The End Zone: SPORTS ROMANCE (Contemporary Sport Bad Boy Alpha Male American Football Romance) (New Adult Second Chance Women’s Fiction Romance Short Stories) (81 page)

BOOK: The End Zone: SPORTS ROMANCE (Contemporary Sport Bad Boy Alpha Male American Football Romance) (New Adult Second Chance Women’s Fiction Romance Short Stories)
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“Anderson, get on the floor!” Coach yelled at me and I held my hands up in surrender, at least a third of the crowd laughed and I glanced up and saw they had the cameras on me and everything was being projected on the jumbotron. I quickly got back into the mindset of the game and made sure not to piss the coach off by missing simple shots. Thankfully we went on to win the game and I definitely got the prize of the night.



“Mommy where are we going?” Caleb asked me curiously after I told him to get dressed.

“We’re going bowling with Miles,” I said and Caleb’s entire face lit up as he all but jumped from his bed and went straight to his dresser.

“Wait a minute, is it a date?” Caleb turned around and gave me a pointed expression and I tried not to laugh.

“Well he wants to take the
of us out for a date at the bowling alley,” I told him and his expression cleared up.

“Will there be pizza?” he asked me and I giggled.

“Yes there will be pizza
sticky bun bites,” I said and Caleb got excited all over again. He was jumping up and down while I walked over to help him pick out something to wear. Getting Caleb dressed was that much easier because he was eager to go. Getting myself ready with Caleb rushing me was less easy than it should have been.

Caleb and I met Miles at the bowling alley. He looked great of course, wearing jeans and a form fitting t-shirt. I bet anything Miles put on would make him look good.

“Christina you look great,” he greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and then gave Caleb a high five.

“Thanks, so um…do you bowl often?” I asked him and he gave me an amused smile.

“All the time! This is my spot, how about you guys?” he asked and Caleb shook his head while looking way up at Miles.

“This is my first time ever bowling,” he said and Miles promised to teach him the ropes. We went inside and Miles led us right up to a lane he had set up for us already.

“Look mommy pizza!” Caleb exclaimed when he saw the boxes of pizza on the table near the ball return machine.

“Yes baby, there will be plenty of time for pizza, how about we try bowling first?”

Caleb said okay and then ran over to Miles who was picking out bowling balls from the rack and bringing them over. He let Caleb hold a smaller one and bring it over while I changed into bowling shoes. I glanced at Miles’s feet and saw he was already wearing his.

“Do you own your own pair of bowling shoes?” I asked him with a smirk and he grinned at me.

“Yup, and I ain’t ashamed,” he said and I cracked up.

“You must be a pro then.”

Miles nodded, his expression turning a little smug.

“I am, but don’t worry we don’t have to compete or anything,” he said and I chuckled.

“See now you just
this a competition,” I said and Caleb chimed in.

“Me and Mommy against you Miles!” he said and then Miles laughed.

“Alright, if I get more points than you guys then…”

“Then mommy can make you her yummy buns!” Caleb suggested and both Miles and I laughed.

“That sounds fair and if you guys win then…I’ll cook you
special burgers,” he said and Caleb jumped up and down in excitement.

“Deal!” he said and Miles laughed. Caleb quickly changed his shoes and then took a couple of practice lessons on how to bowl from Miles before we actually started counting up points.

“So how about you, do you need a practice swing?” Miles asked me while Caleb took a little break for a slice of pizza.

“Actually yes, I have a technique, but…I’m afraid it’ll make me look silly so you’ll have to teach me how to bowl like an adult,” I said and Miles cracked up.

“Please tell me your technique is what I think it is,” he said as I took a bowling ball and walked over to the lane. I held the ball in both hands, slightly spread my legs apart and then swung the ball back between my legs and then let it go on the upswing. Miles cracked up until I hit a strike and then that shut him up.

“I guess my technique works!” I said and then taunted Miles who waved his hand dismissively.

