The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3) (31 page)

Read The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3) Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Suspense

BOOK: The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3)
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Tino stared at the same thing Nova was looking at.

Carina passed out on the couch in her bra and shorts. Paco, shirtless and barefoot in only his jeans, was sleeping with his face pressed between her tits like that was the greatest place in the world to be.

Bobby was sprawled out shirtless on the floor next to them in a sea of DVDs. It was just all very strange, very scary, and had Tino mumbling, “I guess we shouldn’t have left her alone.”

“Probably not,” Nova agreed as he looked to Bobby. “I thought he was gay.”

“I don’t think he knows what he is.” Tino was fairly certain of it, because Bobby had been damaged too young. Tino had his own issues, and he’d been two years older than Bobby before the Brambinos got ahold of him. “And he was rolling pretty hard.”

“Did one of them fuck her?” Nova asked like Tino was supposed to know the answer.

“Maybe.” Tino shrugged. “It’s not like she’s against the idea.”

“I hope they used something.” Nova glanced back to Carina and Paco. “If she’s knocked up, we’re as good as dead. Someone’s burying both of us.” Then he looked to Tino. “Speaking of, did
use something? If you break it, you buy it, Valentino. We’re not making any more Moretti bastardi in this family.”

“I didn’t fuck Brianna,” Tino said evenly. “Her shirt is still on. Go look if you don’t believe it.”

Nova just stared at him. “But she was rolling.”


“And you were rolling.”


Nova frowned. “I heard her. Even if I’m not paying attention at the time, it’s still there in my mind. I remember it later.”

“My hand to God.” Tino held up his hand as proof. “I didn’t fuck her.”

Nova was silent for a while before he asked, “Why not?”

“’Cause I didn’t want to.” Tino laughed. “Is that an issue?”

“But I heard a girl moaning. I know I heard it. For a really long time. All night.” Nova looked back down at Carina and Paco and mumbled, “I need more coffee. I think I just need a lot more coffee.”

Tino walked over and flicked Paco’s ear, making him jerk awake. Paco turned to Tino defensively like he was ready to punch one of his brothers. “¿Que?”

“Did you fuck my sister?” Tino growled at him. He pointed to Carina’s forehead as she stretched out lazily under Paco. “And don’t tell me you didn’t know who she was.”

“Nah.” Paco jumped off Carina so fast he ended up falling flat on his face, mostly because his pants were pushed down his thighs. “I didn’t! I swear!”

“Oh my God,” Nova whispered as he turned from the kitchen and watched Paco pull his jeans over his hips. “He definitely stuck his dick in her.” He held up his hand in disbelief. “The fuck, Paco. Is there a pussy shortage in El Barrio we don’t know about? Frankie will cut it off for this. She’s the don’s only granddaughter. You actually soiled the Moretti name. You insulted it.”

“I didn’t! We just—”

“It was third base at most,” Carina assured both of them as she sat up and worked on tying her hair up with a band she pulled off her wrist. “He mainly sucked on my tits.”

“She looks like you!” Paco pointed to Nova. “I knew she was your sister. I’m not loco. I wouldn’t fuck her.”

“You’d just go to third base with her,” Nova clarified.

“She has great
.” Paco winced and gestured to Carina. “You see them.”

“I do. Gracias for that.” Nova took another drink of coffee and arched an annoyed eyebrow at Paco. “That made my morning. It’s right up there with hearing you sucked on them but stopped short of fucking her because she looked like me.”

“That came out wrong,” Paco argued. “I didn’t mean—”

“I think I need coffee now,” Tino cut him off, because he was almost as bothered by this as Nova.

Carina leaped over the couch and followed him, extremely spry considering her lack of sleep. She stole the cup he had gotten for himself right out of his hand and held it out expectantly.

“No, you don’t get any,” he argued in Italian as he got himself another cup. “You just let strange men suck on your
? You don’t even know Paco.”

Carina shrugged. “He seemed nice.”

“You think they’re all nice.” Tino poured himself some coffee.

“I’m saving myself,” Carina said in near flawless Italian, because she’d been practicing with him for over three years. “I’m waiting for the man of my dreams.”

Tino snorted. “

Carina flipped him off in response, while still holding her cup out as if expecting him to go ahead and fill it.

Damn if he didn’t do it.

