The End of Diabetes (27 page)

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Authors: Joel Fuhrman

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menu/eating plan: additional general guidelines, 137–40; breakfast guidelines, 133–34; comparing without nuts/seeds and with nuts/seeds, 119–20; dinner guidelines, 136; frequent mini-meals vs. three daily meals, 142–43; general guidelines on the, 133–36, 207–8; lunch guidelines, 134–35; for newly diagnosed gestational diabetes, 186–88; recipes used for, 217–57; vegan or flexitarian guidelines, 209; Week 1, 210–13; Week 2, 213–16.
See also
nutritarian diet

metabolic rates, 143–44, 165, 208

metformin (Glucophage), 15, 26, 179, 180

micronutrient density: ANDI (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index) to measure, 46–50; description of, 45, 46

micronutrients: CMA (comprehensive micronutrient adequacy), 48; description of, 44–45; eating more plant protein to increase intake of, 85–87; H=N/C health equation on density of, 45, 46; health benefits of diet high in, 56; health consequences of diet low in, 56–57.
See also

miglitol (Glyset), 180

Milford, Martin, 41

milk: ANDI score of 1%, 49; nutritarian diet disallowance of whole, 139

millet: GL of, 103; resistant starch of, 99

mini-meals, 142–43


mushrooms: ANDI score of, 49; cooking recommendation for, 126; Dr. Fuhrman's Famous Anticancer Soup, 227; GI and GL of, 51; Mediterranean Bean and Kale Sauté, 242; Mushroom Soup Provencal, 231–32; Pistachio-Crusted Tempeh with Balsamic Marinade, 244; as recommended salad vegetable, 126; Saucy Lentil Loaf, 247–48; Savory Portobello Mushrooms with Chickpeas, 248; Thai Vegetable Curry, 252; “unlimited food” status of, 125

nateglinide (Starlix), 180

National Cancer Institute, 129

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2005–2006), 8

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 35

National Institutes for Health, 129, 170

navy beans: ANDI score of, 49; GL of, 103; Mushroom Soup Provencal, 231–32; resistant starch of, 99

nectarines, 204

nervous system disease, 9

New England Journal of Medicine,
145, 196

nicotine withdrawal, 59

nopales cactus, 150

Northern beans: Mushroom Soup Provencal, 231–32; resistant starch of, 99

No-Meat Balls, 243

Nrf2, 130

Nurses' Health Study, 78, 83, 102, 112–13, 117, 202

nutrients: H=N/C health equation dependent on, 3, 45–46; macronutrients, 44, 46; phytochemicals, 45, 47, 118, 128; phytonutrients, 50, 57, 61.
See also

nutritarian diet: ANDI tool for, 46–50; cooking techniques and tips, 140–42; cruciferous vegetables included in, 127–29; description of, 4–5, 5; extending your life span by adopting the, 30–31, 35–36; FAQs (frequently asked questions) about, 191–296; green vegetables included in, 129–33; health benefits of the, 4–5, 53–54, 110–11, 123–24; heart disease case studies on health benefits of, 174–78; high-nutrient, high-fiber, high-water-content foods/no snacking on, 143–44; how true hunger cycle is restored through, 64; for newly diagnosed gestational diabetes, 186–88; recipes used for, 217–57; salad as main dish in the, 125–27; supplements and multivitamins to include with, 144–52; type 1 diabetes and benefits of, 12–13, 14; understanding the nutrient breakdown, 44–46; unlimited foods on the, 124–25.
See also
dietary treatment; diet plans; menu/eating plan; personal stories

Nutritarian Food Pyramid for Diabetics, 52

Nutrition Journal,

nuts: almonds, 49, 86, 132, 223, 224, 225, 255; best eaten raw or lightly toasted, 120; Blue Apple Nut Oatmeal, 217; comparing without nuts/seeds and with nuts/seeds menus, 119–20; eaten in moderation, 121; Garlicky Zucchini, 240; how they protect against cardiovascular death, 111–13; nutritarian diet and allowed consumption of, 125, 138; pecans, 226, 247–48; pine, 240; pistachios, 49, 244; Red Lentil Sauce, 226; Russian Fig Dressing/Dip, 223; studies on reversal of diabetes and obesity by eating, 114–17; Thousand Island Dressing, 224; walnuts, 49, 111–12, 220, 255.
See also
cashews; seeds

oatmeal: ANDI score of, 49; Blue Apple Nut Oatmeal, 217

obesity: health consequences of, 3–4; increasing rates of type 2 diabetes due to, 2, 17–19; myth regarding genetics and, 195; peer influence on, 196; prevalence in the U.S., 17; studies on nut and seed consumption for reversing, 114–17; trends among U.S. adults (1990 and 2005), 18; understanding how blood glucose levels are raised by, 27, 28–31.
See also
body fat; weight loss