“That was just a lucky shot,” he said and then the competition was on, my technique came in handy a few times, but mostly Caleb and I sucked compared to Miles who seemed like he could knock down pins in his sleep. I found it so wonderfully quirky that Miles loved to bowl. It was clear that he went to that bowling alley so often that many of the other patrons that were regulars didn’t seem too awed to see him there. Though a few people still went up to him for an autograph or a picture. When we all were walking back to our cars it was clear to see that Caleb was already growing attached to Miles, who didn’t seem to grow tired of Caleb’s questions and stories about kindergarten. I was definitely in trouble because if Miles had enough patience for my son
got along well with him, well that was pretty much half of my heart already.

Miles walked us to my car and I got Caleb strapped into the backseat, but before I could get in the car Miles tugged on my hand slightly.

“So burgers at my place…say Saturday? Caleb can play in the pool too,” he said, hope clear in his eyes and I nodded.

“Of course that sounds fun.” Miles smiled at me and his almost shy expression made me giggle.

“And how about tomorrow night we go out for dinner, just the two of us?” he asked.

“Definitely,” I grinned.

Miles laced his fingers with mine and then glanced in the back seat at Caleb who was preoccupied at the moment with his tablet. Miles then leaned towards me and pressed a soft kiss to my lips that left them feeling all tingly.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” he said softly and then grinned at me while he backed away and then walked off towards where he parked. I took a deep breath before I got into the car and then began the drive home.

“Mommy I like him,” Caleb said, his voice a little sleepy sounding. I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw Caleb start to doze off.

“Yeah, I like him too baby.”



“Miles come look at my room!” Caleb barely even said hi when I got to Christina’s house to pick her up. The babysitter had answered the door and the shock on her face was a little priceless. Then Caleb came running up in his pajamas and pulled me through the living room and down the hall. I passed by Christina’s room and saw her putting a finishing touch on her makeup. I kind of leaned back and saw that she was wearing a bangin’ form fitting skirt and killer heels that made both her legs and ass look amazing. The blouse she wore showed off a little cleavage and I almost forgot Caleb was trying to tug me towards his room.

Christina glanced at me and smiled, “I’ll be right there promise!” she said and I nodded, kind of speechless like a teenage idiot or something.

“Come look, I have a basketball hoop in my room!” Caleb said and then I stepped into his room and saw the little hoop set up at the top of his closet door and the mini basketball.

“That’s awesome little man, do you know how to dunk?” I asked him and he shook his head and handed me the basketball. “Alright, I show you one dunk and then you can try it,” I said and he smiled at me eagerly and nodded. In slow motion I stepped towards the hoop and did a twist, then pulled an exaggerated Jordan pose and dunked the ball through the hoop which successfully got Caleb laughing.

“Now you try,” I said and he pointed to the hoop.

“It’s too high for me,” he said and I dismissed his concern.

“Don’t worry about that, as long you believe you can do it we can make it happen,” I said and then handed him the ball, he imitated me, spinning in slow motion and when he got close to the closet door I picked him up so that he could dunk the ball.

“I did it!” he exclaimed and then gave me a high five while I put him back down.

“Alright, I’m ready,” Christina cut into our fun and Caleb pouted a little. “Don’t even Caleb, I told you we’re going over to Miles’s house this weekend, we’ll spend the whole day with him,” she said and Caleb sighed dramatically. The kid was funny.

“Okay…” he said still a little glum and then Christina went to give him a hug and spoke softly to him before she gave him a kiss and told him to be nice to the babysitter. After that we were out and headed to the restaurant.

“So how are you, how’s the job search goin’?” I asked her and she sighed.

“Well it’s going, I’ve been applying and sending out everywhere I can think of, I haven’t gotten any calls for interviews yet, but I’m hoping to find something soon,” she said and then my next question kind of came out without me thinking about it.

“So how are you on like bills and stuff? Is Caleb’s dad around?” Then I realized what I said and I glanced at her with an apologetic expression. “You don’t have to answer that if it’s too…personal,” I said and she waved away my concern.

