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Authors: Kristen James

The Enemy's Son (15 page)

BOOK: The Enemy's Son
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She used the small key to unlock the handcuffs and helped Jerry to his feet. Keith watched them with a cold, blank stare, his hands up in the air. More than anything, she wanted to smirk at him and say something mean. But, honestly, she was so scared her limbs felt rubbery. She focused on helping Jerry and not tripping herself. Alexander jerked the gun at the chair and Keith sat down.

“Come on, Dad.” Her voice shook, but she ignored that and started for the stairs. Jerry leaned on her, but she made her way up the stairs and to the front door, feeling like she was pushing though cold butter. They were so close! When the police saw what Keith did to Jerry, they’d arrest him for sure. Kidnapping, torture, blackmail – he’d go away for a long time.

Focus! She just needed to get Jerry outside. She heard Alexander behind them but couldn’t look back while her father leaned on her, struggling to breath. He needed to go straight to the hospital.  

“Okay, dad, I have to get the door.” She wanted to run but they couldn’t. She had to support him and still get a hand free to get the door. That allowed her to look back for Alexander.

He was looking the other way.
At Keith.

Keith had followed them up the stairs, his hands in the air. Why hadn’t Alexander thought of using the handcuffs on him?

The front door burst open. Cora jumped back just in time, throwing her dad off balance. They stumbled but she kept them both upright.

“Nick!” she called his name as a horrible blast
ripped through her ears. After a shocked second, she turned her head and realized Alexander had shot at Nick. Shot and missed.

“Drop it!” This yell came from back in the hallway. A young, stacked Hispanic man stalked toward them slow and steady with a handgun aimed at Keith. The man’s dark, intense eyes locked on them. It had to be Adam.

“I don’t think so!” Alexander yelled back, crazed anger creeping into his voice.

Nick stepped into the house. He surveyed her and flicked his gaze over Jerry. She could see his horror.

Unsure of himself now, Alexander jerked his gun toward Nick. “That’s far enough, Nicky! Back up and let us through.”

Nick moved forward instead. “Cora and Jerry are leaving without you.”

Alexander stepped closer too, his gun hand shaking. Nick stopped short. He was halfway inside the door, blocking it.

“Back up. Move out of the way, Nick,” Alexander snarled.

“Cora,” Nick said, his gaze steady on Alexander and Keith. “Alexander’s trying to get Jerry killed.”

She glanced between Alexander and Keith. This didn’t add up and she needed
She felt grains of sand scratching through her veins. They just needed to get out the front door and to a car. She caught her dad’s eye and took a step toward the door.

“Stay put, Cora!” Alexander barked.

She looked at him, confused. They were so close. “This is over,” she said to Keith and Alexander. “Jerry needs medical attention.”

Alexander spoke to Cora without turning his face or eyes to her. “If you want to get Jerry out of here alive, you better tell Nick to move out of the way.”

Was Alexander threatening her or warning her? Cora looked at Nick.

He still had his eyes trained on Alexander. She prayed no one twitched and fired. “Alexander came here two days ago to talk to Keith and arrange this.”

“Nick, shut up.” Keith stepped toward him, but Adam stepped closer to Keith and aimed his gun at Keith’s head.

“Why?” She took a step toward the door.

“They want something from you, and that’s why Alexander wanted you to come here today.” Nick’s brown eyes weren’t warm and welcoming today, but calculating and persuasive. “They set up this charade to get Jerry killed and make sure you saw it. Keith is paying Alexander with you, Cora.”

I don’t have a way out. I don’t have a gun. I’m dead.
She’d never get her father out alive if she got herself killed.

“I’m going to kill you, Nick.” Without moving his body, Alexander jerked his arm and fired toward her. The shot split the air and her reasoning just before her scream broke loose.

Jerry went limp and they both crumpled to the floor. Dad! More shots exploded all around.

Mixed into the noise, Jerry cried her name.

Someone grabbed her by one arm and yanked her to her feet, away from her dad. Alexander spoke in her ear as he pulled her back against him. “You’re coming with me.” He held his pistol against her temple, announcing to the now quiet room, “Anyone makes a move and she’s gone. Both of you, on the wall!”

She heard her lungs fighting for air. Keith was gone. Nick and Adam kept their guns aimed at Alexander’s head as they each backed up to the wall. She prayed it was his head. She prayed they’d hit their target if they shot.

Cora had one free arm, but no weapon, no plan.

“Okay.” Nick lowered his gun part of the way and motioned for Adam to lower his.

Alexander laughed. The sound punched right into her ringing ear.

A shot rang out. Alexander jerked backwards, trying to duck. Ripping her arm away, Cora dove away from him.

Did Nick just shoot at Alexander?

Alexander ran out the door with Nick chasing him, shooting at him as he ran off. “Let’s move!” he yelled. Adam pulled Jerry into his arms as Nick pulled Cora to her feet.

