tense.

As he tilted his head the other way and captured her lower lip between his, he realized she hadn’t moved–not one bit. He drew back and looked down into her face, her eyes still closed and lips still parted. Maybe he’d been wrong. Maybe she wasn’t ready.

“Mel?” he asked quietly.

Her eyes fluttered open as she gasped and her chest heaved. She blinked and he watched her eyes finally focus on him, though the pupils were hugely dilated.

“Kirk…,” she gasped. “I’m…I…”

He frowned a bit and lightly brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers. Then he relaxed the arm around her waist, separating from her.

“No!” she said. Her hands, still behind his neck, tugged him back. “Don’t let go. I…” she said, her voice faltering, her eyes searching his. “I…After all these years, I just can’t believe I’m here with you.”

This was the Mel that he remembered: her face completely open and her words direct from the heart. What she felt, she couldn’t hide and, right now, she looked lost. Even more than the insistent press of her lithe body, the little girl innocence in her eyes was irresistible. He gently caressed the side of her face.

“You’re amazing, Mel,” he said quietly. “I don’t know how I didn’t see the woman you’d become.”

Her utter guilelessness had demanded the same from him and he’d said it without thinking. She was more than just a gorgeous woman in his arms. Mel was her own person now–headstrong as ever, in the moment, but still living the dream. She’d come here to do the impossible and it seemed she’d done it.

Her jaw dropped a little and her eyes grew even wider and he couldn’t help but smile. But as a little smile slowly grew on her lips, he focused on them with a new intensity. As his hand slipped behind her neck, he drew her forward at the waist, only to find that she was already moving toward him, pressing into him. When she tilted her chin up, his mouth immediately found hers. Her fingers moved into his hair and her lips crushed against his. As though she were making up for lost time, she kissed him hungrily. Her warm breath washed down over him and he inhaled deeply, like a diver about to submerge. A faint sweet scent filled his nostrils and, when her jaw dropped, his tongue speared into her.

He felt her breath catch but her arms wound tighter around his neck and her breasts pressed into him. Her body felt on fire, the heat from it radiating into his chest. Her tongue moved frantically in response to his as she tilted her head one way, then the other. Her chest heaved with the air she dragged in through her nose. Her lips merged into his and Kirk sensed a need in them that went beyond the kiss–a need that was matching his own.

Slowly, his hand slid from behind her neck. His thumb traced a line down the front of her throat and then his fingers drifted down over her collar bone and onto her breast. A tiny shudder coursed through her body and, for an instant, her lips paused. The fullness of the flesh under the suit filled his palm and, as he lightly squeezed, Mel moaned. Long and low, the guttural sound vibrated her lips against his. Her back arched against his encircling arm, her hips pushed into his, and suddenly the body suit was in the way.

• • • • •

Mel struggled to keep the moan from separating her lips from Kirk’s. Wrenched from somewhere deep inside, it had risen quickly, against her will, and escaped into his mouth. As though it fueled him, he squeezed her breast again and his palm pushed into the stiff nipple. Mel released his mouth with a quiet smacking sound and she gasped. Her heart pounded in her ears as she rested her forehead against his and her arms clung to his neck.

“Oh god,” she rasped.

Kirk’s rock hard arm constricted around her waist as his fingers found her nipple.

His touch was nothing short of electric. Current sizzled over the sensitive nub rubbing inside her suit, and she whimpered at the new sensation. She bit her lower lip, trying to stop the sound.

Kirk immediately drew back.

“No,” he whispered. “Let me.”

His words barely registered and her mouth started to form a question but suddenly he’d captured her lower lip between his and then slowly squeezed her nipple.

A feeling between pain and ecstasy radiated from between his fingers as his teeth grazed her lip. Mel gripped the hair at the back of Kirk’s head as a breathy moan was pressed from her lungs. Her body writhed against him but as her torso flexed, she trapped his hand between their chests. His fingers pressed hard into her nipple, sending another jolt through her, as a deep tremor rippled through her core.

Suddenly, she felt the tug of the body suit at the front of her throat. Kirk was lowering the zipper at her back.
When had his hand moved there?
But there was no time to wonder about the answer as his mouth completely closed on hers. She felt the compression of the lycra start to ease at her shoulders and the image of his bare chest suddenly flashed into her mind. With a jerking motion, her hands flew to the long zipper pull at the back of his body suit and yanked. Though she heard the zipper come undone, her hands stopped before they could yank again as his hand slipped into the back of her open body suit.

Even as he deepened the kiss, his hand slid over the exposed skin on her spine. Her mind darted between the sensual feel of his skin on hers and the probing of his tongue in her mouth. Between her shoulder blades, his warm touch glided down to her lower back, pushing the zipper down and spreading the suit open. When the zipper reached bottom, his hand moved inward, under the fabric, toward the back of her hip. Then he slowly slid it up along the back of her ribs, over her shoulder blade and onto her shoulder. But there he stopped and then, without warning, he drew back from the kiss.

For a moment, Mel’s lips were still seeking his and then her eyes fluttered open. Chest heaving, she shot a questioning look into his eyes. In response, his arm slipped from around her waist and he gently grasped one of her arms. She was startled to discover that her hands were still at the zipper pull on his back. Though she thought he wanted her to pull it down, and she started to do that, he stopped her. Gently, he grasped both her arms and slowly lowered them to her sides.

