The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers (71 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #True Crime, #Murder, #General, #Serial Killers

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In retrospect, detectives would agree the terror dated In the end, it was apparently a family quarrel that back to August 2, 1977, when Jane Bennington was brought the reign of terror to a close. Anatoly Ono-slain in Corona Del Mar. Attacked in her home, the 29-prienko was staying with a cousin’s family when one of year-old was raped, then beaten to death with a blunt his hosts found weapons hidden in his room and a instrument. Her killer left no clues for the police, and in quarrel erupted, ending with Anatoly’s ejection from the gap of 18 months before his next appearance, other

OWEN, Duane Eugene

homicides took precedence, demanding the attention of home life marked by inconsistent discipline, alternately investigators.

harsh and lax. In adulthood, the organized killer often The killer returned with a vengeance on April Fools’

lives with a partner, frequently a legal spouse, and is Day, 1979, raping Kimberly Rawlines in her Costa sexually competent. Violence is precipitated by stress, Mesa home before beating her to death. On May 14, including marital discord or loss of employment, and is Savannah Anderson, age 22, was assaulted and blud-often fueled by alcohol. The killer is mobile, maintain-geoned in Irvine. Ten days later, Kim Whitecotton, 20, ing one or more vehicles in good condition. His mood is survived an attack in her apartment in Santa Ana controlled on the hunt, and he normally follows the Heights, her graphic description of the incident spread-progress of police investigations in the media. If ing panic among her neighbors.

pressed, the organized killer may find a new job or leave Overnight, there was a run on guns and guard dogs town to avoid apprehension.

in the neighborhoods that seemed to mark the killer’s Crime scene characteristics of the organized offender chosen hunting ground. Publicity alerted women to the typically betray a murder planned well in advance, danger of an unlocked door or window, while compos-reflecting the killer’s overall control of his environment.

ite sketches of the suspect—featuring a dark mustache The victim is often a stranger (except in the case of sta-and pock-marked cheeks—told women who to look for.

tionary predators, killing in their homes or in the work-Still, it seemed the slayer was invisible to everyone place). The hunter normally prefers submissive victims, except his victims, free to come and go at will.

often employing restraints to foil resistance during sexual Jane Pettengill, age 24, was chosen on July 19, assault or torture. The killer comes prepared with any assaulted in her Costa Mesa home. She would survive, necessary tools or weapons and removes them from the unlike her Costa Mesa neighbor, 30-year-old Marolyn scene when he is done. He may personalize the victim Carleton, who was raped and bludgeoned on Septem-through controlled (even scripted) conversation, thus ber 14. The killer moved to Tustin on September 30, feeding the ritualistic fantasies that dominate his life.

administering a near-fatal beating to Diana Green. A When he is finished with his prey, the organized killer week later, he killed 24-year-old Debra Jean Kennedy in often transports the body to another location and hides it Tustin. On December 21, the slayer claimed his only with care, taking pains to leave no useful evidence teenage victim, battering Debra Lynn Senior in Costa behind. So skillful are some predators, indeed, from Lon-Mesa, afterward raping her corpse.

don’s “JACK THE RIPPER” to the present day, that they are A special task force stalked the killer through a maze never caught at all. Those who are captured by police of clues and useless “tips” from frightened members of more often come to grief through some careless mistake the public, all in vain. As summer faded into autumn, or dumb luck—a parking ticket foiled DAVID

slowly giving way to winter, it became apparent that BERKOWITZ—than through brilliant detective work.

their man was gone. This time, the disappearance was
See also

no ruse, no holiday. The Orange Coast Killer, for whatever reason, had retired. As far as homicide detectives know, their man is still at large.

