Read The Enemy's Son Online

Authors: Kristen James

The Enemy's Son (21 page)

BOOK: The Enemy's Son
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“This is Brandon Phillips with the FBI. I’m calling in regards to your associate Nick Holloway and Cora Evans.”

Herald still watched him, and he shrugged in a
manner. Even if it wasn’t the FBI, they didn’t know anything that would help Keith or Alexander.

“They were with me until yesterday, when they drove off and disappeared,” Herald told Phillips. “I believe Keith Holloway has something to do with it.”

 Herald jotted down the man’s name and handed it to his secretary with a note to check into it.

“Sounds like I need to meet with you. Maybe you have the evidence I need to obtain a search warrant. I think we might have two sides to the same puzzle.”

“How’s that?”

“We’re both interested in the same man, and I think we can help each other. Can I drop by your office?”




Cora’s life was now a never-ending race where she couldn’t stop to catch a breath. In reality, she couldn’t coax her lungs into a normal breathing pattern as they waited in the small room for Keith to put his plan into action.

“They’ll never leave us alone, even if we go along with this crazy plan.”

He grabbed her with both hands and said, “Yes, I’m getting you out of this. I have to pick my timing, Cora. I’m not risking your life.” 

“What are we doing then?”

“We’re going along with whatever Keith says, until we have an opportunity to get away. He’ll be watching us at the hotel, I’m sure, but he can’t shoot us in broad day light, surrounded by people.”

“What if the plan goes bad?”

Nick held his expression steady. “That might be an opportunity. If not, we’ll make one. Adam must know we’re here. I’m sure they’re doing something.”

There was a list of other doubts on Cora’s mind, but she kept them there for now. She wondered how Keith had so many men to help that Alexander didn’t recognize. What if he saw one of them?

He leaned in for a quick kiss, one to reassure her. She didn’t trust him before and she should have. She closed her eyes and exhaled. She’d trust him now. He’d get them out of this.

“Keith’s planning to murder Alexander, isn’t he?” She didn’t understand what drove Keith to such extremes.

“If he can pull it off, but to tell the truth, Alexander can handle Keith.”

Even so, Alexander wasn’t her concern. She’d gotten her dad out, hopefully alive. If Herald and Adam hadn’t found something useful by now, or found some way to help them, Jerry might know something that could change all this.

Nick pulled her close and kissed her hair roughly. “Adam and Herald might have already gone to the police. There’s no doubt in my mind they’re looking for us.”

“If we get away from Keith, the police might be waiting to arrest us.”

“Don’t think about that yet.” He brushed her hair back from her face and tilted her chin up. Looking into her eyes, he said, “We’ll get away from Keith and run if we have to. I’ll run from the law even, that’s how much I—”

The door swung open, silencing Nick, but he didn’t release Cora from their embrace.

“Move,” Terrance said and flicked his hand to wave them up the stairs. Nick gave her a meaningful look – one that must have meant to hang tight and trust him – and got to his feet. He led the way up the stairs, keeping a hold of her hand. Terrance and another tall bully led the way out to the SUV in the garage.      

“We’re going to drop you off, but don’t be stupid, there’s people inside to watch you. Check in and go to your room.” Terrance looked into the rear view mirror at them. “And remember, we know right where Jerry is and how to get to him.”

Nick’s hand grabbed her shoulder as she jerked forward. She wasn’t sure what she planned to yell but he was right. That would make Terrance mad and just worsen the situation. It was a tense ride across town.

The SUV rolled to a stop, delivering them to the sidewalk. Nick carried the suitcase filled with blankets and took Cora’s hand as they went inside. She glanced around without spotting anything out of the ordinary. Still, she didn’t doubt Keith had men watching them, and it was likely Alexander might be there as well.

Nick checked them in and they headed to their room.

“He’ll know,” she said in the elevator. “Alexander will spot the trap, but he’ll think he can outsmart Keith.”  

She saw Nick’s jaw working. “That’s what makes him tick, how he works. He enjoys the game of wits, believes without doubt he’ll beat Keith and walk away with you and the million dollars.”

“I’m scared.” Her quiet words held loud emotion. Nick looped his arm through hers and pulled her closer. The elevator stopped at their floor and she gasped, making him jump. The doors slid open and revealed an empty hallway. Before they stepped out, Nick leaned forward to look both ways.

Their room was right down the hallway. Nick thrust the card key in and threw open the door. She stepped back as he sprang into the room. “It’s clear. Hurry inside.”

He shut the door behind her and used the extra lock, and proceeded to check the room more thoroughly. She watched him for a second. Then she suddenly wondered what the hell they were doing and grabbed the phone.

She hit all three numbers of 9-1-1 before it hit her. There was no dial tone. Nick stepped out of the bathroom and saw the look on her face.

“How did they do that?”

He understood and sighed. “Keith wouldn’t put us here if he couldn’t keep us under control.”  

Light shone in through the thin white curtains so she shut the heavier drapes over them. Alexander had been paranoid about someone seeing them through the window before, and it creeped her out to think Terrance or someone else was keeping tabs on them that way. She paced the room, which made her think of Adam. He was probably pacing somewhere else, unless they had a plan. “Do you think someone is in the hallway watching in case we leave?” 