olive oil: ANDI score of, 49; frequently asked question on, 204–6

omega-3 (EPA and DHA), 76, 118, 148

onions: ANDI score of, 49; Dr. Fuhrman's Famous Anticancer Soup, 227; Easy Bean and Vegetable Chili, 238; Eggplant Roll Ups, 239; French Lentil Soup, 229; Fresh Tomato Salsa, 221; Garbanzo Guacamole, 221; GI and GL of, 51; Herbed Barley and Lentils, 241; Island Black Bean Dip, 223; low pesticide content of, 204; Mediterranean Bean and Kale Sauté, 242; Mushroom Soup Provencal, 231–32; No-Meat Balls, 243; Quick and Creamy Vegetable Bean Soup, 232; Ratatouille, 245; as recommended salad vegetable, 126; Red Lentil Sauce, 226; Saucy Lentil Loaf, 247–48; Savory Portobello Mushrooms with Chickpeas, 248; Simple Bean Burgers, 249; Speedy Vegetable Wrap, 251; Thousand Island Dressing, 224; Tofu Ranch Dressing/Dip, 225; Tomato Bisque, 233; “unlimited food” status of, 125; Vegetable Burrito, 253

Open Journal of Preventive Medicine,

oranges: ANDI score of, 49; GI and GL of, 51; Strawberry Pineapple Sorbet, 257

organic fruit/vegetables, 140, 203–4

paleo diet, 72

pancreas: beta cells in the, 10, 26; how body fat overworks the, 29–31; how high blood sugar overworks the, 94; insulin produced by the, 27–28; sulfonylurea drugs increasing insulin production by, 2, 32, 33

pancreatic cancer, 85

white pasta

peaches: high pesticide content of, 204; Peach Sorbet, 256

peanut butter: ANDI score of, 49; Thai Vegetable Curry, 252

pears, 257

peas: ANDI score of, 49; black-eyed, 99, 103, 250; chick, 86, 132; Dr. Fuhrman's Famous Anticancer Soup, 227; English, 126; GI and GL of, 51; GL of green, 103; low pesticide content of sweet, 204; protein content of, 86, 132; as recommended salad vegetable, 126; resistant starch of, 99; snap, 126; snow, 126; Southern-Style Mixed Greens, 250; split, 99, 103, 227

pecans: Red Lentil Sauce, 226; Saucy Lentil Loaf, 247–48

peer obesity influence, 196

peppers: ANDI score of red bell, 49; The Big Veggie Stir-Fry red bell, 235; French Lentil Soup, 229; Garbanzo Guacamole, 221; high pesticide content of bell, 204; Island Black Bean Dip, 223; Ratatouille, 245; as recommended salad vegetable, 126; Roasted Vegetable Salad with Baked Tofu or Salmon, 246; Thai Vegetable Curry, 252; “unlimited food” status of, 125

personal stories: Glen Paulson, 55–56; Jane Gillian, 7–8; Janie (age 13), 107; Jessica, 67–68; Jim Kenney, 25–26; Laverne Stone, 123; Martin Milford, 41; Ricardo Pacheco, 169–70; Robert (age 11), 107; Steve D., 153–54; Susan Carno, 89–91; Tony Gerardo, 14–15.
See also
nutritarian diet

physicians: advice on how to avoid hypoglycemic reactions, 180–81; advice on managing insulin medication, 181–82; American College of Lifestyle Medicine for, 189; dilemma over diabetes treatment faced by, 34–40; message on treating diabetes to, 189; tendency to prescribe drugs by, 33–40; type 1 diabetes and management of insulin advice for, 17–182

Physicians' Health Study, 78, 112, 113

phytochemicals: cruciferous vegetables containing, 128; description of, 45, 47; how insufficient fat can compromise absorption of, 118; how Nrf2 is activates by green vegetable, 130

phytonutrients, 50, 57, 61

pineapple: low pesticide content of, 204; Strawberry Pineapple Sorbet, 257; Tropical Fruit Salad, 218

pine nuts, 240

pinto beans, 238

pistachios: ANDI score of, 49; Pistachio-Crusted Tempeh with Balsamic Marinade, 244

plant sterols, 150–51

plaque adhesion molecules, 112

plums, 49

polyphenols, 111–12

Polyp Prevention Trial, 98

pomegranate extracts, 150–51

pomegranates/pomegranate juice: ANDI score of, 49; Creamy Blueberry Dressing, 220

portion-controlled (calorie-counting) diet, 65

postprandial glucose, 60

potatoes: GI and GL of sweet, 51; high pesticide content of, 204; low pesticide content of sweet, 204; Nurses' Health Study findings on consumption of, 102–3; white, 49, 51, 103, 138

potato flour, 99

Prandin (repaglinide), 179, 180

Precose (acarbose), 180

pregnancy, 183–84.
See also
gestational diabetes

probiotics, 105

prostate cancer, 83, 129

protein: comparing animal and plant, 131–32; decrease animal protein and increase vegetable, 70; diet of low carbohydrate and high animal, 69–75, 92; IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) promoted by intake of, 82–84; increasing micronutrient intake through plant, 85–87; selected plant foods content of, 86, 132; vegetable sources of, 79–81.
See also
animal products

pumpkin seeds, 228

quinoa, GL of, 103

radishes, 126

raisins: GI and GL of, 51; nutritarian diet on eating, 138

raspberries: ANDI score of, 49; Poached Pears with Raspberry Sauce, 257

raw vegetables: salad as main dish, 125–27; “unlimited food” status of all, 124

recipes: breakfast, 217–18; desserts, 255–57; dips and dressings, 220–25; green smoothies, 219; main dishes, 234–54; sauces, 225–26; soups, 227–33