“Don’t worry about it…well currently my brothers help out a lot with bills and such, they are all successful doctors and one is an engineer. Just until I finally get a job at a law firm… And Caleb’s dad left us when Caleb was two. The crazy thing is that Caleb still remembers his dad. But Neal barely even calls Caleb on his birthday,” she said and instantly my chest got hot with anger at the fucking deadbeat that left Christina to raise a child all on her own.

“Well for a single mom, you’re doing great with him. Caleb is an awesome kid,” I said and she smiled.

“He is. Honestly he’s the little man of the house even at five years old,” she chuckled and I smiled.

It was weird that I could already see myself stepping in and being the father figure Caleb needs, not to mention being with Christina who was an amazing woman.

“So where are we going for dinner?” she asked me and I smirked.

“Some place romantic and special,” I said and Christina oohed in anticipation. “Oh hey, do you want some tickets for Sunday’s game? If you aren’t doing anything I’d like for you and Caleb to be there. It’s a relatively early game, I know Caleb has school and all.”

“We have a family dinner to go at my mom’s house, but maybe we can make a game next week,” she said and I nodded.

“Yeah, the guys have been ridin’ me about whether or not we’re actually goin’ out. They think I’m a player and can’t be serious about one girl.” Christina quirked her eyebrow at me and I laughed. “Which for the
girl I can be…I know it’s kind of early in our relationship and all, but already you’re making me a better person. You and Caleb…I kinda want to
there for you guys,” I said and Christina bit her lip.

“A few guys I’ve dated have said that Miles, and usually when the relationship actually starts to get serious…” she shrugged and I shook my head.

“You’ve dated the wrong guys. You haven’t dated me. I mean…I think we have a connection, from the moment I met you, you’ve…floored me,” I admitted and then looked at her when I pulled up to the valet at the restaurant.

“Are you serious?” she asked me quietly and I nodded.

“I have feelings for you. This isn’t just a fling for me and I’m not just trying to get on Caleb’s good side to get to you, I actually like the little man,” I said and Christina smiled. “Come on, let’s go eat some of the best sushi you’ll ever have in your life.”



I really couldn’t believe Miles was so open about his feelings for me. But honestly it made me feel a
better about having feelings for him. I felt the connection between us, it was there. It was like we were always meant to be together and the fact that he got along so well with Caleb attested to that.

“You were right, those sushi rolls were amazing,” I said just before the valet brought Miles’s car back around. The kid handed him his keys and complimented Miles about being one of the greatest basketball players.

“So am I takin’ you back home?” Miles asked me and I looked at him with a smirk.

“Where else would you take me?” I asked, and he gave me a grin that told me exactly what he wanted to do next.

“I’d take you back to my place no doubt. Only if you want to though,” he said and I chuckled.

“I think last time we were playing video games at your house…I’m up for some video games,” I grinned and then Miles practically sped to his house in the sleek jaguar.

As soon as the front door was closed and locked behind us Miles picked me up and carried me all the way up to his bedroom. Meanwhile I was in a fit of giggles at Miles’s eager expression. He set me down on the bed and then practically ripped off his top and then climbed over me. I slid my hands against the warm skin of his defined chest and abdomen as he slid kisses along my jaw and just under my ear, causing me to shiver. He pulled on my earlobe with his teeth as his hand slid underneath my blouse and lightly caressed my belly. I shivered delicately and then he sat up, pulling me with him, so that he could slip my blouse off and undo my bra.

“My god you’re perfect,” he said hoarsely and then palmed both of my breasts before he simply devoured them. He kissed, sucked, and nibbled all over my breasts. The sensations were electric and honestly, he could have brought me to climax just by doing that alone. But I was impatient and I reached for the clasp in his jeans to undo it. Miles didn’t need any more incentive. He quickly got rid of his pants and boxers and then peeled off my skirt and thong in one languorous motion. I was already breathing hard, just as he was, and was impatient for him to fill me up. But then the sight of his cock enticed me and I reached down to grip the thick length. Miles moaned when I began to stroke him with my hand, but then he groaned when I pushed him to his back and took his sex into my mouth.

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