The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers (18 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #True Crime, #Murder, #General, #Serial Killers

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ruary 4, 2003.

Pedro Valles:
An ex-police officer, he was assigned On April 1, 2004, the United Nations Committee on to investigate the Ciudad Juárez murders when he the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women strangled girlfriend Rocio Barrazza Gallegos at

CLARK, Douglas Daniel, and BUNDY, Carol Mary

the state police academy, in September 1998. He police announced plans to prosecute 18 separate remains a fugitive.

cases of illegal organ trafficking in northern Chi-Dagoberto Ramírez: Another Ciudad Juárez police-huahua, but none have yet gone to trial.

man, fired in 1999 after he was accused of murdering his lover. Ramirez was freed upon claiming While the search for a one-size-fits-all solution con-that the woman committed suicide, but his superi-tinues, authorities occasionally discover new viable sus-ors declined to reinstate him.

pects. On October 13, 2004, defendant Javier García
Julio Rodríquez Valenzuela:
A former police chief of Uribe received a 50-year prison term for the rape-murders suburban El Sauzal, accused in April 1999 of

of eight women in Ciudad Juárez, committed during attempting to rape a 16-year-old girl near the site 2000 and 2001. At the same time, Mexican authorities of two previous murders. Chihuahua authorities ruefully admitted that most of city’s maquiladora mur-report that he fled “to El Paso or New Mexico,”

ders—recalculated at 341 since 1993—remain officially and he remains at large.


Sergio Hernández Pereda:
A Chihuahua state police As this volume went to press, Mexican courts closed officer until 1997, he has been a fugitive from the books on 12 maquiladora murders in Ciudad Juárez.

murder charges since his wife was slain in 1998.

On January 6, 2005, four bus drivers described as mem-Melchor Baca: A former federal police officer who bers of Los Toltecas gang were convicted of raping and has been a fugitive since 1995, sought on charges murdering six young women. Their prison terms ranged of killing his wife’s alleged lover at the courthouse from 40 to 113 years. That same afternoon, another where both were employed.

judge pronounced six members of Los Rebeldes, confined since 1999, guilty of six additional murders.

Conspiracy theories also persist in Ciudad Juárez.

Leader Jesús Manuel Guardado received a 113-year sen-The most popular targets include:

tence, and his codefendants drew 40-year terms.

Rogue police officers:
At least 10 women have accused local police officers of kidnapping and sex-CLARK, Douglas Daniel, and BUNDY, Carol Mary ual assault since 1998. No charges have been filed Born in 1948, the son of a retired navy admiral turned in those cases, but investigators say they suspect an international engineer, Douglas Clark had lived in 37

unnamed police officer in the 1995 murders of 29-countries by the time he settled in southern California.

year-old Elizabeth Gómez and 27-year-old Laura He liked to call himself “the king of the one-night Inere.

stands,” supplementing his machinist’s income through
Drug cartels:
Authorities suspect that some of Chi-affairs with frowzy matrons, reserving his leisure time huahua’s murdered and missing women were

for kinky liaisons with underaged girls and young addicts or small-time smugglers, executed because women. In his private moments, he cherished dark fan-they “knew too much.” An FBI report from

tasies of rape and murder, mutilation and necrophilia, November 2002 blamed unnamed narco-traffickers yearning for the moment when his dreams could gradu-for the February 2001 torture slaying of 17-year-ate to grim reality.

old Lilia García, found 100 yards from the spot At age 37, Carol Bundy was typical of Clark’s con-where eight other victims were discovered in

quests. A diabetic vocational nurse, the obese mother of 2002.

two had left her abusive husband in January 1979,
High-society sadists:
Taking their cue from Jorge quickly falling in love with the manager of her new Campos Murillo, some police and reporters blame apartment building. A native of Australia, 45-year-old the murders on “a cabal of rich and powerful

John Murray sang part-time at a local country-western men” whose wealth makes them untouchable. No

bar, Little Nashville, but he was never too busy to help suspects have been named.