OWEN, Duane Eugene

A home-invading thief and rapist in Palm Beach County, Florida, born February 13, 1961, Duane Owen


murdered two victims and attempted to kill two more In FBI parlance, for purposes of PROFILING, sexually between February and May of 1984. His first known motivated killers are divided into “organized,” “DISOR-crime occurred on February 9 when he looted a local GANIZED,” and “mixed” categories, based on personal home and tried his best to murder the female inhabi-characteristics and evidence found at crime scenes. In tant. Six weeks later, on March 24, he raped, robbed, theory, such determinations aid police in tracking their and murdered a Palm Beach County woman in her

quarry; in practice, however, there is no persuasive evi-home. Another burglary, on May 28, was accomplished dence of any recent profile leading to a murderer’s without violence, but Owen rebounded with his second arrest.

rape-murder the very next day.

As outlined by FBI “mindhunters,” a typical orga-Arrested in June, Owen escaped from the Palm

nized killer has good intelligence and is socially compe-Beach County jail on July 4 but was swiftly recaptured, tent, tending toward skilled occupations. A review of a new charge filed against him for the jailbreak. With the subject’s childhood, if and when he is arrested, nor-two counts of murder and sundry other felonies mally reveals a high birth-order status (the oldest or the charged against him, bond was denied and Owen sat in only child), a father with stable employment, and a jail until his trial in early 1986. Convicted on two

OWEN, Duane Eugene

counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted faced the judge on March 13, 1986. A second trial, in murder, three counts of armed burglary, two counts of July 1986, saw him convicted of escape and assault sexual battery with a deadly weapon, and one count of during a burglary (for the incident on May 24, 1984).

“regular” (i.e., unarmed) burglary, Owen received two On July 31, Owen was sentenced to another term of death sentences, six life terms, plus 15 years when he life imprisonment plus 15 years.





gation of his case. Hungarian authorities had 60 missing-person cases on their books for the past decade, including many vanished women, and they wondered now if
PANDY, Andras

some may have answered Rev. Pandy’s personal ads.

A Hungarian clergyman, Andras Pandy fled his home-Arrested in Belgium on October 20, 1997, the 71-year-land and emigrated to Belgium in 1956 during Hun-old cleric was formally charged with killing two wives gary’s abortive revolt against Russian control.

and four of his children. Pandy denied the charges, but Employed as a pastor and religious education teacher Agnes was talking again while searchers in Brussels for the United Protestant Church, he made frequent vis-descended on several homes once occupied by Pandy’s its to Hungary over the years and met his second wife—

brood. By October 26, they had reported finding human after the first allegedly deserted him—through bones and ashes, blood-spattered walls, and “large pieces

“lonely-hearts” ads he placed in a Hungarian newspa-of unspecified flesh” retrieved from a freezer. Five days per. Sadly, his second marriage was no more lasting later, detectives identified three children who had posed than the first. By the time Pandy resigned from his as Pandy’s offspring during visits to Hungary.

church duties in 1992, his second spouse and four of Hungarian authorities, meanwhile, were busy

Pandy’s eight children were listed as missing.

searching the six interconnected basements of Pandy’s None of those who “left” Pandy were ever seen

former home at Dunakeszi, north of Budapest. They again, although he claimed they were alive and well, liv-kept mum on their findings but suggested that an “old ing somewhere in Hungary. Daughter Agnes Pandy family tragedy” might be responsible for Pandy’s killing notified Belgian police of the disappearances in 1992, spree. In fact, they suggested, the prisoner in Belgium adding accusations that she and several stepsisters had might not be Andras Pandy at all, but rather a sibling of been sexually abused by their father, but authorities the
Andras Pandy, whose death had been officially were slow to act. While police dragged their feet, Rev.

recorded in 1956.

Pandy was busy concocting a hoax, inducing three Police in Brussels weren’t sure about that, but they unrelated children to join him on visits to kinfolk in tightened the case against their suspect—whoever he Hungary, then asking his relatives to furnish written was—when Agnes Pandy was arrested on November

statements that his children were alive. The young 21, 1997, charged with playing an active role in the stand-ins suspected nothing, trusting Pandy’s explana-murders of the five missing Pandys. She confessed four tion that their actions constituted “a rehearsal for a days later, admitting that she and her father shot and/or part in a movie about Pandy’s life.”

