The End Zone: SPORTS ROMANCE (Contemporary Sport Bad Boy Alpha Male American Football Romance) (New Adult Second Chance Women’s Fiction Romance Short Stories) (13 page)

BOOK: The End Zone: SPORTS ROMANCE (Contemporary Sport Bad Boy Alpha Male American Football Romance) (New Adult Second Chance Women’s Fiction Romance Short Stories)
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“Do you have an extra bed?”

“No.  You’ll sleep in Conrad’s bed; his room is the most secure. Conrad will sleep on the chaise that’s in there. We don’t want to chance anyone coming for you in the night.”

“Or me getting away?”

“That too.”

Lizette winced as Conrad scrubbed a particularly deep cut on the outside of her thigh.

“Sorry, Lizette.” 

Conrad opened the tin of thick, yellow salve and spread it over the cut.  The relief was instant, though she could still feel a deep throbbing beneath her skin.

“Thank you.  I’m so tired and sore, but you are helping.  Thank you both.”

Conrad gathered up the used rags and the bowl of water.  He admired her long legs for a moment before standing up, trying to keep his gaze nonchalant.  Her skin was creamy and smooth underneath, with a light spray of barely noticeable freckles.  Her face was still a little dirty, but he could see freckles across the bridge of her nose and her cheeks, peeking through the dirt and grime. 

He could hear Sterling’s voice as he emptied the filthy water down the drain.  The last light of day was fading swiftly, so Conrad moved about the house, lighting the wall sconces while Sterling gently wiped Lizette’s face and waited for her to finish her meal.

He went to his wardrobe and pulled out a large, soft shirt for Lizette to wear.  In the morning, he would go into town and buy her some essentials from the dress shop in town.  But, until then, the long-sleeved shirt was better than what she had.

Sconces lit, he folded back the blankets on his bed and fluffed the pillows.  His room was the only windowless room in the cabin, with the back wall being the actual wall of the town.  Each sentry cabin was built the same so that none could be surrounded by the enemy.  As the first and last line of defense against the enemy, they couldn’t afford for any of the Lycan guard to be overtaken. 

Soft steps padded down the hall, and Lizette appeared in the doorway.  Conrad handed her the shirt and left the room, closing the door softly behind him. 

Sterling and Conrad discussed their plan while they waited for her to ready herself for bed.  Both men worried that Dallin would be coming after her, though neither really understood why.  But it was obvious that Dallin had plans for this woman that had nothing to do with making her his next meal.


Conrad slipped into the bed with Lizette, naked and weary.  He wanted to close his eyes, but the sight of her was so beautiful, she took his breath away.  She’d passed out while receiving stitches, the small amount of painkiller just enough to take the edge off and nothing more.

Conrad gazed down at her, taking in the beauty of her fiery hair spread across the pillow.  His pillow.  The loose curls framed her beautiful face.  He reached out, tucking one wayward lock behind her ears.

She stirred, opening her bright green eyes and smiling up at Conrad.  She reached out to him, cupping his cheek in her tiny hand.  He leaned down and touched his lips to hers, gently at first, then kissing her more deeply as she opened her mouth to him.  Her fingers trailed down his bare chest, threaded through the thick hair and tugging softly.

Lizette bit her lip and moaned as Conrad trailed tender kisses down her throat and along her collarbone.  Her breasts strained against the fabric of her shirt as she writhed softly beneath him.

He slid the hem of the shirt she was wearing,
shirt, up her thighs, revealing the hot sweetness between her legs.  She opened them to him, wrapping one legs around his hips and pulling him closer.  He obliged, sliding into her wet heat gently at first, them with more force.  She moved against him, her breath quickening as their bodies moved faster and faster.  She clung to him, heavy breasts pressed against him.  He rocked her steadily towards climax, coming nearer to his own with each thrust of his hips.  At the final moment, he leaned back while he thrust so he could watch her face as her body road the waves of passion.

She smiled at him, revealing two tiny fangs moments before she lunged at him.