Nick and Adam rushed them into the backseat of a car. The doors shut as the car screeched forward. She kneeled in the small space between the front and back seats, trying not to cry as she pressed her hands down on the wound in Jerry’s abdomen. His blood continued to leak out between her fingers. Blood. Everywhere.

Nick and Adam were talking, maybe yelling, maybe asking her questions. Jerry was talking too, but much quieter. She had to lean close to hear. “The backup CD. The key.”

“I found it. It’s okay, Dad, I have it.”

“Read your file.”


“Floor it!” Adam turned halfway around in the seat, checking on Jerry.

“Already am,” Nick said through gritted teeth. The car flew down the interstate toward the hospital, and he didn’t slow below a hundred miles per hour even when the lights of a squad car flashed on behind him. He screeched around cars and prayed they’d make it.

Seeing the fear in Cora’s eyes churned his stomach. He loved the law, but he’d kill anyone who hurt her. She had no idea what she meant to him. He hadn’t until today.

If only he could show her that.

If only he could get Jerry to the hospital in time.

If only he could save her from loosing another parent, enduring that loss all over again, and then having no one.

“I’ll get him,” he vowed, staring straight ahead with determination like spears of fire from God’s own hand. “I’ll get him for this and everyone he’s hurt.”

He meant Keith at first, but he’d get Alexander too, for his perverted obsession with Cora and for shooting Jerry.

Nick risked one glance into the back of the car. Jerry lay lifeless and bleeding in Cora’s arms while her voice quietly begged him to hold on, stay with them. He wasn’t sure someone could lose blood like that and live.

He gave Adam a look, and Adam discreetly checked Jerry’s pulse. Cora, bent over her father, didn’t see the fallen look on Adam’s face. “It’s weak.”

Weak, but there. But what if they didn’t make it? Seconds ticked by in slow motion as he maneuvered through the freeway traffic. He saw the minute change on the radio clock. Come on,
come on!

They reached the hospital exit. The police car slowed as well and followed him down the exit ramp, through the six blocks to the hospital, and into the emergency entrance of the hospital. Several squad cards were blocking traffic at the intersections.

“We’re here. Hold on, Jerry! We’ll get you help.” He launched out of the car and ran inside, yelling for help. ER staff met him in the entrance as if the police had called ahead.




Cora hardly listened as Nick tried to explain the messed up situation to several police officers. She wanted to go inside the hospital and look for her dad and to make sure he was okay, but there was question after question. She told them everything she could remember, along with Nick and Adam. They stood outside, off to the side of the ER entrance, talking while people walked by and gawked.

It felt like morning was years before. She didn’t remember the beginning of the day. Her mind buzzed with noise, shots, yells, Jerry’s last breaths. What did he say? Something important...

Someone squeezed her shoulder and she found herself looking up into an older man’s face. He had keen eyes and softly graying hair. “I’m Herald Baker from Barker and Associates, where Nick works.”

She glanced at Nick, realizing Herald was there to help them. They were talking and she tried to follow along for a minute or two before giving up. There was something important she had to remember. What had her dad said?

Before the memory came together, Herald touched her arm and said, “Listen, the police will want to question all three of you, probably separately. They’re releasing you to me for now.”

“What about my father?”

Herald reached to take her hand and said, “We just wait. I’m sorry. Remember, I’m on your side. Nick’s been a friend of mine for years now, and I know he always tells the truth. I believe you, and I’m going to do whatever I can to bring both these men to justice.”

She nodded while pulling herself together
Herald shared a look with Nick and left to go inside. Nick led to her a bench where they sat and waited. She shivered despite the afternoon’s heat.

“I should have stayed with you,” she said. Was this all her fault?

“No regrets now, Cora. Jerry’s here where he can get help.” He leaned down next to her ear to quietly say, “I’ll make it right. I’ll make sure they don’t get away with this.”   

She looked into his eyes and believed him.

Herald returned, and it only took a look at his face to know she couldn’t see her father yet.

“He’s still in surgery, but they think it looks positive. I think it’s best if we get all of you somewhere safe.”

She didn’t want to think about staying safe. Her dad was critically wounded and needed her. “All this was for nothing.” She felt hot tears stinging her dry, irritated eyes, and reached up to wipe them. A flash of red stopped her. It was blood all over her hand.

Nick was right in front of her, kneeling down and grabbing both her hands despite the dried blood.

“They could have killed him any second, Cora. We got him out of there.
helped him get out and saved his life. Do you hear me?”

She nodded weakly. It wasn’t his words so much that comforted, but she knew her dad would feel the same way. He’d probably be upset that she put herself in danger instead of just running.

Nick was helping her to her feet, and all three men were talking as they walked toward the parking lot. Adam must have moved the car. She remembered it hadn’t been Nick’s Mustang, mostly because there had been a roomy backseat. Now they went to a Lincoln that had to belong to Herald.

She was sitting in the backseat with Nick before she even wondered where they were headed. But what did it matter? She closed her eyes and leaned into Nick.

BOOK: The Enemy's Son
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