out a tenant in need. Noting that Bundy suffered from
Satanic cults:
Reviving memories of the drug-cult severe cataracts, Murray drove her to a Social Security murders committed by followers of ADOLFO DE

office and had her declared legally blind, thus bringing JESUS CONSTANZO at Matamoros in the 1980s,

in $620 each month for Carol and her sons. Next, he some Chihuahua residents profess to see an occult took her to an optometrist, where she was fitted for hand at work in local homicides.

glasses, enabling her to discard her white cane. Enrap-Organ harvesters: An urban myth echoed in films and tured, Carol began deliberately clogging the toilets and novels has a grisly resonance in Ciudad Juárez.

drains in her apartment, anything at all to bring the Rumors claim that vital organs were removed from manager around. Soon they were lovers, but Murray several victims. During 2003 and 2004, federal was married, refusing to give up his family. In October

CLARK, Douglas Daniel, and BUNDY, Carol Mary

1979, Carol approached his wife, offering $1,500 if the three weeks when she was found. Like other victims in woman would disappear, but the effort backfired, with the series, she was known to work the Sunset Strip.

Murray berating her and coldly suggesting that she find And the murders continued. On July 25, a young other lodgings.

“Jane Doe” was found on Sunset Boulevard, killed by a Three months later, in January 1980, Carol was pin-shot to the head. Two weeks later, hikers in the Fern-ing away in Little Nashville when she met Doug Clark, wood area, near Malibu, turned up another unidenti-and he immediately swept her off her feet. Clark moved fied corpse, dismembered by scavengers, a small-caliber into her home the same night, working by day in the bullet hole visible in the skull.

boiler room of a Burbank soap factory, devoting his Despite her hot romance with Clark, Carol Bundy nights to exercises in depravity that made Carol his vir-had continued visiting John Murray at Little Nashville, tual slave. She swallowed her pride when he brought where he performed by night. She did not hold her younger women home for sex, dutifully snapping pho-liquor well, and after dropping several hints about her tographs on command. One of his conquests was an new lover’s criminal activities, she was appalled by 11-year-old, picked up while roller skating in a nearby Murray’s comment that he might report Doug Clark to park, but Carol made no complaint as kinky sex gave the police. On August 5, she kept a midnight ren-way to pedophilia, increasingly spiced with discussions dezvous with Murray in his van, parked two blocks of death and mutilation.

from the bar, and she killed him there. Found days later, On June 11, 1980, half-sisters Gina Narano, 15, the singer had been stabbed nine times and slashed and Cynthia Chandler, 16, vanished from Huntington across the buttocks, his head severed and missing from Beach, en route to a meeting with friends. They were the murder scene.

found the next morning beside the Ventura Freeway It had become too much for Carol Bundy. Two days near Griffith Park, in Los Angeles; each had been shot after Murray’s body was discovered, she broke down in the head with a small-caliber pistol. At home, Clark on the job, sobbing out to a fellow nurse, “I can’t take gleefully confessed the murders to Bundy, regaling her it any more. I’m supposed to save lives, not take them.”

with how he had forced the girls to perform sexual Her friend tipped police, and they called on Bundy at acts on him, shooting each in the head as they were home, confiscating three pairs of panties removed from completed.

victims as trophies, along with snapshots of Clark and In the predawn hours of June 24, Karen Jones, a 24-his 11-year-old playmate. Arrested on the job in Bur-year-old prostitute, was found behind a Burbank steak-bank, Clark was still in jail four days later when police house, murdered by a single gunshot to the head. Later retrieved a pistol from the boiler room. Ballistics tests that morning, police were summoned to Studio City, would link the gun to bullets recovered from five of the where another female victim—this one headless—had known “Sunset” victims.

been found by horrified pedestrians. Despite the missing At his trial, serving briefly as his own attorney, Clark head, she was identified as Exxie Wilson, 20, another blamed Carol Bundy and John Murray for the slayings, veteran streetwalker.