Conrad awoke with a start, sitting straight up on the lounge pushed up against the wall.  He gasped in an effort to slow his breathing.  The vivid, sexual dream clung to him, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that something awful was about to happen. 

The candle in the wall-sconce cast a dim light throughout the room.  It only took a glance for him to note that Lizette was not in the bed.  The sheets were messy, bunched and twisted in the middle. 

It seemed Lizette had had some nightmares of her own.

Conrad slipped on his shoes and pulled on his coat.  It was about time for him to trade shifts with Sterling anyway, and now was as good a time as any.


Lizette had slipped passed a sleeping Conrad, noting the quickening of his breath and the furrow in his brow.  He had obviously been dreaming, but otherwise remained still.  Having grabbed her tattered shirt, she headed down the hall, moving quietly to avoid waking Conrad or alerting Sterling to her flight.

The human village wasn’t far away, and Lizette was eager to be with her own kind.  Conrad and Sterling had surely saved her life, but being held captive in their home was really not much better than Dallin’s lair.  She was a free woman, and she wasn’t about to give that up without a fight. 

The cabins were deep in the protected forest, so even in the dead of night, she should be able to make her way to the gates in relative safety.  She wasn’t sure how she’d get in once she got there, but she’d deal with that when she did.

She sat down beside the fireplace, letting the warmth seep into her body while she tore at her old shirt.  She took the strips of fabric and wrapped them around her feet, binding them tightly to give some support and protection.  She felt much better, but she wouldn’t get far if she was hobbled by pain.

With one last look at the cabin, she slipped out the door and into the night.

She moved quietly against the wall of the cabin in the shadows, and headed the direction she’d seen Conrad ride off in early that day.  The forest was quiet around her, the silence thick and heavy.  Lizette wrapped her arms around herself to ward off the cold and picked up her pace.  She was confident she could do this. It wasn’t that far.

She took a deep breath and stepped away from the wall and onto the trail.  She walked quickly, trying to put as much distance between herself and the cabin as possible.

A large hand closed over her mouth while his other arm clamped her arms to her side and pulled her close.  Her scream was muffled as she was pulled off her feet and back into the shadows.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Sterling whispered into her ear.  “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

Relief flooded through her.  She’d been caught, but she wouldn’t pay with her life.  This time.  She sagged against Sterling, her already frozen flesh soaking up the warmth of his body.

“Woman, you’re freezing.”  He turned her towards him and looked into her eyes.  She cast them down at the ground, his concern for her after she’d tried to escape filling her with shame.  They’d been so kind to her and yet she’d tried to run off, putting herself in danger.

The stress of the day crashed down on her.  Waking up to find herself held captive by a crazy woman devoted to a vampire.  Running through the woods for hours, afraid that any moment would find her captured once again.  Being found by two mysterious men in the woods and wondering what her fate would be.

Her face crumpled and she began to sob.  Her crying wracked her body, but Sterling stood there, unsure of what to do.  He shrugged off his heavy coat and wrapped it around her shoulders, scooping her up and carrying her towards the cabin door.

The door swung outward and Conrad appeared, looking in both directions before he spotted them.  He ran to them, his face showing his concern.

“Is she injured?  What happened?”

“No.  She tried to run, but I found her.  Good thing too, Able told me they’d picked up the scent of vampires closer to our woods than normal.  They’re surely looking for this little lady, and I’m about out of patience waiting to find out why.”  His voice was gruff, but Conrad knew his friend better than that.  He’d been scared for her, as Conrad had. 

She’d put her life in danger by running away. It was about time they talked to her to find out why she in the woods, and why the vampires were after her.


Lizette sat on Conrad’s bed, still wrapped in Sterling’s coat.  Conrad and Sterling sat on the foot of the bed, listening intently as she told her story.

“The last thing I remembered, I was in the woods gathering berries and fruit for my parents.  I took a step, and the ground fell out from under me.  When I woke up, I was being bathed by a horrid old woman in a small castle built into a hill.”