red bell peppers: ANDI score of, 49; The Big Veggie Stir-Fry, 235; Eggplant Roll Ups, 239; French Lentil Soup, 229; Island Black Bean Dip, 223; Ratatouille, 245; Roasted Vegetable Salad with Baked Tofu or Salmon, 246; Thai Vegetable Curry, 252; “unlimited food” status of, 125.
See also
green bell peppers

red kidney beans: ANDI score of, 49; Easy Bean and Vegetable Chili, 238; GL of, 103; protein content of, 132; resistant starch of, 99; Yum Good Beans, 254

red meats: ground beef (85% lean), 49; nutritarian diet disallowance of, 139; recommended avoidance of, 77

red wine, 201–2

renal detoxification system, 62

repaglinidee (Prandin), 179, 180

resistant starch (RS): calories of food sources of, 100; description of, 91, 95; food sources of, 97–105; health benefits of, 95–97; prebiotic nature of, 95.
See also
starchy foods

restaurant eating tips, 198–99

restricted glucose uptake, 27, 28

rice: black, 51; brown, 51, 86, 99, 103; No-Meat Balls, 243; white, 51, 99, 103

Roasted Vegetable Salad with Baked Tofu or Salmon, 246

rolled oats: Blue Apple Nut Oatmeal, 217; Blueberry Cobbler, 255; dietary fiber in, 97; GI and GL of, 51; GL of, 103; Quick Banana Oat Breakfast to Go, 217; resistant starch of, 99; Saucy Lentil Loaf, 247–48; Simple Bean Burgers, 249; Soaked Oats and Blueberries, 218

romaine lettuce: ANDI score of, 49; Black Bean Lettuce Bundles, 236; Blended Mango Salad, 219; Green Gorilla Blended Salad, 219.
See also

rosiglitazone (Avandia), 2, 21, 32, 37, 180

SAD (standard American diet): dangers of the, 8, 9–10, 41–42, 87; excessive use of insulin necessitated by, 15–16; type 1 diabetes and sensitivity to, 13.
See also
diet plans

salad dressings/dips: cooking techniques for making, 141–42; general guidelines for, 135; recipes for, 220–25; restaurant eating and, 198

salads: general guidelines for dinner, 136; general guidelines for lunch, 135.
See also
specific recipes

salmon: ANDI score of, 49; Roasted Vegetable Salad with Baked Tofu or Salmon, 246

salt consumption, 141, 199–201

saturated fats, 28

sauce recipes, 225–26

scallions: The Big Veggie Stir-Fry, 235; Black Bean Lettuce Bundles, 236; Fast Mexican Black Bean Soup, 228; Fresh Tomato Salsa, 221; Island Black Bean Dip, 223; as recommended salad vegetable, 126

scallops, 139, 252

SCFAs (short-chain fatty acids), 95–96, 100

seafood: fish, 76, 77–78, 246; scallops and shrimp, 139, 252

sea salt, 199–201

seeds: ANDI score of all, 49; best eaten raw or lightly toasted, 120; The Big Veggie Stir-Fry, 235; Caesar Salad Dressing/Dip, 220; comparing without nuts/seeds and with nuts/seeds menus, 119–20; eaten in moderation, 121; Fast Mexican Black Bean Soup, 228; fenugreek, 150; Green Velvet Dressing/Dip, 222; health benefits of consumption of, 111–13; nutritarian diet and allowed consumption of, 125, 138; pumpkin, 228; Quick Banana Oat Breakfast to Go, 217; Russian Fig Dressing/Dip, 223; sesame, 132, 220, 222, 235, 236; Simple Bean Burgers, 249; Soaked Oats and Blueberries, 218; studies on reversal of diabetes and obesity by eating, 114–17; sunflower, 132, 223, 249.
See also

selenium, 146–47

sesame seeds: The Big Veggie Stir-Fry, 235; Braised Baby Bok Choy, 236; Caesar Salad Dressing/Dip, 220; Green Velvet Dressing/Dip, 222; protein content of, 132

shrimp, 139, 252

sitagliptin (Januvia), 179, 180

slow metabolic rate, 143–44, 165, 208

snacking: nutritarian diet recommendation on three meals instead of, 143–44; preventing hypoglycemic reactions by, 21

snap peas, 126

snow peas, 126

sodium intake, 141, 199–201

soluble fiber, 91

soups/stews: cooking techniques and tips for, 140–41; recipes for, 227–33

soybean protein content, 132

spinach: ANDI score of, 49; Blended Mango Salad, 219; Cauliflower, Spinach Mashed “Potatoes,” 237; Golden Austrian Cauliflower Cream Soup, 230; Great Greens, 240; Green Gorilla Blended Salad, 219; high pesticide content of, 204; Mushroom Soup Provencal, 231–32; organic, 140; protein content of, 86, 132; Quick and Creamy Vegetable Bean Soup, 232; Tomato Bisque, 233

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