“What about you?” Carina asked as she drank her coffee black like Nova did. “Did you fuck my best friend?”

“No.” He shook his head, but Carina huffed with disbelief as Tino went to the fridge to get himself sweetened creamer he kept there. “I didn’t.”

“I heard her,” Carina said slowly. “I think we all did.”

Sapevo che era stata lei!
” Nova came between them and pointed at Tino. “I knew I heard her! You motherfucker!”

did not
fuck Brianna.”

Carina and Nova just looked at him with twin stares of annoyance that were really eerie when they were both standing there side by side, shirtless, and holding cups of coffee.

“I’m sort of disturbed now,” Paco said as he came up next to Tino and tilted his head to look at the two of them.

“Not nearly as disturbed as I am,” Nova assured Paco before he turned back to Tino and asked in Italian, “Did you stick your dick in the BFF? Are you deliberately fucking with me?”

Tino couldn’t help it; he laughed. “Yes.”

“Yes!” Carina shouted. “You fucked my best friend while she was drugged? If I didn’t know she liked you as much she as she does, I would’ve—”

“Yes, I’m fucking with Nova.” Tino pointed to his brother. “No, I didn’t stick my dick in Brianna,” Tino promised his sister, and since she wasn’t going to buy it any other way, he admitted, “But I might have dry fucked her. Over clothes. I didn’t even suck on her tette. Which is more than I can say for you.”

“There is no way you can give me shit about that,” Carina snapped at him and then gestured to Nova. “Not with this
standing here.”

“Can we cover these up?” Nova gestured to Carina’s bra and didn’t bother to deny her accusations.

“No, we can’t.” Carina arched an eyebrow at him. “I could walk around naked and still not traumatize you half as badly as you traumatized me with that subway scene.”

“The subway
bad,” Tino had to agree with Carina. “It sorta fucked my shit up too, Casanova.”

“So princess sneaks out to find dick, fucks up everyone’s night, and now I’m the stronzo.” Nova snorted. “That’s
typical.” When neither of them bothered to correct him, Nova flipped his hand under his chin and then gave them the middle finger. “Vaffanculo. I’m going back to bed.”

“Say hi to your
for us,” Carina called out after him.

“Really, princess?” Nova laughed and pointed at Bobby. “There are two of them here. You don’t just look like me.”

“Yeah, what about Bobby?” Tino asked her. “What the fuck is up with that?”

Carina folded her arms under her chest and shrugged. “I liked his hair.”

“Did you fuck him?” Tino growled at her, because he honestly didn’t trust how clean Bobby was. The Brambinos were really careful about that shit, but Bobby fucked off the clock too. “’Cause I’m gonna have an issue with that, Carina.”

“No.” She shook her head quickly. “He just watched.”

There was a deafening silence after she said it.

Then Nova whispered, “I have to go give myself a concussion now.”

“That does sound bad when I say it out loud,” Carina agreed with him. “Maybe I shouldn’t take E anymore.”

“Maybe not.” Tino winced and looked to Paco. “What the fuck?”

Paco actually blushed. It was blatant as he gestured to Carina. “She has great tetas. And her ass—”

“I’m going back to bed too,” Tino decided as he grabbed his cup of coffee off the counter. Then he stopped and announced to the room. “No one’s allowed to touch her tits.” He went back down the hall, but then stopped and turned back. “Or her ass.”

* * * *

Brianna had a tiny headache. The bunk bed was uncomfortable with a thin mattress that allowed her to feel the bars underneath, but her body still felt very fluid, melty, and warm, like she’d had one of those massages she used to get in physical therapy after the nasty lumbar sprain last year.

For a long while she didn’t open her eyes; she just lay there, feeling the golden glow left over from the night before. She didn’t want to wake up and be totally horrified about begging Tino to kiss her.

To say nothing of what happened afterward.

Brianna had been ready and willing to strip down for him. To go all the way without thought, and she wasn’t totally certain it was the drugs. She might have agreed without them.


Her face heated when reality showed up without her permission.

She cupped her cheeks and squeezed her eyes shut tighter.


Brianna groaned and rolled over.

Tino laughed at her.

She grabbed the pillow and covered her face with it. “I want to die now.”

“Why?” Some of the humor slipped out of his voice, and he was quiet for a second before he got dark without warning. “’Cause you let a drug dealer touch you? You feel dirty?”