Then, as his hands went to her back, and under the fabric of her suit, their eyes met. His fingers grasped the edge of the body suit and finally his intent became clear. He paused, his eyes searching hers, breathing hard through his nose. But there were no words. He was about to peel the suit down the front of her shoulders.

It was a moment of no return.

She felt it as clearly as though he’d said it. The burning gaze that seared into her said everything–he wanted her. She glanced at the bulging arms that disappeared behind her back, then up to his face, and she slowly but firmly put her trembling hands on his hips.

In response, Kirk slowly exhaled and Mel realized he’d been holding his breath.

In the next instant, he drew the suit over the front of her shoulders. No longer able to hold her gaze, he stared at the skin he’d revealed. As though she stood in the sun, she felt the heat of his eyes: on her shoulders, then her upper arms, and then the top of her chest as he rolled the fabric down. Inch by inch, his fingers gently teased the cloth away from her and then down. Their heavy breaths came in unison, becoming quicker and sharper the lower he moved her suit. Her fingers dug into his waist with the rising anticipation until, finally, the tips of his fingers moved under the clinging pink lycra at her breasts. With a gentle pull, he began to ease the suit down.


An Erotic Expedition Novella


By Hazel Hunter

Chapter 5

The irony didn’t escape Seydou as he peered through the binoculars. In the old days, the lighthouse had existed so that ships could see it. Now, he used the lighthouse to find ships. Though the three-quarter moon was rising bright on the horizon, at least the glare of the sun was finally gone.

The lighthouse of Navassa Island had served them well the last few years. Tourist boats in the Caribbean were ripe for the hijacking. Often they were deep sea fishing boats that ventured this far from Jamaica but even the small fishing boats could be sold for decent money and the kidnapped tourists sometimes had families at home who had money.

Seydou swept the lenses over the darkening sea, his knurled fingers adjusting the focus as he looked near and far. Though the view from the flat little island was 360 degrees, his searches rarely took long. The
of his family ensured that–an unpredictable demon at times but strong. He frowned at the thought of what they’d encountered earlier. Someone had seen the
offering, at the bottom of the lighthouse–tried to open the gate. Someone had been to his island.

will eat them,” Seydou muttered to himself in Creole. “I will make it so.”

Though he’d worked as a fisherman in Haiti, Seydou had always known he was a
, a sorcerer and wielder of magic–a powerful one. Only one with his gifts would invoke a demon such as Siete Puntas.

A point of light flicked by in the binoculars.

Seydou stopped.

Slowly, moving as little as possible, he backtracked.
. It was two lights, one red, one green, the running lights of a boat, their colors barely discernible at this distance.

He lowered the glasses, staring in that direction, but there was nothing. He took out his handheld GPS and made a sighting–north by northwest. Then he checked through the glasses again, taking several moments to find it. This far out from Jamaica and staying overnight, the boat ought to be an excellent prize.

He grinned.

Siete Puntas had provided again.

Chapter 6

It was Mel’s dream come true. Only thirty feet beneath Kirk’s boat, the richest lost galleon in history lay waiting. In front of her, the man that she had fantasized about for years was undressing her. Their hair still wet from the last dive and their body suits glistening with water, her innocent hug had led to a fevered kiss and now this.

, she thought.

The feel of his fingers on her skin, from the moment he’d unzipped the back of her suit, had been electrifying. As she gripped the lycra at his waist, he slowly peeled hers from her shoulders. He rolled it down, the front of her shoulders, the sides of her arms, and the top of her chest.

Just then, as they swayed with the gentle rocking of the boat, a light came on overhead in the tiny dining room. Mel blinked at the sudden intrusion and Kirk paused. The sun had set and their movement had been sensed by the LED. Mel glanced up to see Kirk gazing down into her eyes, a light smile on his lips. She felt the fabric over her breasts tighten as he bunched the suit in both his hands. Then he pulled her forward and leaned down.

“You are
,” he whispered, just before his lips met hers.

She closed her eyes, as his words registered but then faded as the sensuous slide of his lips along hers blotted out everything else. His kiss was soft and slow, his moist breath mingling with the warm night air and the scent of the ocean. The lapping of the waves against the hull seemed to keep time with the gentle movement of his mouth. His lips kneaded into hers, massaging, exploring, so unlike the first kiss. Only moments ago, she’d been in a hurry but now slow had its own appeal.

She slid her hands up the flaring muscles at his sides and then up the dip in the middle of his back. The long zipper pull on his back brushed by and, as her fingers found and grasped it, she tried not to rush.

His lips clung to hers but she felt his breath move more quickly. Blood pounded in her ears, covering the ratcheting sound of his zipper coming undone. As she drew it down, she felt her own suit slide down, over and then below her breasts. Though Kirk was breathing heavily and her nostrils struggled to bring in enough air, he never stopped kissing her. His tongue played with her upper lip, then her lower, urging her mouth to open. No sooner had her lips parted than his tongue speared into her and his hands pushed her suit lower.

With her arms still in the sleeves, her hands were forced down and his zipper quickly bottomed out, completely open. Though she wanted to rake her hands across his bare back, she needed to get her arms free first. For a few moments she tugged her arms upwards but the clinging fabric wouldn’t come loose. The only thing she succeeded in doing was breaking their kiss.

They both inhaled sharply and Mel immediately looked to her left forearm, still caught in the lycra. She’d need to invert the suit to get it and her hand out. She glanced to her right and realized that she couldn’t reach from one to the other to peel the fabric down.

BOOK: The Erotic Expeditions - Complete Collection
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