contending that they had patterned their crimes after That afternoon, while Carol Bundy’s sons were visit-the case of THEODORE BUNDY. Jurors saw through the ing relatives, Clark surprised her by plucking a flimsy ruse, and on January 28, 1983, they convicted woman’s head from the refrigerator and placing it on Clark across the board, including six counts of first-the kitchen counter. He ordered Carol to make up the degree murder with “special circumstances,” plus one twisted face with cosmetics, and she later recalled, “We count each of attempted murder, mayhem, and mutilat-had a lot of fun with her. I was making her up like a ing human remains. Strutting before the jury during the Barbie with makeup.” Tiring of the game, Clark took penalty phase of his trial, Clark declared, “We have to his trophy to the bathroom for a shower and a bout of vote for the death penalty in this case. The evidence necrophilia.

cries out for it.” The panel agreed with his logic, and he Newspaper headlines were already touting the

was sentenced to death on February 15. On death row crimes of a new “Sunset Slayer” by June 27, when at San Quentin, he found himself in good company, Exxie Wilson’s head was found in a Hollywood alley, enjoying daily bridge games with serial slayers WILLIAM

stuffed inside an ornate wooden box. Authorities noted BONIN, RANDY KRAFT, and LAWRENCE BITTAKER.

that it had been thoroughly scrubbed before it was dis-At her own trial for murdering John Murray and one carded by the killer. Three days later, a group of snake of the unidentified females, Carol Bundy first pled hunters near Sylmar, in the San Fernando Valley, turned insanity, then reversed herself and admitted the slay-up a woman’s mummified corpse, identified as Sacra-ings. According to her statement, Murray was shot in mento runaway Marnette Comer. Last seen alive on the head, then decapitated to remove ballistic evidence.

June 1, the 17-year-old prostitute had been dead at least She had also handed Clark the gun with which he shot

COLE, Carroll Edward

an unnamed prostitute, found dead along the Sunset less officers dismissed the murder as an accident. He Strip in July 1980. Convicted on the basis of her own had begun to fight habitually at school and once con-confession, Bundy received consecutive prison terms of trived to maim the winner of a yo-yo contest in which 27 years to life on one count, plus 25 years to life on the Cole had come out second-best: while playing on a other. Bundy died in custody, of heart failure, on piece of road equipment, he engaged the gears and December 9, 2003.

crushed his rival’s hand inside the dozer’s massive treads.

In adolescence, Cole accumulated numerous arrests
COLE, Carroll Edward

for drunkenness and petty theft. He joined the navy A death wish, once in custody, is not unusual among after dropping out of high school but was discharged compulsive killers. Carroll Edward Cole, admitted mur-for the theft of pistols, which he used to fire at cars derer of 13 persons, was securely serving out a term of along the San Diego highways. Back at home in Rich-life imprisonment in Texas, with parole a possibility in mond, California, during 1960, he attacked two cou-seven years, when he elected voluntarily to face new ples with a hammer as they parked along a darkened murder charges in Nevada, fully conscious of the fact lover’s lane. Increasingly, he cherished fantasies of that he would be condemned to die upon conviction.

strangling girls and women who reminded him of his Once that sentence had been passed, facilitated by his adulterous mother.

guilty plea, Cole staunchly fended off appeals and Finally, alarmed by violent fantasies that would not efforts of assorted liberal groups to interpose them-let him rest, Cole flagged a squad car down in Rich-selves on his behalf. His execution, in December 1985, mond and confessed his urges to police. On the advice immediately paved the way for others in the Western of a police lieutenant, Cole surrendered voluntarily and states, but Cole’s significance lies elsewhere—in the spent the next three years in institutions where he was man himself and in the system’s failure to prevent his regarded as an “antisocial personality” who posed no crimes.

threat to others. Finally discharged in 1963, he moved When Cole was five years old, his mother forced him to Dallas, Texas, and exacerbated matters by immedi-to accompany her on extramarital excursions in his ately marrying an alcoholic prostitute.

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