sledgehammered to death her mother, two brothers, In fact, Pandy had protested too much, prompting stepmother, and stepsister. Some of the corpses were police in Belgium and Hungary to launch a joint investi-dissolved in acid, Agnes said; others were hacked to bits


and dumped with other meat, outside a Brussels slaugh-where he promised to kill the first man who “crossed”

terhouse. Police also linked Agnes to the 1993 disap-him. His victim, selected without apparent motive, was pearance of a 12-year-old girl whose mother was Robert Warnke, a civilian laundry foreman. Panzram romantically involved with Rev. Pandy.

crushed his skull on June 20, 1929, and was promptly The case took another bizarre turn on November 26, sentenced to hang.

when the Hungarian newspaper
reported that From death row, the killer wrote: “In my lifetime I Pandy had fostered an unknown number of Romanian have murdered 21 human beings, I have committed children—orphan refugees from the 1989 revolution thousands of burglaries, robberies, larcenies, arsons that toppled dictator Nicolae Ceaucescu—at his home and last but not least I have committed sodomy on in Brussels. The children were recruited by a charity more than 1,000 male human beings. For all these called YDNAP (
spelled backwards), and
Nep-things I am not in the least bit sorry.” When opponents sava reported that “nobody knows what happened to of CAPITAL PUNISHMENT fought for his life, Panzram them or if they returned home” to Romania. There was responded with venomous letters. “I wish you all had more grim news on April 24, 1998, when Belgian police one neck,” he wrote, “and I had my hands on it.”

announced that teeth belonging to eight different peo-Mounting the scaffold on September 5, 1930, he ple had been found in one of Pandy’s former homes.

seemed eager for death. “Hurry it up, you Hoosier bas-Forensic tests indicated that the teeth came from seven tard,” he snapped at the executioner. “I could hang a women between the ages of 35 and 55, plus one man dozen men while you’re fooling around.”

between 18 and 23, none of whom were related to Pandy. With 13 victims and counting, authorities refuse to speculate on the lethal pastor’s final body count.

PARAPHILIA and Serial Murder

More commonly known as perversion or fetishism, paraphilia (from the Greek para: “beyond,” “amiss”;

and philia: “attachment to”) describes the misdirection A son of Prussian immigrants, born at Warren, Min-of sexual desire toward unusual or abnormal objects.

nesota, in 1891, Panzram logged his first arrest at age Serial killers frequently suffer from sexual dysfunction eight for drunk and disorderly conduct. Three years that precludes normal relationships. Some of the perti-later, a series of robberies landed him in reform school, nent paraphilias demonstrated in such cases include: and he set the place on fire at age 12, causing an estimated $100,000 damage. Paroled to his mother’s cus-Anthropophagy
—sexual fixation on eating human tody in 1906, he ran away from home soon afterward.

flesh in an act of CANNIBALISM. When applied

Life on the road meant more conflict with the law, and specifically to corpses, often in advanced decom-Panzram spent time in various juvenile institutions. He position, the proper term is
Canni-volunteered for the army while drunk but could not balism of young girls, as practiced by ALBERT FISH, adapt to military discipline. Court-martialed for theft of is called

government property in April 1907, he served 37

)—sexual activity with ani-months in Leavenworth before his release from

mals, as practiced in childhood by HENRY LUCAS

prison—and military service—in 1910. Upon discharge, and others. Torture and mutilation of animals, Panzram described himself as “the spirit of meanness seen as a childhood WARNING SIGN of future vio-personified.”

lence, is termed
bestial sadism.

Back in civilian life, Panzram launched a career of
—the use of restraints in sexual activity may robbery and indiscriminate murder spanning two conti-be harmless between consenting adults with estab-nents. After one big score, he hired a yacht and lured lished limits; when employed by murderous indi-several sailors out with promises of liquor; once viduals such as Harvey Glatman in Los Angeles, it aboard, the men were drugged and raped, then mur-becomes a prelude to torture and death.

dered, their bodies dumped into the sea. In Portuguese
—arousal sparked by feces, West Africa, Panzram hired eight blacks to help him displayed in the writings of GERARD SCHAEFER,

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