A look passed between Conrad and Sterling, but neither said anything.  Lizette trembled as she spoke, the reality of what had almost happened to her finally setting in.  All day she’d been running on adrenaline.  Now that she was finally safe, she couldn’t stop shaking.

“The old crone was speaking gibberish, talking about preparing me for the King and how I had a higher purpose and I needed to be strong and ‘put some meat’ on my bones to serve my purpose.”

“Did she say what that purpose was?”

Conrad interrupted Sterling. “I can guess what it was, and it’s good that you fled.”

Sterling and Lizette both regarded him questioningly.  “He was hoping to use you as a breeder.  Since the treaty, food is scarce.  They have to choose between turning a human and building their army or draining that same human of blood and feeding themselves.  It’s not really much of a choice.  So Dallin is doing the next best thing and plans on impregnating human women to grow his army.”

Sterling reached out and grabbed her hand, “Were there others?”

“No.  Just me.  She said I was the first; the Queen.  I would belong to the King.”

Conrad nodded, but his expression didn’t hide the rage he felt welling up inside of him.  There had long been talk that the terms of the treaty were being violated by the vampires, even though the Lycans were honest and true to their word.  They’d given the vampire clan the chance to live within the confines of the treaty and it had backfired.  Neither of the men were surprised, but both were very angry. 

Lizette leaned back on the pillows, scooting down and burrowing under the heavy blanket.  Her body continued to tremble, though from cold or fear she wasn’t sure; probably a little of both.  Taking her cue, both men stood to leave her to sleep.

“Don’t leave.  Please.  I don’t feel safe and I don’t think I will alone.  Just for tonight, won’t you please stay?  Both of you.”

Both men hesitated, but the look on her face was hard to ignore.  She was all but begging them to protect her.  Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears and her lip quivered.  They looked at each other and Conrad was the first to shrug.  He pulled off his boots and moved to the bed, surprised when she pulled back the covers for him.

He slid between the sheets and settled close to her, trying simultaneously to keep from touching her and falling off the bed onto the floor.  Sterling followed suit, his face set in a grim line as he removed his boots and went to the other side of the bed.  Conrad smiled knowing when Sterling’s nostrils flared at the sight of her milky flesh beneath the blanket.  His friend wasn’t hesitant because it was a bother; he was attracted to this woman, and he was trying his best to hide it.

Conrad winked at Sterling, he shot him an angry look before slipping in between the sheets.  The bed was large, but it wasn’t meant to accommodate the three of them with any room to spare.  Both Lycans were forced to move beside her, lying on their sides and cradling her between their bodies.

Lizette sighed heavily and some of the stress melted off her face.

“That’s a lot better.  Thank you.”

She rested her head on Conrad’s shoulder and nuzzled her cheek into his back.  He faced away from her, eyes riveted to the wall, mind focused on keeping his arousal under control.  She smelled beautiful, and it was all Conrad could do to keep his thoughts chaste. 

Lizette reached behind her and pulled Sterling’s arm over her hip, wiggling until her hips fit neatly into the bend of his.  Sterling suppressed a groan.  Her backside was resting against him, heat seeping through his thin trousers and making it hard to control himself.  He closed his eyes and counted, slowly, willing his growing erection to stop before it was too late.

She wiggled again and slid her hand down between them, running her fingers over him and making it clear that she was well-aware of his erection.  Her fingers teased the edge of his waist band, working their way inside.  Sterling held completely still, wondering if he was dreaming.  When her hand wrapped around his shaft, he knew he was awake.

Conrad heard the sharp intake of breath from Sterling and turned over in bed.  His eyes met hers and she bit her lip before leaning in to kiss her.  Was he dreaming again?

“I just want to forget about today, about the danger.  I want to feel alive and safe.”

She squeezed Sterling, causing him to groan softly.  She used her free hand to pull Conrad toward her, kissing him deeply once more.

“Are you sure?  You don’t owe us anything.”

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