“What?” She tilted her head and peeked at him from beneath the pillow. “Get over yourself, Tino.” She dropped the pillow back to her face. “Like that’s the nastiest thing you could be guilty of in your Borgata.”

“Yeah, it could be worse,” Tino agreed, but he still sounded dark and cynical, more like Nova than himself. “You could’ve let a male prostitute touch you. One who specializes in being filthy.”

“I guess,” she agreed with a frown. “Are there male prostitutes in Cosa Nostra?”

“Not in the Moretti Borgata. They’re super special. They don’t deal in skin.”

“Then we’re good.” She rolled over and dropped the pillow behind her. “All I have to worry about is my dignity being completely destroyed when I asked you to kiss me like your brother was kissing his girlfriends on the train.”

Tino arched an eyebrow at her. “You think that’s the worst thing that could happen to your dignity?”

“I’m pretty sure it is.” She rested on her side and tucked her hands under her cheek. “I’m mortified, Tino.”

“Madonn’.” He stretched out next to her. “What’s it like to be you? I have no idea, but it sounds awesome.”

“You think I’m spoiled?” she asked, feeling her cheeks heat again. “You think I’m a princess.”

“I know you’re a princess,” he said without hesitating and then turned his head and gave her a smile. “But I like it.”

“Stop trying to make me feel better.” She hit him with her pillow. “I know it’s your obligation as my friend to try and make me feel better for throwing myself at you.”

“Yeah, it was a real hardship for me,” Tino whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. “Last night was the nicest thing that’s happened to me in a long time, Bri. You make me want to hide from my life. To just spend my time taking care of you instead.” He reached beneath the blanket she was sleeping under and found her thigh, caressing it. “I could give you your dignity back. You want it?”

The last time Tino asked her that, Brianna ended up sweating and moaning under him until the sun came up.

She gave a slight nod to hide the way her breath caught. Then she confessed, “I want it.”

This time when he slid his hand past the fringe of her cutoffs, Brianna let her thighs fall open for him without the nudge, which made Tino groan noticeably. The invitation was blatant, and Brianna knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t seem to help it.

Tino jerked the blanket off, exposing her. Then he leaned down and kissed the crease of her knee. He lifted his gaze to stare at the place between her spread legs, giving her a look that made Brianna feel hot all over. He licked his lips but didn’t seem deliberate about it. It was more unconscious, like he was thinking about something very dirty.

And she was unquestionably hot now.

But he said, “No,” as though talking to himself and moved lower instead, kissing her calf.

“No?” she repeated, unable to hide the hitch of disappointment.

So far this was doing absolutely nothing to restore her dignity.

“I don’t deserve it,” he decided for both of them. “I’ll just think about it instead. I’ve got lotsa practice.”

“Think about what?”

“If you have to ask, then I definitely don’t deserve it.” He ran his lips lower down her calf, whispering against her skin, “We’ll play a different game.”

She fought to keep her breathing even as he kissed her ankle. He licked at the top of her foot, and she tried to jerk it back. “What are you doing?”

“Worshipping you.” He kissed her big toe, even though she was struggling to get her foot out of his hand. “Why are you fighting me?”

“Dancer feet.” She tried again to pull her foot free, but his hold was iron tight. “Stop it.”

“I like dancer feet,” he said with one of those dazzling smiles that should get him anything he wanted. “Especially
dancer feet.”

“No.” She kicked out, catching his shoulder when she finally got her foot free, but he just laughed at her. “No touching my feet.”

“Why?” He leaned down and kissed her other ankle, completely ignoring her embarrassment.

“They’re ugly.” She tried to pull her other foot out of Tino’s grasp when he licked at her heel. “Come on, Tino. Stop it. I don’t even want you looking at them. I certainly don’t want you

“They make you beautiful. They help you do amazing things.” Tino kissed a bruise on the arch of her foot. “You should love these feet, Brianna. You should be proud of them. They make you who you are.”

She was quiet for a long time and then took a shuddering breath when she realized she was hiding her bruises and scars from Tino. Like they were something to be ashamed of, and that was the last thing she wanted him to think she believed. It wasn’t easy. Everything in her wanted to pull free, but she didn’t fight his hold on her.

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