“Probably.” He pulled her to the bed and into his arms. “We need to think this through before doing something rash.”

Her sigh sounded a bit panicked. “Okay, so let’s think. We’re stuck in here without a way to call out, waiting for Alexander to show up so Keith can kill him and get the safe deposit box key. How do we get out of this alive? Because I don’t think that’s a part of Keith’s plan.”

Nick’s finger landed on her lips. “It’ll make things even messier for Keith if we get hurt. Right?” He waited for her to agree. She massaged the bridge of her nose instead, trying to keep her head clear. “Okay, right. So, we’ll follow his plan until we’re somewhere safe enough to make a break for it.”

She gave him a helpless look. “Nick…where’s that going to be?”

He started rubbing her forehead. Strangely, it seemed to help. “Try to think like Alexander. He won’t bust into our hotel room. If he’s even looking for us, and finds us, and then decides to make a move, he’ll wait till we’re in the open. That’s when we leave here tomorrow morning.”

How was that going to help them? It might mean they were safe for the night, but it left her dreading the morning. “Keith arranged the cab?” That would make them even more vulnerable. “I don’t care if someone is watching. I’m not getting into a cab and going to the airport.”

“Right,” he agreed. “We’ll go to the lobby together and I’ll call 9-1-1. Can you imagine them pulling a gun out down there? Even Terrance isn’t that stupid.”

She wished she had that gun now. But Nick was right about Terrance and his stupid buddies. They wouldn’t pull a gun and shoot someone witnesses. Why did Keith actually think they would follow through with this? Just because they threatened to hurt Jerry? Her dad would be so mad if he knew she was thinking about endangering herself to keep him safe. That was her dad. She’d bet money both Keith and Alexander knew that, too. Maybe Keith was desperate to get his money back. What if Alexander had taken it and ran? She prayed that was the case.  

Looking around, she saw the remote control and realized they could at least check the news. She clicked on the TV before checking the time. The news wouldn’t be on yet.

“Are you cold?”

She shook her head, but said, “Maybe a little. Actually, I think it’s nerves.”

He pulled the covers back and they both slid underneath. She turned the volume down on the show, not even noticing what it was. The evening passed slowly as they sat entwined together, hoping that any second Adam or the police would bust in and save them. They talked and watched the clock as the night slowly moved on. With dawn approaching, she decided Alexander had to be waiting as Nick had suggested.

“It’s almost morning.” Her eyelids actually hurt from staying open. “We should get some sleep.”

“I don’t think I can. Why don’t you try? I’ll take a quick shower and see if it wakes me up. We need to be alert today.”

At her nod, he kissed her lips and got up. “I’ll make it quick.” He checked the lock on the door and went in the bathroom.

Maybe Alexander had run with the money. There could be another key to the safe deposit box. She had been turning the thought over all night, and it was starting to make sense. They might not ever see him again, and this whole thing would blow over.

A light knock on the door sent her straight up in bed. The shower was running, so Nick didn’t hear. She crept up to the door, but didn’t recognize the man through the peephole. With giant shoulders above a slim waist, he looked like an evil genie, especially with his black beard and baldhead. He leaned close to the door and said, “Keith sent me down.”


“Change of plans. Looks like you won’t have to catch that cab after all.”

“I’m listening,” she said. He hadn’t asked her to open the door but he wasn’t telling her enough. It was odd she was just thinking that Alexander probably wouldn’t show. “So Keith doesn’t need us anymore?”

Maybe Keith found his money. Maybe he’d be done with them and want Nick out of his life.

“Let me slip this to you, it explains things.” He held up a paper. She paused, looked back toward the bathroom door and thought about getting Nick. He would be done and out any second now. She’d keep the chain locked and just crack the door.

“Okay.” She unlocked the door and opened it just enough for the paper. A bang knocked her back, mostly in fear. She shoved herself against the door, trying to push it shut again, as a large pair of wire cutters snapped the dead bolt chain.

“Nick!” She tried to scream, but the man ran into the room and threw her against the wall. He shut the door in motion so quick she didn’t have time to run before he pulled a gun on her.

“You walk down to room 416 or I’ll kill him.”

Her eyes glared into the gun pointed at her face, knowing he’d shoot Nick the second she left. Trembling, she shook her head. She wasn’t leaving without yelling and warning Nick.

He grabbed her and pushed her out the door. It snapped shut.

She stumbled, regained her balance, and hit the door with both hands. “No!” The word shook up out of her throat.

“Hush!” Alexander growled behind her, then grabbed her arm and tugged her along toward his door.

“Please, please, don’t hurt Nick.” She begged as Alexander pushed the door shut and backed her against it. His nostrils flared as his eyes bore into her.

A cell phone went off.

Alexander put it to his ear. “What?”

“He’s not in here.” They could both hear the voice. Alexander didn’t miss the surprise on Cora’s face.

“Get out of there.” Alexander told the caller and put the phone in his pocket. “Looks like this is what Keith planned. So now we need a way to get out of here without getting killed.”

BOOK: The Enemy's Son
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